I think **** just became my favourite character .

I think Ivor just became my favourite character after this episode (or at least a close tie with Lukas).

He had some of the most hilarious pieces of dialog and his goofy antics were some of the best highlights in this episode for me like his over excitement throughout the whole journey and his childish squabbling with the townsfolk over his house at the beginning xD

I wish I took some screenshots to post here, but I really do love how much more screen time he got. I was already beginning to like him better after the last episode when it turned out the Order were frauds and we got to see it more from his point of view but this episode made me really love him as a character. He even got a fair bit of character development with him thanking Jesse (if they helped him) and later on when he saved us from being fire blasted. I really enjoyed it.

TLDR; Ivor is an adorable grumpy, whiny dork who geeks out over lava and adventure, and that's enough to meet my character standards :D So much so I actually decided to write a thread about it because why not :P

Feel free to share your favourite Ivor one liners or just share your thoughts in general about Ivor in this episode. He deserves more love.


  • I felt so bad about tearing down his lava house but it had to be done. He's a total dork and I really came to start to appreciate his character this episode.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I've liked Ivor a lot since the beginning mostly because Paul Reubens gives a really great performance, but Ivor definitely got really good here.

  • It was hilarious at the start when he said "Your face is an ugly hazard!"

  • I agree, I really enjoyed Ivor a lot this episode, don't know why Petra is so annoyed by him, his positivity and excitement were some of my favorite moments, and he got some pretty good development. I wouldn't say he's my favorite character, but he definitely did move up the list (not saying he was low on it to begin with, but he definitely surpassed a couple with this episode alone).

  • Because he made the witherstorm and caused the death of Ruben and Magnus/Ellegard. Not to mention Petra got witherstorm sickness and, depending on what you choose, looses her memory.

    I agree, I really enjoyed Ivor a lot this episode, don't know why Petra is so annoyed by him, his positivity and excitement were some of my

  • Yes he did, but he's more than made up for it, and he also exposed the old Order as cowards and helped out a lot in taking down the Witherstorm and in this episode.

  • To be fair he's still kind of an asshole. A pretty funny one though.

    Yes he did, but he's more than made up for it, and he also exposed the old Order as cowards and helped out a lot in taking down the Witherstorm and in this episode.

  • I agree. I never thought he would even take the blame for Jesse so he/she cannot get arrested. Glad that he didn't become a typical main villain, even if he did caused the Wither storm. I don't know when did I laugh so hard, especially at the lava fountain part when they were building block path towards Sky City. Oh, and I really like Milo as well and his building club.

  • edited March 2016

    I agree completely. Due to the long wait between this episode and Episode 5, I actually felt quite bored at the start as I got back into MC:SM. Then Ivor arrived with his lava house at the beginning, like a ray of hope and light in the darkness! :D He made me laugh out loud and I really enjoyed his constant apperances throughout the rest of the episode!


    gomatamo posted: »

    I agree. I never thought he would even take the blame for Jesse so he/she cannot get arrested. Glad that he didn't become a typical main vil

  • There wasn't a delay between Episode 4 and 5, it was just a long wait.

    I agree completely. Due to the long wait between this episode and Episode 5, I actually felt quite bored at the start as I got back into MC:

  • Yeah. He doesn't look evil anymore. I liked him in episode 5. I kept his house alive because he is the reason the new Order of the Stone exists.

  • He seems like, something between Good and Evil, he doesn't do anything to harm people intentionally, but when Lukas said "I hope they dig a hole, put then on there, surround it with lava and..." he actually smiled doing yeah-gestures with his head, while everyone else were scared. I'm probably just paranoid though :P

    AronDracula posted: »

    Yeah. He doesn't look evil anymore. I liked him in episode 5. I kept his house alive because he is the reason the new Order of the Stone exists.

  • Yeah, Ivor was definitely star of the episode.

  • Acknowledged and edited, apologies. Thanks :)

    There wasn't a delay between Episode 4 and 5, it was just a long wait.

  • Ever since the start, I've known Ivor wasn't going to be evil. I felt suspicious. I think I could be a mind reader. :| He has been my favourite since the start!

  • Even though he started out as the antagonist I liked his character from the start. Mainly because Paul Reubens is my favourite actor and I know he'd put on a AMAZINGGGG performance... And so he did. Ivor shot up my favourite character list right after that jungle scene. TellTalle I'm warning you if anyone dies... NOT IVOR!

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited May 2016

    I've always liked Ivor from the start as well. Even when I played the first episode of the game at Telltale's press preview in New York City, Ivor was my favorite. In fact, a member of Telltale staff asked me who my favorite was, and I replied Ivor and he was a little surprised. I wonder how many people would say that now. It probably wouldn't be as big of a surprise to have someone pick Ivor as their favorite character anymore. :)

    Even though he started out as the antagonist I liked his character from the start. Mainly because Paul Reubens is my favourite actor and I k

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