Episode 4 happy ending?

Hello a friend telled me that there is a happy ending in episode 4 if you enchant the bow,but i wasn't able to enchant it and a wouldn't have arrows,is there anyway to enchant the bow and keep the arrows? or is there no happy ending? Is there Anyway to keep rueben alive or needs he to die?


  • Reuben is dead no matter what

  • Nope, Reuben can't be saved. Telltale loves to live from our misery.

  • edited January 2016

    Nuh-uh. There is no happy ending. Sadness always reigns.

    Also, I don't think you can enchant a bow, your friend was teasing you, i'm sure.

  • "Happy ending?" Pfft well i wouldn't say the entire ending is happy since my favorite character got killed. :P

  • i meant that is there a happy ending where rueben doesn't get killed

    Smellmeh posted: »

    "Happy ending?" Pfft well i wouldn't say the entire ending is happy since my favorite character got killed. :P

  • Oh well in that case...No. :(

    Axiomm posted: »

    i meant that is there a happy ending where rueben doesn't get killed

  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator
    edited January 2016

    Reuben's always dead. That said, I spent way too long experimenting to make an enchanted bow or arrows.

  • Looks like you're new to telltale.

    This was already VERY HAPPY. Go and play Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead and come back to me. :/

  • Welcome to TTG, too bad it had to be this game that introduced you to the company.

  • Well i like this game

    darkfoxTM posted: »

    Welcome to TTG, too bad it had to be this game that introduced you to the company.

  • Too bad.

    Axiomm posted: »

    Well i like this game

  • I don't get what you're talking about, the ending is happy.

  • No its not Reuben died.

    CunningFox posted: »

    I don't get what you're talking about, the ending is happy.

  • Opinions, you know they exist, right?

    Axiomm posted: »

    No its not Reuben died.

  • Yes but i don't know how THAT could be an happy ending? yes the witherstorm is dead BUT REUBEN!

    CunningFox posted: »

    Opinions, you know they exist, right?

  • Please don't bump old threads unless something new comes up to discuss, or there is an update to the topic at hand. Thanks!

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