One thing I want to clarify: there are YouTubers who a lot of people look up to , like Jack and Markiplier , who aren't 'internet douchebags.' These two make so many people happy every day , and they genuinely care about the people who watch their videos. They may not mean anything to you , but there are those of us on here like myself who can have the worst day at school or work and be cheered up by watching Mark or Jack play Prop Hunt or Five Nights At Freddy's ; doesn't that have any weight?
I'm not saying that they are all bad people or bad examples, but think, somewhere, someone is writing a grade school essay titled "Boogie298… more8: My Hero". To me, it seems a bit absurd. Do people even know their heroes names anymore? Or anything about them other than that they do stupid shit and make them laugh? Again, I'm not saying all of them are like this, but most of the famous ones are. It's frightening.
I'm not saying that they are all bad people or bad examples, but think, somewhere, someone is writing a grade school essay titled "Boogie298… more8: My Hero". To me, it seems a bit absurd. Do people even know their heroes names anymore? Or anything about them other than that they do stupid shit and make them laugh? Again, I'm not saying all of them are like this, but most of the famous ones are. It's frightening.
There are users I follow and enjoy a lot myself. They can cheer me up as well. I wouldn't call them heroes though. Do you know these people well enough to know what they're thinking behind closed doors? That's really the question. Do you love the person, or the "show"? If you do, good for you. I have not made that connection with any youtube user as of yet. I do love some of the shows they put on.
One thing I want to clarify: there are YouTubers who a lot of people look up to , like Jack and Markiplier , who aren't 'internet douchebags… more.' These two make so many people happy every day , and they genuinely care about the people who watch their videos. They may not mean anything to you , but there are those of us on here like myself who can have the worst day at school or work and be cheered up by watching Mark or Jack play Prop Hunt or Five Nights At Freddy's ; doesn't that have any weight?
I played them all too and within minutes of watching the trailer for the game I nearly teared up it's exactly perfect how I wanted a ratchet and clank game like the originals I'm so excited
Ohmygodohmygodohmygod. Reebok is releasing Ellen Ripley's shoes model from the movie Aliens for a limited time.
I don't know if I should waste all my money or not. ))
Mine is love/hate towards these games I loved The Stanley Parable, The Beginners Guide and Firewatch
I refused to buy Gone home after finding out it was only an hour I watched it on youtube first twenty minutes made me cringe glad I never bought tbh
Personally always feel to short to me and always want them to invest more in the game make it longer. But I enjoy the beautiful visuals and focus completely on story which is nice relaxing break from repetitive shooters I've played.
What is ur opinion on walking simulators, what was the best one you played and how it compare to the best story game you ever played?
Bonus question What do you think makes a good walking simulator game
There are users I follow and enjoy a lot myself. They can cheer me up as well. I wouldn't call them heroes though. Do you know these peop… morele well enough to know what they're thinking behind closed doors? That's really the question. Do you love the person, or the "show"? If you do, good for you. I have not made that connection with any youtube user as of yet. I do love some of the shows they put on.
What's scary to me is that a lot of teenagers now get their political views straight from shitty YouTube pundits with no qualms about passing off hot garbage as "fact". Gone are the days when you actually had to read some things about a political ideology to form a coherent opinion about it, now any dickhead with rudimentary equiptment can tell you what to believe.
I really like this genre of games but completely agree with Jim in this one. These kind of games need something to make them stand up, unfortunately many developers think creating a beautiful looking world and a decent story will make people directly jump into it, and it kinda does.
I found this interesting
enter link description here
Mine is love/hate towards these games I loved The Stanley Parable, The Beginners … moreGuide and Firewatch
I refused to buy Gone home after finding out it was only an hour I watched it on youtube first twenty minutes made me cringe glad I never bought tbh
Personally always feel to short to me and always want them to invest more in the game make it longer. But I enjoy the beautiful visuals and focus completely on story which is nice relaxing break from repetitive shooters I've played.
What is ur opinion on walking simulators, what was the best one you played and how it compare to the best story game you ever played?
Bonus question What do you think makes a good walking simulator game
Command: [command repeats coordinates which are blurred.]Confirm
Prokhorenko: Confirmed, please hurry I am low on ammo, they are surroundig me, bastards!
Command: ETA on evacuation 12 minutes, return to the green line, I repeat return to the green line.
Prokhorenko: They are close, I am surrounded, this may be the end, tell my family I love them dearly.
Command: Return to the green line, continue returning fire, help is on the way, followed by air support.
Prokhorenko: Negative, I am surrounded, they are so many of these bastards!
Command: Extract ETA 10 minutes, return to the green line.
Prokhorenko: I can’t they have surrounded me and are closing in, please hurry.
Command: return to the green line, I repeat return to the green line.
Prokhorenko: They are outside, conduct the airstrike now please hurry, this is the end, tell my family I love them and i died fighting for my motherland.
Command: Negative, return to the green line
Prokhorenko: Unable command, I am surrounded, they are outside, I don’t want them to take me and parade me, conduct the airstrike, they will make a mockery of me and this uniform. I want to die with dignity and take all these bastards with me. please my last wish, conduct the airstrike, they will kill me either way.
Command: Please confirm your request.
Prokhorenko: They [are] outside, this is the end commander, thank you, tell my family and my country I love them. Tell them I was brave and I fought until I could no longer. Please take care of my family, avenge my death, good bye commander, tell my family I love them!
Prokhorenko: command I am compromised, I repeat I am compromised.
Command: Please say again and confirm.
Prokhorenko: They hav… moree spotted me, there are shooting everywhere, I am pinned, requesting immediate extraction.
Command: Extraction request acknowledged.
Prokhorenko: Please hurry I am low on ammo, they seem to [be]everywhere, I can’t hold them for too long please hurry.
Command: Confirmed, hold them off, continue returning fire, retreat to a safe position, air support is monitoring, state your coordinates
Prokhorenko: [givescoordinateswhichareblurredinthetranscript]
Command: [command repeats coordinates which are blurred.]Confirm
Prokhorenko: Confirmed, please hurry I am low on ammo, they are surroundig me, bastards!
Command: ETA on evacuation 12 minutes, return to the green line, I repeat return to the green line.
Prokhorenko: They are close, I am surrounded, this may … [view original content]
Prokhorenko: command I am compromised, I repeat I am compromised.
Command: Please say again and confirm.
Prokhorenko: They hav… moree spotted me, there are shooting everywhere, I am pinned, requesting immediate extraction.
Command: Extraction request acknowledged.
Prokhorenko: Please hurry I am low on ammo, they seem to [be]everywhere, I can’t hold them for too long please hurry.
Command: Confirmed, hold them off, continue returning fire, retreat to a safe position, air support is monitoring, state your coordinates
Prokhorenko: [givescoordinateswhichareblurredinthetranscript]
Command: [command repeats coordinates which are blurred.]Confirm
Prokhorenko: Confirmed, please hurry I am low on ammo, they are surroundig me, bastards!
Command: ETA on evacuation 12 minutes, return to the green line, I repeat return to the green line.
Prokhorenko: They are close, I am surrounded, this may … [view original content]
One thing I want to clarify: there are YouTubers who a lot of people look up to , like Jack and Markiplier , who aren't 'internet douchebags.' These two make so many people happy every day , and they genuinely care about the people who watch their videos. They may not mean anything to you , but there are those of us on here like myself who can have the worst day at school or work and be cheered up by watching Mark or Jack play Prop Hunt or Five Nights At Freddy's ; doesn't that have any weight?
What do you mean?
Markiplier : Mark Fishbach
Jacksepticeye: Sean McLoughlin
enter link description here
I think in case of boogie his life is inspiring so maybe could see an argument for him
But the ones you refer definitely not a chance most of their stuff is paid advertisement I think both of us are in same boat there
There are users I follow and enjoy a lot myself. They can cheer me up as well. I wouldn't call them heroes though. Do you know these people well enough to know what they're thinking behind closed doors? That's really the question. Do you love the person, or the "show"? If you do, good for you. I have not made that connection with any youtube user as of yet. I do love some of the shows they put on.
Ohmygodohmygodohmygod. Reebok is releasing Ellen Ripley's shoes model from the movie Aliens for a limited time.
I don't know if I should waste all my money or not.
I played them all too and within minutes of watching the trailer for the game I nearly teared up it's exactly perfect how I wanted a ratchet and clank game like the originals I'm so excited
It's a neat gimmick, but they really are ugly shoes.
I found this interesting
enter link description here
Mine is love/hate towards these games I loved The Stanley Parable, The Beginners Guide and Firewatch
I refused to buy Gone home after finding out it was only an hour I watched it on youtube first twenty minutes made me cringe glad I never bought tbh
Personally always feel to short to me and always want them to invest more in the game make it longer. But I enjoy the beautiful visuals and focus completely on story which is nice relaxing break from repetitive shooters I've played.
What is ur opinion on walking simulators, what was the best one you played and how it compare to the best story game you ever played?
Bonus question What do you think makes a good walking simulator game
I know that Mark and Jack are kind and funny , and that they've done tons of good in their respective communities. That's what matters to me.
Ayyy look at that. New Last of Us video! This time I face off against the biggest noobs of noob history. Seriously, they were bad.
enter link description here
Then I will make them beauteous.
Temporary new profile picture.
Made by yours truly.
It's a glorious sight, isn't it?
My grandfather is in the hospital, hes doing ok though.
What's scary to me is that a lot of teenagers now get their political views straight from shitty YouTube pundits with no qualms about passing off hot garbage as "fact". Gone are the days when you actually had to read some things about a political ideology to form a coherent opinion about it, now any dickhead with rudimentary equiptment can tell you what to believe.
I don't know why I'm spitting out so much mucus. This has been going on for a little more than a month.
Thanks dude.
Welcome to allergy season?
Either that, or it's too late, and the aliens have already won.
Oh god! XD And it sucks because it affects my singing.
You can sing?
Yup! You learned something new about me today.
I really like this genre of games but completely agree with Jim in this one. These kind of games need something to make them stand up, unfortunately many developers think creating a beautiful looking world and a decent story will make people directly jump into it, and it kinda does.
enter link description here
I have to see the movie yet but the movie can't be to bad
@Wolfenus45 you are my favourite son
@OfficialSheriffMaybe Sasha wears a weave
Never mind
Mario is a fucking savage
It's awesome go see it but are few flaws but still a fun film
This why the mods flag your posts.
I feel your pain as if it was my own...
Because I've been suffering with that shit for a week.
Chicago teachers and food workers have no chill, damn good for them!
All things considered, he made the best choice. Brave man.
Negan day is coming, Neganaify your avatar.
Join us. I will provide good pictures too.
Cyka blyat.
Okay sorry, he is a hero for doing that.