The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Lmao @ you mother fucking fuckers. I AM the leader here. I'm about as friendly as a fuckless fuck on fuck day, you have a problem with that then you can learn right from the bat.

    Mother fucker! I'm the leader! Who do you fucking think you are parading your fucking dick around like that you fuck?!

  • Shit... I guess you're right.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Lmao @ you mother fucking fuckers. I AM the leader here. I'm about as friendly as a fuckless fuck on fuck day, you have a problem with that then you can learn right from the bat.

  • My sympathies. I wish I could turn that part of my brain off sometimes.

    Eryka posted: »

    I had nightmares recently, 3 of them in less than a week. (+ 2 weird dreams)

  • Fuck you and fuck @lotti-lu, you can all fuck a tree for all I fucking care. You cocksucking pricks better fucking submit to me now and recognize I am the true Big Swinging Dick, so put your fucking dicks back in your fucking pants, unless you both want to go on a fucking date with Lucille. And trust me, she knows how to give blows to the head.

    Mother fucker! I'm the leader! Who do you fucking think you are parading your fucking dick around like that you fuck?!

  • Fuck you you fucker! Lotti-lu's the leader now mother fucker! You cocksucking bastards always talking about how much better you are, you ain't fucking shit mother fucker!

    Fuck you and fuck @lotti-lu, you can all fuck a tree for all I fucking care. You cocksucking pricks better fucking submit to me now and reco

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    It's not a joke -_-

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I think was just Blind Joking he did that to this thread last April Fools day closed it and merged with minecraft if I remember

  • Are you fucking motherfuckers fucking challenging my fucking leadership? That's it, someone hold this fucker down, I'm going to go heat up the fucking iron.

    Fuck you you fucker! Lotti-lu's the leader now mother fucker! You cocksucking bastards always talking about how much better you are, you ain't fucking shit mother fucker!

  • Yeah you go ahead mother fucker!

    Are you fucking motherfuckers fucking challenging my fucking leadership? That's it, someone hold this fucker down, I'm going to go heat up the fucking iron.

  • Finished watching Hitchcock's Vertigofor my Writing with Research class.

    I have to say, it's a pretty phenomenal film that's held up well. Would recommend.

  • Now watch Mel Brooks' High Anxiety!

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Finished watching Hitchcock's Vertigofor my Writing with Research class. I have to say, it's a pretty phenomenal film that's held up well. Would recommend.

  • There's this new thing called SnoopaVision on Youtube, which basically means you can watch any Youtube video in 360 degrees with Snoop Dogg.

    I'm not sure how I feel about that.

  • Dear motherfucks, I've decided that I'll be the fucking leader. Anyone who opens their cock traps and tries to challenge my leadership will thank me for shoving my dick down your throat once I'm fucking done with you. If one of you fucking fuckers has a problem with that, Lucille is always hungry for more of your worthless fucking brains.

    Are you fucking motherfuckers fucking challenging my fucking leadership? That's it, someone hold this fucker down, I'm going to go heat up the fucking iron.

  • I.AM.THE.LEADER! Keep that shit in your mother fucking fuck fucktiy pants! Or whip it out go a head, but Lucille will fucking eat you up if you continue to all dick and no brains, either fucking way!

    Dear motherfucks, I've decided that I'll be the fucking leader. Anyone who opens their cock traps and tries to challenge my leadership will

  • When I first saw it, I was thinking it was gonna make the videos look like something you'd see when high on weed. I was pretty disappointed.

    There's this new thing called SnoopaVision on Youtube, which basically means you can watch any Youtube video in 360 degrees with Snoop Dogg. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

  • It's open again until Blind gets his $50

    Eryka posted: »

    It's not a joke -_-

  • Why do so many people have that Negan pic?

  • Haha same here. 10/10 much disappointment.

    When I first saw it, I was thinking it was gonna make the videos look like something you'd see when high on weed. I was pretty disappointed.

  • So i was playing L4D2 on a server, everything was fine until I had to spam medkits for everyone (since I had like, a hundred points or so), so I copied the command only for me to find out that I still had the link to my deviantart profile on my clipboard instead of the command so I just sent a link to everyone about my deviantart profile.

    i quickly exited the game and felt embarrassed .

  • So I was just walking and I seen a "dead" bee on the floor and I tipped it over a bit with my foot and it wasn't alive then I just kept walking and all of a sudden the lil shit got into my shoe and stung me now I can't even walk

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Because we are all Negan.

    Why do so many people have that Negan pic?

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I decided to change my pic slightly to fit with the comic Negan theme.

    We are growing, @OzzyUK and @EpicMustacheGuy are also Negan. We are ALL Negan. We must recruit more.

  • Join us and become Negan.

    Why do so many people have that Negan pic?

  • I... yeah, I'm not gonna ask.

    Eryka posted: »

    Tfw you are bored and you are making weird gifs out of this video : enter link description here

  • They're good to watch, but definitely something I wouldn't buy (I watched Firewatch). I like to have replay value so I can look forward into playing it again.

    I think a good walking simulator is one that holds replay value, while also already having great visuals and story telling.

    Btw, how's it going Mark?

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I found this interesting enter link description here Mine is love/hate towards these games I loved The Stanley Parable, The Beginners

  • Curious, how is it the mode is called 'interrogation' when you just go around and kill people/take loot? I haven't played the multiplayer so this is my first time seeing a clip of it.

    Ayyy look at that. New Last of Us video! This time I face off against the biggest noobs of noob history. Seriously, they were bad. enter link description here

  • So today I saw the Angry Birds trailer and after that I saw this picture...


    enter image description here

  • edited April 2016

    All these black and white fuckers thinks they're Negan. Cunt fuckers.

    Hi, I'm the REAL motherfucking Negan. Nice to fuck with you.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited April 2016

    Well, at least it wasn't a horribly innapropriate bind you forgot you had that got you permanently banned from an entire line of servers

    So i was playing L4D2 on a server, everything was fine until I had to spam medkits for everyone (since I had like, a hundred points or so),

  • Hey Negans, I made a Negan thread for all your Negan needs.


  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    Why the fucking fuck not

    Why do so many people have that Negan pic?

  • Ah, another has joined us and become Negan, welcome.

    Deltino posted: »

    Why the fucking fuck not

  • Today's the Negan Day.

    Celebrate it without hestitation and you won't get Lucilled.

    Why do so many people have that Negan pic?

  • I agree

    Firewatch you were lucky the game from playing point of view just frustration getting lost in the forests and the ending nearly made me want a refund

    I agree I also played vanishing of Ethan amazing game with great story and full of hard puzzles I'm big fan when done right and at the right price

    I'm doing great how are you

    They're good to watch, but definitely something I wouldn't buy (I watched Firewatch). I like to have replay value so I can look forward into

  • I wonder how they're going to censor Negan for TV without making him sound like a bitch.

    All these black and white fuckers thinks they're Negan. Cunt fuckers. Hi, I'm the REAL motherfucking Negan. Nice to fuck with you.

  • edited April 2016

    I've heard that they have filmed two versions, one censored, and one uncensored. For the first broadcast, and the DVD release, they will show the uncensored version, but for subsequent broadcasts, they will show the censored.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I wonder how they're going to censor Negan for TV without making him sound like a bitch.

  • Interesting concept. I wonder if they'll censore the Netflix version. I prefer to binge-watch my Walking Dead.

    I've heard that they have filmed two versions, one censored, and one uncensored. For the first broadcast, and the DVD release, they will show the uncensored version, but for subsequent broadcasts, they will show the censored.

  • edited April 2016

    enter link description here

    BlindSniper rn

    Pay up then

    Eryka posted: »

    It's not a joke -_-

  • The Netflix version should be uncensored, but I'm not sure, I would like it to be. Do you know if, in the Season 4 finale, Rick says "screwing with the wrong people" or "fucking with the wrong people" for the Netflix version, that may tell you what they plan on doing with Negan.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Interesting concept. I wonder if they'll censore the Netflix version. I prefer to binge-watch my Walking Dead.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited April 2016

    I forget honestly, but I don't remember them saying anything worse than 'shit' or the n-word (funny they allow that, but fuck is off limits.) (RIP Merle)

    The Netflix version should be uncensored, but I'm not sure, I would like it to be. Do you know if, in the Season 4 finale, Rick says "screwi

  • Interrogate people and steal their loot. I only play it because there are unlimited lives. Don't like the whole 20 respawn thing.

    Curious, how is it the mode is called 'interrogation' when you just go around and kill people/take loot? I haven't played the multiplayer so this is my first time seeing a clip of it.

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