Overwatch ban da booty and in terms general appearance of game characters will one butt be enough?
WOW fascinating do you mean some strange people out there are attracted to women and some game companies/media realize this and apply characters to appeal to that lust to sell copies impossible.
HOW DARE THEY MAKE females attractive and have butts what is this world coming to one day Japan gets Nuked and today overwatch had a pic showing a girl with a butt the evil never ends only gets worse everyday!!
Phew thank god I'm male and all male characters represent me, I have muscles as big as Kratos, the height of a Titan and the looks of Nathan Drake turns around and looks in the mirror............FML
What's you're opinion on physical appearances of characters in games and does it even matter?
Personally I think make whatever game you want with the story, characters and plot the game sells will make the best games continue to be made and raise to the top showing what gamers want. The worst will not sell and disappear
So simple play the games you love and avoid games that trigger you, you disprove of vote with you're wallet the gaming business will always carter to what brings in the most money and stops what doesn't.
Feel all games misrepresent study hard make you're own games to cater to what you feel is missing in the gaming industry if they sell well congrats, if they don't quit games maybe make a blog on tumblr idk
To be honest I find hard to debate this as feels irrelevant to me
A characters booty or other physical appearances in a game I never really cared about I never played or bought a game to see how a character is physically presented or cared about it in slightest. I was never triggered or offended by how any character physically looked
Only time I took notice I remember that honestly just made me laugh was Arkham Knight
Well tbh I noticed only in movies when I was in cinema I was watching Superman vs Batman recently I was sitting next to lots of fangirls they were so many unnecessary shirtless scenes with Cavill and Affleck everytime the girls beside me just kept going insane every scene with shirtless scene to a cringe worthy level.
I think both genders get same sort of treatment anyway imo
They removed it because it didn't fit the character. It would have worked well on the (female) sniper character because she revels in her sexuality unlike Tracer, so it didn't make sense from a character perspective.
Not everything has to be about gender. People on both sides seem to take every chance they can to make something about feminism and it just isn't relevant.
For the record though, in response to the above, I've seen many people claim they play the opposite gender on games which give the option, like Mass Effect or World of Warcraft, because 'they'd rather be staring at a insert gender here ass' for their playtime.
I actually found the booty shot hilarious since it was random. I haven't played overwatch, I find it pathetic people complain over such trivial things. The creators are ALLOWED to craft their work HOWEVER THEY PLEASE, a simple booty shot is not even goddamn offensive.
You got violence, language, blood, and yet they complain over a butt?! So you mean we have to hack off the poor girl's butt? How on earth is she gonna sit?! What next? Censorship on the beaches for simply showing off a little skin? Censorship in health class? Ha, laughable. People have grown waayyyyyyy too over-senstitive.
A girl checks out a topless muscle-bound dude walking the streets; no one panics. But if a guy takes a look at a woman's bottom everyone loses their minds.
(just pointing out the common bigotry with a mix of humor if some feels my response is odd)
Pure minutae.
So let me get this straight... Huge game companies underpay their employees and treat them like shit and nobody bats an eye. But if they remove a character pose, it's "the end of ethics in the video game industry". Makes sense to me!
Seriously, they removed a butt pose from a game...who fucking cares??? Oh yeah, clickbait magnates and Internet pundits who get ad revenue by manufacturing outrage about things that don't matter. Anita and that fat dude in the first video are both on the same team: team money.
Good lord.
Well, obviously. That doesn't make complaint invalid.
That's the reason people took issue with it. It came out of nowhere and made no sense, which is different to if it had been on the sniper character.
It's ironic because these are the people who criticise others for 'making too big a deal about things'.
The point is that, regardless of the topic, it's basically that creators of their own work are not allowed to have any reign of their work without some people making a big deal over something that's in it, basically attempting to force the creators to change something to suit their needs.
On a side note, I've only heard of Japan having underpayed work, didn't know it extended to other companies. It's unfortunate, but that's besides the point. It's not a big deal, still worth putting my two cents in it though.
Still, complaints can come out as ridiculous too.
Random, yes. Humorous, also yes. Some people may think dirty, some may just laugh it off as a gag. God knows we need more humor in this dull world.
It's a goddamn pixel butt, how much can that honestly mean to them? Especially when there are real life injustices degrading the people who make these wonderful virtual worlds for our enjoyment.
It would be amusing if it wasn't so fucking sad.
But it's a humourous gag which would have made much more sense on the sniper character. So it just didnt make sense for Tracer.
Nothing to do with feminism, as much as anti-feminists are getting triggered by it.
So you think the problem is people are allowed to express negative opinions about a video game? And that a playerbase may try to change something about game?
So, for example, us asking for longer Telltale episodes is awful because we're trying to force Telltale to change their work?
Also, like, the basis of making a video game is to tailor it to suit the playerbase's desires. That's the only way you'll sell any copies.
Eh, never knew of Overwatch so I wouldn't know.
Never said anything about feminism.
Hardly. It's a matter of scale, it's about what matters and what doesn't.
The American game industry chews up developers like jerky, discards them at will and has zero accountability for its actions. Seems like a much more important problem in video gaming than pixel booty. But nah, who cares if that software designer is too busy pulling 70 hour weeks to watch his child grow up.
(Woods! Didn't mean to reply to you with my original post, my mistake.
I'm saying it's the creators' choice in how they want to approach it, if they want to take advice that's fine as long as they're not pressured in a stressful manner. Say a petition to force the creators to change something just because it didn't end the way they wanted it, or to harass the creators over something they have in the game, something that's not remotely offensive. That's the point I'm making. Nothing more, nothing less.
That made my day XD
Well, yeah. But I didn't know about that until now. Workers should be treated better, and their bosses should take their employees well being into account as I've stated in a thread of a Telltale employee's review. I always felt there could be something done about it but what?
Does the censorship here matter? A little. The one you brought up is obviously more important.
(No biggie, I sometimes can sound snarky too when I don't mean to be. Edited my comment a bit since I saw your edit just now.)
Yeah but the main post was clearly about it.
Well duh? I think everyone agrees with that including all the makers of the videos :P
Also petitions can't force anything. The decision is always the creators.
Furthermore you don't get to decide what does and doesnt count as offensive by yourself because everyone has different opinions.
Protip: Feminist frequency is not to be taken seriously as the channel's keeper constantly lies and supposedly don't play the video games (a lot at least) but instead steals the video content from the others.
Heh, I hadn't realized I was address you with my original post, I thought it was my own. But since you're indulging me.
Basically, the video game industry needs a wildcat (non-union) strike yesterday. The game companies will never do anything to improve the lot of their employees unless the employees themselves force them to do so. They need to walk out, picket and refuse to do their jobs until the industry acquiesces to their demands. If need be, they must take measures to scare off scabs (people who are hired to replace striking workers). It's scary and risky, but it's nowhere near as impossible as people make it out to be, especially against a smaller company. I've successfully participated in a walk out strike and kept my job, plus a raise and got our shit manager fired.
The problem is, this is a risky endeavor for workers, and especially in the video game industry, they are conditioned to be in constant fear of losing their jobs. The disposable nature of game developers allows the companies to use the implicit threat of unemployment as a stick, to scare them away from away from organizing. Plus, the heavy workload makes it even harder. Trust me, it's hard enough to get through the daily when you're working long hours, now just imagine trying to coordinate something as stressful and risky as a strike on top of that.
Depressing shit, huh?
Oops, I didn't notice myself. lol Alway, at least there's no awkward silence.
Anyway, I read it just now... And to think I wanted to become a game designer when I was kid. ._.
Well I could still, freelance concept artist wise. But yeah, that's atrocious.
Personally I'm offended that that Overwatch is going to be lacking any sexualized toasters.
An incredibly depressing Karl Marx quote comes to mind:
Nowadays it's the cubicle instead of the factory, but it's still the same shit. But that's enough soap-boxing from me. G'night.
EDIT : It also reminds me of this margainally less depressing Spongebob clip.
Daayyyyyum! What dat booty do?!
Stop objectifying kitchen appliances, you fucking pig!
I'm so sick of fucking feminist. They always make a big deal out of everything. Fuck em
You bring up a good point about men not giving a shit that most game's protaganists are in peak physical condition. I'm not going to claim to understand where these complainers are coming from, it just seems like some petty crap to me.
I find it funny as the Feminist Frequency Channel has rating and discussion disabled. People who can not take criticism shouldn't be taking part in such a battle or argument.
That being said, I support Feminism when it's reasonable. I've seen a lot of video game franchises kind of get ruined by sexualization of women, even when the developers do not want to often the people who own their studio force them to do it. Valkyria Chronicles was a good example.
Valkyria went from this during it's concept years a position the people working on the game really wanted to keep...

To this after about 4 years of development.

Worse part is, it didn't make the game better. Being the game was for fans of military and arms, not high fantasy, skimpy clothing and mini skirts.
Great, more pointless censorship. Looks like I'm not buying overwatch now. I won't support a developer that is willing to change their game just because someone gets "triggered" over a butt.
Anita Sarkeesian is a fucking joke. Is she seriously using 'hip sway' and characters sitting down as some sort of hidden agenda for men to be sexist and misogynist? She needs a reality check. I wrote about a paragraph about the actual topic but closed my damn tab accidentally, can't be bothered to write it again, so this is my input haha.
Ermegerd they removed one character pose!! Censorship! Oppression!
If something that petty is enough to scare you off a game entirely, you're probably the one with triggering issues.
If angry is triggered, then yes, I'm triggered. I don't support censorship of any kind. Censorship as a whole is just fuckin' stupid.
She has a firm grasp on reality. The reality of the situation is that she makes money doing this.
Someone needs to wipe internet clean of those SJW flith, Blizzard shouldn't fold to this kind of pressure.
This is a complete non-issue. Once again the internet is exploding over nothing. It wasn't done because it was a "sexy" pose, it was done because it didn't fit the personality of the character. The creators themselves had an internal discussion about whether to remove the pose because they felt it didn't fit the character, prior to the post. When the post was made, it was basically confirmation that they weren't the only ones who thought that way, so they decided that they would remove it. They weren't pressured to do so, as they already were going to do so anyway (a single post wouldn't make a difference if they didn't already intend to change it).
Creators should be allowed to do whatever they want with their own work.
enter link description here
I promised myself if I ever made a thread like this I would post this :P
tbh this would piss me off to this was a bad decision the original idea looked amazing. If these were screenshots of different games I buy the first looks amazing and ignore the second as poorly made weeaboo game based on the shots here
I read that response was when they seen the massive backlash so it was a damage control statement that was untrue
Good points. If it fits the content, then it doesn't need be changed just to make the character(s) sexually appealing. Doing that for the sake of it can be stupid.