Current State of gaming?
Microtransactions, an hour long walking simulators, Pre ordering, DLC, Episodic games, DRM always online, Only multiplayer no single campaign games, Crowd funding/go fund me when used by big companies and not indie etc
no place infull priced games a cancer I'm so pissed at naughty dog for putting them in the new uncharted
Walking Simulators
I've played a lot of the 20 euro couple of hours indie walking simulators these last few days I found fun in them tbh when done right I'm ok with them gives indie developers an outlet to create amazing stories
I honestly never bought DLC except Red dead dlc story it encourages and funds my games to be broken up into pieces no thanks.
Only used by telltale in the past because they couldn't afford to make the next section of the game so they broke them up into episodes to use the profit from the previous episode to fund the next part. When used by telltale I'm ok with it and it makes the forum funnier to discuss
Unfortunately with big Companies and franchises like Hitman going for no reason episodic you can already tell the big corporations are licking their lips thinking they can now completely cut up their games to make even more money now they have an excuse to do it saying episodic bs. JUST GIVE ME FULL GAMES please
DRM always online:
I spend 99% of my time offline on my ps4 I game to relax and have peace plus my internet is dodgy. I just want to enjoy the game and story when I play. We all know why they are trying to force this into gaming so they can in the future spam us with ads while we game to make even more money not happening I never buy DRM game.
Pre ordering
I never pre-order till I see the game works, I see gameplay footage and the reviews are good. I will not buy a product till I see it's of good condition and pre-ordering encourages gaming companies to rush games out for a quick buck without earning the trust with the quality of their game
Only multiplayer no single campaign games
I only play games for story and gameplay offline single campaign then I'm done I have absolutely no interest in them lifeless DLC messes I'm not a fan but still have no problem if they make them as some people love them games. But don't get me wrong a Co-Op single campaign I love to just not a game without a story and just multiplayer like battlefront
Crowd funding/go fund me/Kickstarter when used by big rich companies and not indie?
I've seen many amazing games created through this and I love and encourage it
But when Sony got involved and crowdfunded a game Shenmue 3 they could already afford to make to check if there is a fanbase is disgraceful this is a outlet is for indie companies who are struggling to afford to make games and so fans can help
Not massive already rich companies looking to get extra money off the fanbase and check interest just a scam it's stealing
Unfortunately I can debate and talk about this stuff but fact is
EA made 1.3 BILLION last year with DLC and Micro transactions money talks so this will only get worse if gamers keep funding these practices and don't speak up.
So I'm in no way surprised that all companies will look to follow this to get in on that cash flow in the future and only get worse
What is your opinion on the current state of gaming and these practices mentioned and any others you can think of?
I could even think of more so called remastered games with no difference being sold at full price on Ps4 and selling of Ps1 games at high prices etc. Not allowing online unless you have a monthly PlayStation plus sub etc
I honestly don't mind DLC, if done right. They should not be essential to the story, but still add something nonetheless. Mass Effect 3 is a good example.
The Leviathan DLC is a terrible DLC. Not because it doesn't have a good story or isn't worth playing, in fact it is one of the best ME DLCs. But because it was very clearly a part of the original game that was cut to get some extra cash. It has some very important informations that are just withheld from people who don't want to spend money on DLC.
On the other hand, ME3 also has the Citadel DLC. It's a great closure to the story and the relationships to your crew, but most importantly, you fully get your money's worth, with even another big and fun hub, and it's all optional too. That is how DLC should be. Not like the Leviathan and Shadowbroker DLCs.
I loathe microtransactions, though. All of them, with no exception. They are cancerous and ruined a lot of my fun with MGSV.
I hate multiplayer only games, as someone who mostly plays single player and rarely multiplayer. Can't stand games like The Division, and I really hope that dies out before getting bigger.
I used to preorder a lot, but in times where even Naughty Dog tricks customers into preordering when they know full well that they'll have to delay the game even further, I just don't trust that anymore.
I like episodic gaming, if done right. Telltale does a decent enough job, but still aren't exactly the best at e.g. Episode releases, as seen with the Michonne situation rn.
Honestly don't have an opinion on walking simulators.
Crowdfunding as a big company is so EA that I don't even know anymore
For real though, this is my pet issue as far as video games go. Alas, I went into some detail about it in the booty thread so I'll hold off on discussing it further for now. Maybe later, once my 'indignant commie' array has had some time to recharge. For now, I'd like to go through the list of problems one by one and try to explain some of the rationale behind them. While I find a lot of them very distasteful and unethical, most of these tactics make a lot of sense from a corporate standpoint.
First off, it's important to note that almost all non-indie developers have two primary goals for their companies. 1.) To make money, and 2.) To protect the money they've already got. This applies, even to developers like Telltale that are clearly passionate about the games they make. Unless a company's overhead is ridiculously low, their games must make return as much profit as possible in order to survive and thrive in the market. If they don't, they fold very quickly, as most gamers well know. Some companies, like Telltale take pains to maintain their integrity as a company. Whereas others, like EA, have shareholders to please and therefore care about nothing but glorious profit.
Simple maximization of profit. Somewhere along the line, the industry realized people will pay for these and the rest is history. It sucks when they imbalance a game, but when used judiciously (like in GTA Online), I have no problem with it. In Rockstar's case, this allowed them to release multiplayer DLC for free, so I'm for it.
I have no idea tbh.
Good, meaningful DLC is fine. DLC that should've been in the game annoys me. Developers do that because it's more profitable to release that section of the game separately, than it is to include it in the basic game. People pay for it, so why not?
It could be argued that this reduces risk to the developer, by spacing out the investment of labor and capital that they have to put into the game. It’s a decent way to pitch a concept that may or may not pan out. It’s also a fad, and big business loooves running those into the ground.
A terribly attempt by companies to protect their intellectual property (glorious profit, remember?). Unlike the other things in this list, that idea really isn’t working out. Companies tried to slip it into their games a bunch of times and they’ve always been shot down by consumers. Eventually they’ll learn.
To each their own. I preordered GTA V and Fallout 4 and was pleased.
Just a response to demand. If critics and fans pan your campaign but love your multiplayer, it’s a pretty clear indicator of how you can make as much glorious profit as possible.
Most companies that use kickstarter do so because it protects them from risk. Sony used it for Shenmue because it has a fairly cult following and there's a good chance it could flop. Basically, they’re passing on the risk of investment to the fans. This is pretty silly on the fans’ part, because they will see no return on their investment, expect (possibly) a game. Personally, I think crowdsourcing is a racket and just stay away from it in general.
Mixed. On the positive side, I think we’re getting more great games than ever before. However, I think gamers too often assume that game development happens in a vacuum, and therefore They ignore the role of the market and our culture of mass-consumption. Others have this idealized view that game companies are a “team” that comes together to make these games, purely out of passion for the hobby and dedication to the fans. This is the image they would sell to us.
The reality is that game developers are capitalist enterprises and as such, their primary directive is to amass capital. They have their own best interests in mind, not yours. They only care about your opinion insofar as it affects their ability to sell their product and return a profit.
Note to self : make sure a topic is going to take off before writing a damn lecture about it.
Lecture was needed though. Some people complain more than they think. Personally if they hate the state of the industry just don't buy games from companies that cause the problems to begin with. I rarely buy a AAA game for example, mostly because they rarely impress me. So I often go for Indie games, or games made by smaller companies they often are far better quality in my experience.
Us both blind and I liked your answer it was amazing and covered everything
Gamers are the most harmful thing in the gaming industry. Above micro transactions and pre order culture. All a lot of them do anymore is complain.
I think games at the moment are very good, there has been so many advancements since a few years ago. There is such a big variety to
DLC: if done right no problem. Examples: The Witcher 3 DLCs, The Last of Us(not the mp though..), GTA 4, 400 days and hopefully FO 4. RDR undeadnightmare
only MP games: not my thing, they are usually never 100%. and it doesnt really grab my interest since most are FPS or Ubisoft games.
Episodic gaming: Only TT games. any other company imo is just a bunch of bullshit. but from what i heard FF 7, which is episodic, is actually ok since they said that game was huge back then.
I gotta say, DLC prices are generally horrible compared to amount of content they bring.
Oh yes and season passes are generally bad value too, they usually "pad" DLC releases with stuff like skins you don't really use or equipment that makes the game easier or something else.
I think better gamers complain then say nothing and accept.
But I agree I seen even the most amazing game being release and they spot small plot hole or defect they complaint
If they seen any game being seen as GOTY it's immediately overrated and bad
If we did as much celebrating of the good elements of gaming then just complaining maybe game companies would be more inclined to adopt clear appreciated approaches
Thanks, I try.
Dlc prices are horrifyingly high and seem to segregate the rich gamers from the poor gamers for example battlefield premium people who cant afford it get kicked from servers because there is a premium player waiting I had this a few times before I got premium why cant dlc be free or atleast not ridiculously expensive
Non-premiums are the workers, premiums are the bourgeoisie, servers are the means of production and DICE is the state.
Holy shit.
Clearly, the next logical step is to burn down DICE's office and force them to open the servers to everyone.