The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I can't believe this. Fucking Nintendo and their "Quality Assurance", they don't do shit. Look at this buggy piece of shit. Unacceptable. 0 out of 10.

    enter link description here

  • And people said Sonic games were glitchy, yeesh!

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I can't believe this. Fucking Nintendo and their "Quality Assurance", they don't do shit. Look at this buggy piece of shit. Unacceptable. 0 out of 10. enter link description here

  • Clearly the game was made in like a day or less. What a rushed piece ofgarbage. Nintendo should be ashamed for releasing it in this state.

    And people said Sonic games were glitchy, yeesh!

  • My fellow Negans, a friendly reminder, only another 30 minutes to the Season 6 finale.

  • Now it begins...

    My fellow Negans, a friendly reminder, only another 30 minutes to the Season 6 finale.

  • Must mean it's time to go for me. A WHOLE day of avoiding spoilers for a season finale of one of the world's most popular shows! What fun.

    My fellow Negans, a friendly reminder, only another 30 minutes to the Season 6 finale.

  • I'll try to make sure there's no open spoilers. Can't get them all sadly.

    Must mean it's time to go for me. A WHOLE day of avoiding spoilers for a season finale of one of the world's most popular shows! What fun.

  • me and @Eryka right now

    enter image description here

  • enter image description hereI HAVE FOUR WEEKS UNTIL SCHOOL ENDS. FOUR.WEEKS.

  • lucky


  • ErykaEryka Banned

    enter image description here

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    me and @Eryka right now

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    12 weeks for me, you lucky bastard


  • Finally installed Fallout Script Extender and New Vegas Script Extender and now I have a car mod for New Vegas.

  • Man, lack of sleep is one hell of a drug

  • TFW no summer break where you live

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  • So who else is disappointed with that S6 finale of The Walking Dead?

  • Pop music is okay, only until it gets overplayed on the radio.

  • Spoiler

    Motherfucking cliffhangers.

    So who else is disappointed with that S6 finale of The Walking Dead?

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    It's already the end of S6? Damn, I missed a lot

    So who else is disappointed with that S6 finale of The Walking Dead?

  • I'm more than disappointed, I'm fucking pissed. I was hoping a good nights sleep would calm me down, I think I'm actually angrier now than I was last night.

    So who else is disappointed with that S6 finale of The Walking Dead?

  • Should've waited for 6969.

  • FUCK

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Should've waited for 6969.

  • Yeah lol. Are you familiar with the comics by any chance?

    Eryka posted: »

    It's already the end of S6? Damn, I missed a lot

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    N-No.. rip myself

    Yeah lol. Are you familiar with the comics by any chance?

  • edited April 2016

    The Negan part was awesome, JDM was really good but the whole thing was ruined with that BS cliffhanger. I knew it was going to end that way from the start but was hoping that there would be an after credits scene but nope! Now we have to wait 6 months, it's so dumb because it will eventually get leaked as to who Negan killed. I wouldn't have minded if it ended like that last week and then we found out who it was in the finale but this was BS. I'm actually not even excited for S7, I would have been more hyped if we actually saw who died because we would have seen that Negan is actually a threat, instead of leaving us heartbroken they left us pissed off. At least the fans are letting AMC and the writers know that it wasn't a smart idea either.

    I'm more than disappointed, I'm fucking pissed. I was hoping a good nights sleep would calm me down, I think I'm actually angrier now than I was last night.

  • Damn... RIP Eryka.

    Eryka posted: »

    N-No.. rip myself

  • At least the fans are letting AMC and the writers know that it wasn't a smart idea either.

    No kidding. On AMC's Youtube channel, the most talked about scene for the episode has like 5K dislikes and only 1K likes, with most of the comments saying what a dumb move the cliffhanger was. Reviews for the episode have been entirely negative wherever you look, critics aren't happy, fans aren't happy, no one is happy.

  • They really screwed themselves over. The most iconic scene from the comics was ruined with that cliffhanger. They better make episode one of season 7 beyond amazing to redeem themselves. They wasted the most perfect opportunity, I would have preferred if they showed who died and then Negan says a few more lines to Rick and walks away while saying "Ta ta".

    And then the finale could have ended right there, would have been perfect.

    At least the fans are letting AMC and the writers know that it wasn't a smart idea either. No kidding. On AMC's Youtube channel, the

  • REKT

    Gary-Oak posted: »


  • That's what I was expecting and would have preferred, but nope, cliffhangers are soooooooooooo much better.

    They really screwed themselves over. The most iconic scene from the comics was ruined with that cliffhanger. They better make episode one of

  • Well, you can still post it later. Just keep an eye on how many likes you have. I still remember when I reached 6969 likes.

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    Gary-Oak posted: »


  • edited April 2016

    I... I don't know what the fuck this guy was thinking,

    enter image description here

    Anyway, it's already dead. Like all the other kickstarters that try to use copyrighted material.

    I would love to know what he would've done with 20000$, considering LIS had a budget of 6 million euros, and even then they had to start cutting corners by the final episode.

  • edited April 2016

    So I just saw Batman V Superman

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    Ben Affleck did the Batman part great actualy. I expected a terrible Batman but it was realy good... But why in Gods name did Batman had to kill so many people it is over the top murder count! IF you complain about Superman and Zod in Man Of Steel just be glad Batman wasn't the one fighting Zod with Spermans power. I want a special edition with a kill count on the movie.

    • Good fight scenes with Batman
    • Gadgets are good
    • Great acting skills that made his dialoge better

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    I liked Superman... No seriously I never realy liked Superman but I did kinda like him in the movie good job but something feels realy realy realy of can't put my finger on it.

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    Wonder Woman

    I wanted to post a naked image for extra attention- I mean** I was looking out for **her **part **the most in the movie and it was... Okay

    I can't form anything on her acting skills because she didn't do that much and was only part of a big action scene for the most time.enter image description here But there were side plots in the movie with her that needed more attention.

    And for a fighter I'm not a expert on muscle and the human body but her actress should've eaten 6 pounds of cookies before shooting the movie and start working out more. They should've released a movie with Wonder Woman in it before Batman V Superman ever came out because her part needed more.

    Lex Luthor... Calm your manly tits dude.

    DC look I love you I love you more than Marvel

    enter image description here

    Yes... I said that
    enter image description here

    I knew the movie was gonna be dark but for a movie rated PEGI 12 holy violence, dark, mature, kidnapping stuff I never expected Batman going full Arkham Knight on those guys and so many detailed scenes... I loved it!

    Plot Alot of build up to the battle between Batman VS Superman but eh, I understand why Batman wants to fight and Superman but I can't go full into it because spoilers. I'm kinda glad that this time people talked in a Super Hero movie about consequences. Overall I do say plot is good but it tried so much no wonder it was 151 minutes long.

    Please DC release a Wonder Woman movie before this and maybe a Batman movie to that leads up to this.

    Overall 7,5/10. I can go in full detail but I won't

    Also Ben Affleck is fucking hot

  • joshua007 posted: »

    So I just saw Batman V Superman Batman Ben Affleck did the Batman part great actualy. I expected a terrible Batman but it was real

  • Someone hellllp - I turned into Undertale trash!

  • Well, that was awkward. Finally got the courage to tell my mom I've been having suicidal thoughts and suspect I'm bipolar. I guess this is either the start of something good, or a closing chapter. Only time will tell.

  • Ugh, I agree so much.

    Pop music is okay, only until it gets overplayed on the radio.

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