Let's respect for ...

children in the game. Which child do you like best and why? (ages: 0-19 yr)
Clementine (8-11 yr)
Duck (10 yr)
Ben (18 yr)
Travis (17 yr)
Becca (16 yr)
Sarah (15 yr)
AJ (Newborn)
Arvo (17 yr)
Russell (19 yr)
Gil (12 yr)
Greg (16 yr)
James (13 yr)
Alex (7 yr)
Michelle (19 yr) LOL
Collete and Elodie (6-12 yr)
so ... answer and do not hurt me
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My fav is probably Ben, because He's so fucking dumb it's entertaining.
he's cute
My favourites are Clem and Sarah. I wish there was an ending with both of them alive, Kenny and Jane are just troublemakers
Clementine and Ben's interactions was written beautifully.
Sarah was ehhh
I really like Ben and Duck
Sarah, Clementine and Sam are okay
I hate Becca
I despise Michelle and Arvo
I dont really know the other well enough
Mine too
. That woulda been an awesome ending! You mean both of them alive with AJ, right?
I really like Clementine, Sarah and Sam (I hated Sam in EP. 1, but she redeemed her self in EP. 2)
Ben, Duck, and AJ are okay.
I absolutely despise Becca, Michelle and Arvo.
Not sure about the others.
Probably Duck,
Are you sure you got ages right?
God bless everyone.
Most of the ages are guesses, but not bad ones tbf
Gotta go with the obvious and say Clementine. A character I can truly be proud of and respect. And I'm not a fan of kids in video games. Their portrayal is usually poor.
I really like Sarah. She is kind, cute and nice, and before her dad died she was truly positive even if she was in a apocalypse. Not everyone can be as kind as Sarah if thery were in that situation
I also like Greg because he looks a bit like me (and no, i don't piss myself xD) Also i felt bad for him in episode 1 so i didn't sell Greg to Norma, even if i ended up knocked out by Randall for him
WOOOOOW, Alex and James are from Episode 2, aren't they? I didn't play the episode yet because... PS3 users are still waiting for the episode D':<
Sam said in Ep1 : "Think of Alex, you're his hero"... so i suposse he is the Alex she was talking about...
I actually, dont consider Clementine a child the way she was badly written in season 2.
I got the feeling i was playing a 30-year old military guy, trapped in the body of a eleven year old girl xd.
As for the rest, i really liked Sarah and, i have much respect for Carlos, how he tried to make the zombie-apacolypse a place, where life was still liveable for a person with her problems.
Also after playing Michonne, Sam became one of my favourite characters, and i think she has a lot of potential to become an even more amazing character, in the future.
And the way she knocked out Norma was extremly badass.
Ben is another of my favourite characters, despite how much he made a mess out of things, his intentions where always in the right place, and he was the only one to help my Lee look for Clementine.
Clem, no debating
this there age
Clem is the best little kid
she's child and that it
It's all a matter of opinion CuteClem.
yes ... but she's not really 30 XD she's only 11
Of course she isn't, the person was saying how it felt as IF they were playing as a 30-year-old.
Who dat in between Ben and Becca? Was he in Michonne series or something?
Unpopular opinion but I thought Becca was great and I enjoyed that story the most in 400 days. It would have added some spice to season 2 if she was in it for longer.
Clementine - good
Duck - good (his death was the most emotional moment in the series for me)
Ben - Lmao what a wimp but still a good main character that actually had an arc. Contributed well to the entertainment of season 1.
Sarah - alright I guess. Lame ass death though.
Arvo - Danger to the group. Not much sympathy for him, even though Clementine and Jane technically started it by robbing him.
Michelle - Lmao, destroyed by Christa.
Don't know enough about the other characters to form opinions on them
Ben and Arvo for me.
i think she's act little girl many time . she's not adult after all ... she's a lil girl
Sarah and Becca had potential for major character changes so them
Clementine, obviously. She was extremely well written and is easily the greatest character in video game history.
Okay thats taking it a bit far. Shes an okay character, i'm not sure id put her that high on any great character lists let alone the best ever. Why do you think shes the greatest character in video game history?
I actually I believed the same as him in Season 1 as I thought they really did something amazing with her character by erasing the stereotype that all children in videogames are one dimensional plot devices and I felt the bond shared between Lee and Clementine was one of the most unique in gaming history as she reforms him from a criminal to a crying guardian. However Season 2 came along and they sucked the emotion from both her character and voice and playing as her became a stale experience very quickly. Also I feel as if they made the same mistake they had corrected in the previous season with the creation of AJ. The less said about him the better
Don't tell me, lol I didn't say that XD
She was a decent enough kid in season 1. A well written and likeable child character is rare but there wasnt anything all that special about her character. She was pretty much an average kid, I do agree her character was better and felt more real in season 1.
she's the best in season 2
Shes really not, shes boring and cringy as fuck in season 2 and if shed died at the end of the season I really wouldnt have given a damn. This is one case where I prefer season 1 completely, the character was so much better as a NPC.
I like Fivel because he was awesome.
CuteClem, i dont hate Clementine infact in season one, she was my favourite character in the game.
And i really liked the idea of playing as her in season two, but the way the writters made her character in to a Mary-Sue.
She is supposed to be a little girl, but she doesn't act like one, do you know any eleven year old girl that can stich up her own arm for example.
The way they wrote her character really messed up the second game for me, thats why i think its best if they just let her go.
The damage they did to her character cant be undone in a next season.
I did as well but after episode 2, she is just fine in my book.
There were moments when Clementine acted her age, she very innocent when it comes to sex and sexuality in general. Her looks and her lack of concentration, very inconsistent with those of a small child. The fact is that she was a little girl at the age of 11, what do she experienced a lot and she much more brave and strong mentally than other children her age. You have to understand the circumstances.
This in my opinion, she cutest!
It's really their ages