Mass Effect: What kind of person was your Sheppard?
Mine was largely a diplomat.
He was a good man, one who tried to do the decent thing, yet was an excellent fighter.
My Sheppard was a sniper.
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Mine was largely a diplomat.
He was a good man, one who tried to do the decent thing, yet was an excellent fighter.
My Sheppard was a sniper.
She was a 'take no shit, give no shit' badass. I chose Colonist/Ruthless backstory, so she was the kind of person with a chip on her shoulder.
Lots of renegade options were used, mostly against people who deserved it.
My sheppard never existed because my game is broken.
My Shepard had only one "P" in his name.
He was so nice people hired bounty hunters to stop his spree of helping people.
He still killed shit tons though.
I have played so many times with every version I can think of, but my favorite was being a Renegade. It had the best dialogue choices IMO
Mine was a sniper who found out sniping was completely ineffective and just used my submachine gun (I only played 1 though). And my Shepard was a she, thank you very much. I heard 2 was a lot better, but honestly Mass Effect really doesn't live up to the hype in my opinion, I thought the gameplay was mediocre and the story was pretty cliched...
I only played the first Mass Effect once, it was definitely bleh. Story was okay, but like you, I ended up playing an Infiltrator who couldn't snipe for shit. Mass Effect 2 however, is one of the best games I've played. Has much more of a hardboiled edge instead of the Sci-Fi cheese in the first one.
Though I'll admit, some people give the series a bit too much credit.
I hate this game. Red Green Blue, Ruined it for me.
My sheppard drank ryncol, owned a varren, and spared an entire species on a whim. He could turn invisible, lift people with his mind then slam them into the ground. He killed a reaper for his species, took over a planet for his love and on the top of the Presidium with a mantis sniper rifle, he missed a shot for his best friend.
Played a shit ton of Shepards, but my original was a Paragon MaleShep. The next one was a Renegade FemShep. I always went full Paragon or Renegade.
That was...beautiful.
Renagon, which means I screwed myself over because the Mass Effect morality system is the worst bit of game design BioWare has ever done.
You romanced Tali. Interesting! I never did that. I always went for either Ashley or Liara in ME1, and Miranda in ME2.
what I didn't like about the whole game, what's up they rushed production according to what I heard, and that's why we had a whole bunch of extra content that we had to download in order to play it. Without that content, you couldn't romance any of your characters fully, and it was the only way you could find out how the game ended.
To me, it was all a bunch of bullshit!
Since I wasn't here, my canon Shepard:
Male(blah blah), Paragon vanguard. Romance: Tali Preferred weapon: Shotgun.
I fully acknowledge Hale is a better actor than Meer. It's pretty evident when one is now in every 5th game and the other is back in Edmonton doing theatre productions. My male Shepard at least looked a lot different than the default.
My Shepard was kind to many and tried to always take the Paragon path but there were times where he felt the need to take the Renegade path if there was no other way to solve a predicament. He managed to make peace between several people and races and tried to persuade others to be morally good and to only kill if you need to. He was quite a flirt, romancing many people but mostly staying loyal to Liara. He died choosing to give himself up to Control the Reapers, he didn't want to force every species to evolve in half synthetic-half organic life forms and he didn't want to destroy the Reapers if it meant destroying all synthetic life forms. In the end, most of the people he cared about lived, those who died, made a sacrifice to save others.
Nicely written. When you say he romanced many people, do you mean he went to bed with them? Was he Straight, or Bisexual - I ask because that was bisexuality was an option in the 3rd game?
Fuck that, how is Garrus going to get better at his craft if you're not maliciously pushing him to his limits? Testing his fervor with every step.
He was Bisexual, he gave people a chance, although there were certain characters I didn't want to romance due to certain reasons, I originally wanted Shepard to romance Tali or Jack in ME2 but when they started opening up I felt as though it would be wrong for just a short term relationship since a romance with Tali could be dangerous for her and a romance with Jack whilst my Shepard still having feelings for Liara feels like he'd just be toying with her feelings she doesn't show openly, I didn't wanna cheat on Liara though but for some reason she didn't seem to mind Shepard romancing Miranda for a short time, as well as Kelly xd I decided to stay with Liara in the end although I am curious about the Samara romance. In ME3 I decided Shepard should romance Kaidan, pretty sad that they didn't have a male romance option for Shepard in the previous two games especially when Dragon Age had them.
My shep was mainly neutral, tried to help people, but was mostly indifferent about things. However when someone messed with him or made him angry, he'd go full renegade. Also, he romanced Liara, seemed like the natural thing to choose.
my shep was all over the place from bad to good and bad again then good
Renegades definitely my favourite. But I try to make some paragon choices.
My Shepard was a stud. He romanced Ashley in ME1.
He romanced Miranda, had a quickie with Jack, and flirted with Kelly Chambers, in ME2
And he flirted with Traynor, and got back together with Ashley in ME3 - though sometimes I had him romance Liara in instead, just to mix things up a bit.
Nice xD it's hard not romancing everyone in a full Paragon playthrough, it seems all options that begin a romance are Paragon.
I haven't done a playthrough with Ashley yet, I might try it, I saved Kaidan on my playthroughs but I did like Ashley.
Liara is one of the hardest not to romance for me, mostly since it feels like the game's plot pushes you into romancing her at points I feel but all the romance options are great, perhaps not Morinth since she kills you which is a different twist xd but at least she only kills you with your 'permission'.
My shep was pretty good all around but wasn't afraid to shoot people up if forced to.
to be honest, I was kind of surprised that they didn't make Ashley bisexual, as they did Kaiden.
Same here, I'm not sure if they ever planned Ashley to be Bisexual though, I thought I read somewhere that Kaidan was going to be Bisexual from the get go but they didn't have time to finish the game? Would've been unfair though since males would have 3 romance options and females would only get 2 xD unless they made Garrus an earlier romance too.