Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about, MCSM edition



  • Too bad, I thought you were dissing people stating obvious facts

    Which would be A-mazing!

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Obviously ᴺᵒ ᵇᵘᵗ ᶦᵗ'ˢ ᴬᵖʳᶦᶫ ᶠᵒᵒᶫ'ˢ ˢᵒ ʳᵒᶫᶫ ʷᶦᵗʰ ᶦᵗ

  • Minecraft: Story Mode is a spin-off game to the sandbox game named Minecraft.

  • Minecraft: Story Mode actually isn't a game mode for Minecraft.

  • Jesse is the Main character, and you can also control him.

  • Or her!

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    Jesse is the Main character, and you can also control him.

  • edited April 2016
    1. The Order of the Stone lied.
    2. Soren is a coward.
    3. Magnus likes to blow shit up.
    4. Reuben is a pig.
  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I might do that if something like the "Bonnie can drown" thing ever happens again.

    Crips posted: »

    Too bad, I thought you were dissing people stating obvious facts Which would be A-mazing!

  • Gabriel is voiced by Lee.

    Whoa there, not everyone played TWD, so there are some people who didn't know that. This is a thread where we post things people know!

    * The Order of the Stone lied. * Soren is a coward. * Magnus likes to blow shit up. * Reuben is a pig.

  • White male jesse is the original jesse (?)

  • I keep clicking on this thinking it's the other thread, lol.

    I guess I'll leave some obvious info while I'm here. You can choose whether Jesse is male or female.

    Oh, and Bonnie drowns if you don't break the ice.

  • Obvious things, eh?

    Jesse can walk.

    Jesse can believe.

    Jesse can be a female or male.

    oh, and Axel has a unibrow

  • edited April 2016

    Fine, I'll get rid of it. But to be fair, it's not like I spoiled TWD for people by saying that.

    Pipas posted: »

    Gabriel is voiced by Lee. Whoa there, not everyone played TWD, so there are some people who didn't know that. This is a thread where we post things people know!

  • Obvious things? Let's do this:

    1. Ivor created the Whiterstorm
    2. Witherstorm is dangerous
    3. Petra knows how to fight
    4. Axel is a big guy
    5. Redstonia comes from redstone
    6. Boomtown is named Boomtown
    7. Soren is a liar
    8. Ivor warns Jesse that he is in very grave danger
    9. Reuben falls to his death
    10. Lukas is ditched by the Ocelots
  • edited April 2016

    Notice how the diamond sword texture change from Episode 4 to 5?

    First it was this:

    enter image description here

    Now it's this:

    enter image description here

    Also even if you crafted a shovel, axe, or any others that aren't a sword, it's still going to be a sword in Episode 5.

    1. Jesses name is Jesse
    2. The witherstorm is dangerous
    3. MCSM is a game
    4. MCSM is about people
    5. MCSM is blocky

    DefrelXxX posted: »

    orden of the jetra maybe)


    guyalf1 posted: »


  • There's no arrow anyways telling you to click on it.

    Yeah you can't catch it

  • No he looks more like the Riddler than this.

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    Okay, not gonna lie. Magnus looks like Boogerman.

  • Ducks go Moo.

  • When Olivia says, "Would you rather fight a hundred zombie sized chickens, or ten chicken sized zombies?" Is a reference to, "Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck, or a hundred duck-sized horses? The horse-sized duck would be terrifying."

  • Things:

    1) jesse has 2 different voice actors

    2) the group is a little unsteady

    3) lukas was orignally going to look like a derpy farm boy

    4) ruben is a baby pig with a birthmark

    5) characters have no age(if they did they would all be young)

    6) jesse has no visible wear on his items, in minecraft they have a bar once used and turn from green to red then break

    7) iron golems dont attack people who haven't hit them first, ivor would need wolves to legitimately attack them

    8) when the group builds stuff they build stuff in front of them very fast, this is veryy hard and slow to do in regular minecraft

    9) in some of the "what previously happened" slides, jesse will have some different items that you didnt choose(for example, during episode 1 i had a stone sword when fighting ivor but during the preview it was gold)

  • In Episode 5 Depending on who you chose to wear armor in Episode 3 A picture of Magnus or Ellegaard can be seen throughout the episode!

  • I did notice a Magnus Picture on a gameplay video, really interesting and kind of hidden.

    In Episode 5 Depending on who you chose to wear armor in Episode 3 A picture of Magnus or Ellegaard can be seen throughout the episode!

  • Why is everyone saying obvious things from MC Story Mode? Did I miss something?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Yesterday was April Fools and I changed the title of all my "Details" threads to "Obvious things people don't forget, notice and know about"

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    Why is everyone saying obvious things from MC Story Mode? Did I miss something?

  • I didn't even realize you changed it LOL

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Yesterday was April Fools and I changed the title of all my "Details" threads to "Obvious things people don't forget, notice and know about"

  • He probably gave it to her as a gift. (there's probably that stupid Enderman song in there XD)

  • i think i know the problem
    if you are nice to lukas, like letting him lead through the end and going back at Ivor's to help him, he thinks, that you are his friend
    so i think you have to be mean to always, and then you can kinda push him away

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    I said "there is nothing you can do" but then I could only choose "I understand. Go.", "We need you" or "We ARE helping them"! I choose the third and he stayed.

  • In the third picture, Jesse isn't standing on anything... O_O [cue XFiles music]

  • This is what happens when i go ito creative mode.

  • It was outlined in red for a minute on my PS4

    JimMate789 posted: »

    There's no arrow anyways telling you to click on it.

  • enter image description here

    enter image description here

    I still think that Lukas was somewhat inspired by Luke.

  • When you keep "running" or more like walking fast after the boy in the middle of the Sky Island, he runs away in Milo's direction and then right to the left.

  • You did if you made an Iron Golem when trying to impress build club. :3

  • I think it's funny how when you start building the tower, you can leave Isa in the dirt and build straight to the clouds without her. I forced myself to wait for her - build-wait-repeat. Cuz I'm sweet like that.

  • They are different items :/. Jesse ditches the command-block destroyer weapon for a normal vanilla enchanted weapon.

  • If you don't destroy Ivor's lava house, Axel does a dance near the lava that is very similar to the disco guy from Redstonia in Episode 2

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Ooh the Guybrush dance.

    MMeister123 posted: »

    If you don't destroy Ivor's lava house, Axel does a dance near the lava that is very similar to the disco guy from Redstonia in Episode 2

  • @InGen_Nate_Kenny That's the powerful stache dialogue. Made screen this time. :P

    enter image description here

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