Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • enter image description here

    Yes, yes you did

  • Next time, use a little thing called spell-check. Lol!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Jeez, what is wrong with me. Did I seriously write Microphone instead of Michonne?

  • Well, microphone is a real word so spell-check wouldn't have caught it.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Next time, use a little thing called spell-check. Lol!

  • edited April 2016

    And by the way, Michonne didn't even live there. It was Dominic's and her daughter's apartment. Realizing this has me LMAO.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Jeez, what is wrong with me. Did I seriously write Microphone instead of Michonne?

  • No, it is just a conspiracy theory! Unless you prove that it is a real word, I'm just going to assume that you're lying.

    Well, microphone is a real word so spell-check wouldn't have caught it.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited April 2016

    While this is not in the game, I was reading "Life and Death" and I found some interesting lines. It might help connect some dots, or just clear some things up.

    "And that's if things are going well, which almost never happens... We had some shit go down out there. Life on the open water... It's hard." - Michonne

    "Did you find what were looking for?" - Rick

    "..." - Michonne

    "Rick... I abandoned my children. I was moving up at the firm. My life was taking off and my marriage crumbled. I moved closer to the officer, I didn't want to take my girls out of their school... They loved their father. I knew how much I'd be working... It just made sense. I regretted it from the first minute, but it was something I had to do. They were all the way across town. I tried to get to them... By the time I got there... They were just gone. I have no idea where they went, or if they're alive. But I know they're dead. I just know there's no way they made it. My husband, Dominic, he... He couldn't use a screwdriver. He was an artist... I never said goodbye. I wasn't there when... They're just gone. I know you lost Lori and Judith... But you don't have the questions I do. I can't stop thinking of the worst possible scenarios... Picturing my girls... How scared they must have been... How much pain they were probably in... It's something that's always on my mind." - Michonne

    I find this line very interesting

    "We talked about having kids... Building a life together, and it just made even happier. It was like I was getting a do-over. Did you hear that? My girls are dead... And I was getting a fucking do-over." - Michonne

    "I found the people living at Oceanside. I'm the one who told Rick about them." - Siddiq

  • Do you think Kirkman will throw a curve ball in the future and have Michonne's children show up alive? Even crazier: someone other than Michonne meets two girls, and the girls tell their story of survival. We, the audience, know it's Michonne's kids, but the main character doesn't connect the dots or is unaware who Michonne is.

    While this is not in the game, I was reading "Life and Death" and I found some interesting lines. It might help connect some dots, or just c

  • edited April 2016

    After replaying Paige's scene several times, I found a couple of interesting dialogue lines and exchanges. If you choose the correct option, Michonne and Paige will have a comedic—and very awkward—talk about possums.

    Michonne: What's that [rifle] for?

    Paige: Rabbits, mostly. Possum once in a while, if we get lucky. Possum actually tastes decent, if you cook it right.

    The right dialogue option will lead to this exchange:

    Michonne: You almost got us killed. Sam killed.

    Paige: I know that now. That's… why I wanted to say sorry. Can't blame me for being cautious. You can be scary as fuck, you know.

    I believe the following line might be a parallel to when Michonne wanted to commit suicide, showing that Michonne isn't insane because of her hallucinations, but that she has them because her heart is broken due to her missing daughters. Keep in mind that, at the time, she was living at Alexandria Safe-Zone, a secure and stable community.

    Paige: [Sophia] was sick. Not in the head… something with her heart. She couldn't handle it I guess. I never understood that. We were safe here!

    If you choose the dialogue option below, Paige will sound slightly pissed, implying that Michonne is not the only one that has had a hard time. Michonne's facial expression will change to somewhat mad.

    Michonne: Sometimes this world is… too much for people.

    Paige: Sometimes? You mean all the time.

    However, if instead of that option you choose a straightforward one, the conversation will be this:

    Michonne: I tried the same thing, but… but I couldn't do it.*

    Paige: I've thought about it… how could you not? If it wasn't for Sam…

    *Michonne will say that a friend stopped her if Pete prevented her from commiting suicide.

    Paige's last sentence suggests that if it wasn't for Sam—her seemingly romantic interest—she would've killed herself long ago. Taking into consideration that Paige and Sam knew each other before the outbreak, and that Paige possibly had an abusive father, this could mean that she was suicidal from a young age.

    It is impressive how much character background for Paige Telltale has hidden behind, at first glance, irrelevant screen focuses and lines. Real props to whoever is responsible for this!

    Edit, Wednesday Night: I better have won an Oscar for this post when I wake up, do you guys hear me?

    Edit, Thursday Noon: I see that I haven't. Well that's disappointing…

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    Going along with Randall making a remark about being abused, there's even more he can say beyond that. If you stay silent when Sam asks you what happened to John, Randall will speak up and tell them himself. And afterwards, he says this: "But hey, life's easier without parents... believe me on that one."

  • That moment when you see Deltino has posted on the details thread.

    Deltino posted: »

    Going along with Randall making a remark about being abused, there's even more he can say beyond that. If you stay silent when Sam asks you

  • You may not have an Oscar, but you will always have my heart. <3

    After replaying Paige's scene several times, I found a couple of interesting dialogue lines and exchanges. If you choose the correct option,

  • edited April 2016

    That moment you read Deltino's post on the details thread and it's something new that you never knew about.

    enter image description here

    That moment when you see Deltino has posted on the details thread.

  • Anybody has some unused stuff such as models for twd?

  • oh stop it, you.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    You may not have an Oscar, but you will always have my heart.

  • edited April 2016

    This is cut dialogue from the bridge sequence in A House Divided that I found last year, suggesting that as Clementine you may have been able to choose to fire a gun instead of using a hammer on the walkers [which may or may not have altered the bridge crossing.] There was also a cut decision on the bridge, where if you took too long passing Luke the pipe to help him up, instead of thanking you regardless he would get annoyed, leading to Clementine’s three options ‘I wasn’t sure what to do’ ‘Hey I had to kill two of them’ and ‘I’m sorry’ while the dialogue afterwards may be Luke's different responses to those options.

    I did my best to sort out the dialogue as it was in batches, and I'm not 100% sure if this is the order they were meant to be played in for this section of the game, but I did what I could. I did search through Clementine's dialogue for the episode, but I didn't find any other additional ones for the bridge section except for those you hear.

  • What We Deserve is actually the only Finale Season of TWD with a preview. In S1 & 2 they didn't put the "The Next Time On The Walking Dead" 'cause they didn't want to show anything from Episode 5 (from both Seasons)

  • edited April 2016

    I think I've pieced together what happened to Elodie and Colette.

    • Dominic brought home boxes of Chinese takeout food. Nobody ate any of it, pointed out by Michonne. This implies that something happened during the evening.

    • The next day, Elodie and Colette greeted a neighbor credited as Vanessa.

    • At some point of the day after everyone had heard about the outbreak, Dominic talked to Donna, and he agreed to take the girls to her house on suburban Atlanta. They later packed some clothes into a suitcase.

    • Donna can reveal that Dominic said something about a helping a bitten neighbor—a different than the first one—which would explain the bloody bandages on the bathroom sink. It is likely that the neighbor turned, given that we don't see any dead walker when Michonne first enters the apartment.

    • Donna also said that she heard screaming—possibly Dominic being devoured—and Elodie and Colette crying. The could've ran to the kitchen and try throwing plates at the walker, which would explain the broken dishes. One of them, likely the older sister, could've gone to the extent of attempting to stab the walker, explaining the bloody knife, while the other one tried to reach their mother, which would explain why Michonne was the last person the telephone called, despite calling Donna earlier.

    • As revealed by Vanessa, the entire building was evacuated around noon, to a police station at downtown Atlanta. The rest of the evidence seems to suggest that the family wasn't among those evacuated.

    Were this the case, Michonne's daughters, ex-husband, and their neighbor, are four walkers somewhere in the building. Unless, Dominic and his daughters actually made it out of the apartment and were evacuated to downtown Atlanta.

  • Randall would be great to become a stormtrooper because he sucks at aiming.

  • edited April 2016

    I hope in the Michonne finale they finally reveal something on what happened to Dominic and their daughters. I can only imagine it'll be bad things, but I'd like to think at least one of them made it, And all that mystery stuff is killing me, but the things you mentioned about them throwing the dishes to trying to reach Michonne on phone, I could see that being possiblity. Did you find any info about them on taking the door option?

    I think I've pieced together what happened to Elodie and Colette. * Dominic brought home boxes of Chinese takeout food. Nobody ate any

  • In that route, Michonne encounters a panicking woman in her thirties—credited as Vanessa and voiced by Cissy Jones—with a baby girl covered by a blanket. The woman recognizes Dominic and his daughters, and can tell Michonne that she last saw them that morning, before they ordered the evacuation. She can reveal, on a different dialogue tree, that the whole building was evacuated to a police office—if I remember correctly—at downtown Atlanta, and that she came back for her baby's medicine. A pack of walkers appears from one side of the hallway, and the woman runs on the opposite direction. Paige will then snap Michonne out of the hallucination by asking her who she's talking to.

    Analyzing this makes me think that Dominic, Elodie, Colette and the other neighbor died before the evacuation, considering all the evidence that is found in the apartment. However, the full Chinese takeout food implies that something happened yesterday evening, contradicting what the woman with the baby said. Perhaps she thought that Michonne looked scary and only told her that to get away. She was reluctant to talk, at first.

    Anyone please feel free to contribute to this discussion! I will edit the original post with upcoming discoveries and realizations, and of course, credit.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I hope in the Michonne finale they finally reveal something on what happened to Dominic and their daughters. I can only imagine it'll be bad

  • He's a lot better at the hand-to-hand combat certainly though.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Randall would be great to become a stormtrooper because he sucks at aiming.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited April 2016

    I can't help but notice something. It's not exactly a detail but uh, close enough?

    So she has her two daughters right? They're presumably dead. She's alive. John is dead. His two sons are alive. John never got to say goodbye, her daughters never got to say goodbye. Michonne and John were both lawyers. The whole speech by John before he dies which I forget most of continues to make him think of parallels.

    Maybe Michonne coming to grip with her inner demons has something to do with James and Alex. Maybe them dying or being saved, I don't know. I got a suspicion, you know? That was just on my mind.

    Also, 6666th comment. Yikes.

  • Gets beat up by Michonne for the third time

    He's a lot better at the hand-to-hand combat certainly though.

  • It's almost like the Douglas and Deanna gender swap!

    In all seriousness, I think that Paige clarifying that Sophia was sick, "not in the head, [but] something [in] her heart," is also a parallel to how Michonne has hallucinations, not because she is insane, but because her heart is figuratively broken. There is a serious case of parallelism here.

    I can't help but notice something. It's not exactly a detail but uh, close enough? So she has her two daughters right? They're presumably

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited April 2016

    I love that heart comment, because that's exactly what I thought too. Sophia had something physically wrong with her heart, Michonne's has something emotionally/figuratively wrong with hers. Michonne's facial expressions say it all during that scene, especially her immediate reaction after Paige makes that heart comment. There's parallels between Michonne and Sophia, and between her and John as well. I loved that entire section of the game because of those connections. Telltale outdid themselves on that part of the episode, if you ask me.

    It's almost like the Douglas and Deanna gender swap! In all seriousness, I think that Paige clarifying that Sophia was sick, "not in the

  • I agree, a hundred percent. It is a shame that the majority of casual players and critiques don't realize all those little details. The Michonne Miniseries and the Telltale team deserve slightly higher ratings because of that, in my honest opinion.

    Deltino posted: »

    I love that heart comment, because that's exactly what I thought too. Sophia had something physically wrong with her heart, Michonne's has s

  • I wish I could agree but he was kicked up by Michonne.

    He's a lot better at the hand-to-hand combat certainly though.

    • Every single time that we've seen Michonne snap out of a hallucination has been because of somebody else talking to her—Pete, when he first meets her; Pete again, on the ferry; Sam on the store room; Sam, once again, in the middle of the shore herd; Paige, at John's mansion, and; John himself, before being shot. I don't want to see what would happen were Michonne alone the next time she has an hallucination episode. They seem to get worse the longer they are.
    • If you decide to open the door and reach for the stranger instead of answering the phone, a pack of walkers will approach Michonne not long after. However, if you choose the other route, Michonne will leave the door open, and, having passed even more time, the pack won't have arrived. You could argue that this is because of Michonne and Vanessa talking, but the former is almost yelling while speaking to Donna, anyway.
    • Sam can say that her favorite food was ice-cream sundae. On a different dialogue tree, she can say that her parents pooled the money to buy that mansion when they married, and that she and her brothers have lived there all their lives.
  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    So, does anyone here remember years ago when this guy was supposed to voice a character in S2? I remember he made a tweet about how he'd be playing a character a little while before All That Remains released. I wonder what ever happened. I mean, I'm guessing they ended up going with a different VA instead of him, but I'm still curious who he was supposed to play.

    I saw one of the old screenshots for episode 1 the other day and remembered this for some reason

  • edited April 2016
    • You can see cans of Norma's beer in the boat that Michonne, Sam—and Pete—use to escape the colony of Monroe. Michonne's face, though. She don't want no beer.

    Norma's beer

    • Upon arriving to the colony, it can be possible to notice that Norma's boat has the words "Monroe" written in white letters, which explains why the place is called like that.


    • Note Gabby's and Zachary's facial expressions, when Sam is about to apologize to Norma. It is like they know that she is about to make up a story. This leads me to believe that they lived there when Sam stole from them the first time, and given that Sam explains that, at that time, Monroe "was just a couple of boats anchored to a pier," that would make Gabby and Zachary two of the all-time residents of the floating colony. This would explain why Gabby is often seen accompanying Randall, and why Zachary acts as a personal assistant for Norma.

    Gabby and Zachary

    • This one goes for us fans who wonder about the "Amid The Ruins" church! In one of the maps at Parker's Run, you can see a location labeled as "Downtown," with numerous blocks. In between the town and the river, you can see detailed symbology for the church, which proves even further that we were originally going to go there.

    • In the map, you can also see an evacuation sign posted by the Federal Rescue Services, the FEMA equivalent in the game.

    Parker's Run map

  • Well Michonne is one of the better fighters in TWD though

    AronDracula posted: »

    I wish I could agree but he was kicked up by Michonne.

  • Probably to not spoil anything since this is after all out war. I mean what if Ezekial dies in the show.

    Kinda makes sense

    I'm upset she didn't even mention Negan. In all seriousness, Tellltale in the details for the game only mentioned Rick, Carl, and Ezekiel. So I guess why? It is kind of weird she didn't mention Andrea.

  • edited April 2016

    Christa actually looked after Clem for 24 months, as there's an about 8(ish) month cut from No Time Left to the intro of All That Remains along with the 16 month skip. Christa is the real MVP.

    Season 2 opened and had it's climax in a rest stop.

    Also the term rest stop. A place to rest. a... resting place.

    The rest stop from the season 2 opening is right by Red's Diner of 400 Days.

    Around Every Corner actually takes place on Halloween, and Long Road Ahead on day 100 of the outbreak.

    The time skips between episodes in season 1 get increasingly bigger. 3 months between A new Day to Starved For Help, a week to Long Road Ahead, 12 hours to Around Every Corner, and immediate to No Time Left.

    I'll probably have more once I think of some.

  • Tell that to John. Oh wait...

    AronDracula posted: »

    Randall would be great to become a stormtrooper because he sucks at aiming.

  • edited April 2016
    • In 'In Harm's Way,' Bonnie explains that she stayed at Howe's Hardware and trusted William Carver because she believed that "it's easier to try and change something that's broken than start all over," starting over meaning leaving Carver the and the rest of the store's inhabitants behind by going with Luke, her apparent romantic interest, and the others. Sometime during 'Amid The Ruins' she appears to have realized that she had been losing time by not leaving earlier, because everyone at Howe's died either way. In 'No Going Back,' she applies this new "knowledge," in some cases encouraged by the player, and abandons the broken person and other innocent people, thinking of it as a chance to do what she didn't do earlier at Howe's.

    • Jane thinks that Clementine has been with Kenny, Sarita and the cabin group since the start of the apocalypse, as seen in the line "has your crew always been so dysfunctional?" Clementine can tell her that she was in group that worked out better, referring to the Motor Inn.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    When you have Pete with you, he closes his eyes when he kills either of the two dudes in the yard. I thought that was a nice touch, given his whole aversion to killing.

  • What's his reaction to Jack O' Lantern?

    Deltino posted: »

    When you have Pete with you, he closes his eyes when he kills either of the two dudes in the yard. I thought that was a nice touch, given his whole aversion to killing.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    About the same as shotgun guy's reaction

    He looks at Michonne all like "what the christ"

    What's his reaction to Jack O' Lantern?

  • Here's a fun one: In 400 Days if you get out of the car as Wyatt on the way back to the car while killing walkers you fire 7 shots. From a 6 shot revolver. Maybe they forgot it's only guns with clips/magazines that have a bullet in the chamber.

  • edited April 2016

    @InGen_Nate_Kenny just spoiled episode three for us.

    In the words of the illustrious JonTron

    "Two kids gonna die tonight"

    Edit: Since we'd be hallucinating we wouldn't really be at the building but we'd be watching the events unfold, right?

    I can't help but notice something. It's not exactly a detail but uh, close enough? So she has her two daughters right? They're presumably

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