Do you swear a lot? And if so, what's your favorite cuss word?
And if not your favorite, what's the one that you use most often?
Do I swear? "Every damn day." Lol!
I cuss a hell of a lot more than anyone in my family.
When I'm angry, especially when I'm really angry, I'll drop the F - word like a mother fucker. Whenever I get angry, a cuss word is sure to flu out of my mouth.
As to which one is my favorite - I would say "Goddammit" is probably close enough. I use them all quite frequently, depending on present company of course.
If I am with a woman, unless she cusses like a sailor, I try to watch my mouth as much as possible. Women don't generally care for a man that constantly swears all the time. It is not considered polite!
Unfortunately, as I said earlier, if something happens that makes me angry, that is difficult, or just something I didn't want to be bothered with at the moment, I'm gonna be cussing about it.
More often than not I start out with a good "Goddammit ", and proceed from there, though depending on the situation, I will try really hard to control myself.
I don't really swear too hard when I'm with family or just regular people, the worst probably being "shit". But when I'm with friends though you might as well call me a sailor.
Fuck yeah I swear a lot. Doesn't matter if I'm angry, happy, sad, you name it, I'm fucking cursing. I try not to when family's around, but sometimes it just slips out. Any other time, when I'm with friends, or when I'm alone (as I tend to talk to myself, don't judge) I fucking curse.
I never actually swore until last year and slowly it crept into my language all the time without me realising. My friends still aren't used to me swearing. I sometimes swear in front of my parents when I get really into my opinion about the conservatives or when I complain about David Cameron, Jeremy Hunt and George Osborne in general.
I think I say fuck and shit the most but my favourite swear word is bloody.
I try to not curse as much as I can, which doesn't mean much really. My favorites would be "goddamnit" and "fuck".
Fuck, shit, asshole, dickfac-- I use a lot, let's just say that.
I curse sometimes, like if I hurt my self I would curse under my breath.
Makes sense, cursing has been proven to relieve pain.
I never cuss around children and the elderly.
But leave me in a room with my friends, and you'll hear a line of "Bitch." and "Fuck."
To be honest most children these days already know every cuss word and more, who bloody knows how they find out so fast.
The internet. I have some nephews and cousins that plays GTA on their iPad.
Plus, it's also (from what I can observe sometimes) when there's a party and a group of young adults go together and talk and have those little slips here and there.
Yeah I guess the internet does have a big part in it. Can't do anything about it really, if parents let their young kids play GTA then they'll have to accept the fact that their kids will learn foul language from it.
Their attitude and behavior is the worst and that's an understatement. Their parent's aren't around, just with their nannies and stuff.
They sound like they're pretty spoiled, I remember how all I had as a kid was a TV with a very small screen, gave me incentive to go outside with friends.
Sounds like my childhood as well.
When I'm around kids or around my aunt, I tone down completely on the profanity.
But otherwise I do have a bit of habit. I mostly say shit and ass (like 'kick in the ass') and sometimes fuck (I mostly say that when I get ticked).
'omg why do people swear???? it's just so stupid!!!' - kateis, 2013
I say 'Fuck' way too much now. My main thing is
The Fuck, man?!
enter link description here
I love 'fucking.'
I'm glad you quoted that for context
Now I'm like, "There's nothing wrong with swearing, I don't see the problem people have with it."
I swear too much but I seem to use the word bitch the most
I don't fucking swear, it's for pussies.
Jk. I swear a lot on the Internet, but almost never in real life. You know what the say, a badass on URL, a pussy IRL.
enter link description here
Not often really. If you swear too much people won't feel there's something serious when you use that type of grammar in a serious situation. I only swear when I have to to get a point across. My favorite swear word is the C word just due to how edgy it is. People I know who swear all the time are bothered by it.
I don't make a habit of swearing, but I am partial to the word 'bastard'.
I usually never swear. Only sometimes under my breath, like if something surprises me. But I like all cuss words and how they get used in humor. Like in The Walking Dead: Season 1 game, Clementine can hear Lee say, 'shit', then she happily says it later on.
I love a good, drawn out 'faaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrk' every now and then.
I only cuss when I'm either in pain, angry, or very happy.
"Hell yeah!" - Happy
"Fuuuuucckkkk!!!!!!!!!!!" - In pain
"God dammit!!!" - Angry
I also like saying "shut the fuck up, you dumb bitch!" whenever someone annoys the shit out of me.
Yes, a lot. Too much even. I tend to just keep my mouth shut in public because I'm gonna swear at some point.
I swear a lot, it keeps my anger at a minimum. I'd say my favorite is "hell" or "damn" if you count them.
I do swear a ton, on the forums and off of them. I don't have a favorite word, I do have a favorite insult though involving a curse word. I love to use "You fucking clod!" for some reason. I heard Arin say it once on the Game Grumps and then I kind of picked it up because it's such a catchy insult.
Brits can do that I guess.
It's considered something of a slur, here in America.
Fuck yes.
i answered both questions.
Douchebag and Fuck are my 2 favorites but
Fart-Knocker is a nice one
(kudos if you got the reference)
I only swear when I'm alone. I never like to do it in public. I'll say "damn" and "hell" sometimes, but I have a soft spot for "bastard", even if it's actually a legitimate word.
I don't think that I swear all that often. It's usually out of humor when I do.
I swear a lot, my favorites would have to be fuck and shit. I regret yelling "shit" when I was about to fall in front of a lot of 6 year olds yesterday.
Whenever I am frustrated or I mess up, I like to say the phrase: "Fuck me in the ass with a broomstick."
I usually say "Shit" a lot.