How do you try to help the enviroment?
Even though I have a lot of conservative values and beliefs, I do believe that global warming is real, and that a lot of the fossil fuels that we are burning today are having a negative impact on our planet. The holes on our ozone layer are proof of that, as are the acid rains, and contaminated ground water.
Well I'm not rich, so that means I cannot afford a eco-friendly car when a thing like that, one thing I do do is if I have to go to a store that is within two or three miles of me and of course it depends on what I'm getting, I will instead of having it in my truck to go drive down there, I will walk.
It does five things.
1. It saves me money on fuel, so that's a big plus.
2. It gives me good cardiovascular exercise, and helps puts oxygen in my blood, and allows me to get rid of my excess energy.
3. It is one less truck that's not polluting the environment.
4. It allows me a chance to think and reflect about my life.
5. It allows me to take my dog with me - if I'm walking to deliver a letter, or a power bill.
I regularly make sweeps and pick up the trash in the neighborhood/beach while walking my dog. Spring Breakers and Bikers tend to be inconsiderate jerks and leave the town covered in trash. Last week, I found a great cast-iron pot ditched in the parking lot beside my house. Makes a nice additions to my kitchen.
Really though, climate change is mostly out of our hands, as individuals. The primary driver behind the destruction of our environment is mass production and practices used to maximize profit thereof. Telling people to recycle or watch their "carbon footprint" is a good way for government and industry to push the burden of reform off of itself and onto the public, where it has a margainal impact. I'm not against either, but it's naive to think that those acts have any bearing on the environment at-large.
I sometimes go out at night and into crackhouses and then i "throw out the trash".
We recycle. Although it's pretty much the law, we're not against recycling.
I know you and I disagree on a lot of things, but I agree with you wholeheartedly here, and thank you for doing your part for the planet. Walking with an MP3 is excellent. You clear your head, you get the things you need to do done, and you get to listen to dope beats.
Btw, as far as thinking about life, have you ever read 'Meditations' by Marcus Aurelius? I think you'd like it. It's one of those things that's relatively easy to read, but takes a lifetime to digest.
I'm a useless piece of shit so I don't do much.
Honestly? Not much. I hope to change that soon though.
My sister and I always scold our idiot friends when they try to litter and will pickup any garbage we find lying around. It's not much, but we try.
I agree, that the government will use global warming to its advantage, to try to do dictate to its citizens how they should live their lives.
I once heard someone say that the founders of America were interested in dictating to the American people, and in order to hide that intent, they wrote the Constitution to give people the illusion of supposed rights - if that makes any sense.
And I am inclined to believe that, because time and again the government sidestepped the Constitution, specifically the Bill of Rights, to achieve its own goals.
For example during World War II, after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, the government rounded up all of the Japanese citizens here in the United States, and put them in detention camps. and even though these same Japanese citizens had, under the law, the exact same rights as anyone else, and had not even taken part in the attack.
I think the Bill of Rights is an excellent document, but I also believe it is an idealistic one as well. because simply put, no government cares about its citizens. All the government in itself wants is complete and unquestioning devotion and obedience from its subjects, and that's it.
And that when push comes to shove, the government's going to do exactly what it wants to do, and it does not really give a damn about what you are I think or how we feel about it.
In fact, I believe that it continually tries to push people into different political camps, and gets them arguing about different issues, in order to hide its real goals. In other words it performs the old sleight-of-hand trick!
While everyone's busy arguing among themselves about one issue, the government can go in unnoticed and complete its objective in an issue that the people for the meantime have turned a blind eye to.
So that's why I say, just enjoy what you have while you have it.
What do you think?
Sounds like you sample some of the product while doing it! Lol.
I feed the remains of my victims to dogs. No oven, no forest or river littering.
I stay in my room for most of my free time (spoiler: I have a lot of free time) so, I guess that should be enough.
I don't exactly disagree, but you're kinda missing my point.
What I mean is that government likes to play lip-service to protecting the environment, but only insofar is starting funding some clean energy, lightly regulating big business and hiring bureaucrats and marketers to get the public involved in "feel-good" environmental initiatives. When in reality, the primary culprits in climate change and environmental destruction is big business, which the government doesn't meaningfully regulate because "muh jerb creators!" it's unprofitable for business to operate in an environmentally sustainable way and they never will, unless forced.
I can see no solution to climate change without breaking the back of corporate power.
EDIT : As for what you said about the Bill of Rights, that's a whole other interesting topic. I personally think it's a bit silly to use such an old document as the basis for law because material conditions have changed so much since the time of the founding fathers. The consequence is that we have both rights that are no longer useful (like the 3rd amendment and rights that could be useful but are routinely curbed by the government itself (like the 4th, 6th and 8th).
We do not litter, put our waste in the right bins, and try not to use the car as much as possible.
Honestly, much of what I and my family do does not differ from most that I know of in this regard.
Nothing really. I make sure my trash gets to a trashcan, but that's more for an aesthetic rational than an environmental one. It doesn't make a difference. Greenhouse gas emissions are so far beyond our control already that it's laughable to think that even if we stopped right now we would save ourselves from ourselves, not to mention that "stopping right now" is impossible in an of itself. I'm just genna sit back and watch my nice clean countryside burn. Who wants marshmallows?
I help the Environment by only buying liquids that come in Glass Bottles and Aluminum Cans. I try avoiding plastics as much as possible, and then I recycle the bottles/cans I end up collecting up. I also make sure I have no electronics running unless they're absolutely necessary. I never keep my house warmer than 65 Degrees F during the winter and never below 75 during the summer, during the spring/fall I Just leave heating/AC just off entirely. etc etc etc
I buy organic vegetables/fruit as well, but for the added health benefit, but the lack of pesticides is also an environmental plus for any bugs/animals that happen to be roaming around that particular field or orchard at the time. Main reason I think everyone should be buying organic foods not just for health reasons, but they don't use harmful chemicals on their produce when they're growing. Which has been contributed to the massive loss of the Bee Population for example.
Then when I'm relaxing I just sit down, looking out the window, as I imagine dropping nuclear bombs upon humanity as a drink a martini.
Ladies, if your guy is the type who throws used condoms out the car window into other people's yards, dump him. If he doesn't respect the property of others, he won't respect you, either. I know, you're trying to hide this from whoever's back home, but the guy who comes prepared with a plan to dispose of the evidence is the guy who truly deserves your secret relationship. So ditch the loser. Thanks!
I cut down on personal emissions by removing my anus
When I moved to where I am now it was pretty clear prostitutes had been using the garden, disgusting is a understatement
Yeah I heard nuclear bombs are great for the environment
I live near the beach and every few months we do a trash pickup.
Condoms. Are. Everywhere. Apparently there's still a sizable portion of the population that thinks humping in the sand is a pleasant experience and that leaving your semen receptacle for others to find is appropriate.
On the plus side, I also found an eighth of weed last time.
Piss in the shower
A lot of garbage is tossed on the roads where I live, so every once in a while I go clean it up.
My family recycles products a lot, so I'm always dutiful and see if I can put stuff in the recycling bin instead of the garbage.
Plus, we simply reuse stuff! That old container that used to hold store-bought ham could be washed and used to hold other things as well!
I recycle and sometimes pick up trash if it's near me.
Tragically, both Chernobyl and Fukashima according to scientist have proven that animals thrive in a radioactive environment absent of man, because the radiation is safer for animals than "Man." So ya nuclear fallout is great for wild life.
This little guy is thriving just fine
Edit: taken in chernobyl btw
Nice photoshop.
Just the usual, rubbish goes in bin. Save electricity and water etc. I don't really go out of my way to help the environment to be honest.
I believe the earth is warming, but I don't believe humans are all at fault, even if we are, the earth has made drastic changes in climate for billions and billions of years, nature always balances out, and even if it doesn't, new organisms rise up and the earth rebuilds again. Life moves on, we do as much as we can to preserve what we have for future generations but causing a massive stir over global warming and climate change is just pointless. Just my opinion.
I personally don't see any solid proof of how drastic it is either, even though I've tried searching, even being taught in high school.
According to scientist who found it they seem to think radiation had nothing to do with that frog. Also that photo has been circulated a lot. I've seen people using it for Fukashima already. According to Scientist they assume that it was a frog in which the eggs refused to separate when they were laid, which happens randomly even in normal conditions.
That being said, wild life thrives in nuclear restricted zones. Even if there are some birth defects most animals do not live long enough natural lives to see long term effects of exposure to radiation. And oddly those that do seem to be doing fin around Chernobyl. They've found catfish in the lake right outside the reactor which are doing amazing, despite the radiation. Packs of Wolves and Deer are doing wonderfully. There are even bears in the area. They've found entire litters of pups with no defects what so ever. Even though Deer eat the vegetation and the wolves eat the deer, and the vegetation is said to be radioactive still, the water, and soil is still considered radioactive, but these animals seem to be doing fine.
I remember youtube had a video with what looked like a "Headless" Deer at Chernobyl running around free. But it's just a crook neck. The Columbus Zoo in Ohio (USA) had a Crooked Neck Giraffe, and radiation wasn't the cause of that, it's just a common birth defect, similar to when a human is born with a crooked spine. Radiation might of caused it but there are likely a dozen more deer who were born just fine before and after that one with the crooked neck. That being said, the laws of averages is proving in favor of animals. Some suffer from sickness but the majority are alive, and thriving. Who knows maybe we will see animal species in these areas evolve a radiation immunity, like some creatures do have.
Just saying, it's solid proof that Fallout games got the whole radiation thing wrong. There are not going to be 2 headed bears, just bears, no 2 headed cows just cows. Those born with birth defects likely die rather than breed, so mostly only normal surviving members of the species breeds, so no mutated animals. So the surviving populations of animals in those areas normally look normal.
Ironically, it's the main reason more and more scientist are supporting Nuclear Power for a "Short" term clean energy program. There are better, safer nuclear power options available for companies today and most nuclear reactors are old and out dated often using half a century old technology even if they're relatively newly constructed. Millions of people die every year from byproducts of coal, and gas energy production. Nuclear power accidents have killed an estimated fewer than 200,000 people in total throughout it's entire history. So over all Nuclear power has a considerably safer track record. Now that we are noticing the long term effects of a nuclear meltdown are not as world destroying as we through, it's proving to be much safer than coal, and gas power. I mean people are living in cities that were once victims of atomic bombs. Chernobyl has people living within it's restricted zone, areas still said to be well above the safe limit and some of them are well into their 80s. lol
I sigh more so plants get more CO2.
Shit in the garden, giving back to the earth.
Lol not really. Self produced manure
Isn't that where you're suppse to go? oh god, have I been doing it wrong