Who would you prefer? Axel and Olivia or Lukas and Petra?

I think I'd choose Lukas and Petra because I liked their roles in episode 5 so much. I do like Axel but Olivia is kinda boring.



  • I'd go with Axel and Petra. I don't like Lukas and Olivia.

  • I'd definitely go with Lukas and Petra. I like Axel and Olivia, but Lukas and Petra are my favorite characters of the game with my Jesse :3

  • This exactly.

    Axel and Olivia are nice, but I like Lukas and Petra better. I am loving to watch them interact with each othet and with Jesse.

    I'd definitely go with Lukas and Petra. I like Axel and Olivia, but Lukas and Petra are my favorite characters of the game with my Jesse

  • Alright then.

    cindaquil posted: »

    I'd go with Axel and Petra. I don't like Lukas and Olivia.

  • Petra, Lukas, Ivor and Jessie make a great team. They are all so funny together and good fighters.

  • Petra and Lukas, because they both work and interact with each other while Axel and Oliva just keep fighting

  • Petra and Lukas, they are just overall better characters than Olivia and Axel.

  • I love Petra and Axel for their toughness and loyalty. I've always been skeptical of Lukas but episode 5 showed that he makes a good right hand man to Jesse so I like him plenty now. Olivia has never made a big impression on me though, she's hardly around and when she is it always seems like she's complaining or giving up.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Lukas and Petra for me. Lukas, Petra, Jesse and Ivor seems like a solid team.

  • That's what I thought. ;)

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Lukas and Petra for me. Lukas, Petra, Jesse and Ivor seems like a solid team.

  • Probably Petra and Axel cause Axel is a bit funny and Petra cause i ship Jetra

  • Alright

    Penguinzuma posted: »

    Probably Petra and Axel cause Axel is a bit funny and Petra cause i ship Jetra

  • I just had to post this

  • Cuz love is in the air....

    _BEARZZ_ posted: »

    I just had to post this

  • edited April 2016

    Petra and Lukas

  • Okay

    JimMate789 posted: »

    Petra and Lukas

  • Okay x2

    JimMate789 posted: »

    Petra and Lukas

  • Okay x3

    JimMate789 posted: »

    Petra and Lukas

  • Well Lukas and Petra are my two favourites. Olivia could be interesting but she is ignored and unused. Axel is just super annoying the majority of the time and I am so happy when he's not there.

  • Okay x5

    JimMate789 posted: »

    Petra and Lukas

  • Okay xπ

    Okay x5

  • Playing mediator between Axel and Olivia got a little old, so I'd pick Lukas and Petra.

    At least this isn't another dumb shipping thread.

  • Okay x6

    JimMate789 posted: »

    Petra and Lukas

  • Can y'all stop this?

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    Okay x6

  • Okay.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Can y'all stop this?

  • [removed]

  • Sorry. I couldn't resist. xD

    AronDracula posted: »

    Can y'all stop this?

  • Okay x7

    JimMate789 posted: »

    Petra and Lukas

  • Okay x2

    AronDracula posted: »

    Can y'all stop this?

  • I want Axel and Lukas. Just because I like Lukas and my man Axel. And also that Petra was just a genuine bitch about everything in Ep. 5. And Olivia... Ugh.

  • edited April 2016

    Why? What did Petra do in episode 5? I thought she was awesome in episode 5.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    I want Axel and Lukas. Just because I like Lukas and my man Axel. And also that Petra was just a genuine bitch about everything in Ep. 5. And Olivia... Ugh.

  • What do you mean what did she do? She practically whined the whole fucking adventure about Ivor coming with us. And then she bitched out because I didn't tell her about the portal. Bear in mind that I like Petra usually. But she went on my nerves so many times.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Why? What did Petra do in episode 5? I thought she was awesome in episode 5.

  • She practically whined the whole fucking adventure about Ivor coming with us.

    Did you forget about the witherstorm? Ivor caused her to have wither sickness or amnesia.

    she bitched out because I didn't tell her about the portal

    Who cares anymore?

    captainivy1 posted: »

    What do you mean what did she do? She practically whined the whole fucking adventure about Ivor coming with us. And then she bitched out bec

  • Did you forget about the witherstorm? Ivor caused her to have wither sickness or amnesia.

    Which Ivor didn't mean to, not to be as big as it became. Also, Lukas didn't mind. And neither did Jesse.

    AronDracula posted: »

    She practically whined the whole fucking adventure about Ivor coming with us. Did you forget about the witherstorm? Ivor caused her

  • Lukas didn't mind. And neither did Jesse.

    Because they didn't get any infections from the storm, duhh...

    captainivy1 posted: »

    Did you forget about the witherstorm? Ivor caused her to have wither sickness or amnesia. Which Ivor didn't mean to, not to be as big as it became. Also, Lukas didn't mind. And neither did Jesse.

  • It is mostly Ivor's fault for the wither storm no doubt, but other people were responsible too. Not as responsible as Ivor but they played a part. Petra selling him the skull, I know she didn't know but it still helped with building the wither storm. Jesse/Axel taking the potion that could of destroyed the wither.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Why? What did Petra do in episode 5? I thought she was awesome in episode 5.

  • @captainivy1 If you want to say that, I'd say it was Jesse and Axel fault for taking the potion away.

    How's that? If it weren't for those two, nothing would happen.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    Did you forget about the witherstorm? Ivor caused her to have wither sickness or amnesia. Which Ivor didn't mean to, not to be as big as it became. Also, Lukas didn't mind. And neither did Jesse.

  • And yet, Petra is only an arse towards Ivor (and partly Jesse), and not Axel.

    @captainivy1 If you want to say that, I'd say it was Jesse and Axel fault for taking the potion away. How's that? If it weren't for those two, nothing would happen.

  • She caused the storm, aswell as Jesse and Axel and Ivor. Ivor built it to prove Gabriels lies, and show him how weak he is, and later going to destroy it. From the start, Petra caused it, yes she did it indirectly, but she caused it still. Axel and Jesse stole the elixir that destroyed the command block, even they indirectly, but caused it still. So in a indirectly brainfucking way, Ivor caused Petras sickness, with the help from Axel, Jesse and Petra herself.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Lukas didn't mind. And neither did Jesse. Because they didn't get any infections from the storm, duhh...

  • No,you are the victim :v

    JimMate789 posted: »

    Okay x7

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