What is your guy's real life address?

in General Chat
I wanna know please, it's eh, it's for a social experiment?
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I wanna know please, it's eh, it's for a social experiment?
King. You will address me as King.
64 Zoo Lane
I'm coming for you mister Dee
You'll have to get past the lions first
Don't worry, they'll get the same treatment as you.
Fine. Just leave Spotty out of it. He's my fave
Awww Spotty, that cute little guy
It's funny because he's the only lion that isn't spotty
My address is 169 Boulevard Gouin, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC, Canada
You can check my bootyful apartment on google map or google earth
I'm on my way
Okay babe
ETA 2 weeks
I hope you like my apartment
None of Your Business 3542352345.
250 52nd Street
Nice address
Nice address
Yeah, just try to open the door and you'll get blown up.
Nice address
What about if I do it? Will I also get blown up?
In all honesty, even though it's information someone with enough persistence could dig up, it's not very wise to reveal such information in the internet.
You could call it healthy paranoia or something as I live in a very public location.
Remember Dark Knight?
Of course he does. Everyone remembers Dark Knight
Except this time, there's proxy mines instead of a timer.
oh snappppppppp
...and there's still a shit ton of oil barrels.
Here's a question, have you ever liked anyone's post before? xD
Yes I have, good sir.
Jolly good, old chap, may our future relations bloom and blossom like plants in Spring.
42069 pizza land located on Jupiter
I never told my address
Reich Fuhrer's Bunker, I'm his official translator. My apologizes if I can not say exactly where, because of fear of the entire world bombing it into the stone age. He is being kept alive right now inside a Mr House style pod. We are currently involved in a propaganda war to make him out to be the hero of humanity rather than the villain so he can rise again, lets say it's an op hill battle. sarcasm
Omg, I'm taking the first train to Jupiter, just to meet you Dragon.
We'll eat pizza together
I just came back and all I see is personal informations threads. Is this the new fad now?
Yes. And tell me your address plz.
Urbz 72 drive