If you has the opportunity to live for 1,000 yrs, and have the youth of a 30 year old, would you?
Mankind has a fascination with eternal life, as is shown in books, movies, and etc.
Movies like the X-men character Wolverine, who has lived for well over a hundred years is proof of that, as was the late Robin Williams' Bicentennial Man, and other films like those.
Most religions teach about some kind of afterlife - that some part of you lIves on after you die, whether that be heaven, reincarnation, or whatever.
And right now there are scientist who are working hard to discover formulas that will help us to live healthier and longer than we do now. And even though so far their research has yielded nothing concrete yet, they still keep looking.
So hypothetically, say that science came up with a formula, and there was only enough for one person, and it could keep you alive for a thousand years - and grant you the physical and mental vitality of a 30 year old, (In other words keep you from growing old for a thousand years), would you take it?
And if you would take that opportunity, what would you do in that thousand years? Use your imagination, and think what you could do with a thousand year lifespan. Forget that we only live for 75 - 80 years. Imagine if you could live far beyond that?
Myself, I'd like to :
- Sail around the world 5 times in a row, as I don't believe anyone has ever done that before.
- Travel the world, spending a month to a year in each country.
- Find a cure for diseases like AIDS, Cancer, Heart disease, etc. As well as mental disorders like Autism, ADHD, Schizophrenia, Dementia, Alzheimers disease, and etc.
- Make it so that food can be grown anywhere, that grows quickly, and that is chock-full of vitamins and nutrients, unlike we have now with the food value being taken out of our foods. And in the process hopefully end starvation.
- Raise lots and lots of children throughout all of it.
If I could live for 1,000 years and not grow old, that's what I'd do. Or something like that.
...and live long enough not to remember any of your immediate family.
I don't know about that.
You obviously didn't read close enough.
If there was a formula that keep your mind and body young for a thousand years, that means that both would be in top shape and WOULDN'T experience the ravages of old age, and diseases like Dementia and Alzheimers.
I'm not talking about deterioration. We just aren't built to hold 1000 years of memories. Granted, in 100 years we might have mental back-up drives at that point.
I would love to but only if people could do it with me...don't think I could live with people aging around me and dying throughout my existence. You could never form solid relationships...and I couldn't be alone my whole life.
I'll stick with the life I've got now.
It's sorta depressing that people you know throughout your life would die away.
Longevity can be a curse. Would you really wanna see everyone you love die?
No. It reminds me of Olgeird von Everec in the Hearts of Stone DLC for The Witcher 3 - dude was immortal, but a completely miserable shell of a man. Having experienced everything life has to offer and feeling no thrill from anything anymore, losing all attachment to others because they would just die and he'd go on, having to live with guilt and suffering for centuries...not the life for me.
Mortality does scare me, loneliness scares me as well. No good choice to be made here.
Sounds like a scary thought; however, I am curious to see how the world will be different during that time period. It just makes me wonder if it will be a utopia or a dystopia. I hope for the former, but sounds unlikely.
I am very curious about the world's future and just thinking about how I won't ever see what will really become of it....is saddening. But 1,000 years is really a lot. Probably nope.
For certain! I wouldn't really have a goal beyond what I have now. Help people and watch the world unfold. Probably do a lot of traveling
IDK, but I know someone who would,
I'd do everythign I already do: playing games.
Honestly I don't think I could do it. As cool as it would be to see where this planet goes in the span of 1000 years, I couldn't bear watching loved ones die while I go on living without them. The grief and loneliness would kill me. Now, if another person of my choosing could do the same on the other hand..
If there was a way to make them live for 1000 yrs with me, then yeh.
If not, nah. Loneliness turns into depression and depression kills. I wouldn't even make it to 1000 yrs old.
I think the best description of how much it would suck is the bok Interview with the Vampire. Everyone you know...Everyone you ever loved gone. The world you know forgotten. Countries you lived in changed or gone. No it would suck.
how do you know that? Scientific done thousands of studies on the brain, what they found is that the brain has an unlimited capacity for Learning, and retaining information.
Finally! Someone who gets when I'm talking about, and where I'm coming from.
Yes of course. I'd be upset about my loved ones dying and all that, but I think they'd want me to be happy and continue seeing the world and how humanity will evolve. And I would love to see what happens.
I don't even need to think about it. Of course I would do that.
Each school year, I forget what I learn over the summer.
For sure. I'd love to see the accomplishments of humanity over the coming millennium, especially looking at all we've done in less than one hundred years! I can hardly begin to imagine.
You mean like the Asari? (Will never get that outta my mind since I played ME)
Certainly it's going to be freaking depressing and traumatic experience with all the deaths of your close ones...
I don't think I can go through that unless everyone has the same life span. I'd just do the same things as I always do like comic/manga work but with extra time. I like a simple life.
Yes. Were it forever, then probably not. Having a thousand years and eternal youth up my sleeve will give me just about as much time as I think I could handle.
Who's this?
Yes, but i'd probably waste it all on the internet and playing video games
Melissandre from Game of Thrones.
Nope. Just because eternally you don't age, the mind weighs on you. It's not the most accurate portrayal given your conditions, but in "Demolition Man" John Spartan talks about how even though his body was preserved in age his brain was still working. I could not imagine the range of thoughts one goes through for 80 years let alone a thousand.
I could and it would be painfully alright. I mean yeah countless life times of children being born and dying before your eyes would suck, but even so if i could retain my boby and mind for a 1,000 yrs to immortality you damn skippy i would and even if that meant ages of grief or homelessness.
Or devolving.
No because.....taxes
Dedicate my life to figuring out just how the hell I lived so long
I don't think so, I'd like to die beside the people I care about, I don't want to outlive multiple generations of my own family tree and watch each generation I love face death, leaving me behind to a world where I'd likely be alone.
But if I were forced to live for 1,000 years, I would learn all that I could and pass down all the knowledge I've learned and I'd do what I can to change the world for the better. I think 1,000 years is more than enough time to be able to incite some change... although some people might want to experiment on me for looking 30 when I'm 120 years old.
And how do these researchers really know that? I'd like to see some sources if you have them, I'd like to learn a bit more about our own brains
although I feel that unlimited is more of a word temporarily replacing uncertain.