Jesse's Role

The members of the old Order of the Stone each had their own specialty (Gabriel - Fighting, Magnus - Griefing, Ellegaard - Redstone, Soren - Building, and Ivor - Brewing potions), and the members of the new Order have the same ones (Axel - Griefing, Olivia - Redstone, Petra - Fighting). But I was thinking about it and realized Jesse doesn't have one. Maybe I'm a stupid and don't see it, or maybe his/her specialty is leadership, since he's/she's pretty good at that. What do you guys think?


  • I think they purposefully keep it "blank" and ambiguous so the player can relate to Jesse however they like.

  • Here's the equivalent roles
    Jesse- Soren
    Petra- Gabriel
    Olivia- Ellegaard
    Axel- Magnus
    Lukas- Ivor

  • But Gabriel was Jesses idol

  • Isn't Lukas the one who liked building? So I thought he would be Soren

    Here's the equivalent roles Jesse- Soren Petra- Gabriel Olivia- Ellegaard Axel- Magnus Lukas- Ivor

  • That makes sense

    I think they purposefully keep it "blank" and ambiguous so the player can relate to Jesse however they like.

  • In the End of Episode 4, the white part of the Amulet was glowing so high and Jesse was holding it, so Jesse's in the builder position.

  • I don't see how Lukas proves to be a builder. Jesse helped his friends make a statue and helped make a redstone machine to launch him in the Witherstorm, also in the Episode 4 Ending the white part of the amulet was glowing the highest and Jesse is holding it so he's in Soren's position.

    Isn't Lukas the one who liked building? So I thought he would be Soren

  • Well Jessie the leader of the new order of the stone and there for her/his skill is leadership skill not many people have leadership skills

  • How?

    But Gabriel was Jesses idol

  • Nah, I think it goes like this:

    Jesse-John Cena

  • Jesse - John Cena

    Lol wut

    Nah, I think it goes like this: Olivia-Magnus Axel-Gabriel Petra-Soren Lukas-Ellegaard Jesse-John Cena

  • It makes sense.

    JimMate789 posted: »

    Jesse - John Cena Lol wut

  • I think who you are varies on what you choose throughout the game. For instance,when Lukas asks you what a group of Enderman is called,you can say "A crap ton","A Group" ,Or "A Haunting". Number one sounds like something Magnus would say,Number 2 sounds like Gabriel, And Number 3 sounds like Soren or Ellegaard. And I'm betting that silence is Ivor. I think there is no real role,as Telltale says YOU are Jesse. And it only makes sense if Jesse becomes the member of the Order you are most like based on your decisions.

  • Uh,WTF

    Then again,they did put John Cena in Episode 3 or 4's credits.....

    Nah, I think it goes like this: Olivia-Magnus Axel-Gabriel Petra-Soren Lukas-Ellegaard Jesse-John Cena

  • Both of the Episodes.

    Uh,WTF Then again,they did put John Cena in Episode 3 or 4's credits.....

  • I think Ivor/Soren.
    PD: Kill Withers get Bit**** :v (?)

  • edited May 2016

    Jesse is like a mix of sorens and ivors roles.

  • I think Jessie is builder because in episode 5 when we go underground for treasure and try to get out you have to choose a option like Geiger grap warrior whip . so when Jessie chooses warrior whip petra comes and when he chose builder bump Jessie builds soon I think Jessie as soren and leader of new oder of stone

  • Soren was the leader of the old Order Jesse is the leader of the new Order he doesn't fall into any particular role since he represents the general Minecraft player he does it all not the best at it all but can do it all

    Isn't Lukas the one who liked building? So I thought he would be Soren

  • Why do they have to follow a specific member? Can't they just be theirselves?

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