Call of Duty 4 REMASTERED!!!!!!
WHO ELSE IS FUCKING EXCITED? I havent played a call of duty that much since this game. This was the game that basically glued me to a couch. I played this game soooo much when I was younger. This game is going to nostalgic as fuck. I can't wait to get my hands on an M40A3 AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
P.S: That isn't my reaction video but that was pretty much my reaction.
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They really need to stop making Call of Duty games. They're overrated as fuck.
Yeah but this isn't really about the new call of duty game. It's about the remastered Call of Duty 4 which came out in 2008 and was probably the best call of duty game of all-time. I can agree that most of them are overrated but this game was a straight up master-piece that revolutionized multiplayer gaming.
Fuck Infinite War, this is what I'm getting on release day haha.
I was interested.......but then I saw you have to get Infinite war to get it. I ain't buying that trash.
Im going to buy the legacy edition. Take out the code for cod4 and then i'm going to instantly trade it in.
Aww you have to buy Infinite War?
Oh well, two games for the price of $60.
World at War is underrated. It's a damn shame the multiplayer is riddled with atrocious hackers now.
To get both you have to buy the legacy edition for $80
God damn it!
Dreams = Broken
I'm pumped for both the games to be honest. Looks like Infinity Ward is full on embracing the sci-fi, not just having a jet pack here and futuristic armour here. It's completely set in space spanning across worlds, i've got my hopes up, IW hasn't let me down yet.
The remaster? To be honest, although I can't wait for it, i'm also disappointed. Even though I will buy the edition that comes with both games, I feel dirty that i'm forced to do so JUST so I can play it...and only 10 MP maps? Why not put them all in? Is there a real reason why they feel limited? It just makes no sense to me.
343 released the Halo MCC collection with 4 games, 2 completely remastered, all bundled in with every multiplayer map ever made, for the price of one game...and this is all Infinity Ward could do for an increased price? Come on...greedy greedy greedy.
Ew infinite warfare.
Yay cod modern warface.
I have to buy a lovely futuristic game in order to get a game I want that doesnt get sold separately. whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Oh I know because people would probs never buy IW on it's own haha
enter link description here
Can it really be called Call of Duty anymore?
I'm not into COD as much as I used to be. I just stick to Black Ops now as they seem to be the only games with effort put into them, but I'm a tad interested, I did enjoy COD4.
Backlot, Crash, Crossfire, Bog, and Overgrown are 5 of the confirmed maps. (Crash, Backlot, and Crossfire are my three favorite maps in that game. I could have lived without overgrown but holy shit it's gonna be beautiful in remastered form.)
The other 5 maps are going to be revealed over time but if you could take a guess I would say we are going to get: Vacant, Shipment, and Ambush. Those are another three maps that I don't know how they don't include in the game. I have faith that they are going to leave out maps that sucked. In my view, those were the 8 best maps in the game.
Call of Duty 4 came out in 2007. 2008 was World at War.