enter link description here
Quotes by the person in the thumbnail:
"All white people are racist."
"All men are mysoginistic."
"All cisgender people are transphobic."
Like, I just randomly got sick. Must be the weather lately but I feel like I was ran over by a couple of buses. Added to that is the time of the month now I want to fucking kill somebody.
somthing something you something no understand German then!"
Not quite, it's: "I'll whoop you ass if you don't understand those Germ… moreans!"
I learned "run yah duns" from the Jamaican lady on the bus. What you said roughly translates to: "sumting, sumting yuh sumting nuh kin unduhstand Cherman den."
Dem goes after nouns to make them plural. Man-dem = men. Kyaar-dem = cars
Anybody here excited for the game "Wild"? It's a survival, adventure open world game, developed by Wild Sheep Studio and produced by Michel Ancel, the creator of the Rayman series and Beyond Good and Evil, exclusively for the PS4.. Set in the Neolithic period, the game world is alledgedly the size of Europe. The player takes on the role of a shaman and you can control various wild animals. It was announced back in 2014, but there's still not a lot of info on it, which leads me to believe it will only come out next year, at the earliest. I'm betting it's gonna benefit from the PS4 Neo.
Second Son is still one of my favourite games on the PS4. It's just a really fun game, especially later on, when you've upgraded your abilities and have more powers.
Second Son is still one of my favourite games on the PS4. It's just a really fun game, especially later on, when you've upgraded your abilities and have more powers.
Are you thinking about playing First Light?
Definitely. The neon finisher is also pretty freakin' sweet.
They were mostly on par, for me. I will say that Fetch's powers in First Light are better than what Delsin gets from her in SS, at least imo. It also has a fun arena mode which adds replayability.
What's with all the mindless shitposting on this forum lately?
I mean there's always been mindless shitposting, just that recently it's seemed like there's way more.
So I wanted to see if you could become a ghoul in Fallout 4 so I looked on google and look at some of the suggestions they offered
" alt=… more"enter image description here" />
Im not gunna lie I cracked up when I saw the first 2 suggestions! and the cherry on top was that it actually came up with a suggestion for fallout 4 among all the anti sematic stuff
enter link description here
Quotes by the person in the thumbnail:
"All white people are racist."
"All men are mysoginistic."
"All cisgender people are transphobic."
Oh wait. There's a chance something else would be different too. I could be addicted to heroin in one of them and I can't afford that! Ugh. I guess, never mind. I'll live here.
I wish I lived in dual realities. One where Halford never left Priest and one where he never came back.
I loved both Halford and Ripper in Priest. Halford was also awesome solo though. Fuck. I wouldn't want to choose.
i wish my ps4 would make its mind up with the download times it goes from 60 minites to 8 hours and then goes up to 10 hours and down again i only get 2hours in the evening to play online (stupid rule ive tried to negotiate) soba single game takes weeks to download.
One week of vacation! Today I'm going to set up my lineup for the fantasy MLB league on dailylineups.com. My excitement is getting bigger and bigger! Maybe tmw I'm going outside but this week is dedicated to gaming :P weather is bad anyways!
i wish my ps4 would make its mind up with the download times it goes from 60 minites to 8 hours and then goes up to 10 hours and down again … morei only get 2hours in the evening to play online (stupid rule ive tried to negotiate) soba single game takes weeks to download.
You just described those realities so now the already exist reality is just thoughts anyway and who needs thoughts amierite lets just stop thinking altogether then reality will cease to be.
Oh wait. There's a chance something else would be different too. I could be addicted to heroin in one of them and I can't afford that! Ugh. I guess, never mind. I'll live here.
I fought the forum, and I won?
(I think. It mostly depends on how many decided to message him and be a prick)
We'll see. At very least, he knows a bit more about the forum he's running and the people using it.
enter link description here
Quotes by the person in the thumbnail:
prove it doet
Did you just post a video by the Amazing Neckbeard? I expected better from you smh.
Sure you did.
Maybe tomorrow since my phone has thousands of selfies. Because I am pretty and all.
*sarcasm noted
Two months without the forums, I guess it's time to come back since most of my exams are finally over.
Anyways, spring is here and god damn it's hot. This picture explains it all
In a span of an hour, I feel like shit.
Like, I just randomly got sick. Must be the weather lately but I feel like I was ran over by a couple of buses. Added to that is the time of the month now I want to fucking kill somebody.
why. WHY.
infamous Second Son is fucking amazing. Most fun I've ever had, most underrated game I've played so far.
Now Creole-English dialects have me positively frightened. Still, simpler than this:
Actually, would you consider Jamaican Patois a dialect or a seperate language to English?
Anybody here excited for the game "Wild"? It's a survival, adventure open world game, developed by Wild Sheep Studio and produced by Michel Ancel, the creator of the Rayman series and Beyond Good and Evil, exclusively for the PS4.. Set in the Neolithic period, the game world is alledgedly the size of Europe. The player takes on the role of a shaman and you can control various wild animals. It was announced back in 2014, but there's still not a lot of info on it, which leads me to believe it will only come out next year, at the earliest. I'm betting it's gonna benefit from the PS4 Neo.
enter link description here
enter link description here
Second Son is still one of my favourite games on the PS4. It's just a really fun game, especially later on, when you've upgraded your abilities and have more powers.
Are you thinking about playing First Light?
enter link description here
Almost finished with RWBY (my first anime, lol)
I love that move in particular.
Hell yea I plan on playing First Light. From what I've heard, it was better than the main game.
Rooster Teeth is great.
Definitely. The neon finisher is also pretty freakin' sweet.
They were mostly on par, for me. I will say that Fetch's powers in First Light are better than what Delsin gets from her in SS, at least imo. It also has a fun arena mode which adds replayability.
I noticed it too, been distancing from it, the shitposting has gotten a lot less enjoyable.
I just feel so sad right now and it's because no one on Tumblr wants to talk to me. WTF.
At least I only have three weeks of school left.
I feel bad for the "Can you become a virgin again" one.
Ayy, Cow Chop.
I have like one month+exams then BOOM, school's out
Like a version of those. man dem, those men.
Ive not heard of run yah duns, guys usually call it patois
enter link description here
This song has been stuck in my head for way too long
I fought the forum, and I won?
(I think. It mostly depends on how many decided to message him and be a prick)
We'll see. At very least, he knows a bit more about the forum he's running and the people using it.
Awww cute
What's your opinion on Milo's video? I'm just curious. It's interesting to know people view points on things such as this.
This is what should have happened in tyrions trial
He's a fucking idiot.
So basing on his logic, I am transphobic and racist because I am a cisgender white female?
Much logic. So wow.
Best. Name. Ever.
When you wanna talk to the girl with a guitar at the mall but you’re too nervous
I wish I lived in dual realities. One where Halford never left Priest and one where he never came back.
I loved both Halford and Ripper in Priest. Halford was also awesome solo though. Fuck. I wouldn't want to choose.
Oh wait. There's a chance something else would be different too. I could be addicted to heroin in one of them and I can't afford that! Ugh. I guess, never mind. I'll live here.
i wish my ps4 would make its mind up with the download times it goes from 60 minites to 8 hours and then goes up to 10 hours and down again i only get 2hours in the evening to play online (stupid rule ive tried to negotiate) soba single game takes weeks to download.
people told me to fucking kill myself on youtube.
oh wow, im so affected. i just want to swallow a gallon of bleach right now.
One week of vacation! Today I'm going to set up my lineup for the fantasy MLB league on dailylineups.com. My excitement is getting bigger and bigger! Maybe tmw I'm going outside but this week is dedicated to gaming :P weather is bad anyways!
Dude, it downloads in rest mode. You silly goose c:
Also never download and play online at the same time, it just goes all screwy.
You just described those realities so now the already exist
reality is just thoughts anyway and who needs thoughts amierite lets just stop thinking altogether then reality will cease to be.
Ooh... do tell, I missed the drama.
Please someone pm me and dish, Im always oblivious.
Why would they do that? Stupid question maybe, why would anyone do that...
I corrected grammar and punctuation like the asshole I am, then the started threatening me like they want to rape my parents and shit.
Do I feel afraid? No. Should I be? Maybe. . . ?