Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • edited May 2016

    lol and I just made an account there, before I read this. Really cool though.

    From my pals from the other twd forum.

  • Hey, that was confirmed back during Season 1. ;)

    Also- Talking about the player's daughter WAIT WHAT?! Was Clementine meant to be Lee's daughter originally?! OMFGFDJSDBNIGHAHL\SFHJBASL!

  • edited May 2016

    It's a tiny detail though, but during the trade in Episode 3, Zachary's hands are shaking when he's holding the gun.

    Since WDM, when someone is shot, we see a bullet wound unlike previous Walking Dead games where we only see the blood spurt effect.

  • Did that just confirm that Larry was in fact dead in the meat locker?

    No more than it confirms Ben was killed by the roadside.

    That is to say, things were clearly changed. The devs have explicitly stated they desired the scene to be up for debate and have no right answer, though the way they did the scene accidentally proves that, even if Larry couldn't survive, he could be revived briefly via cpr.

    Deltino posted: »

    Hey, wait a minute You've watched your dad die in front of you and a member of the group had to finish him off right before your eyes,

  • Woah, that's a lot of new info

    Well its info, none of it is canon though so I wouldnt read much into it

    Woah, that's a lot of new info. Firstly, that information really makes me hate Larry and now I almost regret not killing him in the meat

  • Larry, I officially dislike you now. I can't believe how one of his few redeemable qualities—being a good father—was thrown out of the window like this.

    .....but this isnt canon... I mean she apparently kills ben in this version and shes still comic lilly

    While never explicitly stated, she is the daughter of abuse. Larry was a shit father then and he's not much better now. Larry, I off

  • What would be cute is if Alex drew Super Greg since Sam said he was Alex's hero

  • edited May 2016

    One of the writers Vanaman said in an interview that Lilly was abused by her father. I think I remember he said this contributed to her breakdown in episode three, feeling conflicted feelings about his death (mourning, and guilty that she feels slightly relieved). So it's always been intended to be a part of her character if not outright stated in the game.

    Larry, I officially dislike you now. I can't believe how one of his few redeemable qualities—being a good father—was thrown out of the windo

  • It wasnt in the game or ever referenced in game so its a removed story point

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    One of the writers Vanaman said in an interview that Lilly was abused by her father. I think I remember he said this contributed to her brea

  • edited May 2016

    It was always planned for it not to be explicitly stated, so it could go either way. There's no way of knowing if it was scrapped or still part of her background.

    It wasnt in the game or ever referenced in game so its a removed story point

  • As such its a bit much to suddenly dislike larry for something that may or may not be part of his character

    It was always planned for it not to be explicitly stated, so it could go either way. There's no way of knowing if it was scrapped or still part of her background.

  • edited May 2016

    I found the interview (the part about Lilly starts at 59:40). He uses it as a defense for Lilly against people who hated her and tries to explain the conflicting emotions written for her. This interview was after the game so it wasn't removed, it's just implied.

    enter link description here

    It wasnt in the game or ever referenced in game so its a removed story point

  • That something was his only redeemable trait, and was basically the only thing holding me back from disliking him. I have no reason to feel sympathy for him whatsoever now, as much as I would like to.

    As such its a bit much to suddenly dislike larry for something that may or may not be part of his character

  • Oh man, that second Randall line absolutely slayed me! By that point I was just saddened that the mini series wasn't just centered around the shit he comes out with.

    Deltino posted: »

    If you tell Norma that you hurt Randall in episode 2 (or told him he shot an innocent man or any of the other options for that matter), she'

  • I live near Alexandria, so when I first saw the comics were there I flipped out.

    Haha, I live in Virginia as well! High five!

  • I'd rather eat shit out of a dead dog's ass.

    Do you have a clip of this? I need to hear it.

    Deltino posted: »

    If you tell Norma that you hurt Randall in episode 2 (or told him he shot an innocent man or any of the other options for that matter), she'

  • It's not uncommon for developers to model characters after their voice actors so it's possible that they based Sams design on her VA.

    eRock92 posted: »

    Sam looks a bit like her voice actress, Devery Jacobs (or her full name Kawennáhere Devery Jacobs). I'm not saying that because they are bo

  • Randall is definitely one of the best written heels/villains. You love to hate him.

    Deltino posted: »

    If you tell Norma that you hurt Randall in episode 2 (or told him he shot an innocent man or any of the other options for that matter), she'

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    Randall DLC

    someone fund it

    Oh man, that second Randall line absolutely slayed me! By that point I was just saddened that the mini series wasn't just centered around the shit he comes out with.

  • Christine Lakin, the voice of Jane, also potrayed Marisa Chase from Uncharted Golden Abyss, a PS Vita game.

  • Before the apocalypse, and possibly after she divorced Dominic and moved apartments, Michonne had a boyfriend called Mike. It is known that she used to see him as a hallucination after the outbreak occurred—not as one who haunts her on a daily basis, but rather, one who she can tell aloud about her problems and her current situation. She dropped talking to him when they reached the community of Alexandria, at least on-panel.

    You can learn more about Mike's life before the apocalypse here.

  • He was also one of her two pet zombies, his friend Terry was the other one.

    Before the apocalypse, and possibly after she divorced Dominic and moved apartments, Michonne had a boyfriend called Mike. It is known that

  • Yes, that is right! Michonne once said she thought Terry was stupid.

    He was also one of her two pet zombies, his friend Terry was the other one.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited May 2016

    Someone might have brought it up before, but Kenny was indeed meant to be the main villain of season 2 at one point during early development. The idea got scrapped, and it eventually turned into the character of Carver, although I suppose you could argue that they somewhat pushed Kenny's character in this direction during episode 5 as well. Gavin himself mentions this during a panel at a convention. Skip to 29:07:

    enter link description here

  • edited May 2016

    I don't know how many people are aware of this, but the outbreak in the TV show started in the summer of 2010, probably around mid July, as seen in this picture of Fear The Walking Dead:

    enter image description here

    More evidence is that it takes place after Hurricane Katrina, and that Louis has known Strand 'for years' (they met in 2005, shortly after Hurricane Katrina).

    The mid July date also coincides with the date you get in the game by counting back the dates on the tapes in Crawford, July 20. And since a member of Telltale staff confirmed not too long ago that the Michonne mini series takes place in 2005 (which takes place two years in), we get the following outbreak dates:

    Comic/Game universe: July 20, 2003

    TV Universe: Mid to Late July, 2010

    PS: I'm aware that the picture uses the American date system (August 7, 2010), but the outbreak might have occured before this date.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited May 2016

    So I was thinking about the gunfight in episode 3, and I just now noticed this small hole in the story

    So you have Norma's people trying to break into the house, right? Michonne holds the gate for a bit, then they finally push through. Then they try to hold the gate back against the walkers.

    But then there's this:

    enter image description here

    Where did this zombie even come from? It couldn't have gotten through the gate when Norma's people were pouring through, because there were people watching the gate, and they were still holding it when this zombie showed up. Did it somehow get through the back gate that Paige mentioned earlier, or is it just one of those good old plot zombies?


  • Back to everyone's favorite… drumroll… the determinant dialogue! Claps!

    To start easy, if Michonne previously told Norma over the walkie-talkie that Randall is fine, Norma will remind that to her that when they speak at the gate. Alternatively, if she was told that her brother killed an innocent man, Norma will apologize on Randall's behalf, showing genuine regret.

    The following exchange takes place if Michonne shows Randall to Norma before the remaining of her group and the crew of The Companion arrive at the frontis of the house. Note that Zachary needs to be alive for it to happen this exact way. It ends with Gabby making an uneasy but resigned expression.

    Norma: Safe and sound, just like I said. Now, give me Randall and we can go our separate ways.

    Gabby: You can't let her walk away! We're all homeless because of her!

    Zachary: Gabby, it wasn't her fault!

    Norma: That's enough. Now be quiet! Michonne, please… I just want my brother. Let's be done with this.

    This one happens if Norma hasn't been shown Randall and Zachary is alive. The result is an angrier Gabby who questions Norma's judgment.

    Norma: Safe and sound, just like I said. Now, I want to see my brother.

    Gabby: Why the hell are we standing here? We're all homeless because of her!

    Zachary: Gabby, stop!

    Gabby: They should be dead!

    Norma: That is not what we're here for. Now be quiet! My brother. Now!

    The next one will only happen if you showed Randall to Norma and let Sam kill Zachary. It ends with Jonas making an unsettled but understanding expression. It was also extremely hard to find, because virtually nobody on YouTube picked both choices required. Took about an hour.

    Norma: Safe and sound just like I said. Now, give me Randall and we can go our separate ways.

    Gabby: You can't let her walk away!

    Jonas: They burned our homes! Murdered Zachary!

    Norma: I know what we've lost! But we'll lose a lot more if we don't end this. Now be quiet! Michonne, please… I just want my brother. Let's be done with this.

    The last exchange occurs if you didn't show Randall to Norma, and allowed Sam to kill Zachary. Like, the two worst choices that make the trade more difficult. It ends with enraged Gabby and Jonas.

    Norma: Safe and sound, just like I said. Now, I want to see my brother.

    Jones: Who cares about Randall. These people murdered Zachary!

    Gabby: We're all homeless because of her!

    Jonas: Kill them, and be done with it!

    Norma: That is not what we're here for. Now be quiet! My brother. Now!

  • Melissa did an adult Clementine voice briefly 20 minutes in too! Too damn cool! I'm fangirling out over here!

    Deltino posted: »

    Someone might have brought it up before, but Kenny was indeed meant to be the main villain of season 2 at one point during early development

  • I have no idea, I mean it doesnt even have a purpose either, michonne just shoots it

    Deltino posted: »

    So I was thinking about the gunfight in episode 3, and I just now noticed this small hole in the story So you have Norma's people trying

  • There are several unused archives—I believe they are skins—for "Give No Shelter." This suggests that these ideas were developed in the writing room, but then scrapped off the game for some reason.

    • Somebody named Dave's texture.

    • A walker boy's texture.

    • A walker girl's texture.

    • Some undead old lady's texture.

    • James's texture with bites on the upper body.

    Credit goes to this post on the Other The Walking Dead Forum.

  • At the end of episode 3 of Michonne when everyone is walking away, they are walking like walkers

  • edited May 2016

    Not sure if that has been mentioned in this thread before but whatever:

    In The Walking Dead: Michonne, if you stayed with your daughters, then in the end, when we get a second view through the forest, the daughters are gone. If you left your daughters, when we get a second view through the forest, the daughters are still there and Michonne raises her hand to try to reach them. Just a small detail I noticed :P

    Edit: So finally, I took the screenshots.

    If you left your daughters:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    If you stayed with them:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • Does anyone have pictures of what the church in Amid the Ruins is supposed to look like? That's one of the few cut contents that I have yet to see, even though I've heard it's in the game files.

  • enter image description here
    enter image description here

    Does anyone have pictures of what the church in Amid the Ruins is supposed to look like? That's one of the few cut contents that I have yet to see, even though I've heard it's in the game files.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited May 2016

    It's worth noting that the church doesn't actually have its own textures. The textures in the second picture are just substitutes.

    Also, the model name for the church is ChurchSnowyRoad. SnowyRoad is the map that the shootout takes place in, which would imply it was supposed to be seen in the background, which goes with the final achievement for episode 4 (Beyond the Trees, with a picture of the church beyond some trees)

    Awesome, thanks!

  • Ugh, church located in "Downtown," why did you have to disappear!

    Here's where you look at the far left!

    Parker's Run map

    Deltino posted: »

    It's worth noting that the church doesn't actually have its own textures. The textures in the second picture are just substitutes. Also,

  • My theories about the church:

    • The church was the original location of the shootout (replaced by forest)
    • The church was the original location of Avro's hideout (replaced by half built house)

    Ugh, church located in "Downtown," why did you have to disappear! Here's where you look at the far left!

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited May 2016

    I wouldn't say this confirms that they cut down episodes 2 and 3 to meet a deadline like he says in his post. The only relatively major plot line that seems to have been removed was Rashid and Vanessa. As for the other ones:

    • Dave was likely a background character. Either related to Rashid and Vanessa, or an unused Monroe model.

    • The children and granny zombie models probably just never found a good use. I also have an inkling that the child zombies might be the corpses you see in episode 1 if you go through the window. Since a fair amount of the models in that scene are just cleaned up versions of existing zombie models, it's not too far-fetched, if you ask me. Of course, I haven't bothered looking at anything beyond the sound files for the miniseries yet, so I might be wrong about that.

    • Bitten James could mean there was a removed plot line, or it could just as easily mean nothing. Just because a model was made, doesn't necessarily mean it got used. It's not uncommon during the development process to take an idea far enough to make assets for it, and even to rig those assets up for use, only to scrap it before actual implementation. Things don't always make it onto the screen, so to speak. But that doesn't mean they can't make it into the files.

    There are several unused archives—I believe they are skins—for "Give No Shelter." This suggests that these ideas were developed in the writi

  • I kinda wish the Church was where the Kenny and Jane fight happened.

    eRock92 posted: »

    My theories about the church: * The church was the original location of the shootout (replaced by forest) * The church was the original location of Avro's hideout (replaced by half built house)

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