The Vent/Help Thread



  • Right on my friend. Haven't felt this ecstatic about someone in YEARS! As I previously said, here's hoping things work out ok. :)

    I know where you're coming from dude, I'm in the same situation now.

  • The upstairs neighbours made complaints about leaks and I had water coming through the chimney breast, now there is scaffolding and about 40 bags of cement in my garden. The roof must have been fucked, all of the tiles coming down are victorian or earlier looking.

  • edited May 2016

    Oh man, just one eye-contact can make your day, that's how string those feelings are. I more or less suck at all of this, because otherwise I would have done something, but just remember that you are not wasting your time. You like her for a reason and the worst thing you can do (speaking from the experience) is to always wait for her to make the first move. There are a lot of ways to indirectly be nicer to her than to anyone else, but man do I hate analyzing did they do x because they like me maybe.

    I know everyone here has experienced this, but crushes are very profound feelings. On one hand, I feel alive and motivated over the thought

  • Living in an apartment can be tough

    The upstairs neighbours made complaints about leaks and I had water coming through the chimney breast, now there is scaffolding and about 40

  • edited May 2016

    speaking from the experience, is to always wait for her to make the first move. There are a lot of ways to indirectly be nicer to her than to anyone else, but man do I hate analyzing did they do x because they like me maybe.

    enter image description here

    Phew thankfully I wasn't logged on friday to see this advice because I asked my only crush out on friday myself she said yes we had a date sunday to see Civl war and we kissed at the end ;)

    Girls are just as nervous as guys about being rejected and probably feel same way as poster towards you but to nervous to ask themselves :)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Oh man, just one eye-contact can make your day, that's how string those feelings are. I more or less suck at all of this, because otherwise

  • Im on the ground floor so its cool, I have my own garden and my current neighbours are ok. Plus I live in a "vibrant" area so I can have loud music playing whenever I want have parties and my dog can bark in the middle of the night without a single complaint.

    I like it here. The one thing I dont like is the secret basement I think there might be blitz victims down there.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Living in an apartment can be tough

  • edited May 2016

    You like her for a reason and the worst thing you can do, speaking from the experience, is to always wait for her to make the first move.

    You misread it.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    speaking from the experience, is to always wait for her to make the first move. There are a lot of ways to indirectly be nicer to her than t

  • The worst thing is when kids from upstairs decide to have a whole circus and jump and break things down :))

    living in an apartment surrounded from all sides = everyone knows you're yelling and fighting

    Im on the ground floor so its cool, I have my own garden and my current neighbours are ok. Plus I live in a "vibrant" area so I can have lou

  • edited May 2016

    I felt same earlier this week then took a risk

    enter image description here

    I know feel in my whole college only had one crush we were in two different classes and only played football together for the college and only talked twice for about a minute

    So wasn't even close friend before I asked

    On thursday I wanted to ask her out and she smiled at me and I just can't like everything in my brain shut down and said STOP I was so disappointed with myself I didn't go to gym that day just angry with myself all day.

    So I came up with idea if I can't say it to her I will write it in a letter and give it to her. I came in on my day off just to give her the letter, I waited till she was alone and gave it to her

    She said whats this. I shut down and stuttered so badly I just noded and left after few screeches of cinema

    All letter said was do you want to go cinema to see civil war? I will pay for everything. If you're busy it's ok and if you want to go just text me yes. I avoided all cringe it cause she rejects and shows all her friends XD

    She texted me later and was so excited for the date

    She dresses like tomboy in school yet on this date she came in beautiful dress and so much make up so adorable you could clearly see all work she out in to look nice for the date.

    She said she loved letter to because I didn't put her on the spot so when asking her out make sure not put her on the spot

    I was going to do long post about how date went if anyone wants to hear?

    In short though asking her out taking that risk was one of hardest moments in my life and one of the most rewarding. I decided I'd rather get rejected then look back in life wondering what if?

    enter image description here

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    enter image description here



    I know everyone here has experienced this, but crushes are very profound feelings. On one hand, I feel alive and motivated over the thought

  • I did you are correct just saw now and I apologize I have dyslexia sometimes I skim words by accident

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    You like her for a reason and the worst thing you can do, speaking from the experience, is to always wait for her to make the first move. You misread it.

  • Luckily there aren't any kids in the building, I used to live next to a family with kids it was awful I swear they would run and jump into my wall, it would actually bend in I was scared it would break. the upstairs guy threw a lit bunsen burner at someone and set the place on fire it was annoying at the time but im glad to be out of that shithole, it was across the street from a notorious nightclub so people would fight and fuck in the parking lot, pure human detritus.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    The worst thing is when kids from upstairs decide to have a whole circus and jump and break things down ) living in an apartment surrounded from all sides = everyone knows you're yelling and fighting

  • God, I hate charley horses. They're a real bitch.

  • wow that's pretty hardcore, a lot of things can happen with neighbours

    thankfully they have all grown up, omg finally

    Luckily there aren't any kids in the building, I used to live next to a family with kids it was awful I swear they would run and jump into

  • Ive heard the term but have no idea what it means, sounds old fashioned.

    God, I hate charley horses. They're a real bitch.

  • I am sorry too, I didn't word it the best way. :)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I did you are correct just saw now and I apologize I have dyslexia sometimes I skim words by accident

  • It's a growing pain in your leg, and it lasts for about 30 seconds or 1 minute.

    Ive heard the term but have no idea what it means, sounds old fashioned.

  • edited May 2016

    Just thinking about her makes my day. :)

    The only thing is that we live relatively far from each other, and we don't even go to the same school. As a matter of fact, she's still in high school while I'm in college. Now before anyone judges me, we're only 1 year apart so don't take me for one of those guys. She's about to graduate, and I'm still in my first year of college. She did come to my house before, but that's because her grandmother lived there as a tenant. She was the sweetest by the way.

    My only means of contacting her is through Facebook, and we only have small chats through there. What do you suggest that I do? Because i seriously don't want to just do that for the rest of my time.

    Worst thing you can do is wait for her to make the first move.

    That's what I intend to NOT do. I did that for my first crush, never got a damn chance.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Oh man, just one eye-contact can make your day, that's how string those feelings are. I more or less suck at all of this, because otherwise

  • edited May 2016

    I think I read that story of yours before. I'm fuckin' ecstatic for you bro! :)

    Let me tell you a little story. So one day, I visited her apartment for a memorial service. As I mentioned somewhere here before, i recently lost someone, and that someone was her grandmother. I don't want to talk about that anymore. Anyways, all I really wanted to was simply talk to her, but I was completely silent throughout. I was so nervous i couldn't even look at her. I felt like I made a bad impression already because I seemed like a douchebag. Then, I actually mustered up the courage to go into her room. No, its nothing like that I swear. There were other people in the room so it wasn't completely awkward. She said hi to me in the cutest fashion when i walked in. :)

    Anyways, she was playing this old Sega game on her TV, but the thing was I was completely FUCKING silent again! Awkward Daniel has come back! The worst part was I felt so ashamed that i couldn't even muster up the courage to say goodbye. That's my embarrassing story.

    I still have small chats with her on Facebook, and I even apologized about not saying bye. The thing is she called me "dude" so I guess that means no fucking chance for me anymore. What do you suggest I do?

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I felt same earlier this week then took a risk I know feel in my whole college only had one crush we were in two different classes an

  • I would like to give you advice but i'm the king of friendzones...

    I'm happy with everything right now I just hate being single! I would love to go on an vent on this but I don't want to risk looking like a complete idiot!

    But I digress, one thing I know just keep talking to this girl. Me and my first girlfriend were just mates and after talking alot it just grew into something else, even though we did break up.

    Also everyone gets awkward, I don't think anyone is as awkward with anyone as I am, I literally have no idea what to say to anyone anymore.

    I think I read that story of yours before. I'm fuckin' ecstatic for you bro! Let me tell you a little story. So one day, I visited her a

  • It's ok Jordan. I mean, you actually got to get intimate with someone!

    I never got to experience that.

    I would like to give you advice but i'm the king of friendzones... I'm happy with everything right now I just hate being single! I would

  • What I will add to that is, I may have got to be with someone, but since we broke up it's the wrong person. I just hope whenever this next person comes into my life it's the last person who will need too :)

    If you're still at school you are young. 1. You've got loads of time still. 2. Most people at school aren't that great tbh xD Feel like it's better after school as people are more mature. (not kids anymore) but then again alot of people are mature now at younger ages.

    Now I say I this I suppose it doesnt matter as long as you're happy. I feel old! and i'm only coming up 21 (23rd may)

    It's ok Jordan. I mean, you actually got to get intimate with someone! I never got to experience that.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited May 2016

    Sad day. Grandad passed away peacefully this morning. We can't really afford the plane ticket or pet-sitter, which means I can't go to the funeral, so that kinda blows. At least we'll have a memorial service some other time when the whole family gets together.

    Here's to 80 good years and 4 crappy ones.

  • I found it annoying when people kept saying sorry but there isn't much else to say... it sounds like his passing went as well as it could have so thats reassuring. Be prepared for weird dreams coming over the next few weeks.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Sad day. Grandad passed away peacefully this morning. We can't really afford the plane ticket or pet-sitter, which means I can't go to the

  • Ah, if you two only lived a bit closer, but hey it could have been worse.

    Oh so you have all already talked and knwo each other, that's amazing, kudos, kudos.

    Well now I'll try to say what I'd expect from you in her position. You are doubting whether she likes you or not, and some small hints might be there but you aren't gonna live off that. There's a high chance she is doing the same thing, analyzing everything you say. So it's time to finally shake things up. Since you two already know each other you should ask her " hey would you want to go with me to [insert some nice event here]?" and spend some time alone, face to face. Or you could ask her if she likes anyone, although that isn't exactly the brightest idea since if she already likes you she won't know what to say, because saying she likes someone may sounds as SOMEONE ELSE, aka not you. You're crushing on her hard so being nervous, laughing at her every joke, gazing into her beautiful eyes, wanting to spend more and mero time with her should make her think about it all a bit.

    So in conclusion, I personally think that making it obvious that you want to spend even more time together with her is the key. When you are in a group of friends but also she's there, try making her see that she is your priority. At least that's how I'd start suspecting that my crush likes me back. Sorry for the big rant here x).

    Just thinking about her makes my day. The only thing is that we live relatively far from each other, and we don't even go to the same sc

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited May 2016

    Thanks. It was a good death for both him and the family, if that makes any sense. It's not as though he was full of life one day and keeled over the next. There was no trauma, and I mostly dealt with the grief when we had to send him to the nursing home a couple years ago.

    He just had really, really shit timing. Chose finals week and two weeks after both my dad and I were laid off (from different jobs, no less). I don't really dream much, but I'll take it under advisement.

    I found it annoying when people kept saying sorry but there isn't much else to say... it sounds like his passing went as well as it could have so thats reassuring. Be prepared for weird dreams coming over the next few weeks.

  • May he rest in peace, he had a pretty long life, hopefully a good one.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Sad day. Grandad passed away peacefully this morning. We can't really afford the plane ticket or pet-sitter, which means I can't go to the


    Also "Why should man be sad? Man have lost someone who didn't love him. But she's lost someone who loved her." is top notch.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I felt same earlier this week then took a risk I know feel in my whole college only had one crush we were in two different classes an

  • Sounds stressful at the moment in your life, indulge in grandads favorite tipple and laugh about the silly shit. make sure you mention it to college or whatever you might get a extra 20mins for your test if your lucky.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Thanks. It was a good death for both him and the family, if that makes any sense. It's not as though he was full of life one day and keele

  • edited May 2016

    May he rest. He's in a better place, bruh. And sometime in the future, you all are gonna join them. PLZ don't take this the wrong way.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Sad day. Grandad passed away peacefully this morning. We can't really afford the plane ticket or pet-sitter, which means I can't go to the

  • May he rest in peace my friend I know what you are going through but keep on remembering the good times you had with him

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Thanks. It was a good death for both him and the family, if that makes any sense. It's not as though he was full of life one day and keele

  • Well It's about a 30 min drive, so it isn't as bad.

    I also forgot to mention that I've only been speaking to her recently, so I don't know a lot about her.

    Did you read the story I told Mark? I'm still not 100 percent confident, but I will most definitely try my God damned hardest.

    Much appreciated Marijaa :)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Ah, if you two only lived a bit closer, but hey it could have been worse. Oh so you have all already talked and knwo each other, that's a

  • A few girls started talking about my friend because of how she sneezed. Why can't people have lives?

  • Some people have weird sneezes though, she should have agreed and laughed along, I found school went easier when I wasn't hung up and started laughing at myself

    A few girls started talking about my friend because of how she sneezed. Why can't people have lives?

  • At least you don't have ti worry about making the very first move, aka send her a message. :)

    Yeah, I read it, always ready for new stuff lol. I am glad he worked it out, it couldn't be simple but the anxiety was worth it later on.

    I have faith in you, too much time soent in the dark can be exhausting and leads you nowhere. Most regrets are about what you did NOT do or say, so keep that in mind, it will help you. Good luck! Keep us informed if you want to. ;D

    Well It's about a 30 min drive, so it isn't as bad. I also forgot to mention that I've only been speaking to her recently, so I don't kno

  • edited May 2016

    Will do. :) I just hope we can be friends, if anything.

    Glad so many people here are very supportive. :)


    Too much time spent in the dark can be exhausting and leads to nowhere

    And YES. You are absolutely right man. The things that have been happening recently have motivated me to get the fuck out of there. I don't want to be in that position anymore, I simply want to change.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    At least you don't have ti worry about making the very first move, aka send her a message. Yeah, I read it, always ready for new stuff l

  • True. If someone made fun of my sneezes, I would propose a Weird Sneezes Contest. And they'd say, never mind, you'd win, and I'd say, YES, I'm a Winner!!!

    Alas, my sneezes aren't that interesting. Oh well.

    Some people have weird sneezes though, she should have agreed and laughed along, I found school went easier when I wasn't hung up and started laughing at myself

  • My kitten gave birth to kittens! But.. The ones we don't give away are gonna be put down... The nearest animal shelter costs $60 per kitten. I can't see why we'd kill them for that.

  • edited May 2016

    Well, I had a good chat with my crush again through Facebook today. I was going to ask her if she wanted to see Captain America, but when I brought up the film she said she didn't like The Avengers. So I guess that idea's out the window. The great thing is I don't even feel scared talking to her anymore. I only experience excitement. :)

  • thats a good thing i remeber when i had a girlfriend i was scared at first but through time you gain confidence keep talking to her and see what her likes are and try watching a film she likes befause the film you want to watch isnt going anywhere or you could watch it on dvd

    Well, I had a good chat with my crush again through Facebook today. I was going to ask her if she wanted to see Captain America, but when I

  • enter image description here

    Hard situation to analyse but I know from my experience it eats away at you. Haunting you everyday

    It will only get worse until you ask then you set free from this whatever the answer ur achieved something. Even if she rejects she will now see ur a guy interested in her so will notice you in different way from now on so down the road might change

    Just be prepared mentally prepared for both events if she accepts or rejects

    I say go for it and ask her out just try come up with a plan wait for her to be alone and don't put her on the spot I say private facebook messager fine and say it's ok if your busy to so she won't feel under pressure.

    Just be casual maybe awesome movie I want to see, I pay for everything, Do you want to come?

    I honestly think she will just believe and you will achieve good luck

    I think I read that story of yours before. I'm fuckin' ecstatic for you bro! Let me tell you a little story. So one day, I visited her a

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