I liked ur message but posted in wrong thread as something pissing you off when girls just want to feel prettier is harsh.
But in statement to say you prefer Women without is fine
I'll be honest when see head full of to much make up I think dayum wonder what face looks like under what;s she hiding
When without make up you can see what person actually looks like
That's why feel bad for guys with bad ache or ugly guys they can't just throw on make up and affects their chances of getting a girl
My GF never wears make up and she was my crush.
She wore make up on our first date and I won't lie she was adorable but wasn't the make up to me was the fact she went to all that effort in to look nice on the date
Personally I prefer without I rather see girls real face I think makes her stand out more make up just makes all girls look the same. Plus know what she looks like without really looks like
But saying that I don't mind girls with or without make up is fine
I liked ur message but posted in wrong thread as something pissing you off when girls just want to feel prettier is harsh.
But in stateme… morent to say you prefer Women without is fine
I'll be honest when see head full of to much make up I think dayum wonder what face looks like under what;s she hiding
When without make up you can see what person actually looks like
That's why feel bad for guys with bad ache or ugly guys they can't just throw on make up and affects their chances of getting a girl
My GF never wears make up and she was my crush.
She wore make up on our first date and I won't lie she was adorable but wasn't the make up to me was the fact she went to all that effort in to look nice on the date
Personally I prefer without I rather see girls real face I think makes her stand out more make up just makes all girls look the same. Plus know what she looks like without really looks like
But saying that I don't mind girls with or without make up is fine
I'll be honest when see head full of to much make up I think dayum wonder what face looks like under what;s she hiding
If you mean I wanna see what's underneath in the clothes way, that's not what I mean.
'' Their job is not to be somebody's role model so expecting each one of them (eg. Miley Cyrus) to behave "good" and that kind of stuff is dumb enough.''
I totally agree ! But there is still something to admire in their what they are naturally. The work they make, their music, their determination, their honesty... it goes on and depends of who we are talking about. Each celebrity is different, and like us, have flaws and qualities. Sometimes they have flaws we have and still manage to go far, wish lead us to look up to them and work on ourself.
It's pretty positive if we see it that way...
So you're adressing the extremist ones ( if I can call them that ). Those that fairly insulted Louis girlfriend because they believe that Harry is the one and only for Louis. Yes, I have been told. I have my ships in exo, and I have a friend who really like One direction and ship them. Still, like you, I don't think it's something to fight about. I will take your example. I know some people did insult Louis girlfriend and that's wrong, because it's in no way our business. If he likes Harry then so be it, if he likes someone else then so be it as well. I am not saying you're wrong by saying that, you're right. Fans can be so dumb it hurts sometime. That ''cut for Zayn'' story was out of proportion. I know very well a member leaving can be quite frustrating, still people just wanted him to go back to something he wasn't interested in anymore. What's the point ? Do you even really like him or what ? They also definitly wanted attention.
I am still happy to see people ''protect them'' though, it's important to do so. If you tell me you don't like X person work it's normal, but some people actually have an entire blog dedicated to insult someone because she is apparently ''to thin'', ''to ugly'', ''untalented'', ''a slt'', and it goes on. The real reason is in fact they cannot understand why X actually dated her...so they are salty. Those actually piss me off, but I won't discuss with them like I do with you because first, I won't be as polite, second, they won't even answer, they need attention, that's exactly what they want.
The fact is, it might give the celebrity reassurance to read people defending them, because they can hardly defend themself without getting even more hate after that. It might be one of the reason to go on. They start wanting to do music and liking what they do, but there is a lot of negativity that even if they knew about, can be out of control. They are human beings. Some get famous without even trying to be you know, just like you say, they like music, they like acting, they like sport, and BOOM they are famous. It doesn't mean they have the strength to deal with it entirely.
Worse, even those that wanted to be a celebrity, and knew about the hate, have a familly. And the familly didn't sign up for any of the sht they have to deal with.
'' Listen, I am not against any fans, fandoms or whatsoever, they should do whatever makes them happy without harming anyone else, but a lot of them straight up insult people who say something "bad" about their faves. They behave as if they know those people for real. ''
Yep, totally, some of them can exagerate and the fact they are in front of their computer make them believe they have the right to insult other people.
But what if the person insult the celebrity ? who's also a perso ? Are they anymore right ?
I don't know, if it's constructive criticism ( against the person or the celebrity ) then I have nothing against it. If it's insulting someone who just said that they didn't really like X music, then it's a big no for me. I mean that's what I have been saying. Those that like something can exagerate those that dislike something can exagerate as well. Just like you said, it's important to keep in mind that even though we care about them we don't know them personnally, therefore there's thing we should keep ourself to say to people who don't care about them.
I understand what you dislike about fans, those are things I happen to dislike about fans as well. I just feel like it's important to remember the good that comes with admiring someone celebrity or not, and why it's important to defend celebrities as long as some who expect them to be perfect keep insulting them ( causing depressions, eating disorders, suicide...of celebrities who may or may not have been aware of what they were going to deal with ).
No one is liked by everyone, same goes for celebrities, sometimes it is for stupid reason. I highly doubt they weren't aware of it when firs… moret starting their career. Singers are singers because they love to sing and love when people like their songs. Their job is not to be somebody's role model so expecting each one of them (eg. Miley Cyrus) to behave "good" and that kind of stuff is dumb enough.
Yes, I have/had people I admire but seeing people 'fight' for some ships (Harry Styles x Louis Tomlinson), fight for "the x fandom is stoopid", spend all their days talking about them on twitter isn't exactly the brightest.
Listen, I am not against any fans, fandoms or whatsoever, they should do whatever makes them happy without harming anyone else, but a lot of them straight up insult people who say something "bad" about their faves. They behave as if they know those people for real.
The fact people littary make discussions where A.Which just now pisses us off B.When there are threads you can literary discuss that shit.
Edit: What I mean is that when people make discussions which has been made tons of times and it's gotten to the point where other users are sick of them.
Women don't wear make up for themselves. Unless you mean they wear it to look better for others, and in turn this makes them feel better about themselves (impressions mean a lot). If you were on a deserted island, all alone, with all the make up you could ever use, would you continue applying your make up? I'd venture to say probably not.
I say as someone who wears make up for herself, I wear it when I go out so I feel better about me. Not to grab attention off girls or not be… morecause I want to hide myself, you can be confident without makeup of course, but a lot of women aren't.
And that can apply to every other woman really, yes you do get girls who only wear makeup to impress their crush, however you get girls who wear makeup for their own sakes. And it doesn't mean they are hiding their true beauty.
Edit: jesus christ that ended up a mess
Uh no, women can feel uncomfortable with themselves, even if they are not around others, I honestly couldn't give two fucks about what people think about me all I care about is how I feel comfortable, when I go out or hell even when I stay at home.
And yes we wouldn’t because if we was stranded alone on a island we would be shit scared about how are going to get out. No offense but that's a bad example.
Women don't wear make up for themselves. Unless you mean they wear it to look better for others, and in turn this makes them feel better abo… moreut themselves (impressions mean a lot). If you were on a deserted island, all alone, with all the make up you could ever use, would you continue applying your make up? I'd venture to say probably not.
The fact people littary make discussions where A.Which just now pisses us off B.When there are threads you can literary discuss that shit.
… more Edit: What I mean is that when people make discussions which has been made tons of times and it's gotten to the point where other users are sick of them.
I meant by discussions which have been made tons of times and it's gotten to the point where a lot of users are sick of seeing them. I'll edit my comment now to point that out.
The A and B separations weren't really necessary and kind of muddle it up. I understand now though, that pisses me off too, half the threads made these days are really copies of older ones.
I meant by discussions which have been made tons of times and it's gotten to the point where a lot of users are sick of seeing them. I'll edit my comment now to point that out.
Actually it's a fine example. It illustrates what one finds worthwhile only in the presence of others. I'll add that while alone on the island you have all the food, water, shelter, and entertainment you would need in addition to a rescue date. I would still venture to say you would find putting on make up trivial, tedious, and unnecessary. At least until the day when the ship is docking.
Uh no, women can feel uncomfortable with themselves, even if they are not around others, I honestly couldn't give two fucks about what peopl… moree think about me all I care about is how I feel comfortable, when I go out or hell even when I stay at home.
And yes we wouldn’t because if we was stranded alone on a island we would be shit scared about how are going to get out. No offense but that's a bad example.
Well, here's my new list:
* Ship wars.
* Fallout 3 companions (except Fawkes, he's alright).
* My Ancient Greek professor.
* Spongeb… moreob Squarepants and Patrick.
* Every time when someone stays in my way for a long time.
* People that rage/scream in voice chat, especially in games. Cough CS:GO cough.
* The Minecraft: Story Mode Roleplaying thread.
Will probably add more later.
Well, here's my new list:
* Ship wars.
* Fallout 3 companions (except Fawkes, he's alright).
* My Ancient Greek professor.
* Spongeb… moreob Squarepants and Patrick.
* Every time when someone stays in my way for a long time.
* People that rage/scream in voice chat, especially in games. Cough CS:GO cough.
* The Minecraft: Story Mode Roleplaying thread.
Will probably add more later.
I've seen this infamous role-playing thread be referenced a thousand times, but I've never been able to even find it... and trust me, I've looked.
I've seen this infamous role-playing thread be referenced a thousand times, but I've never been able to even find it... and trust me, I've looked.
'' Their job is not to be somebody's role model so expecting each one of them (eg. Miley Cyrus) to behave "good" and that kind of stuff is d… moreumb enough.''
I totally agree ! But there is still something to admire in their what they are naturally. The work they make, their music, their determination, their honesty... it goes on and depends of who we are talking about. Each celebrity is different, and like us, have flaws and qualities. Sometimes they have flaws we have and still manage to go far, wish lead us to look up to them and work on ourself.
It's pretty positive if we see it that way...
So you're adressing the extremist ones ( if I can call them that ). Those that fairly insulted Louis girlfriend because they believe that Harry is the one and only for Louis. Yes, I have been told. I have my ships in exo, and I have a friend who really like One direction and ship them. Still, like you, I don't think it's something to fight about. I wi… [view original content]
What pisses me off, hmm......
* Attention hog type people: there's somebody for everybody, attention hogs serve to rob you of that some… morebody
* Copy paste game sequels: looking at you Call of Duty
* False friends: people who pretend to be friendly then backstab you at the drop of a hat
* Drama queens: just dramatic people in general
* @&$holes: the kind of person who hates and turns people on you for no reason
* Popular @&$holes: the kind of person who has lots of minions and will turns your friends on you
Well, here's my new list:
* Ship wars.
* Fallout 3 companions (except Fawkes, he's alright).
* My Ancient Greek professor.
* Spongeb… moreob Squarepants and Patrick.
* Every time when someone stays in my way for a long time.
* People that rage/scream in voice chat, especially in games. Cough CS:GO cough.
* The Minecraft: Story Mode Roleplaying thread.
Will probably add more later.
''A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles. Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars. '' - Christopher Reeve.
If you do not admire hard work, perseverance, creativity, patience and for some of them audacity and confidence, well I do ( i am lacking in most of those ). Each of them are different from one another, so I'll have a hard time clarifying why I admire ''kpop idols'' in general, each of them, like us, have their flaws as well.
You can in college
I liked ur message but posted in wrong thread as something pissing you off when girls just want to feel prettier is harsh.
But in statement to say you prefer Women without is fine
I'll be honest when see head full of to much make up I think dayum wonder what face looks like under what;s she hiding
When without make up you can see what person actually looks like
That's why feel bad for guys with bad ache or ugly guys they can't just throw on make up and affects their chances of getting a girl
My GF never wears make up and she was my crush.
She wore make up on our first date and I won't lie she was adorable but wasn't the make up to me was the fact she went to all that effort in to look nice on the date
Personally I prefer without I rather see girls real face I think makes her stand out more make up just makes all girls look the same. Plus know what she looks like without really looks like
But saying that I don't mind girls with or without make up is fine
If you mean I wanna see what's underneath in the clothes way, that's not what I mean.
I mean on the face :P
Oh okay :P
'' Their job is not to be somebody's role model so expecting each one of them (eg. Miley Cyrus) to behave "good" and that kind of stuff is dumb enough.''
I totally agree ! But there is still something to admire in their what they are naturally. The work they make, their music, their determination, their honesty... it goes on and depends of who we are talking about. Each celebrity is different, and like us, have flaws and qualities. Sometimes they have flaws we have and still manage to go far, wish lead us to look up to them and work on ourself.
It's pretty positive if we see it that way...
So you're adressing the extremist ones ( if I can call them that ). Those that fairly insulted Louis girlfriend because they believe that Harry is the one and only for Louis. Yes, I have been told. I have my ships in exo, and I have a friend who really like One direction and ship them. Still, like you, I don't think it's something to fight about. I will take your example. I know some people did insult Louis girlfriend and that's wrong, because it's in no way our business. If he likes Harry then so be it, if he likes someone else then so be it as well. I am not saying you're wrong by saying that, you're right. Fans can be so dumb it hurts sometime. That ''cut for Zayn'' story was out of proportion. I know very well a member leaving can be quite frustrating, still people just wanted him to go back to something he wasn't interested in anymore. What's the point ? Do you even really like him or what ? They also definitly wanted attention.
I am still happy to see people ''protect them'' though, it's important to do so. If you tell me you don't like X person work it's normal, but some people actually have an entire blog dedicated to insult someone because she is apparently ''to thin'', ''to ugly'', ''untalented'', ''a slt'', and it goes on. The real reason is in fact they cannot understand why X actually dated her...so they are salty. Those actually piss me off, but I won't discuss with them like I do with you because first, I won't be as polite, second, they won't even answer, they need attention, that's exactly what they want.
The fact is, it might give the celebrity reassurance to read people defending them, because they can hardly defend themself without getting even more hate after that. It might be one of the reason to go on. They start wanting to do music and liking what they do, but there is a lot of negativity that even if they knew about, can be out of control. They are human beings. Some get famous without even trying to be you know, just like you say, they like music, they like acting, they like sport, and BOOM they are famous. It doesn't mean they have the strength to deal with it entirely.
Worse, even those that wanted to be a celebrity, and knew about the hate, have a familly. And the familly didn't sign up for any of the sht they have to deal with.
'' Listen, I am not against any fans, fandoms or whatsoever, they should do whatever makes them happy without harming anyone else, but a lot of them straight up insult people who say something "bad" about their faves. They behave as if they know those people for real. ''
Yep, totally, some of them can exagerate and the fact they are in front of their computer make them believe they have the right to insult other people.
But what if the person insult the celebrity ? who's also a perso ? Are they anymore right ?
I don't know, if it's constructive criticism ( against the person or the celebrity ) then I have nothing against it. If it's insulting someone who just said that they didn't really like X music, then it's a big no for me. I mean that's what I have been saying. Those that like something can exagerate those that dislike something can exagerate as well. Just like you said, it's important to keep in mind that even though we care about them we don't know them personnally, therefore there's thing we should keep ourself to say to people who don't care about them.
I understand what you dislike about fans, those are things I happen to dislike about fans as well. I just feel like it's important to remember the good that comes with admiring someone celebrity or not, and why it's important to defend celebrities as long as some who expect them to be perfect keep insulting them ( causing depressions, eating disorders, suicide...of celebrities who may or may not have been aware of what they were going to deal with ).
The fact people littary make discussions where A.Which just now pisses us off B.When there are threads you can literary discuss that shit.
Edit: What I mean is that when people make discussions which has been made tons of times and it's gotten to the point where other users are sick of them.
Women don't wear make up for themselves. Unless you mean they wear it to look better for others, and in turn this makes them feel better about themselves (impressions mean a lot). If you were on a deserted island, all alone, with all the make up you could ever use, would you continue applying your make up? I'd venture to say probably not.
Well, here's my new list:
Will probably add more later.
Uh no, women can feel uncomfortable with themselves, even if they are not around others, I honestly couldn't give two fucks about what people think about me all I care about is how I feel comfortable, when I go out or hell even when I stay at home.
And yes we wouldn’t because if we was stranded alone on a island we would be shit scared about how are going to get out. No offense but that's a bad example.
Uh that seems a bit poorly worded. What you mean to say is that you're pissed off by people that make discussions that piss you off?
I meant by discussions which have been made tons of times and it's gotten to the point where a lot of users are sick of seeing them. I'll edit my comment now to point that out.
The A and B separations weren't really necessary and kind of muddle it up. I understand now though, that pisses me off too, half the threads made these days are really copies of older ones.
Actually it's a fine example. It illustrates what one finds worthwhile only in the presence of others. I'll add that while alone on the island you have all the food, water, shelter, and entertainment you would need in addition to a rescue date. I would still venture to say you would find putting on make up trivial, tedious, and unnecessary. At least until the day when the ship is docking.
I would raise a complaint, but you're a genius.
And arguing with you would be pointless.
First off, I didn't even know this show was still on. Secondly, WHAT...THE FUCK...WAS THAT!
You're not my friend anymore
I've seen this infamous role-playing thread be referenced a thousand times, but I've never been able to even find it... and trust me, I've looked.
LINK, PLS!
It's like you're suicidal.
Have fun
What happened to The Fairy odd parents? That show use to be hilarious and real good. Then it got revived...
The Fact that I am still alive.
Yeah, you'd waste your time with that. :^)
I can live with it. ^_^
Ripperoni pepperoni.
Mom, love me plz
What pisses me off, hmm......
Same tbh
Gwynevere being an illusion!
That's me in a nutshell! jkjk
2nd amendment
Charon is a beast with that shotgun though...
''A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles. Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars. '' - Christopher Reeve.
If you do not admire hard work, perseverance, creativity, patience and for some of them audacity and confidence, well I do ( i am lacking in most of those ). Each of them are different from one another, so I'll have a hard time clarifying why I admire ''kpop idols'' in general, each of them, like us, have their flaws as well.
The season Spring.
I feel you.