Should I buy this game?

Hello all.

I've been a fan of telltale since the walking dead season 1. I bought and loved TWAU, GOT and TFTBL. I watched part of a let's play for this game and it seemed interesting but I was never sure about it. The extended season (plus the opportunity to binge a ton of episodes) is making me reconsider.

Is this similar in style and quality to Telltale's other games? Any gripes, complements or general comments / recommendations are hugely appreciated.


  • Episode 1 isn't the best 1st episode that Telltale has done but that's just my opinion. By episode 3 the story starts to get better. Episode 5 is, by far, the best episode of MCSM for the jokes and a (kind of) lighthearted plot-line. The voice acting is epic and overall I think you'd like it! :3

  • Thanks!

    AngelicTea posted: »

    Episode 1 isn't the best 1st episode that Telltale has done but that's just my opinion. By episode 3 the story starts to get better. Episode

  • edited May 2016

    i'll be honest with you, I was one of those who hated the fact that telltale will waste resources on minecraft instead of wolf among us season 2, I bout the game on sale and really liked it surprisingly! its a game for the family, so don't expect gore and some heavy storylines.. just expect some adventure and really well made dialogue that cater to both adults and kids! now... I recommend buying it on sale only because if you have the source material which is minecraft, you can see that it offers More content and freedom than what MCSM have.. and that's my only reason, but I get why it was priced the way it does, so its up to you to decide :)

  • Episode 3 was by far the most serious and darkest episode. (Other than Soren song.)
    Episode 2 ending was dark and mysterious.
    Episode 1 was the introduction, few betrayals and reveales.
    Episode 4 was fine, didn't like how childish it was.
    Episode 5 was great, especially if you choose to save Ivor instead of Milo.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I'll say that I thought MCSM was pretty good at the start, not better than a lot of Telltale games, just kind of in the middle, but once the first story arc wraps up (after episode 4) it gets a lot better with a much tighter cast and a (IMO) more interesting plot.

  • I don't feel the word ''dark'' would describe MCSM, nothing dark about it. mysterious? Yes. I would say that adult and kids will enjoy this equally

    Episode 3 was by far the most serious and darkest episode. (Other than Soren song.) Episode 2 ending was dark and mysterious. Episode 1 wa

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