Ep 6 Waiting Thread - Ep Releasing Jun 7th PC/Mac/Xbox One/360/PSN NA/iOS, Jun 8th PS4 Eu



  • I think that if they don't, a large group of people will make pointless threads that say 'Bring them back' or something. We will probably not see them until Episode 8, or will get mentions of them.

    Cuwwa posted: »

    I do. How would they get there? Unless they followed them when they realised they were missing

  • I never would have guessed. :P

    My predictions: 6- The gang go through a portal 7- The gang go through a portal 8- The gang go through a portal

  • Episode 6, 7 and 8 achievements are out.

  • Where? Can you link them.

    Episode 6, 7 and 8 achievements are out.

  • Just checked all four websites that I use for info on achievements, and they aren't on any of them. Please... just don't spread lies.

    Episode 6, 7 and 8 achievements are out.

  • For PlayStation 4, I'm not kidding.

    Just checked all four websites that I use for info on achievements, and they aren't on any of them. Please... just don't spread lies.

  • and for PlayStation 4, I'm not lying.

    For PlayStation 4, I'm not kidding.

  • The achivements i saw..

    Cuwwa posted: »

    Did anything change? I'm starting to wonder if they're going to update the episode slide to one related to the episode like they did with episode 5

  • for PS4 it is. i Had an update and i saw them but i don't know to make a screenshoot on ps4.

    and for PlayStation 4, I'm not lying.

  • so close yet so far

  • Could you just type the achievements out? I'd really like to see them :3 Because, you know, predictions.... XD

    SCHLIRi posted: »

    for PS4 it is. i Had an update and i saw them but i don't know to make a screenshoot on ps4.

  • idk i don't want to give you spoilers.

    AngelicTea posted: »

    Could you just type the achievements out? I'd really like to see them Because, you know, predictions.... XD

  • edited May 2016

    Put a spoiler on it ^^

    SCHLIRi posted: »

    idk i don't want to give you spoilers.

  • XD

    If this image is gonna happen NOTICE REUBEN PEEKING

  • Can you type it please with spoiler tag

    SCHLIRi posted: »

    The achivements i saw..

  • Hey guys it true i got minecraft story mode ps4 update 1.7,today and it inclued fixes and achievements for episode 6,7,8 and oh boy...they have really good names.i think one of the best telltale achievements :)


    Hey guys it true i got minecraft story mode ps4 update 1.7,today and it inclued fixes and achievements for episode 6,7,8 and oh boy...they have really good names.i think one of the best telltale achievements

  • Achievments on PS4, various updates on SteamDB, E3 in 14th June. I think it's pretty safe to assume we are getting this episode on the 7th.

  • lol,too long..xD

    ASaltLick posted: »


  • edited May 2016

    I mean I guess that's a possibility, but I wouldn't get any hopes up. The 21st seems more realistic, Telltale doesn't really release episodes so early in the month.

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    Achievments on PS4, various updates on SteamDB, E3 in 14th June. I think it's pretty safe to assume we are getting this episode on the 7th.

  • So basically what you're saying is you don't know them

    SCHLIRi posted: »

    idk i don't want to give you spoilers.

  • edited May 2016


    lol,too long..xD

  • Guys the achievements clearly aren't out for ps4. They say its too long, it just means they arent there. If they were there, then they would ATLEAST tell us episode 6 achievements lol

  • 3 people have said they saw them, so I'm inclined to believe them.

    ASaltLick posted: »

    Guys the achievements clearly aren't out for ps4. They say its too long, it just means they arent there. If they were there, then they would ATLEAST tell us episode 6 achievements lol

  • But why won't they write them? 'too long' 'dont want to spoil' although we're screaming for them. Mimo is taking their word, so its actually 2*

    3 people have said they saw them, so I'm inclined to believe them.

  • edited May 2016

    Yes, it's true I see them:

    EP6 -

    • Invitation to die for
    • Mr. Sandman
    • Killer Instincts
    • The Science of deduction
    • From the Ashes
    • Elementary, my dear Jesse


    • Fighting words
    • Mining for trouble
    • Trust falling
    • Ghost in the machine
    • Breaking and entering
    • Offline mode


    • Let the games begin
    • Playing for keeps
    • Challenge: accepted
    • The most dangerous game
    • Gaming the system
    • To the victor go the spoils
  • edited May 2016

    Achievements that came up on the PS4

    Episode 6
    Invitation To Die For - Complete Chapter 1

    Mr. Sandman - Complete Chapter 2

    Killer Instincts - Complete Chapter 3

    The Science Of Deduction - Complete Chapter 4

    From The Ashes - Complete Chapter 5

    Elementary, My Dear Jesse - Complete Chapter 6

    Episode 7
    Fighting Words - Complete Chapter 1

    Mining For Trouble - Complete Chapter 2 (You get where im going with this so ill just write the names down from now on...)

    Trust Falling

    Ghost In The Machine

    Breaking And Entering

    Offline Mode

    Episode 8
    Let The Games Begin

    Playing For Keeps

    Challenge: Accepted

    The Most Dangerous Game

    Gaming The System

    To The Victor Go The Spoils

    And that's all there is! :)

  • I posted them for you! :)

    ASaltLick posted: »

    But why won't they write them? 'too long' 'dont want to spoil' although we're screaming for them. Mimo is taking their word, so its actually 2*

  • Man, we're good... within a few minutes of each other, we post trophies.

  • I tried to do it fast so no one beats me but dammit you got there first! xD

    AChicken posted: »

    Man, we're good... within a few minutes of each other, we post trophies.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited May 2016

    Episode 6 sounds like a mystery type of thing, definitely interested in that.

  • thanks for the guys that posted achievements.See people WE WERENT lying

  • edited May 2016

    Elementary my dear Jesse.

    this is the best telltale Archievement .

    I tried to do it fast so no one beats me but dammit you got there first! xD

  • From The Ashes sounds like a dead character is back? I doubt its Rueben, probably someone from the same episode the achievement is in.

    Hana-san posted: »

    Elementary my dear Jesse. this is the best telltale Archievement .

  • No Problem :)

    thanks for the guys that posted achievements.See people WE WERENT lying

  • Oooooo I love these names, especially Episode 8's.

  • Not everything you type is a spoiler.

    Can you type it please with spoiler tag

  • Not as good as Wolf achievements.

  • Yes, some of those were pretty cool. I remember when I finished episode 1 and the trophy "A Light Snowfall" appeared, I said: "A-ha. I see what you did there... sigh Really? Really game? Why yu do dis to me?"

    Not as good as Wolf achievements.

  • At least all the achievement names make sense in Story Mode, though yeah, Wolf has some Really good ones, like episode 1 and 5's.

    Not as good as Wolf achievements.

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