R.I.P., Alan Young
He was the star of Mister Ed, DuckTales, The Curse of Monkey Island and many other TV shows, films, and video games as well. R.I.P.
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Fuck, this year everyone's dying.
Rest in peace Mr. Young. Thank you for all you did in the entertainment industry, making some of the best TV Shows. May you find happiness in the afterlife and my condolences to all those who cared about him
God. Fucking. Dammit.
Another. Fucking. Casualty. Of. Fucking. 2016.
When. The. Fuck. Is. This. Shit. Going. To. End.
There aren't actually more celebrity deaths this year than there were last year per month, it's pretty even.
I guess it's just big names dying.
Heart-liver-and-kidneys-boiled-in-the-belly-of-the-animal mcmutton