Well, Season 2 did only show about a week of her life after being separated from Christa. Her lack of personality is reasonable after what she's gone through, losing basically everyone she cared about.
I don't know what the hell everyone thinks about Clementine.
She now has the personality of a brick and is no different from any other ra… morendom 'badass zombie-killing' video game protagonist. I can't fathom how many people would stop playing the series without her in it.
Bitch means you don't care about nobody, get innocent people killed on purpose and blame everyone on everything YOU have done. Selfish means the same thing, you don't care about nobody, manipulate people to kill innocent people and make people to forget all the shit actions YOU have done. Let me show you who are the best fit for these words:
Jane cares about Clementine, Luke and she cared about Jaime the most. Chloe cared about her dad and Rachel the most.
Which innocent people did these two get killed on purpose? The only person Chloe can kill is Frank and whether he's innocent is arguable. Jane kills Troy and Vitali, again, whether they are innocent is arguable.
Although I do agree that Jane was manipulative towards a few characters and Chloe could be manipulative towards David.
Also the definition for 'bitch' is not the same as 'selfish'.
Sarah is so underrated and you and other people blame her on many things she never has done.
How come you all hate her for screaming arou… morend the escape situation when her dad just died in front of her? She was never the one who had this idea to walk through a herd of walkers, this was all on Kenny and Jane. Like it or not, that was the worst plan ever in my opinion. I would have chosen to stay in Carver's place until it got clear outside. Also why the hell would you expect a little girl to not react to a death of her parent in front of her? Clementine would have done the same if her parents died in front of her.
How come you all hate her for getting Reggie killed, the most pointless, useless and careless character in Season 2? Reggie died of his own stupidity, like a coward, and lied about his loss of his left arm. Why do people care about him? You tell me..
that stupid bitch and her selfish actions all the time.
Can you e… [view original content]
I'll probably get some hate for this but here I go:
NOTE: I actually like all of these characters(to an extent) and I don't really think any character can be 'overrated' but these are the characters I personally wouldn't glorify as much as others. These are my own opinions. Also SPOILERS FOR THE WALKING DEAD GAME, UNTIL DAWN, LIFE IS STRANGE AND BATMAN VS SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE!!!!
Kenny - The Walking Dead Game Seasons One & Two
When I first saw Kenny in The Walking Dead Game, I did like him and I sided with him for the most part of Episode 1, he seemed like a character I'd want for Lee to be best friends with.
But moving in to Episode 2, I did still like him for the most part, until the Larry decision. I wanted to try and save Larry and even if he couldn't be saved, to me, it was worth trying at least and even if that meant he could have a short moment where he'd get to say goodbye to Lilly, it would be worth the effort... but Kenny just killed Larry, assuming he was dead and that he would turn. Don't get me wrong, he was thinking pretty rationally but he acted quickly without even letting Lee try to save him and killing Larry in front of Clementine and Lilly made me feel angrier towards Kenny, to me, it felt like it showed how quickly Kenny would turn on one of the members of his group and it reminded me of Hershel's warning about Kenny in Episode 1.
In Episode 3, I was less angry towards him and decided to give Kenny another chance, then the decision of whether to shoot the bitten girl came to play and I tried to at least kill all the walkers but Kenny stopped me midway and forced me to help him get medicine and use her as a distraction(I didn't want to kill her because I didn't have any right to, she wanted help and that didn't sound like asking to be put out of her misery, what made me mad at him again was how he left Lee struggling to get up when a cabinet fell on him and walkers were getting close to him, he practically left Lee for dead and that moment is when I felt like I'd have to be cautious around Kenny and he made me even angrier towards him when he told the whole group that "WE let a girl die to the medicine" despite Lee trying to kill the walkers only for Kenny to force him to stop. When the bandits raided the camp, Kenny tried to abandon Lilly, which didn't help in the trust department. After Lilly killed Carley, I was very angry towards her but I still didn't think I should leave her behind as I really felt sympathy towards her for the first three episodes and this decision of whether to leave Lilly or not is when I first felt that Kenny was a hypocrite. He called Lilly a murderer despite killing her father, Larry, not that long ago. Although the situations were different, the action was the same, both killing a group member out of an assumption. Then I found out Duck was bitten and I truly did feel sympathy towards Kenny at that moment but that quickly turned into irritation when Kenny would refuse to face the fact that Duck was bitten and at that point in time, there was nothing we could do. Don't get me wrong, I understood that he didn't want to face the facts that someone he loved was going to die but he put the group in danger by ignoring this(Duck can kill everyone on the train if Kenny doesn't stop the train). He easily kills Larry but has a difficult time just coming to terms with Duck's inevitable death, at least at that point he felt similarly to what Lilly felt, except this time, it wasn't someone he was surviving with who killed his son without hesitation.
In Episode 4, he just made the boat the entire survival plan, even if the group wanted to do otherwise, he wouldn't listen to other peoples' opinions and stuck with his own, he seemed stubborn to me at that point. Later on, when we meet Molly, he is intent on harming her, regardless of whether Lee tries to tell him not to attack or not. Then when Ben revealed the truth at Crawford at the worst possible moment, Kenny finally decided to tell everyone that there wouldn't be enough room on the boat and acting like he was the owner of the boat, he decided he didn't want Ben on the boat, basically stating that he called all the shots in this group, which I didn't like, at all. Ben does deserve some blame and Kenny's anger, although irrational, is understandable. He wants Lee to leave Ben to die, similar to how he wanted Lilly and Larry to be left to die and chooses not to at least try and understand why Ben did this and that it wasn't entirely Ben's fault(the bandits would have likely attacked regardless). But at least he did end up showing some sympathy towards Ben after.
In Episode 5 is when I truly felt that Kenny wasn't the best friend I hoped he'd be for Lee. After revealing the bite and wanting to look for Clementine, Kenny didn't want to help even after all Lee did for him, Duck and Katjaa but I did manage to convince him to come. Later on, though, I got angrier towards Kenny when he acknowledge the fact that Lee was infected, although it was the rational thing to do, he chose to ignore this when Duck was bitten but quickly feels uneasy when someone who isn't his family member could possibly turn but in the end, I felt he somewhat redeemed himself when he gave up his life for Ben... although I don't know why he didn't just shoot Ben and then climb up to the roof with Lee and close the gate behind him....
In Season 2, I'll try to keep this allot shorter(Sadly I failed)... I was actually really happy that Kenny was alive and back, heck, I even cried when and felt chills when I saw him again, it's still one of my favorite moments of Season Two actually. However, I didn't actually find myself disliking him in Episode 2 except for when I found out that Kenny can actually get Alvin killed because he just keeps shooting and doesn't surrender until either Clementine or Sarita are threatened to be killed. It was selfish of him to only stop shooting if someone he cared about was put in that situation.
In Episode 3, I felt that he did become allot more aggressive, basically disagreeing with what everyone else wanted to do and being overly aggressive towards Mike when they first met. He was a stubborn and irrational character but I can't say I hated him since he still looked out for Clementine although I didn't think it was necessary for him to spend so much time killing Carver.
In Episode 4, that's when my anger shifted, I actually went back and changed my decision with Sarita because I realized how cutting her arm off in the middle of a horde without any medical supplies(especially since Carlos died) would be pretty stupid. So I decided not to cut her arm off but instead kill the walker and then Kenny, Mike and Sarita all left Clementine behind , at least she had Rebecca and Jane to help her escape. Then, Kenny blamed Clementine for what happened to Sarita, I got really mad at him at this point, blaming me for what happened to Sarita... why didn't Kenny or Mike actually cut her arm off as soon as they escape the walker horde? I did still feel sympathy towards him and was happy when I saw him with AJ. However, Kenny basically tried to be AJ's caretaker even when Rebecca didn't want him to, it might have been a gesture of kindness but it was a bit creepy and he gets mad at Clementine again if she doesn't want to leave the observation deck straight away.
In Episode 5 is when I really got mad at him, throughout the whole episode Kenny was physically abusing Arvo without any actual reason to, he was defenseless and already injured but Kenny continued to beat him down. He also continued not to listen to anyone else's opinions, everyone wanted to go to Howe's and I wanted to as well(although going to Mexico for a taco sounded nice) but Kenny chose not to listen to anyone else's opinion causing Mike and determinantly Bonnie to leave with Arvo. Then he started a pointless argument with Jane, attacking her personally before she decided to retaliate(they're both to blame for the argument imo) and acting like a dictator for the entirety of the episode. I still don't see why they didn't all go to the town like originally planned. Anyways, then Jane manipulated Kenny and Clementine into thinking the baby was gone(although I personally realized what she was trying to do before Clementine or Kenny did it seems). It was wrong of Jane to do but her point was proven in my eyes. Kenny attacked Jane as soon as she put her weapon away, not asking for an explanation but just jumping at her out of an assumption(like he did pretty often in Season One). I didn't want to kill Kenny at this point but I didn't want him to keep going down that road, Jane instilled hope in me at the beginning of the episode that I could maybe get Kenny to be a nicer individual but I feel like that is only achieved when Kenny chooses. I shot Kenny and I cried doing so, I didn't want to kill him but I personally felt that Jane was right about him. He seemed like a danger to those around him and sometimes even to himself and I personally don't think that letting Clementine and AJ go into Wellington without him redeems him of his past actions. Also, I have to say that I felt that Kenny's Ending in Season Two was a bit melodramatic, even Edith comments on their emotional moment making it feel like TTG was trying to force me into feeling sad during this moment... they did succeed xD
Ashley - Until Dawn
Here is another character I thought I'd end up loving when I first saw her in the game but as the game progressed I did like her more and more but I did end up disliking her the first time nearer to the end. Her honesty drops when she attempts to show sympathy towards Hannah and Beth, which speaks volumes that she doesn't actually feel that sorry for their deaths, not to mention that she participated in the prank that inadvertently caused Hannah and Beth's death. What really made me get mad at her is her hypocrisy. When Chris has to make a choice between saving Ashley or Josh and he chooses Ashley and then later on when Chris has to make a decision of whether to shoot himself or Ashley and she tells Chris to shoot her, when he does, she gets mad at him and later on even locks him out of the house and lets him die, lying to Mike about what happened. Later on, when Emily has been scratched by a Wendigo, she keeps saying that Emily will turn into one of them and practically sides with Mike in shooting her. She almost gets Emily killed out of an assumption and can get Chris killed if he shoots her even if she asks him too. Not to mention that she can be quite bitchy at the end.
Chloe Price - Life Is Strange
To be honest, I did like Chloe overall but I didn't like her rebellious attitude and selfishness. In Episode 1, she tries to blame Max for the weed in her room, which can end up getting her into trouble later on in the game, she irresponsibly has illegal drugs and pins it on her friend whom she just saw for the first time in years.
In Episode 2, she gets pissed at Max for taking a phone call from Katie, it's understandable that she feels jealous that her former best friend seems to be choosing people over her but that doesn't make it somewhat irrational. She then persuades Max to use her power just to shoot stuff in a junkyard.
In Episode 3, she breaks into the school in an effort to attempt to find confidential evidence, again, it's understandable why she and Max does this but that doesn't make it responsible or legal. From this point they were acting as vigilantes, although that I personally felt that they kind of did the right thing taking justice into their own hands as the actual authorities didn't actually conduct investigations to help them. She did try to steal the money from the funds as an attempt to try and pay her debts for all the drugs she's bought. She tries to steal money that could be used for students with the disability to walk(I believe it was for students in wheelchairs?). Then she can use the gun to hurt Pompidou and Frank, even killing one of them(although it was in retaliation).
In Episode 4, she then takes Max with her and goes to the End of the World Party to confront Nathan and try to kill him herself, without deciding to show the evidence to the authorities.
In Episode 5 is the real biggie, when Chloe implies wants Max to save her over Arcadia Bay, although she did mostly show a want for Max to save everyone else over her, I can't really agree that she was 'selfish'. Overall I did like Chloe but I felt like her character was sometimes unreasonable, stubborn and got pissed at Max easily if she made a decision Chloe didn't agree with
Superman - DC Universe
I'm a fan of superheroes... but not incredibly overpowered ones. One of the biggest reasons why Batman is probably my overall favorite character in the DC Universe is that he fights with logic, he has weaknesses that he overcomes in clever ways and he doesn't always need super powers in order to defeat villains, he felt more relate-able as a character and that he could be beaten but the fact that he's almost always prepared and uses different methods to defeat different enemies made me feel like what he was doing was possible and thus, in ways, realistic. Watching Batman is the reason I love allot of characters like Green Arrow, Hawk-eye and Black Widow. But Superman, although I really do like him, I feel that he's too overpowered. He has so many abilities at his disposal that makes me feel like most of his fights with villains on Earth are dragged out when he can easily defeat them in a mere few seconds. I think he does have human characteristics, don't get me wrong, but he feels like a role model one could never measure up to. He's practically invincible, immortal and has some of the strongest and most useful powers a hero could have and having Kryptonite as really his only weakness makes me feel that his character isn't as interesting as I'd personally want him to be. He just feels too overpowered and I always feel like you can easily tell the outcome of all his battles, he uses his powers and defeats the enemy and whilst Batman does the same, he often uses different tactics to defeat different enemies and sometimes requires assistance from both heroes and villains.
One of the reasons I hate the modern day adaption of Superman is how he's killed innocents out of anger and in the movie, he practically dies twice but remains alive. Superman is practically the hero many people say is the strongest super hero of all time but that doesn't make him interesting, I personally think weaker characters are more interesting because of the constant struggle they have to go through in order to measure up to the big guys, the characters who don't always win most of the time but that's just my personal opinion.
Again, I don't hate or dislike any of these characters, at least not anymore, I actually like all of them.
Maybe he blames Chloe for the destruction of the town? Even though she obviously tells Max to choose the town over her, very manipulative and selfish am I right.
Bitch means you don't care about nobody, get innocent people killed on purpose and blame everyone on everything YOU have done. Selfish means… more the same thing, you don't care about nobody, manipulate people to kill innocent people and make people to forget all the shit actions YOU have done. Let me show you who are the best fit for these words:
Jane cares about Clementine, Luke and she cared about Jaime the most. Chloe cared about her dad and Rachel the most.
Which innocent people did these two get killed on purpose? The only person Chloe can kill is Frank and whether he's innocent is arguable. Jane kills Troy and Vitali, again, whether they are innocent is arguable.
Although I do agree that Jane was manipulative towards a few characters and Chloe could be manipulative towards David.
Also the definition for 'bitch' is not the same as 'selfish'.
Maybe he blames Chloe for the destruction of the town? Even though she obviously tells Max to choose the town over her, very manipulative and selfish am I right.
I'll probably get some hate for this but here I go:
NOTE: I actually like all of these characters(to an extent) and I don't really think … moreany character can be 'overrated' but these are the characters I personally wouldn't glorify as much as others. These are my own opinions. Also SPOILERS FOR THE WALKING DEAD GAME, UNTIL DAWN, LIFE IS STRANGE AND BATMAN VS SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE!!!!
Kenny - The Walking Dead Game Seasons One & Two
When I first saw Kenny in The Walking Dead Game, I did like him and I sided with him for the most part of Episode 1, he seemed like a character I'd want for Lee to be best friends with.
But moving in to Episode 2, I did still like him for the most part, until the Larry decision. I wanted to try and save Larry and even if he couldn't be saved, to me, it was worth trying at least and even if that meant he could have a short moment where he'd get to say goodbye to Lilly, it would be worth the effort...… [view original content]
Chloe unnecesary blames everyone especially Max for the change of her life. Her dad dying, Max being separated from her for 5 years, Rachel banging Frank etc. Was she right to do that?
Jane cares about Clementine, Luke and she cared about Jaime the most
Which innocent people did these two get killed on purpose?
I'm not calling killing but Chloe wanted Max to save the town, save her mom and David but when Max chooses to refuse, Chloe doesn't care anymore, they both drive through the town, watching the mess, dead people etc. They don't even search for any survivors, not even Chloe's parents. They just leave the town like selfish people.
Jane didn't kill anyone, she did get people killed.
Bitch means you don't care about nobody, get innocent people killed on purpose and blame everyone on everything YOU have done. Selfish means… more the same thing, you don't care about nobody, manipulate people to kill innocent people and make people to forget all the shit actions YOU have done. Let me show you who are the best fit for these words:
Jane cares about Clementine, Luke and she cared about Jaime the most. Chloe cared about her dad and Rachel the most.
Which innocent people did these two get killed on purpose? The only person Chloe can kill is Frank and whether he's innocent is arguable. Jane kills Troy and Vitali, again, whether they are innocent is arguable.
Although I do agree that Jane was manipulative towards a few characters and Chloe could be manipulative towards David.
Also the definition for 'bitch' is not the same as 'selfish'.
No but all these moments took an emotional toll on her character, her dad dies in a car crash and then her best friend leaves for 5 years and doesn't make her presence known to her in months and during the time her best friend was away made friends with Rachel, who she fell in love with and ended up lying to her about being with Frank. All these things did change Chloe, especially her dad's death as evident by the alternate timeline. She wasn't right to blame others for how her life changed but she still takes responsibility over what happened to her. In other words, blaming others was irrational for her to do but it was reasonable due to her emotional state.
Max makes the decision, so Chloe really isn't to blame for the aftermath of being chosen over Arcadia Bay, although it did seem very strange that she forgot the people she cared about and just came to terms with Max's decision so quickly and easily. Yeah, the Save Chloe Ending had some big flaws imo, I mean, Max herself forgetting all those friends she made in the past few days?
Jane killed Vitali. The people she got killed were either Troy so the group could escape Howe's and Jane wasn't the depending reason that allot of individuals died from Episode 4 and onward.
Chloe unnecesary blames everyone especially Max for the change of her life. Her dad dying, Max being separated from her for 5 years, Rachel … morebanging Frank etc. Was she right to do that?
Jane cares about Clementine, Luke and she cared about Jaime the most
Which innocent people did these two get killed on purpose?
I'm not calling killing but Chloe wanted Max to save the town, save her mom and David but when Max chooses to refuse, Chloe doesn't care anymore, they both drive through the town, watching the mess, dead people etc. They don't even search for any survivors, not even Chloe's parents. They just leave the town like selfish people.
Jane didn't kill anyone, she did get people killed.
Damian Wayne from Son of Batman. I don't know if a ton of people like him or not, but I couldn't fucking stand him. He was hot headed, obnoxious, self-absorbed, rude, and was nothing more than a bratty child who simply had the ability to fight. I wanted to slap him upside the head every time he opened his mouth. Honestly, I felt insulted that I was expected to sympathize with him.
Max Caufield and Chloe Price from Life is Strange: Max is just such a boring, unlikable, and unrelatable character. Seriously, I couldn't st… moreand playing as her and her monotone, drab, and dull inner monologue for more than 20 minutes, let alone deal with it for an entire game. Chloe, while Ashly Burch did an amazing job and she was an actually developed character, is one of my most hated characters from any form of media. She blames everyone else around her, including Max and her dad, when in reality, most of it is her fault, and she expects everyone to feel sympathy for her because of it. Sorry Chloe, that bullshit doesn't work on me, and it irritates me that so many people are like "Oh my God, I love Chloe because she's been though so much, give her a break, she's had a rough life," as if that's an excuse for her acting like a bitch across 5 episodes.
Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead show: Great character, don't get me wrong, but far fro… [view original content]
I think any character can become overated.
Characters that I think are overated - but that I liked nevertheless are:
Liara T'Soni - Ma… moress Effect Trolgy. She's a great character, but I would not say she's the best character in the series.
Indiana Jones. I like Indiana Jones - my favorites were Raiders Of The Lost Ark, and The Last Crusade.
The Dude - From the Big Lebowski.
Superman. Don't get me wrong Superman started it all but there are so many interesting characters out there. With alot more interesting characters and story arcs
When I first saw Kenny in The Walking Dead Game, I did like him and I sided with him for the most part of Episode 1, he seemed like a character I'd want for Lee to be best friends with.
But moving in to Episode 2, I did still like him for the most part, until the Larry decision. I wanted to try and save Larry and even if he couldn't be saved, to me, it was worth trying at least and even if that meant he could have a short moment where he'd get to say goodbye to Lilly, it would be worth the effort... but Kenny just killed Larry, assuming he was dead and that he would turn. Don't get me wrong, he was thinking pretty rationally but he acted quickly without even letting Lee try to save him and killing Larry in front of Clementine and Lilly made me feel angrier towards Kenny, to me, it felt like it showed how quickly Kenny would turn on one of the members of his group and it reminded me of Hershel's warning about Kenny in Episode 1.
i respect what you've said however I don't see how Kenny can be overrated? As for me, my first play-through i sided with him on almost everything, and i helped him stop Larry from potentially turning. I always said if i was in that meat locker with them i would be shitting myself worrying that Larry would turn. Kenny was terrified and he rushed into a decision. He could have waited to see if he could be revived but again it's a risk and given how quickly David/Travis turned, he made that sudden decision. I regretted not the choice itself but the choice of it happening in front of a Clem. So i agree there.
In Episode 3, I was less angry towards him and decided to give Kenny another chance, then the decision of whether to shoot the bitten girl came to play and I tried to at least kill all the walkers but Kenny stopped me midway and forced me to help him get medicine and use her as a distraction(I didn't want to kill her because I didn't have any right to, she wanted help and that didn't sound like asking to be put out of her misery,
The thing with the girl on the street, for me my mind was made up when she got bit. Sadly she couldn't be helped, i didn't like the idea but leaving her to the walkers would have bought us time to get the supplies. I was thinking of the entire group at that moment so i left her.
what made me mad at him again was how he left Lee struggling to get up when a cabinet fell on him and walkers were getting close to him, he practically left Lee for dead and that moment is when I felt like I'd have to be cautious around Kenny
It was actually a door but that's not important lol. As you know, that was determinant and he does help if the choice in the meat locker was different. It was shitty of him not to help in your game though, however, reason he did it is because he felt Lee put his life in danger in the meat locker by not helping so i guess it was his way of payback. Again I didn't like him doing this but understood his reasons for it and it's not like it was for no reason. It didn't happen in my play-through anyway.
and he made me even angrier towards him when he told the whole group that "WE let a girl die to the medicine" despite Lee trying to kill the walkers only for Kenny to force him to stop.
Yes but the programming here wouldn't have considered you trying to kill walkers first (would have been a nice touch if they had!) so the decision was programmed as you and Kenny letting her die but i see where you are coming from.
When the bandits raided the camp, Kenny tried to abandon Lilly, which didn't help in the trust department.
Yes now this was annoying when he said that. I didn't like Lilly but i was feeling sorry for her and how she was feeling losing her dad. She did save the group killing the first bandit leading to Carley/Doug to grab a gun and shoot the hostage takers. I would have given her the benefit of the doubt so i hold my hands up there, yes, this is something that annoyed me with Kenny. I have always said I didn't agree with him or like everything he said all the time.
After Lilly killed Carley, I was very angry towards her but I still didn't think I should leave her behind as I really felt sympathy towards her for the first three episodes and this decision of whether to leave Lilly or not is when I first felt that Kenny was a hypocrite.
He called Lilly a murderer despite killing her father, Larry, not that long ago. Although the situations were different, the action was the same, both killing a group member out of an assumption.
Again agreed. I think at that moment though i was to upset at losing Carley to even think about Kenny calling her a murderer and comparing the 2.
Then I found out Duck was bitten and I truly did feel sympathy towards Kenny at that moment but that quickly turned into irritation when Kenny would refuse to face the fact that Duck was bitten and at that point in time, there was nothing we could do. Don't get me wrong, I understood that he didn't want to face the facts that someone he loved was going to die but he put the group in danger by ignoring this(Duck can kill everyone on the train if Kenny doesn't stop the train).
You basically answered what i was going to reply this with. He refused to believe his son was going to die even though he did know it and I understood why he was behaving like this but your right, he was too distraught to consider that others was in danger. But i can forgive this.
Duck can kill everyone on the train if Kenny doesn't stop the train).
Haha in all honesty, i liked that DuckPocalypse easter egg but thought it was ridiculous that a little boy walker could kill Kat, Clem, Chuck and Ben before pulling Lee off the train to his death lol.
He easily kills Larry but has a difficult time just coming to terms with Duck's inevitable death, at least at that point he felt similarly to what Lilly felt, except this time, it wasn't someone he was surviving with who killed his son without hesitation.
Lee can ask Kenny in the meat locker "would you be able to do the hard thing if it was Kat or Duck" and obviously he can't to a loved one as he couldn't shoot his son without Lee's help. I wouldn't be angry with him for being able to easily kill another over a loved one. Of course it would be easier!
In Episode 4, he just made the boat the entire survival plan, even if the group wanted to do otherwise, he wouldn't listen to other peoples' opinions and stuck with his own, he seemed stubborn to me at that point.
Depends how you look at it. I liked the boat idea, i liked that he was determined to get everyone to safety and not just himself but yes he could have considered other options but I don't recall any rejections of the boat idea from the group until the moment the boat was stolen and Christa suggested the countryside.
Later on, when we meet Molly, he is intent on harming her, regardless of whether Lee tries to tell him not to attack or not.
Well that's debatable. He had virtually reached Molly at the time Lee speaks out thus not giving him the chance to stop. If he was a foot further away I'd probably agree with you. What i did find silly/annoying is if you choose the "Kenny get her" line, Molly doesn't even criticise Lee for saying it afterwards.
Then when Ben revealed the truth at Crawford at the worst possible moment, Kenny finally decided to tell everyone that there wouldn't be enough room on the boat and acting like he was the owner of the boat, he decided he didn't want Ben on the boat, basically stating that he called all the shots in this group, which I didn't like, at all.
Heat of the moment. He'd just found out Ben indirectly got his family killed. Not defending his actions here but him claiming he owned the boat so to speak is understandable to me given the fact it was his idea and he used to be a fishing captain of a boat and the fact he's the only one who understands about fixing boats and cars etc the same thing with taking ownership of the RV.
Ben does deserve some blame and Kenny's anger, although irrational, is understandable. He wants Lee to leave Ben to die, similar to how he wanted Lilly and Larry to be left to die and chooses not to at least try and understand why Ben did this and that it wasn't entirely Ben's fault(the bandits would have likely attacked regardless). But at least he did end up showing some sympathy towards Ben after.
Yes that has always been Kenny's problem. He doesn't always think things through but when he does or if someone makes him see reason, he realises from his or her POV and i personally think he regrets it. That's the thing with him. He can be an asshole at times but deep down he's a decent person and it proves that for what he did for Ben or Christa near the end of Ep5. So basically im agreeing with you again on what you said here.
In Episode 5 is when I truly felt that Kenny wasn't the best friend I hoped he'd be for Lee. After revealing the bite and wanting to look for Clementine, Kenny didn't want to help even after all Lee did for him, Duck and Katjaa but I did manage to convince him to come.
The thing is again its down to choice of how you sided with him or not. He came with me because I was always there for him but even if he didn't he goes with you no matter what after Lee returns from Vernon's place and seems dead set on helping anyway but from your POV i can understand why you got annoyed i guess.
Later on, though, I got angrier towards Kenny when he acknowledge the fact that Lee was infected, although it was the rational thing to do, he chose to ignore this when Duck was bitten but quickly feels uneasy when someone who isn't his family member could possibly turn
Maybe he learned from this after the whole Duck thing? Or given the fact they were trapped in a room which reminded him of the meat locker. He did actually say it felt like a Larry situation. Also again, someone you love that has been infected will always be different to anyone else so i do see it from his point of view.
but in the end, I felt he somewhat redeemed himself when he gave up his life for Ben... although I don't know why he didn't just shoot Ben and then climb up to the roof with Lee and close the gate behind him....
I always wondered why he didnt just shoot him and quickly leave with Lee too but i know it's because it was to show his sacrifice of him doing the right thing.
However, I didn't actually find myself disliking him in Episode 2 except for when I found out that Kenny can actually get Alvin killed because he just keeps shooting and doesn't surrender until either Clementine or Sarita are threatened to be killed.
I didn't dislike him for that because he wasn't intending for Alvin and Walter to die but he should have stopped shooting after Walter was shot but as we know its determinant and Alvin won't die if Clem intervenes.
It was selfish of him to only stop shooting if someone he cared about was put in that situation.
He shows regret about Alvin dying at the lodge after his indirect actions when he and Clem are talking in Episode 5 when she changes his bandage. Again this is Kenny all over. He does rash things sometimes and then feels bad about it later.
In Episode 3, I felt that he did become allot more aggressive, basically disagreeing with what everyone else wanted to do and being overly aggressive towards Mike when they first met.
I think if i was a prisoner being forced to work then i's feel the same way if im honest. Also you have to remember that he didn't really know anyone besides Clem and Sarita and he was taken away from the lodge where he seemed settled.
He was a stubborn and irrational character but I can't say I hated him since he still looked out for Clementine although I didn't think it was necessary for him to spend so much time killing Carver.
Then, Kenny blamed Clementine for what happened to Sarita, I got really mad at him at this point, blaming me for what happened to Sarita...
It was horrible and he shouldn't have done it. However, if you know Kenny like we all should, you'd know deep down he didn't mean it and all that was grief taking over. When he was being horrible it hurt but I knew he didn't mean it and that was proven in the following episode when he apologised about the way he acted towards it in which Clem can say "you don't have to apologise, I know you didn't really mean it". I was never really mad at him to be honest.
why didn't Kenny or Mike actually cut her arm off as soon as they escape the walker horde?
Probably down to lack of equipment or know she'd bleed out. Looking back i still find cutting Lee's arm off a miracle he didn't die from blood loss and god knows how he doesn't if you go alone!
I did still feel sympathy towards him and was happy when I saw him with AJ. However, Kenny basically tried to be AJ's caretaker even when Rebecca didn't want him to
Not saying your wrong but when did Rebecca actually say "I don't want you with AJ" or whatever?
it might have been a gesture of kindness but it was a bit creepy and he gets mad at Clementine again if she doesn't want to leave the observation deck straight away.
Guess I didn't see it that way but then again everyone has different opinions on that i suppose.
In Episode 5 is when I really got mad at him, throughout the whole episode Kenny was physically abusing Arvo without any actual reason to, he was defenseless and already injured but Kenny continued to beat him down.
It wasn't needed, we know that and I didn't like how they made Kenny into this abusive individual in Ep5 but honestly without sounding horrible here, I didn't care a damn about Arvo and I don't know why others (especially those that hate Kenny) liked Arvo anyway? He didn't deserve it though i agree but im not going to hate him for it especially given that it's possible he had suffered brain damage because he hadn't done anything so severe previously and you could also say he was still suffering from grief and Arvo was the one he took his frustration out on because he was the only person deemed a threat after what him and the other Russians had done.
He also continued not to listen to anyone else's opinions, everyone wanted to go to Howe's and I wanted to as well(although going to Mexico for a taco sounded nice) but Kenny chose not to listen to anyone else's opinion causing Mike and determinantly Bonnie to leave with Arvo.
Well again that's just Kenny and how he is. It was stubborn and irrational but his intentions were there because i feel he genuinely wanted to help everyone (more so for AJ) and he thinks he's doing the right thing when sometimes he's not and can be a problem but again i couldn't hate him.
Then he started a pointless argument with Jane, attacking her personally before she decided to retaliate(they're both to blame for the argument imo)
Well like you said, both were really to blame. Say he was the one who started it, then Jane carried it on so basically yes.
and acting like a dictator for the entirety of the episode. I still don't see why they didn't all go to the town like originally planned.
Couldn't agree more!
The last part you said I won't go into as I don't want to cause arguments about the same topic
I'll probably get some hate for this but here I go:
NOTE: I actually like all of these characters(to an extent) and I don't really think … moreany character can be 'overrated' but these are the characters I personally wouldn't glorify as much as others. These are my own opinions. Also SPOILERS FOR THE WALKING DEAD GAME, UNTIL DAWN, LIFE IS STRANGE AND BATMAN VS SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE!!!!
Kenny - The Walking Dead Game Seasons One & Two
When I first saw Kenny in The Walking Dead Game, I did like him and I sided with him for the most part of Episode 1, he seemed like a character I'd want for Lee to be best friends with.
But moving in to Episode 2, I did still like him for the most part, until the Larry decision. I wanted to try and save Larry and even if he couldn't be saved, to me, it was worth trying at least and even if that meant he could have a short moment where he'd get to say goodbye to Lilly, it would be worth the effort...… [view original content]
Well the thing is, I never said I thought he was overrated but he's just a character that I personally wouldn't glorify as much as some others seem to I like Kenny but just like most characters in games, I wouldn't give him the glory of calling him a hero but more of a mutual individual I guess?
Yeah, I understand that Kenny may have been angry at Lee but leaving him to die over a decision made about a couple of weeks ago? I don't see even the slightest bit of justification for Kenny leaving Lee under the door(thanks for correcting me btw xD I guess I need to play Season One again!) since regardless of what Lee decides to do, even if Lee doesn't blame Kenny(My Lee wasn't rude to him about it), Kenny always kills Larry. It's not like Lee knocked Kenny out and then tried to save Larry. Plus if Lee had died at this moment, how would Clementine and everyone else in the group who can care for Lee feel? It may be determinant but it shows what Kenny will do when people don't side with him and that's one of the reasons I didn't like him in the beginning of my first playthrough of Episode 3.
I would've liked to have killed all the Walkers instead of the choice being to kill Beatrice or to let her die and possibly turn, I mean, there's practically infinite ammo unless the plot demands it.
Yeah, turning into a Walker gave Duck some pretty powerful 'upgrades'
Before Lee and Kenny leave to find a boat at the docks(before meeting Molly), Christa suggests the idea of going elsewhere(I believe it was the countryside) but Kenny disagrees with it. If you disagree with Kenny, he pretty much says that he'll be leaving on the boat even if no one else wants to(which is understandable to be honest). But it didn't feel like he was listening to anyone else's ideas but his own at the time, he was persistent on getting the boat.
Still, Lee does shout to Kenny not to attack Molly but he does so anyway, we've seen Kenny quickly change his action when Lee loudly asks him to do so before(Episode 2 if you ask Kenny to grab his rifle). I do agree though, as much as Season One was great at reacting to dialogue, there were some points where it lacked.
That's the thing, he calls it 'his' not the groups', despite the fact that it was thanks to Clementine that they found the boat and thanks to a group effort that they found the fuel and battery(?) for the boat. Kenny may have been the only one who knew how to use the boat and repair it but Clementine found it in the first place and it was thanks to Lee and Molly that they got the battery for it. In other words, getting the boat and getting it ready entirely a team effort which is why I disliked how Kenny made himself the captain of the ship and practically stated that it belonged to him and only him, giving him the 'right' to choose who can be on it.
I guess to be fair, everyone did come with Lee, so Kenny being hesitant to come was more logical since their escape plan would be all on it's own, unprotected.
At least Kenny does show concern for Lee as a friend and gave him the choice of whether he'd like his arm off or not.
I always thought of Kenny perhaps actually crossing the sign with Lee and then helping him get up but carving a path for Lee and then having to run away after Lee gets to The Marsh House because the Walkers begin to swarm around him(I think he could've run past a horde of Walkers, Sarah, Kenny, determinantly Sarita, Mike, Luke and determinantly Nick do this in Season 2 Episode 4.
I think the fact that Alvin is threatened to be killed and Kenny continues to shoot regardless until either Clementine or Sarita are picked is what made me dislike what he did, Clementine having the ability to intervene doesn't excuse Kenny's recklessness at that moment, he knew full well that someone was going to die if he didn't stop shooting, third time's the charm I guess?
Whilst it was nice to know that Kenny still felt remorse(made him more humane), I didn't like how it wasn't until AJ was born and Rebecca died that Kenny felt remorseful about Alvin, although to be fair, he didn't really have any other moments he could show remorse(except for in Episode 3 if Alvin died in Episode 2, at least he seems to feel bad during the truck ride I suppose?).
Kenny was far from settling into the Ski Lodge, since he had plans of pretty much leaving in the morning with Sarita Although, I feel that Kenny was angrier due to the fact that he had to do what someone else said, he's not really used to being given orders or taking them :x Still doesn't excuse how he treated Mike, who was calm and rational even when he was being pinned to the wall by Kenny. Now that I think about it, Kenny had been pretty rude to Mike for the entire time they were together I feel.
I can't say I wasn't mad, he yelled at Clementine and blamed the death of Sarita(whether she is present or not) entirely on Clementine, I can understood how he feels losing someone and then being angry towards the closest person(since Clementine can be responsible for Sarita dying in the middle Walker horde by cutting her arm off). Still, after Kenny told Clementine "You think that just because you're a little girl you can just say sorry and everything will get better? Sorry doesn't mean shit" - well something along those lines, I didn't forget that and he already apologized to my Clementine in Episode 4 in the tent, I forgave him then and I forgave him again but I still remembered the quote. It didn't help that Kenny "says his peace" and turned a good circle of chatter into a downed one(if that makes sense?).
Lee got lucky... real lucky... although Mike and Kenny did have equipments(perhaps they could've lost it but I recall Mike and Kenny having weapons at the Memorial Site.
Kenny asks Rebecca if he can hold AJ twice I believe? Rebecca declines his offer twice. He was persistent in holding AJ, whether that was for Rebecca's sake or due to his new-found paternal affection towards AJ is pretty arguable
Some individuals may have liked Arvo for different reasons, from his appearance, his voice, his ethnicity, or due to how they felt sympathy towards him or some may have found him an interesting character? I can't really say since I don't really have that much of an opinion over Arvo, I did feel sympathetic towards him allot and still think how Kenny treated him was horrible of him, however, he shot Clementine and that really shocked me and made me mad at him, Mike and Bonnie. Kenny may have suffered brain damage, hard to tell since Carlos never checked him again and confirmed one or the other outcome, however, I personally don't find it uncharacteristic since he can be very aggressive and has taken his anger out on others before. One could say Kenny could sick of losing people and wanted to take his anger out on the closest cause of that I suppose, although I disagree, since Kenny did do something severe before - which was kill Larry with a Saltlick in front of Lee, Lilly and Clementine. I also disagree with Arvo being a threat, being defenseless and not having held a gun through the entire fight made him anything but a threat.
I don't agree with the excuse being 'that's just how he is', if he was truly looking out for the group, he'd at least take their opinions into consideration, which he doesn't do, even if it's Clementine he still disagrees regardless of what she says. His intent is going where he wants to, not where anyone else does. It felt to me that his main priority was AJ rather than everyone else, although even then it's arguable since the group knew Howe's had food for AJ and it wasn't that long a ride away to at least check and get provisions and then go back in search of Wellington. Everyone thinks they're doing the right thing, however, that's no excuse to create a dictatorship within a small group of individuals who each have an opinion.
As for the town, I wished they'd at least checked it on the way to Arvo's house.
When I first saw Kenny in The Walking Dead Game, I did like him and I sided with him for the most part of Episode 1, he seemed like a charac… moreter I'd want for Lee to be best friends with.
But moving in to Episode 2, I did still like him for the most part, until the Larry decision. I wanted to try and save Larry and even if he couldn't be saved, to me, it was worth trying at least and even if that meant he could have a short moment where he'd get to say goodbye to Lilly, it would be worth the effort... but Kenny just killed Larry, assuming he was dead and that he would turn. Don't get me wrong, he was thinking pretty rationally but he acted quickly without even letting Lee try to save him and killing Larry in front of Clementine and Lilly made me feel angrier towards Kenny, to me, it felt like it showed how quickly Kenny would turn on one of the members of his group and it reminded me of Hershel's warning about Kenny in Episode 1.
i r… [view original content]
To be honest, I think 'overrated' is another word for 'too popular', something some people often say when they justify their dislike towards a character/thing. e.g. "I don't like Frozen because it's become too popular" - Just an example, I happen to love the movie
Damian Wayne from Son of Batman. I don't know if a ton of people like him or not, but I couldn't fucking stand him. He was hot headed, obnox… moreious, self-absorbed, rude, and was nothing more than a bratty child who simply had the ability to fight. I wanted to slap him upside the head every time he opened his mouth. Honestly, I felt insulted that I was expected to sympathize with him.
Well the thing is, I never said I thought he was overrated but he's just a character that I personally wouldn't glorify as much as some others seem to I like Kenny but just like most characters in games, I wouldn't give him the glory of calling him a hero but more of a mutual individual I guess?
Oh ok it's just that it was in your list of overrated people and i was surprised lol.
Yeah, I understand that Kenny may have been angry at Lee but leaving him to die over a decision made about a couple of weeks ago?
This again isn't important but it was only 1 week ago lol but yeah that's understandable to be annoyed with him.
It may be determinant but it shows what Kenny will do when people don't side with him and that's one of the reasons I didn't like him in the beginning of my first playthrough of Episode 3.
I guess the very first time we play the game is the most important because that sets in stone for how you perceive someone then. In my case, Kenny was great most of the time in my opinion but if my first play-through was like yours then maybe i wouldn't be as fond of him, does that make sense? Even if you replay it with different choices, to me the first time we play is what keeps your opinion of a character i suppose. I guess some people change their minds though but I don't. It's like with Jane, i've replayed the game to see if my opinion of her will change but it won't and I don't really want it to lol.
I would've liked to have killed all the Walkers instead of the choice being to kill Beatrice or to let her die and possibly turn, I mean, there's practically infinite ammo unless the plot demands it.
Yeah they could have player around more with that scene to be fair.
Before Lee and Kenny leave to find a boat at the docks(before meeting Molly), Christa suggests the idea of going elsewhere(I believe it was the countryside) but Kenny disagrees with it.
Are you sure she said it then as well? Not saying your wrong but I don't remember but i know she definitely said that after the boat was stolen. Guess i'll replay it one time.
If you disagree with Kenny, he pretty much says that he'll be leaving on the boat even if no one else wants to(which is understandable to be honest). But it didn't feel like he was listening to anyone else's ideas but his own at the time, he was persistent on getting the boat.
This is what i said earlier that this is just how he is. I'm not saying it's nice how he behaves because it's not. He is stubborn and doesn't listen but his intentions are that he feels he's doing the best thing for them and doesn't want to listen to their idea's because he thinks their wrong. I get what you're saying. He can be hard to like or deal with, i get that.
Still, Lee does shout to Kenny not to attack Molly but he does so anyway, we've seen Kenny quickly change his action when Lee loudly asks him to do so before(Episode 2 if you ask Kenny to grab his rifle).
Like i said, he was virtually at Molly when he shouts and I don't feel he had the time to stop because Molly at that point was swinging round and knocking him on his ass! It was always programmed for this to happen the same as the action in episode 2 you mentioned. I don't think he would have continued to try and take down Molly if things were different
That's the thing, he calls it 'his' not the groups', despite the fact that it was thanks to Clementine that they found the boat and thanks to a group effort that they found the fuel and battery(?) for the boat.
When the boat is stolen, Kenny actually says words like "don't you realise WE had a boat? A BOAT!", don't remember the line exactly but at that moment he did say "we" as in the whole group.
Kenny may have been the only one who knew how to use the boat and repair it but Clementine found it in the first place and it was thanks to Lee and Molly that they got the battery for it. In other words, getting the boat and getting it ready entirely a team effort which is why I disliked how Kenny made himself the captain of the ship and practically stated that it belonged to him and only him, giving him the 'right' to choose who can be on it.
Maybe so, but i can understand his actions because having that ability to fix the boat, his generally idea of getting one in the first place is why he felt he should be taking command. Again im not saying it's right, but that's how he is. A jackass with good intentions.
I think the fact that Alvin is threatened to be killed and Kenny continues to shoot regardless until either Clementine or Sarita are picked is what made me dislike what he did,
Alvin lived in mine after Clem stopped him. Kenny sometimes needs someone to make him see reason when possible. Again it's one of those things that in your first play-through it cements how you see things and in my case rarely makes me change my mind after seeing other choices. Again it's not great what he did, it was stupid and reckless but the intention was with a good heart but had consequences. I don't hate him for trying to help. Maybe if Carver wasn't who he was then everything would obviously be different lol.
Clementine having the ability to intervene doesn't excuse Kenny's recklessness at that moment, he knew full well that someone was going to die if he didn't stop shooting, third time's the charm I guess?
And as i said, he regrets it later on when talking about Alvin. It wasn't smart, it's too late now, he knew he did wrong and i get that. All the same, he was trying to help the group but not taking into consideration the consequences in which he should have. Again that's just Kenny, not defending him here btw.
Kenny was far from settling into the Ski Lodge, since he had plans of pretty much leaving in the morning with Sarita
You missed my point. Being settled for a few weeks before the group arrived is what i meant and i believe he wasn't going to leave in the morning as he said "Clem you can stay here and they can leave in the morning". Yes he did plan on leaving but it wasn't specified as to when he was planning to leave.
Still doesn't excuse how he treated Mike, who was calm and rational even when he was being pinned to the wall by Kenny.
No it doesn't excuse it but as i said, being held prisoner and yes being told to do something by someone doesn't sit well with Kenny and we all know that.
Now that I think about it, Kenny had been pretty rude to Mike for the entire time they were together I feel.
Kenny as we know only trusted himself, Clementine and Sarita and found it very hard to trust people anymore but it does not excuse his rude behaviour towards Mike and others. I do look at things from another perspective though.
I can't say I wasn't mad, he yelled at Clementine and blamed the death of Sarita(whether she is present or not) entirely on Clementine, I can understood how he feels losing someone and then being angry towards the closest person(since Clementine can be responsible for Sarita dying in the middle Walker horde by cutting her arm off).
Oh trust me, i felt the same way. He shouldn't have done that and his convo later on after the herd annoyed me but as i said, i knew deep down he didn't really mean it and was just so angry/upset that he had to put the blame on someone to make himself feel better. It was horrible and wish he hadn't done that either but like i said, i think of the other reasons behind his actions and not just because he's a "bad" person as a lot of people here label him as (not saying you don't but i'm sure you get what i'm saying)
Still, after Kenny told Clementine "You think that just because you're a little girl you can just say sorry and everything will get better? Sorry doesn't mean shit" - well something along those lines, I didn't forget that and he already apologized to my Clementine in Episode 4 in the tent, I forgave him then and I forgave him again but I still remembered the quote.
It's ok, I'm not asking you to forget what he said lol.
It didn't help that Kenny "says his peace" and turned a good circle of chatter into a downed one (if that makes sense?).
Well actually I blame Arvo for turning a good circle of chatter into a downed one after screaming his head off when Mike got near him which then caused Kenny to say what he did but yes he didn't help things by saying it. I really loved that campfire scene by the way. It was nice seeing everyone have a civilised conversation. I was so hoping to have dialogue where Kenny and Clem could tell the group about some of the things they'd been through but alas it didn't happen. This was something really lacking in Season 2 to be honest. Hardly any reminiscing of Season 1.
Lee got lucky... real lucky... although Mike and Kenny did have equipments(perhaps they could've lost it but I recall Mike and Kenny having weapons at the Memorial Site.
I guess so. They may or may not have been quick enough to stop the infection from Sarita though.
Kenny asks Rebecca if he can hold AJ twice I believe? Rebecca declines his offer twice. He was persistent in holding AJ, whether that was for Rebecca's sake or due to his new-found paternal affection towards AJ is pretty arguable
Wow well I don't remember seeing that at all. I remember when he was born he had the baby in his arms and Rebecca asked him to give him to her in which he did. What scene did Kenny ask to hold him and she refused twice??
Kenny may have suffered brain damage, hard to tell since Carlos never checked him again and confirmed one or the other outcome, however, I personally don't find it uncharacteristic since he can be very aggressive and has taken his anger out on others before.
I was referring to his physical violent streak to any angry moments previously. The possible brain damage could have made his aggression worse and it clearly shows that compared to his past outbursts, physical and verbal so it is possible. Then another possibility is losing Sarita has made his grief spiral out of control and being angry is one of the emotions when dealing with grief. Some people constantly cry, some people stay silent for days, some people constantly want to be alone. I know this because i've had severe grief before. I mean we have all had some sort of grief in life.
One could say Kenny could sick of losing people and wanted to take his anger out on the closest cause of that I suppose, although I disagree, since Kenny did do something severe before - which was kill Larry with a Saltlick in front of Lee, Lilly and Clementine.
Well i agree with that fact that I don't think his anger is because he's sick of losing people but I do feel it's because people who have died that he has genuinely cared about like Sarita, Kat and Duck has made him feel angry which as i said above can be grief related which i believe it is.
I also disagree with Arvo being a threat, being defenseless and not having held a gun through the entire fight made him anything but a threat.
Someone who despite not having a gun in his hand who with a bunch of his pals still planned to hold the group at gunpoint and tried to rob them is still considered a threat. You tie him up, he's defenceless yes but what happens if their guard is dropped? What if he broke free from the restraints? I mean he tried to run away from Kenny (and yes it's understandable why don't get me wrong) but regardless of not doing anything bad to the group during the ambush still to me considers him a threat if he is around them and due to the lack of trust to a stranger. It's my opinion obviously which is why we all have them so no one is right or wrong about this.
I don't agree with the excuse being 'that's just how he is', if he was truly looking out for the group, he'd at least take their opinions into consideration, which he doesn't do, even if it's Clementine he still disagrees regardless of what she says.
People show it differently even if they come across as assholes. Kenny never ever abandoned the group to look out for himself, certainly not deliberately. He's not that type of guy. He should have took into consideration their opinions yes but the "that's just how he is" comment is true. We know he can be a dick and he doesn't always listen to anyone but the fact he has stayed with the group and still willing to try to get them to safety to me shows he does look out for them but he goes about it in arrogant way and doesn't like showing his true feelings i think. Just what i believe anyway.
Well the thing is, I never said I thought he was overrated but he's just a character that I personally wouldn't glorify as much as some othe… morers seem to I like Kenny but just like most characters in games, I wouldn't give him the glory of calling him a hero but more of a mutual individual I guess?
Yeah, I understand that Kenny may have been angry at Lee but leaving him to die over a decision made about a couple of weeks ago? I don't see even the slightest bit of justification for Kenny leaving Lee under the door(thanks for correcting me btw xD I guess I need to play Season One again!) since regardless of what Lee decides to do, even if Lee doesn't blame Kenny(My Lee wasn't rude to him about it), Kenny always kills Larry. It's not like Lee knocked Kenny out and then tried to save Larry. Plus if Lee had died at this moment, how would Clementine and everyone else in the group who can care for Lee feel? It may be determinant but it shows what K… [view original content]
I can see that happening, for some people, first impressions are what stick to them(I believe even some Psychologists believe this to be true) but I like to be open-minded, so even if I dislike or like a character the first time, I replay the game making different choices which show me different aspects of their personality. So characters I found myself disliking at first(Such as Kenny) I end up liking after seeing a different side of them, although usually when I like a character the first time through I don't end up disliking them unless they do something that is definitely unforgivable(which I haven't seen one do as of yet).
Yeah, Kenny has good intentions but the way he tries to show his intentions is often making himself a leader, in other words I guess, the reason for his actions are understandable but how he executes them can rub off the wrong way or do more harm than good.
If Carver wasn't who he was, I don't think Season Two would have even remotely the same story xD, kinda wish that Season Two took place during the time-skip with Clementine, Christa and Omid to build on their characters rather than basically killing them off at the beginning. I don't really like how there's all these time-skips, there's so much potential within those time-skips for development and story.
I think I should replay Season Two as well lol
I don't really like to put labels of 'bad' or 'good' on people since I think at least some individuals have done a mix of bad and good things as well as the fact that a good or bad action is only subjectively that. e.g. Arvo can see Clementine as a villain, thinking that she killed Natasha and Clementine could see Arvo as a villain for setting up the ambush. Both can see each other as a bad person and both can see themselves as a good person, it's all about perspective really.
If I can forgive Kenny for all the times he's yelled at Clementine or screamed due to an emotional moment, I see it that I can also forgive characters like Arvo who have similar moments where all the people they loved are gone. I agree, I loved the campfire scene, I hope Season 3 has more of these hearth-warming moments Also I do wish we could've talked more about Season One, I wish everyone could've talked more about their past, that extra content could've made each episode around 2 hours long!
The scene where Kenny asks Rebecca to hold the baby is the scene before they meet Arvo and after they've left the observation deck.
I don't doubt that Kenny's actions are grief-related or even possibly due to possible brain damage, it's understandable, I think some people can relate to some extent and I definitely think these kinds of occasions deserve sympathy or empathy, however, as mean as it might sound to say, that doesn't always excuse the action, at least depending on the severity of it. I know different people face grief in different ways but I just personally don't think it's right to hurt someone because you feel hurt(except in certain circumstances where the one being hurt deserves it, not saying it's a good thing to hurt others if they hurt you, like if they did something horrible that caused the grief in the first place).
I never said Arvo should've been given freedom but they could've easily forced him to run away and fend for himself. The fact is that they took him practically as a prisoner and Kenny kept beating him even though he never retaliated until they got to the house, he took those beatings and not once threatened to harm Kenny or anyone else. With a group of 7 individuals(excluding AJ and Arvo himself), they would've had a better chance than smaller groups to catch him if he escape but even then, he ran away when they were on the lake, what was the point in going after him when they no longer needed him? A threat to me is anyone who endangers the entirety of the group, so sad to say, to me that counts - Nick, Bonnie, Mike, Kenny, Arvo and Jane. Although that doesn't mean despite them being a treat, I'd treat them all the same, I personally agree with the quote "The best way to defeat your enemy, is to make them your friend". If you can get your enemy to care about you, the chances of them being a threat are lessened, sometimes entirely erased.
I know people like to say that's just how Kenny is and I think that's understandable but to me that's no reason to act as a dictator, just my personal opinion. I get that some people like to be the leaders but that doesn't make it okay in any way to force themselves to be leaders and I personally don't think that because they're just the way they are is a reasonable response to excuse their actions(not saying you are excusing Kenny's actions).
Well the thing is, I never said I thought he was overrated but he's just a character that I personally wouldn't glorify as much as some othe… morers seem to I like Kenny but just like most characters in games, I wouldn't give him the glory of calling him a hero but more of a mutual individual I guess?
Oh ok it's just that it was in your list of overrated people and i was surprised lol.
Yeah, I understand that Kenny may have been angry at Lee but leaving him to die over a decision made about a couple of weeks ago?
This again isn't important but it was only 1 week ago lol but yeah that's understandable to be annoyed with him.
It may be determinant but it shows what Kenny will do when people don't side with him and that's one of the reasons I didn't like him in the beginning of my first playthrough of Episode 3.
I guess the very first time we play the game is the most important because that sets in stone for how yo… [view original content]
A good 80% of video gaming protagonists and antagonists are overrated to some extent, most notably:
Master Chief, Marcus Fenix, Kratos, etc. are all just generic action hero cliches. The developers try to give them a sob story, but their motivations are the same thing every time and they generally have the emotional range of a wet sock, complete with horrifically cheesy catchphrases/one-liners. Yet, you regularly see them making top 10 gaming character lists because they're badarse huehuehue!
Mario, Link, Gordon Freeman, etc. are fine player avatars into the game world with iconic designs to set them apart from a typical RPG starting character; however, many hail these vanilla protagonists among the best characters gaming has to offer and it makes the whole medium look childish as a result.
Bowser (except the Paper Mario version), Ganondorf, Diablo, etc. are great doomsday villains but they should never be making best villain lists considering their horrifically limited character and motivation for trying to destroy/enslave the world.
Aside from these, there is just some flat out boring characters like the Uncharted villains, as well as the entire cast of Splinter Cell.
Wolverine would be my answer outside of gaming; never has there been a more horrific amalgamation of anti-hero clichés in the realm of fiction. Plus, his obnoxious catchphrases get tired after their third usage... usually in the same bloody comic issue he appears in.
u fokin wot ill have a fuckin fight with you if you dont shut up about him he's the beeest
jack x rhys
Sarah and Kenny's deaths are entirely dependent on Clementine and AJ doesn't die so I don't know about that.
Well, Season 2 did only show about a week of her life after being separated from Christa. Her lack of personality is reasonable after what she's gone through, losing basically everyone she cared about.
Bitch means you don't care about nobody, get innocent people killed on purpose and blame everyone on everything YOU have done. Selfish means the same thing, you don't care about nobody, manipulate people to kill innocent people and make people to forget all the shit actions YOU have done. Let me show you who are the best fit for these words:
Jane cares about Clementine, Luke and she cared about Jaime the most. Chloe cared about her dad and Rachel the most.
Which innocent people did these two get killed on purpose? The only person Chloe can kill is Frank and whether he's innocent is arguable. Jane kills Troy and Vitali, again, whether they are innocent is arguable.
Although I do agree that Jane was manipulative towards a few characters and Chloe could be manipulative towards David.
Also the definition for 'bitch' is not the same as 'selfish'.
Max Caulfield, ugh.
I'll probably get some hate for this but here I go:
NOTE: I actually like all of these characters(to an extent) and I don't really think any character can be 'overrated' but these are the characters I personally wouldn't glorify as much as others. These are my own opinions. Also SPOILERS FOR THE WALKING DEAD GAME, UNTIL DAWN, LIFE IS STRANGE AND BATMAN VS SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE!!!!
Kenny - The Walking Dead Game Seasons One & Two
When I first saw Kenny in The Walking Dead Game, I did like him and I sided with him for the most part of Episode 1, he seemed like a character I'd want for Lee to be best friends with.
But moving in to Episode 2, I did still like him for the most part, until the Larry decision. I wanted to try and save Larry and even if he couldn't be saved, to me, it was worth trying at least and even if that meant he could have a short moment where he'd get to say goodbye to Lilly, it would be worth the effort... but Kenny just killed Larry, assuming he was dead and that he would turn. Don't get me wrong, he was thinking pretty rationally but he acted quickly without even letting Lee try to save him and killing Larry in front of Clementine and Lilly made me feel angrier towards Kenny, to me, it felt like it showed how quickly Kenny would turn on one of the members of his group and it reminded me of Hershel's warning about Kenny in Episode 1.
In Episode 3, I was less angry towards him and decided to give Kenny another chance, then the decision of whether to shoot the bitten girl came to play and I tried to at least kill all the walkers but Kenny stopped me midway and forced me to help him get medicine and use her as a distraction(I didn't want to kill her because I didn't have any right to, she wanted help and that didn't sound like asking to be put out of her misery, what made me mad at him again was how he left Lee struggling to get up when a cabinet fell on him and walkers were getting close to him, he practically left Lee for dead and that moment is when I felt like I'd have to be cautious around Kenny and he made me even angrier towards him when he told the whole group that "WE let a girl die to the medicine" despite Lee trying to kill the walkers only for Kenny to force him to stop. When the bandits raided the camp, Kenny tried to abandon Lilly, which didn't help in the trust department. After Lilly killed Carley, I was very angry towards her but I still didn't think I should leave her behind as I really felt sympathy towards her for the first three episodes and this decision of whether to leave Lilly or not is when I first felt that Kenny was a hypocrite. He called Lilly a murderer despite killing her father, Larry, not that long ago. Although the situations were different, the action was the same, both killing a group member out of an assumption. Then I found out Duck was bitten and I truly did feel sympathy towards Kenny at that moment but that quickly turned into irritation when Kenny would refuse to face the fact that Duck was bitten and at that point in time, there was nothing we could do. Don't get me wrong, I understood that he didn't want to face the facts that someone he loved was going to die but he put the group in danger by ignoring this(Duck can kill everyone on the train if Kenny doesn't stop the train). He easily kills Larry but has a difficult time just coming to terms with Duck's inevitable death, at least at that point he felt similarly to what Lilly felt, except this time, it wasn't someone he was surviving with who killed his son without hesitation.
In Episode 4, he just made the boat the entire survival plan, even if the group wanted to do otherwise, he wouldn't listen to other peoples' opinions and stuck with his own, he seemed stubborn to me at that point. Later on, when we meet Molly, he is intent on harming her, regardless of whether Lee tries to tell him not to attack or not. Then when Ben revealed the truth at Crawford at the worst possible moment, Kenny finally decided to tell everyone that there wouldn't be enough room on the boat and acting like he was the owner of the boat, he decided he didn't want Ben on the boat, basically stating that he called all the shots in this group, which I didn't like, at all. Ben does deserve some blame and Kenny's anger, although irrational, is understandable. He wants Lee to leave Ben to die, similar to how he wanted Lilly and Larry to be left to die and chooses not to at least try and understand why Ben did this and that it wasn't entirely Ben's fault(the bandits would have likely attacked regardless). But at least he did end up showing some sympathy towards Ben after.
In Episode 5 is when I truly felt that Kenny wasn't the best friend I hoped he'd be for Lee. After revealing the bite and wanting to look for Clementine, Kenny didn't want to help even after all Lee did for him, Duck and Katjaa but I did manage to convince him to come. Later on, though, I got angrier towards Kenny when he acknowledge the fact that Lee was infected, although it was the rational thing to do, he chose to ignore this when Duck was bitten but quickly feels uneasy when someone who isn't his family member could possibly turn but in the end, I felt he somewhat redeemed himself when he gave up his life for Ben... although I don't know why he didn't just shoot Ben and then climb up to the roof with Lee and close the gate behind him....
In Season 2, I'll try to keep this allot shorter(Sadly I failed)... I was actually really happy that Kenny was alive and back, heck, I even cried when and felt chills when I saw him again, it's still one of my favorite moments of Season Two actually. However, I didn't actually find myself disliking him in Episode 2 except for when I found out that Kenny can actually get Alvin killed because he just keeps shooting and doesn't surrender until either Clementine or Sarita are threatened to be killed. It was selfish of him to only stop shooting if someone he cared about was put in that situation.
In Episode 3, I felt that he did become allot more aggressive, basically disagreeing with what everyone else wanted to do and being overly aggressive towards Mike when they first met. He was a stubborn and irrational character but I can't say I hated him since he still looked out for Clementine although I didn't think it was necessary for him to spend so much time killing Carver.
In Episode 4, that's when my anger shifted, I actually went back and changed my decision with Sarita because I realized how cutting her arm off in the middle of a horde without any medical supplies(especially since Carlos died) would be pretty stupid. So I decided not to cut her arm off but instead kill the walker and then Kenny, Mike and Sarita all left Clementine behind
, at least she had Rebecca and Jane to help her escape. Then, Kenny blamed Clementine for what happened to Sarita, I got really mad at him at this point, blaming me for what happened to Sarita... why didn't Kenny or Mike actually cut her arm off as soon as they escape the walker horde? I did still feel sympathy towards him and was happy when I saw him with AJ. However, Kenny basically tried to be AJ's caretaker even when Rebecca didn't want him to, it might have been a gesture of kindness but it was a bit creepy and he gets mad at Clementine again if she doesn't want to leave the observation deck straight away.
In Episode 5 is when I really got mad at him, throughout the whole episode Kenny was physically abusing Arvo without any actual reason to, he was defenseless and already injured but Kenny continued to beat him down. He also continued not to listen to anyone else's opinions, everyone wanted to go to Howe's and I wanted to as well(although going to Mexico for a taco sounded nice) but Kenny chose not to listen to anyone else's opinion causing Mike and determinantly Bonnie to leave with Arvo. Then he started a pointless argument with Jane, attacking her personally before she decided to retaliate(they're both to blame for the argument imo) and acting like a dictator for the entirety of the episode. I still don't see why they didn't all go to the town like originally planned. Anyways, then Jane manipulated Kenny and Clementine into thinking the baby was gone(although I personally realized what she was trying to do before Clementine or Kenny did it seems). It was wrong of Jane to do but her point was proven in my eyes. Kenny attacked Jane as soon as she put her weapon away, not asking for an explanation but just jumping at her out of an assumption(like he did pretty often in Season One). I didn't want to kill Kenny at this point but I didn't want him to keep going down that road, Jane instilled hope in me at the beginning of the episode that I could maybe get Kenny to be a nicer individual but I feel like that is only achieved when Kenny chooses. I shot Kenny and I cried doing so, I didn't want to kill him but I personally felt that Jane was right about him. He seemed like a danger to those around him and sometimes even to himself and I personally don't think that letting Clementine and AJ go into Wellington without him redeems him of his past actions. Also, I have to say that I felt that Kenny's Ending in Season Two was a bit melodramatic, even Edith comments on their emotional moment making it feel like TTG was trying to force me into feeling sad during this moment... they did succeed xD
Ashley - Until Dawn
Here is another character I thought I'd end up loving when I first saw her in the game but as the game progressed I did like her more and more but I did end up disliking her the first time nearer to the end. Her honesty drops when she attempts to show sympathy towards Hannah and Beth, which speaks volumes that she doesn't actually feel that sorry for their deaths, not to mention that she participated in the prank that inadvertently caused Hannah and Beth's death. What really made me get mad at her is her hypocrisy. When Chris has to make a choice between saving Ashley or Josh and he chooses Ashley and then later on when Chris has to make a decision of whether to shoot himself or Ashley and she tells Chris to shoot her, when he does, she gets mad at him and later on even locks him out of the house and lets him die, lying to Mike about what happened. Later on, when Emily has been scratched by a Wendigo, she keeps saying that Emily will turn into one of them and practically sides with Mike in shooting her. She almost gets Emily killed out of an assumption and can get Chris killed if he shoots her even if she asks him too. Not to mention that she can be quite bitchy at the end.
Chloe Price - Life Is Strange
To be honest, I did like Chloe overall but I didn't like her rebellious attitude and selfishness. In Episode 1, she tries to blame Max for the weed in her room, which can end up getting her into trouble later on in the game, she irresponsibly has illegal drugs and pins it on her friend whom she just saw for the first time in years.
In Episode 2, she gets pissed at Max for taking a phone call from Katie, it's understandable that she feels jealous that her former best friend seems to be choosing people over her but that doesn't make it somewhat irrational. She then persuades Max to use her power just to shoot stuff in a junkyard.
In Episode 3, she breaks into the school in an effort to attempt to find confidential evidence, again, it's understandable why she and Max does this but that doesn't make it responsible or legal. From this point they were acting as vigilantes, although that I personally felt that they kind of did the right thing taking justice into their own hands as the actual authorities didn't actually conduct investigations to help them. She did try to steal the money from the funds as an attempt to try and pay her debts for all the drugs she's bought. She tries to steal money that could be used for students with the disability to walk(I believe it was for students in wheelchairs?). Then she can use the gun to hurt Pompidou and Frank, even killing one of them(although it was in retaliation).
In Episode 4, she then takes Max with her and goes to the End of the World Party to confront Nathan and try to kill him herself, without deciding to show the evidence to the authorities.
In Episode 5 is the real biggie, when Chloe implies wants Max to save her over Arcadia Bay, although she did mostly show a want for Max to save everyone else over her, I can't really agree that she was 'selfish'. Overall I did like Chloe but I felt like her character was sometimes unreasonable, stubborn and got pissed at Max easily if she made a decision Chloe didn't agree with
Superman - DC Universe
I'm a fan of superheroes... but not incredibly overpowered ones. One of the biggest reasons why Batman is probably my overall favorite character in the DC Universe is that he fights with logic, he has weaknesses that he overcomes in clever ways and he doesn't always need super powers in order to defeat villains, he felt more relate-able as a character and that he could be beaten but the fact that he's almost always prepared and uses different methods to defeat different enemies made me feel like what he was doing was possible and thus, in ways, realistic. Watching Batman is the reason I love allot of characters like Green Arrow, Hawk-eye and Black Widow. But Superman, although I really do like him, I feel that he's too overpowered. He has so many abilities at his disposal that makes me feel like most of his fights with villains on Earth are dragged out when he can easily defeat them in a mere few seconds. I think he does have human characteristics, don't get me wrong, but he feels like a role model one could never measure up to. He's practically invincible, immortal and has some of the strongest and most useful powers a hero could have and having Kryptonite as really his only weakness makes me feel that his character isn't as interesting as I'd personally want him to be. He just feels too overpowered and I always feel like you can easily tell the outcome of all his battles, he uses his powers and defeats the enemy and whilst Batman does the same, he often uses different tactics to defeat different enemies and sometimes requires assistance from both heroes and villains.
One of the reasons I hate the modern day adaption of Superman is how he's killed innocents out of anger and in the movie, he practically dies twice but remains alive. Superman is practically the hero many people say is the strongest super hero of all time but that doesn't make him interesting, I personally think weaker characters are more interesting because of the constant struggle they have to go through in order to measure up to the big guys, the characters who don't always win most of the time but that's just my personal opinion.
Again, I don't hate or dislike any of these characters, at least not anymore, I actually like all of them.
Maybe he blames Chloe for the destruction of the town? Even though she obviously tells Max to choose the town over her, very manipulative and selfish am I right.
Yeah, I mean she does make implications of wanting Max to save her but she mostly tries to push Max and the player to saving Arcadia Bay over her.
U wanna fight bish????
I dislike Ashley the most.
I agree with you.
@OfficialSheriffMaybe is the overrated one here.
Chloe unnecesary blames everyone especially Max for the change of her life. Her dad dying, Max being separated from her for 5 years, Rachel banging Frank etc. Was she right to do that?
I'm not calling killing but Chloe wanted Max to save the town, save her mom and David but when Max chooses to refuse, Chloe doesn't care anymore, they both drive through the town, watching the mess, dead people etc. They don't even search for any survivors, not even Chloe's parents. They just leave the town like selfish people.
Jane didn't kill anyone, she did get people killed.
Move aside Master Chief, there's a new badass with a green power armor suit back to reclaim his throne...
The original badass motherfucker with a suit of awesome.
No but all these moments took an emotional toll on her character, her dad dies in a car crash and then her best friend leaves for 5 years and doesn't make her presence known to her in months and during the time her best friend was away made friends with Rachel, who she fell in love with and ended up lying to her about being with Frank. All these things did change Chloe, especially her dad's death as evident by the alternate timeline. She wasn't right to blame others for how her life changed but she still takes responsibility over what happened to her. In other words, blaming others was irrational for her to do but it was reasonable due to her emotional state.
Max makes the decision, so Chloe really isn't to blame for the aftermath of being chosen over Arcadia Bay, although it did seem very strange that she forgot the people she cared about and just came to terms with Max's decision so quickly and easily. Yeah, the Save Chloe Ending had some big flaws imo, I mean, Max herself forgetting all those friends she made in the past few days?
Jane killed Vitali. The people she got killed were either Troy so the group could escape Howe's and Jane wasn't the depending reason that allot of individuals died from Episode 4 and onward.
You doing too much.
Fite me m8. I'll rek u and ur shit character along w/ ur shit ship.
1v1 outside of tescows.
Damian Wayne from Son of Batman. I don't know if a ton of people like him or not, but I couldn't fucking stand him. He was hot headed, obnoxious, self-absorbed, rude, and was nothing more than a bratty child who simply had the ability to fight. I wanted to slap him upside the head every time he opened his mouth. Honestly, I felt insulted that I was expected to sympathize with him.
The St. Johns I'd say were the most intimidating villains, but honestly, I think the best Season 1 villain was the Stranger in No Time Left.
u smart u lifting i appreciate that
If you play the pre sequal,it makes a lot more sense as to why jack acts the way he does,he is a very misunderstood character who has had a hard past.
I think any character can become overated.
Characters that I think are overated - but that I liked nevertheless are:
Liara T'Soni - Mass Effect Trolgy. She's a great character, but I would not say she's the best character in the series.
Indiana Jones. I like Indiana Jones - my favorites were Raiders Of The Lost Ark, and The Last Crusade.
The Dude - From the Big Lebowski.
"But that's like... your opinion man."
I have played the pre sequel, and I still don't like him or understand his actions.
Superman. Don't get me wrong Superman started it all but there are so many interesting characters out there. With alot more interesting characters and story arcs
But moving in to Episode 2, I did still like him for the most part, until the Larry decision. I wanted to try and save Larry and even if he couldn't be saved, to me, it was worth trying at least and even if that meant he could have a short moment where he'd get to say goodbye to Lilly, it would be worth the effort... but Kenny just killed Larry, assuming he was dead and that he would turn. Don't get me wrong, he was thinking pretty rationally but he acted quickly without even letting Lee try to save him and killing Larry in front of Clementine and Lilly made me feel angrier towards Kenny, to me, it felt like it showed how quickly Kenny would turn on one of the members of his group and it reminded me of Hershel's warning about Kenny in Episode 1.
i respect what you've said however I don't see how Kenny can be overrated? As for me, my first play-through i sided with him on almost everything, and i helped him stop Larry from potentially turning. I always said if i was in that meat locker with them i would be shitting myself worrying that Larry would turn. Kenny was terrified and he rushed into a decision. He could have waited to see if he could be revived but again it's a risk and given how quickly David/Travis turned, he made that sudden decision. I regretted not the choice itself but the choice of it happening in front of a Clem. So i agree there.
The thing with the girl on the street, for me my mind was made up when she got bit. Sadly she couldn't be helped, i didn't like the idea but leaving her to the walkers would have bought us time to get the supplies. I was thinking of the entire group at that moment so i left her.
It was actually a door but that's not important lol. As you know, that was determinant and he does help if the choice in the meat locker was different. It was shitty of him not to help in your game though, however, reason he did it is because he felt Lee put his life in danger in the meat locker by not helping so i guess it was his way of payback. Again I didn't like him doing this but understood his reasons for it and it's not like it was for no reason. It didn't happen in my play-through anyway.
Yes but the programming here wouldn't have considered you trying to kill walkers first (would have been a nice touch if they had!) so the decision was programmed as you and Kenny letting her die but i see where you are coming from.
Yes now this was annoying when he said that. I didn't like Lilly but i was feeling sorry for her and how she was feeling losing her dad. She did save the group killing the first bandit leading to Carley/Doug to grab a gun and shoot the hostage takers. I would have given her the benefit of the doubt so i hold my hands up there, yes, this is something that annoyed me with Kenny. I have always said I didn't agree with him or like everything he said all the time.
Again agreed. I think at that moment though i was to upset at losing Carley to even think about Kenny calling her a murderer and comparing the 2.
You basically answered what i was going to reply this with. He refused to believe his son was going to die even though he did know it and I understood why he was behaving like this but your right, he was too distraught to consider that others was in danger. But i can forgive this.
Haha in all honesty, i liked that DuckPocalypse easter egg but thought it was ridiculous that a little boy walker could kill Kat, Clem, Chuck and Ben before pulling Lee off the train to his death lol.
Lee can ask Kenny in the meat locker "would you be able to do the hard thing if it was Kat or Duck" and obviously he can't to a loved one as he couldn't shoot his son without Lee's help. I wouldn't be angry with him for being able to easily kill another over a loved one. Of course it would be easier!
Depends how you look at it. I liked the boat idea, i liked that he was determined to get everyone to safety and not just himself but yes he could have considered other options but I don't recall any rejections of the boat idea from the group until the moment the boat was stolen and Christa suggested the countryside.
Well that's debatable. He had virtually reached Molly at the time Lee speaks out thus not giving him the chance to stop. If he was a foot further away I'd probably agree with you. What i did find silly/annoying is if you choose the "Kenny get her" line, Molly doesn't even criticise Lee for saying it afterwards.
Heat of the moment. He'd just found out Ben indirectly got his family killed. Not defending his actions here but him claiming he owned the boat so to speak is understandable to me given the fact it was his idea and he used to be a fishing captain of a boat and the fact he's the only one who understands about fixing boats and cars etc the same thing with taking ownership of the RV.
Yes that has always been Kenny's problem. He doesn't always think things through but when he does or if someone makes him see reason, he realises from his or her POV and i personally think he regrets it. That's the thing with him. He can be an asshole at times but deep down he's a decent person and it proves that for what he did for Ben or Christa near the end of Ep5. So basically im agreeing with you again on what you said here.
The thing is again its down to choice of how you sided with him or not. He came with me because I was always there for him but even if he didn't he goes with you no matter what after Lee returns from Vernon's place and seems dead set on helping anyway but from your POV i can understand why you got annoyed i guess.
Maybe he learned from this after the whole Duck thing? Or given the fact they were trapped in a room which reminded him of the meat locker. He did actually say it felt like a Larry situation. Also again, someone you love that has been infected will always be different to anyone else so i do see it from his point of view.
I always wondered why he didnt just shoot him and quickly leave with Lee too but i know it's because it was to show his sacrifice of him doing the right thing.
I didn't dislike him for that because he wasn't intending for Alvin and Walter to die but he should have stopped shooting after Walter was shot but as we know its determinant and Alvin won't die if Clem intervenes.
He shows regret about Alvin dying at the lodge after his indirect actions when he and Clem are talking in Episode 5 when she changes his bandage. Again this is Kenny all over. He does rash things sometimes and then feels bad about it later.
I think if i was a prisoner being forced to work then i's feel the same way if im honest. Also you have to remember that he didn't really know anyone besides Clem and Sarita and he was taken away from the lodge where he seemed settled.
It was horrible and he shouldn't have done it. However, if you know Kenny like we all should, you'd know deep down he didn't mean it and all that was grief taking over. When he was being horrible it hurt but I knew he didn't mean it and that was proven in the following episode when he apologised about the way he acted towards it in which Clem can say "you don't have to apologise, I know you didn't really mean it". I was never really mad at him to be honest.
Probably down to lack of equipment or know she'd bleed out. Looking back i still find cutting Lee's arm off a miracle he didn't die from blood loss and god knows how he doesn't if you go alone!
Not saying your wrong but when did Rebecca actually say "I don't want you with AJ" or whatever?
Guess I didn't see it that way but then again everyone has different opinions on that i suppose.
It wasn't needed, we know that and I didn't like how they made Kenny into this abusive individual in Ep5 but honestly without sounding horrible here, I didn't care a damn about Arvo and I don't know why others (especially those that hate Kenny) liked Arvo anyway? He didn't deserve it though i agree but im not going to hate him for it especially given that it's possible he had suffered brain damage because he hadn't done anything so severe previously and you could also say he was still suffering from grief and Arvo was the one he took his frustration out on because he was the only person deemed a threat after what him and the other Russians had done.
Well again that's just Kenny and how he is. It was stubborn and irrational but his intentions were there because i feel he genuinely wanted to help everyone (more so for AJ) and he thinks he's doing the right thing when sometimes he's not and can be a problem but again i couldn't hate him.
Well like you said, both were really to blame. Say he was the one who started it, then Jane carried it on so basically yes.
Couldn't agree more!
The last part you said I won't go into as I don't want to cause arguments about the same topic
Well the thing is, I never said I thought he was overrated but he's just a character that I personally wouldn't glorify as much as some others seem to
I like Kenny but just like most characters in games, I wouldn't give him the glory of calling him a hero but more of a mutual individual I guess?
Yeah, I understand that Kenny may have been angry at Lee but leaving him to die over a decision made about a couple of weeks ago? I don't see even the slightest bit of justification for Kenny leaving Lee under the door(thanks for correcting me btw xD I guess I need to play Season One again!) since regardless of what Lee decides to do, even if Lee doesn't blame Kenny(My Lee wasn't rude to him about it), Kenny always kills Larry. It's not like Lee knocked Kenny out and then tried to save Larry. Plus if Lee had died at this moment, how would Clementine and everyone else in the group who can care for Lee feel? It may be determinant but it shows what Kenny will do when people don't side with him and that's one of the reasons I didn't like him in the beginning of my first playthrough of Episode 3.
I would've liked to have killed all the Walkers instead of the choice being to kill Beatrice or to let her die and possibly turn, I mean, there's practically infinite ammo unless the plot demands it.
Yeah, turning into a Walker gave Duck some pretty powerful 'upgrades'
Before Lee and Kenny leave to find a boat at the docks(before meeting Molly), Christa suggests the idea of going elsewhere(I believe it was the countryside) but Kenny disagrees with it. If you disagree with Kenny, he pretty much says that he'll be leaving on the boat even if no one else wants to(which is understandable to be honest). But it didn't feel like he was listening to anyone else's ideas but his own at the time, he was persistent on getting the boat.
Still, Lee does shout to Kenny not to attack Molly but he does so anyway, we've seen Kenny quickly change his action when Lee loudly asks him to do so before(Episode 2 if you ask Kenny to grab his rifle). I do agree though, as much as Season One was great at reacting to dialogue, there were some points where it lacked.
That's the thing, he calls it 'his' not the groups', despite the fact that it was thanks to Clementine that they found the boat and thanks to a group effort that they found the fuel and battery(?) for the boat. Kenny may have been the only one who knew how to use the boat and repair it but Clementine found it in the first place and it was thanks to Lee and Molly that they got the battery for it. In other words, getting the boat and getting it ready entirely a team effort which is why I disliked how Kenny made himself the captain of the ship and practically stated that it belonged to him and only him, giving him the 'right' to choose who can be on it.
I guess to be fair, everyone did come with Lee, so Kenny being hesitant to come was more logical since their escape plan would be all on it's own, unprotected.
At least Kenny does show concern for Lee as a friend and gave him the choice of whether he'd like his arm off or not.
I always thought of Kenny perhaps actually crossing the sign with Lee and then helping him get up but carving a path for Lee and then having to run away after Lee gets to The Marsh House because the Walkers begin to swarm around him(I think he could've run past a horde of Walkers, Sarah, Kenny, determinantly Sarita, Mike, Luke and determinantly Nick do this in Season 2 Episode 4.
I think the fact that Alvin is threatened to be killed and Kenny continues to shoot regardless until either Clementine or Sarita are picked is what made me dislike what he did, Clementine having the ability to intervene doesn't excuse Kenny's recklessness at that moment, he knew full well that someone was going to die if he didn't stop shooting, third time's the charm I guess?
Whilst it was nice to know that Kenny still felt remorse(made him more humane), I didn't like how it wasn't until AJ was born and Rebecca died that Kenny felt remorseful about Alvin, although to be fair, he didn't really have any other moments he could show remorse(except for in Episode 3 if Alvin died in Episode 2, at least he seems to feel bad during the truck ride I suppose?).
Kenny was far from settling into the Ski Lodge, since he had plans of pretty much leaving in the morning with Sarita
Although, I feel that Kenny was angrier due to the fact that he had to do what someone else said, he's not really used to being given orders or taking them :x Still doesn't excuse how he treated Mike, who was calm and rational even when he was being pinned to the wall by Kenny. Now that I think about it, Kenny had been pretty rude to Mike for the entire time they were together I feel.
I can't say I wasn't mad, he yelled at Clementine and blamed the death of Sarita(whether she is present or not) entirely on Clementine, I can understood how he feels losing someone and then being angry towards the closest person(since Clementine can be responsible for Sarita dying in the middle Walker horde by cutting her arm off). Still, after Kenny told Clementine "You think that just because you're a little girl you can just say sorry and everything will get better? Sorry doesn't mean shit" - well something along those lines, I didn't forget that and he already apologized to my Clementine in Episode 4 in the tent, I forgave him then and I forgave him again but I still remembered the quote. It didn't help that Kenny "says his peace" and turned a good circle of chatter into a downed one(if that makes sense?).
Lee got lucky... real lucky... although Mike and Kenny did have equipments(perhaps they could've lost it but I recall Mike and Kenny having weapons at the Memorial Site.
Kenny asks Rebecca if he can hold AJ twice I believe? Rebecca declines his offer twice. He was persistent in holding AJ, whether that was for Rebecca's sake or due to his new-found paternal affection towards AJ is pretty arguable
Some individuals may have liked Arvo for different reasons, from his appearance, his voice, his ethnicity, or due to how they felt sympathy towards him or some may have found him an interesting character? I can't really say since I don't really have that much of an opinion over Arvo, I did feel sympathetic towards him allot and still think how Kenny treated him was horrible of him, however, he shot Clementine and that really shocked me and made me mad at him, Mike and Bonnie. Kenny may have suffered brain damage, hard to tell since Carlos never checked him again and confirmed one or the other outcome, however, I personally don't find it uncharacteristic since he can be very aggressive and has taken his anger out on others before. One could say Kenny could sick of losing people and wanted to take his anger out on the closest cause of that I suppose, although I disagree, since Kenny did do something severe before - which was kill Larry with a Saltlick in front of Lee, Lilly and Clementine. I also disagree with Arvo being a threat, being defenseless and not having held a gun through the entire fight made him anything but a threat.
I don't agree with the excuse being 'that's just how he is', if he was truly looking out for the group, he'd at least take their opinions into consideration, which he doesn't do, even if it's Clementine he still disagrees regardless of what she says. His intent is going where he wants to, not where anyone else does. It felt to me that his main priority was AJ rather than everyone else, although even then it's arguable since the group knew Howe's had food for AJ and it wasn't that long a ride away to at least check and get provisions and then go back in search of Wellington. Everyone thinks they're doing the right thing, however, that's no excuse to create a dictatorship within a small group of individuals who each have an opinion.
As for the town, I wished they'd at least checked it on the way to Arvo's house.
To be honest, I think 'overrated' is another word for 'too popular', something some people often say when they justify their dislike towards a character/thing. e.g. "I don't like Frozen because it's become too popular" - Just an example, I happen to love the movie
Couldn't agree more. Hated that little shit.
Oh ok it's just that it was in your list of overrated people and i was surprised lol.
This again isn't important but it was only 1 week ago lol but yeah that's understandable to be annoyed with him.
I guess the very first time we play the game is the most important because that sets in stone for how you perceive someone then. In my case, Kenny was great most of the time in my opinion but if my first play-through was like yours then maybe i wouldn't be as fond of him, does that make sense? Even if you replay it with different choices, to me the first time we play is what keeps your opinion of a character i suppose. I guess some people change their minds though but I don't. It's like with Jane, i've replayed the game to see if my opinion of her will change but it won't and I don't really want it to lol.
Yeah they could have player around more with that scene to be fair.
Are you sure she said it then as well? Not saying your wrong but I don't remember but i know she definitely said that after the boat was stolen. Guess i'll replay it one time.
This is what i said earlier that this is just how he is. I'm not saying it's nice how he behaves because it's not. He is stubborn and doesn't listen but his intentions are that he feels he's doing the best thing for them and doesn't want to listen to their idea's because he thinks their wrong. I get what you're saying. He can be hard to like or deal with, i get that.
Like i said, he was virtually at Molly when he shouts and I don't feel he had the time to stop because Molly at that point was swinging round and knocking him on his ass! It was always programmed for this to happen the same as the action in episode 2 you mentioned. I don't think he would have continued to try and take down Molly if things were different
When the boat is stolen, Kenny actually says words like "don't you realise WE had a boat? A BOAT!", don't remember the line exactly but at that moment he did say "we" as in the whole group.
Maybe so, but i can understand his actions because having that ability to fix the boat, his generally idea of getting one in the first place is why he felt he should be taking command. Again im not saying it's right, but that's how he is. A jackass with good intentions.
Alvin lived in mine after Clem stopped him. Kenny sometimes needs someone to make him see reason when possible. Again it's one of those things that in your first play-through it cements how you see things and in my case rarely makes me change my mind after seeing other choices. Again it's not great what he did, it was stupid and reckless but the intention was with a good heart but had consequences. I don't hate him for trying to help. Maybe if Carver wasn't who he was then everything would obviously be different lol.
And as i said, he regrets it later on when talking about Alvin. It wasn't smart, it's too late now, he knew he did wrong and i get that. All the same, he was trying to help the group but not taking into consideration the consequences in which he should have. Again that's just Kenny, not defending him here btw.
You missed my point. Being settled for a few weeks before the group arrived is what i meant and i believe he wasn't going to leave in the morning as he said "Clem you can stay here and they can leave in the morning". Yes he did plan on leaving but it wasn't specified as to when he was planning to leave.
No it doesn't excuse it but as i said, being held prisoner and yes being told to do something by someone doesn't sit well with Kenny and we all know that.
Kenny as we know only trusted himself, Clementine and Sarita and found it very hard to trust people anymore but it does not excuse his rude behaviour towards Mike and others. I do look at things from another perspective though.
Oh trust me, i felt the same way. He shouldn't have done that and his convo later on after the herd annoyed me but as i said, i knew deep down he didn't really mean it and was just so angry/upset that he had to put the blame on someone to make himself feel better. It was horrible and wish he hadn't done that either but like i said, i think of the other reasons behind his actions and not just because he's a "bad" person as a lot of people here label him as (not saying you don't but i'm sure you get what i'm saying)
It's ok, I'm not asking you to forget what he said lol.
Well actually I blame Arvo for turning a good circle of chatter into a downed one after screaming his head off when Mike got near him which then caused Kenny to say what he did but yes he didn't help things by saying it. I really loved that campfire scene by the way. It was nice seeing everyone have a civilised conversation. I was so hoping to have dialogue where Kenny and Clem could tell the group about some of the things they'd been through but alas it didn't happen. This was something really lacking in Season 2 to be honest. Hardly any reminiscing of Season 1.
I guess so. They may or may not have been quick enough to stop the infection from Sarita though.
Wow well I don't remember seeing that at all. I remember when he was born he had the baby in his arms and Rebecca asked him to give him to her in which he did. What scene did Kenny ask to hold him and she refused twice??
I was referring to his physical violent streak to any angry moments previously. The possible brain damage could have made his aggression worse and it clearly shows that compared to his past outbursts, physical and verbal so it is possible. Then another possibility is losing Sarita has made his grief spiral out of control and being angry is one of the emotions when dealing with grief. Some people constantly cry, some people stay silent for days, some people constantly want to be alone. I know this because i've had severe grief before. I mean we have all had some sort of grief in life.
One could say Kenny could sick of losing people and wanted to take his anger out on the closest cause of that I suppose, although I disagree, since Kenny did do something severe before - which was kill Larry with a Saltlick in front of Lee, Lilly and Clementine.
Well i agree with that fact that I don't think his anger is because he's sick of losing people but I do feel it's because people who have died that he has genuinely cared about like Sarita, Kat and Duck has made him feel angry which as i said above can be grief related which i believe it is.
Someone who despite not having a gun in his hand who with a bunch of his pals still planned to hold the group at gunpoint and tried to rob them is still considered a threat. You tie him up, he's defenceless yes but what happens if their guard is dropped? What if he broke free from the restraints? I mean he tried to run away from Kenny (and yes it's understandable why don't get me wrong) but regardless of not doing anything bad to the group during the ambush still to me considers him a threat if he is around them and due to the lack of trust to a stranger. It's my opinion obviously which is why we all have them so no one is right or wrong about this.
People show it differently even if they come across as assholes. Kenny never ever abandoned the group to look out for himself, certainly not deliberately. He's not that type of guy. He should have took into consideration their opinions yes but the "that's just how he is" comment is true. We know he can be a dick and he doesn't always listen to anyone but the fact he has stayed with the group and still willing to try to get them to safety to me shows he does look out for them but he goes about it in arrogant way and doesn't like showing his true feelings i think. Just what i believe anyway.
Yeah, I think I need to replay Season One lol
I can see that happening, for some people, first impressions are what stick to them(I believe even some Psychologists believe this to be true) but I like to be open-minded, so even if I dislike or like a character the first time, I replay the game making different choices which show me different aspects of their personality. So characters I found myself disliking at first(Such as Kenny) I end up liking after seeing a different side of them, although usually when I like a character the first time through I don't end up disliking them unless they do something that is definitely unforgivable(which I haven't seen one do as of yet).
Yeah, Kenny has good intentions but the way he tries to show his intentions is often making himself a leader, in other words I guess, the reason for his actions are understandable but how he executes them can rub off the wrong way or do more harm than good.
If Carver wasn't who he was, I don't think Season Two would have even remotely the same story xD, kinda wish that Season Two took place during the time-skip with Clementine, Christa and Omid to build on their characters rather than basically killing them off at the beginning. I don't really like how there's all these time-skips, there's so much potential within those time-skips for development and story.
I think I should replay Season Two as well lol
I don't really like to put labels of 'bad' or 'good' on people since I think at least some individuals have done a mix of bad and good things as well as the fact that a good or bad action is only subjectively that. e.g. Arvo can see Clementine as a villain, thinking that she killed Natasha and Clementine could see Arvo as a villain for setting up the ambush. Both can see each other as a bad person and both can see themselves as a good person, it's all about perspective really.
If I can forgive Kenny for all the times he's yelled at Clementine or screamed due to an emotional moment, I see it that I can also forgive characters like Arvo who have similar moments where all the people they loved are gone. I agree, I loved the campfire scene, I hope Season 3 has more of these hearth-warming moments
Also I do wish we could've talked more about Season One, I wish everyone could've talked more about their past, that extra content could've made each episode around 2 hours long!
The scene where Kenny asks Rebecca to hold the baby is the scene before they meet Arvo and after they've left the observation deck.
I don't doubt that Kenny's actions are grief-related or even possibly due to possible brain damage, it's understandable, I think some people can relate to some extent and I definitely think these kinds of occasions deserve sympathy or empathy, however, as mean as it might sound to say, that doesn't always excuse the action, at least depending on the severity of it. I know different people face grief in different ways but I just personally don't think it's right to hurt someone because you feel hurt(except in certain circumstances where the one being hurt deserves it, not saying it's a good thing to hurt others if they hurt you, like if they did something horrible that caused the grief in the first place).
I never said Arvo should've been given freedom but they could've easily forced him to run away and fend for himself. The fact is that they took him practically as a prisoner and Kenny kept beating him even though he never retaliated until they got to the house, he took those beatings and not once threatened to harm Kenny or anyone else. With a group of 7 individuals(excluding AJ and Arvo himself), they would've had a better chance than smaller groups to catch him if he escape but even then, he ran away when they were on the lake, what was the point in going after him when they no longer needed him? A threat to me is anyone who endangers the entirety of the group, so sad to say, to me that counts - Nick, Bonnie, Mike, Kenny, Arvo and Jane. Although that doesn't mean despite them being a treat, I'd treat them all the same, I personally agree with the quote "The best way to defeat your enemy, is to make them your friend". If you can get your enemy to care about you, the chances of them being a threat are lessened, sometimes entirely erased.
I know people like to say that's just how Kenny is and I think that's understandable but to me that's no reason to act as a dictator, just my personal opinion. I get that some people like to be the leaders but that doesn't make it okay in any way to force themselves to be leaders and I personally don't think that because they're just the way they are is a reasonable response to excuse their actions(not saying you are excusing Kenny's actions).
A good 80% of video gaming protagonists and antagonists are overrated to some extent, most notably:
Master Chief, Marcus Fenix, Kratos, etc. are all just generic action hero cliches. The developers try to give them a sob story, but their motivations are the same thing every time and they generally have the emotional range of a wet sock, complete with horrifically cheesy catchphrases/one-liners. Yet, you regularly see them making top 10 gaming character lists because they're badarse huehuehue!
Mario, Link, Gordon Freeman, etc. are fine player avatars into the game world with iconic designs to set them apart from a typical RPG starting character; however, many hail these vanilla protagonists among the best characters gaming has to offer and it makes the whole medium look childish as a result.
Bowser (except the Paper Mario version), Ganondorf, Diablo, etc. are great doomsday villains but they should never be making best villain lists considering their horrifically limited character and motivation for trying to destroy/enslave the world.
Aside from these, there is just some flat out boring characters like the Uncharted villains, as well as the entire cast of Splinter Cell.
Wolverine would be my answer outside of gaming; never has there been a more horrific amalgamation of anti-hero clichés in the realm of fiction. Plus, his obnoxious catchphrases get tired after their third usage... usually in the same bloody comic issue he appears in.
Oz from Telltale's Batman.
The guy only had 5 minutes on screen...
And everyone already likes him!
Captain america