The Mandela Effect
The mandela effect is when a one or several people remember that certain detail, be it a name, event,quote, etc , differently from how it actually is.It gets its name from the fact that many people clearly remember Nelson Mandela dying in prison instead of dying recently in 2013, and like this there're many other examples.
Many people say that this is a proof of alternate universes or that the universe is in constant change.Some people have actually found evidence in the form of screenshots or pictures where you can clearly see that some brands are spelled differently from what they currently are.But some drisprove these proofs by arguing that there's no logical reason as of why all of the other things containing this deatil except for these photos have changed, plus you know photoshop is a thing nowadays.
The Berenstain Bears is one of the most famous examples, with almost half of the population remembering it was Berenstein, instead of its current spelling Berenstain.
Have you ever experienced something like this? Do you even think it's real or just people with bad memory?
What does any of this have to do with Nelson Mandela?
Seems like i forgot a few words at the beginning, it was actually meant to say
I prefer the "glitch in the matrix stories" but Mandela effects are fun too
I am 100% sure it has always been A Interview With A Vampire, why has changed!!
It was always "A Interview with A Vampire". I remember Nelson Mandela dying not too many years ago after having lived a quiet life pretty much out of the public eye after he left the political arena as South Africa's president. His ex-wife was still one of his best friends and she took his death quite hard. Per Snow White: It was always "Mirror mirror on the wall...." The words, "Magic Mirror" didn't come into my awareness until Romper Room came on TV. At the end of each show the lady would have the kids sit in a circle and she'd hold up a mirror and say "Magic Mirror, tell me today, did all my friends have fun at play?" (yeah, I watched too much TV when a kid). Billy Graham definitely died within the last 10 years or less. I remember thinking that he was finally meeting the Jesus he had served for so many years. I also remember learning earlier in time that he had Alzhiemers because I felt bad for him that he wouldn't be able to recall all of his beloved scriptures. I saw his funeral being broadcast on TV and was glad that his son picked up his mantle and stepped into the shoes Billy Graham left behind. As far as Mr. Rogers goes, my siblings and I made fun of him all the time (yeah, we were bad kids). We'd go around singing (mockingly) his theme song whenever one of us got in trouble with our folks.... and it was DEFINITELY "It's a beautiful day in THE neighborhood".
It's a glitch in the Matrix!
Well, delusions like these are generally harmless I guess, but still show how some people can be tricked to believe almost anything.
Its not about how you remember it, its a theory to do with converging realities that are so similar people dont even know they've moved time lines untill they notice a subtle change like the ones listed at the top.
Huh. This is really cool.
It is most likely do to faulty memory.
Oh, oh, here's a topic from my field of expertise. I've been reading stuff about this and simulated reality lately,
Some other cases include:
The lindburgh baby is a interesting one.
The Beatles album from another dimension called 'Everyday Chemistry'. Songs are on youtube now. Supposedly it's made in a dimension where the Beatles haven't broken up.
tell me more.
You should browse r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix on Reddit if you find this interesting.
I will, thank you.
Update: Thanks guys, I've become obsessed with this theory now. I made a Reddit and subscribed to Glitch in the Matrix and the Mandela Theory. I've visited the sites, learned about CERN and so on. My friends are mocking me. I don't care. This is the only truth.
I lurk on those subs frequently I dont have a account yet, someone took my fucking name.
Have you experienced any mandelas or glitches yourself?
Glitches, not really. I'm still a bit skeptical about those. Mandelas? Definitely. I remember Sex in the City, "Mirror, mirror on the wall", Bearenstein Bears and Loony Toons. I talked to some of my friends and the older ones agree with me while the younger ones absolutely refuse to acknowledge the debate. It's definitely interesting.
On a side note, I've taken an interest in CERN. I'd love to work there someday.
The one that got me is the lindburgh baby ive always been into unsolved mystries and im sure i remember learning a body was never found and neither was a culprit, it was a big thing "where is the lindburgh baby?" all the time countless shows
. The Lindburgh Baby was never found. What are you talking about? I don't recall coming across this one. .
Ext-fucking-sactly thats why it fucked me up, google it.
No. Nope. No. There's no other way. Family Guy even made a joke about it. There was a book about it! The Found series!
batteries not included i remember that filmnever seen it but saw a video cover many years ago