True meaning of Angry Birds?

in General Chat
It may not be a film about some birds fightning egg thieves. It may be an allegory. Hidden message about Islamic mass immigration and how unprepared EU is for this crisis. Yeah, it sounds ridiculous but watch this short review. Check internet to find more similarities. Amazing.
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Well people are finally fuckin waking up, Go Common Sense!
I thought it was a game about appeasing to the mass market of children with their parents' IPhones6g or whatever who are too lazy to actually entertain them by means of creative social cues or intelligent commentary... Lazy fucking parents making the next generation of children drooling embracing morons.
God, I hate Angry Birds and it's undeserved popularity.
Honestly when I saw the first story trailer for Angry Birds it reminded me of the Anti Semtic Propaganda book known as The Fable of The Ducks & The Hens.
I think we're beginning to read a little too far into these things. .
There's bird sheriff that protects green guests and looks like...
I disagree, if you think about it the paralels are quite visible there...
Well everything makes sense...
Edit: Does anyone think that she would make a great reverse Joker here? I mean look as her mouth! I reaches her throat...why so serious Angela?
Now you can predict that this film will likely get banned in Germany. lol
Yeah too Haram from them...
Alright, I admit, I didn't clearly read the first post. So, my bad.
I thought we were just talking about the app where you fling birds at pigs. I missed over the part where it said "film" and for a lack of a better explanation, well, I didn't even know there was a film yet.
Its called predictive programming click
,,Predictive programming is a subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by TPTB."
I don't think that having a guy looking like that:
can fit into the description of subtle, when you're trying to push your agenda...
Most overrated mobile game franchise ever!!
The true meaning of Angry Birds is money.
Just watched the whole's not a movie it's a political manifesto
I'm pretty sure the creators of the movie didn't make it with anti-alien-whatever in mind. They just wanted to make money off a profitable game that had a simple and adorable premise: launch birds at pigs.
Thing is, this movie is surprisingly very good and even about as progressive as Zootopia and The Force Awakens.
You'd be surprised. Politics is mixed into everything in life. Heck it is why we will never see a Captain Planet Reboot. T-T
Captain Planet dark and gritty reboot
He finally did it, he finally did it. Claps Finally. Ignore his message or he will turn you into a tree!!! lol
Angry Birds is a game about slinging birds into objects to kill pigs.
We are talking about the movie.
L as in "Loss on my part, my bad bro! Misunderstanding!" ?
If Mobile Suit Gundam, or Hellsing Ultimate could find their way on American TV... ya umm Angry Birds will not get banned. lol
But I am not a loser.
U r a winner
What a shame