The Sims 4 Diversifies - Removal of Gender Barriers
Hey guys, just wanted to get your opinion on this, the reason I decided to make a thread is because I felt it was a pretty huge thing(at least for Simmers and perhaps people in the LGTB Community). The Sims 4 will be a getting an update(perhaps in a few hours) that will be converting a bunch of clothing and hairstyles for Sims of both Genders to use, atop this, Sims will be able to change their gender and no longer be restricted when using the personalizing tools in Create-A-Sim. Giving more individuals a chance to express themselves in the game. It has sparked some controversy on The Sims Official Forums.
Why do I think this is important? Because The Sims is a huge and beloved franchise and Maxis and EA are going to incorporate more gender identities into the game, making The Sims 4 one of the few games where you can play as more diverse characters, they can identify as what they wish and they can wear previously gender restricted clothing, this will likely continue to improve overtime in the game's lifespan.
So, what do you guys think about this change? Do you agree with it? Disagree with it? Or are you impartial? Thanks for taking the time to read this
So by the sounds of it, they've made every hair and clothing option available to all sims, including facial hair etc.
Im assuming this might end up with some weird looking townies, even with restrictions sims looked pretty weird before, now im guessing plenty of guys will have dresses on and many of the girls could have beards.
To be honest given how sparse and basic the sims 4 is (which is why I have yet to buy it) Im dissapointed this is what they've been working on, considering they still dont have toddlers, weather, pets or colour customization...
That's a pretty interesting move by EA.
Actually, a Guru recently tweeted that it would not automatically be applied to Townies I think it may only be specifically for Create-A-Sim.
To be honest, it doesn't surprise me that they've worked on this, considering it is pretty much just converting clothes and hairstyles along with adding a few new features, the first two are things that Modders in the community have been doing since at least The Sims 2 Era.
I actually don't mind this. Sure, there's going to be strange creations, but Sims always had that goofy vibe.
To be honest, I'm not all that surprised, the company itself has a history of supporting diversity.
I'm glad that some things like hoodies will finally be available for both genders, some of the gender exclusive CAS could've been used for both earlier imo.
EA: Okay, money...err a Sims players! It's time for the grand unveilin' of...MONEY! I mean...diversity!
This is apart of the new free update for the game.
I don't think this will get them more money when it's entirely free of charge.
Hell yeah! Men in dresses! Wooooo!
Good for them. The girlfriend loves Sims. She'll probably be excited.
as long as they don't introduce "otherkin" or "genderfluid" into the series, I'm fine with it.
After reading the article, what I wanna know is, can a Sim be gender-neutral with this update? As in not male or female.
I loved Fairly Odd Parents, didn't realize it was still ongoing xD
I'm afraid Sims must pick between the Male or Female Sex still, however, you can more fully modify how feminine and masculine they are.
I hope not.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for it. I'm just guessing that EA's reasons for doing so have more to do with creating buzz than personal convictions.
2spooky huh?
sounds odd but sims has always been strange i remember in sims 2 there was a glitch with the plastic surgery machine where you could completely squash their face in i did it to my sisters character she was not happy
If you mean become a dragon I hope so be so awesome :')
Alright Maxis! Glad that there adding diversity to the game. And the best part is it's FREE! The update is really cool including the shadows from the windows. I don't why I'm excited about that.
I don't play the Sims but hey, it sounds like it'll be fun for those who do play it.
I don't doubt that part of the reason why they did it was to get buzz and even more people to like the game - as it has but they also risked losing allot of consumers who dislike non-Heterosexuality or Cross-dressing etc.(and there are allot of those people).
There's a Plastic Surgery Machine in The Sims 2?
it was part of the university expansion pack
You know it