RATE MC:SM Episode 6 (A Portal to mystery) SPOILER FREE

Looks like the game should be releasing soon to Aussie's and other territories, so its time for another first impressions thread

PLEASE DO NOT USE SPOILER TAGS as I can still see them through my feed. Just give your overall thoughts of the episode and a rating if you want too.


  • Much darker than I expected. Overall interesting. Some good visual gags. References were not too over-the-top. I give it an 8/10.

  • Cool plot and there weren't many references. Still foci sing on the main cast even though youtubers were added. The only bad thing was the 'white pumpkin' was kinda disappointing in my opinion. Also, I kinda wanted more comedy.... Overall I'd give it a 7/10 :3

  • Did the episode feel long enough? (Like episode 5 long?).

    Abeille posted: »

    Much darker than I expected. Overall interesting. Some good visual gags. References were not too over-the-top. I give it an 8/10.

  • It must be at least two hours long.

    Did the episode feel long enough? (Like episode 5 long?).

  • edited June 2016

    One more thing. Were there a lot of clickables and big-ish hubs?

    Abeille posted: »

    It must be at least two hours long.

  • Not really, no. The hubs were few and small, and the clickables were very straight-forward, not giving you many options before the right one.

    One more thing. Were there a lot of clickables and big-ish hubs?

  • Do your choices, in this episode or previous ones, seriously matter at all?

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    10/10 Adam Harrington's in it

  • Is that your real rating, but I'm super happy Adam's in it!

  • It was a character towards the start of the game, who I'm not going to name since this is a a spoiler free thread. But, think on it and it should be fairly obvious.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    I generally like to hold off on ratings until they're officially out, but right now I'd give it a uh... I dunno, 7-8? Then again, I'm not the biggest fan of MCSM, so you probably shouldn't really take my word for that.

    Is that your real rating, but I'm super happy Adam's in it!

  • edited June 2016

    I can't play till tomorrow, but more spoiler free impressions would be cool since reviews are a wasteland currently. Sorry for the bump.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I had a lot of fun with the murder mystery, I'd say an 8 or 8.5 out of 10

  • Pretty solid episode. I enjoyed Order Up more though, this episode felt like episode 3 where there was a lot more talking and investigation. 8/10

  • Im already liking the bonus episodes more than the the first 4 episodes.

  • edited June 2016

    I actually like this episode better than episode 5... I expected Jesse, in episode five, to be more like Captain Kirk of TOS Star Trek. I expected him to defend himself more from Aiden, I mean, he had a one-to-one chat with the founder! He wasted any chance to clear his name, and gain the founder's trust! But I felt like in this episode, I was less frustrated with Jesse. He was actively solving the mystery, and I wasn't yelling at the screen as much saying YOU MISSED YOUR CHANCE! or WHY DIDN'T YOU THINK OF THAT JUST THEN! But, if the characters would have trusted each other from the begining and didn't hide anything, the mystery could have been solved much faster...
    I rate the episode 8.5, or maybe even 9 out of 10.

  • edited June 2016

    WHAT did I say about No spoiler tags! I can see spoilers through my feed regardless if they're tagged.

    also SPOILER FREE. pls

  • It was a pretty solid episode. Nice murder mystery and the Youtubers' voices weren't as distracting as I thought they'd be. I think I like these standalone episodes even more than the first 4 episodes.


  • 8.5/10. It was a REALLY good episode, just the point that there was no option to agree to lock someone who I'm not allowed to name up made it a bit worse, but still, everything else was perfect! I especially liked the 'next time on MCSM' part.

  • It was such a good episode. Meeting Minecraft Youtubers, deaths of some of them, themurder mistery, the antagonist etc. Really sweet. AND finally another moment with Jesse and Petra togheter. JETRA FOR LIFE. I'd give this episode 9/10.

  • 10/10. This is my favorite Episode of Minecraft storymode. I will straight up recomend to anyone. I don't know what happened but i just kept smilling through the whole thing. It was just fantastic.

    I hope telltale keeps doing episodes like this in the future.

  • Wow that was great. I'm loving this one off story telling. Definitely excited for episode 7. 9/10

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