Atheists, Christians, etc.: If you saw God for the first Time...?
Atheists, Christians, etc.: If you saw God for the first Time,
- What would you do?
- What would you want to ask him?
- What would you want to say to him?
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I wouldn't have anything to say to him, if he's real then he's a pretty big dick.
I think my first reaction would be "Boy, do I have egg on my face..."
Then if I actually managed to collect myself I hope I'd say something like this:
enter link description here
I'd probably quickly look away. People die when they look at God...for some reason. At least, in the Old Testament he told people they'd die. He is God, so I'm inclined to believe him. After that, I'd probably be really nervous. Really nervous. I'd assume God would be here to tell me something, so I'd probably just bow or something and wait for him to tell me. Hopefully he makes me the King of Israel. That'd be cool, I guess. I haven't smote any Philistines in a while, so that'd be nice.
Here I was under the assumption you died first, then saw God.
Don't think you've read much of the Bible haha...
Nope. I've only gotten as far as the First Book of Kings. Just seriously started reading it not long ago.
So far, from what I've read of the Bible, if he actually personally comes to you in person, and you look at him, you die. I don't know why. I believe it was Moses he told, "Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live."
I would ask him out for tea so I can talk to him on why the heck he created the platypus.
Spit in his face.
Why are you such a sadistic prick?
Fuck off, cunt.
Damn man, that edge could kill someone!
Hopefully him.
I fucking love your comment.
Ask why he's taking so long to write the sequel to the Bible.
But honestly I don't care if god is real or not, I do not care nor wish to be involved in a religion, especially as they're all close minded.
"Would you mind going back to Earth and providing some real evidence that you exist and what you really want humans to do? It's a real mess down there, with people killing each other over disagreements that you could clear up pretty easily."
Bible 2: Eletric Bibleloo.
Asking questions is against the beeble.
Why bother asking him anything? God's omnipotent, no? That's why prayer (besides praises) have never made sense to me.
"I've often thought people treat God rather rudely, don't you? Asking trillions and trillions of prayers every day. Asking and pleading and begging for favors. Do this, gimme that, I need a new car, I want a better job. And most of this praying takes place on Sunday His day off. It's not nice. And it's no way to treat a friend.
But people do pray, and they pray for a lot of different things, you know, your sister needs an operation on her crotch, your brother was arrested for defecating in a mall. But most of all, you'd really like to fuck that hot little redhead down at the convenience store. You know, the one with the eyepatch and the clubfoot? Can you pray for that? I think you'd have to. And I say, fine. Pray for anything you want. Pray for anything, but what about the Divine Plan?
Remember that? The Divine Plan. Long time ago, God made a Divine Plan. Gave it a lot of thought, decided it was a good plan, put it into practice. And for billions and billions of years, the Divine Plan has been doing just fine. Now, you come along, and pray for something. Well suppose the thing you want isn't in God's Divine Plan? What do you want Him to do? Change His plan? Just for you? Doesn't it seem a little arrogant? It's a Divine Plan. What's the use of being God if every run-down shmuck with a two-dollar prayerbook can come along and fuck up Your Plan?
And here's something else, another problem you might have: Suppose your prayers aren't answered. What do you say? "Well, it's God's will." "Thy Will Be Done." Fine, but if it's God's will, and He's going to do what He wants to anyway, why the fuck bother praying in the first place? Seems like a big waste of time to me! Couldn't you just skip the praying part and go right to His Will? It's all very confusing." - George Carlin
enter link description here
It would be really interesting to talk about the history of life, various plans that he put into motion, ect. I would also like to know how God would feel about some people's unwillingness to understand.
Also, I think the idea that someone would say "fuck you" to God is massively ridiculous. I mean seriously, if it were to actually be proven that your life was granted to you by God, you would turn around and insult him? How stupid is that? I gotta say, it irks me to think that people would be so narrow minded and incredibly ungrateful for their existence, as well as the existence of life in general.
He would likely be like.
"Well it was a very dry day and I just happened to touch earth after scratching my head from this nasty itch I had and a shock from my finger hit the planet the size of a lightning bolt it was. Then these things started moving around eating all the beautiful plants I made, then other ones start popping up and eating the ones eating my beautiful plants. I ended up having a few chuckles. 'Eat my plants ha look at that one eating you.' Then these Apes started shedding their hair, eventually started praying to me without me ever telling them I existed. They actually believe I created them in my image? If they'd saw me they'd likely stab me to death with spears like they do everything else."
Sorry, Krac--- I mean, Our Lord and Savior, sorry for disturbing you, but...
Can I sacrifice Brody for being rude to you, my God?
In the case of God's existence being proven to you, along with the fact that he gave you (and everyone) the gift of life, out of all things that you could ask to be explained your choice of words would simply be "fuck you"? I can't tell if you're actually being serious or just want to look edgy.
the second one should be ''Ask ''Fuck you?'''' Because its a question.
Ugh... >:^I
Well you uh.... can't kill God....
Why would I talk to a mirror?
Well, that won't happen. I don't think anybody can prove a god's existence.
Just to snatch it back cruelly and do the same to your loved ones?. That gives me even more reason to say those words.
A little bit of both, honestly.
Goddamnit. It's not available in the U.S.
Yeah, I would hate someone who says that.
In all seriousness though, If it was actually proven that my life was granted to me by god, then it would prove that he's a douche. That he Gave me a life and a body that has the ability to sin when he doesn't want me to sin. Yet, a lot of the things god would classify as "sinning" come naturally to humans. For example; masturbation (and pre-marital sexual acts in general) and violence. And if I almost inevitably fall into these traps, I will be sent to burn in hell for all eternity.
I don't know why I should be grateful for my "sinful" existence, where terrible things happen to me and the ones I love.
Alright, well, in saying that you have to consider the alternative. What if God had not given us the gift of free will, and instead controlled us like puppets? That wouldn't really be living in a real sense if we didn't actually have any control over our lives or actions. Of course God wants us to do right by one another, but that doesn't mean he should have created a bunch of brainless robots who can't think and act of their own accord.
Now you're talking about specific beliefs belonging to certain specific religions. I don't think that is what this thread is necessarily about. I personally do believe in God, but I most definitely do not think people will get sent to "hell" for masturbating. Honestly, I don't even really believe in Hell as it is.
Again, what are the alternatives? That you don't get to experience life at all? Is your existence really so truly terrible that you aren't grateful to have the chance to experience life? Would you rather everyone be 100% controlled by God rather than actually living as their own entity? I get that bad things happen. They happen to all of us. There are certainly days where I hurt, but I will always be grateful for the chance I have to experience life, whether that chance is due to a higher power or not.
Of course not, I'm just talking theoretically, which is what this thread is about.
Depending what you believe relative to believing in God, there is always the idea of the afterlife. That aside, death just happens to be a natural part of a physical existence. While we could go back and forth on the philosophy of having finite lives opposed to infinite ones, we don't have the answers, so I'd rather not waste my time this time around (though I did have a somewhat similar discussion about this wayy back in November: The point of my comment towards you was that if you were to be able to ask God to explain any of the questions that you seem to have, you should simply ask them instead of just tossing out a simple "fuck you" as if an omnipotent being such as God wouldn't have a reason for doing what he has. Theoretically, if you were in the presence of God would you seriously not bother to look for the answers, and instead just stand there and blindly insult him? It just doesn't seem like a reasonable thing to do lol.
Either way, does death really defeat the purpose and brilliance of being alive at all? It clearly does not, as obviously the vast majority of people are happy to have the chance to be alive despite knowing that they will eventually die.
I wasn't talking about the alternative, and I didn't intend to. I was specifically referring to the Christian God that is known to most of the world today, and his ways of judging and watching over his creations. I don't see the point in considering the alternatives, since this is the mentality that god is believed to have by the christian people, and the God I was told I should worship as a child.
Again, I'm referring to the religion that I am most familiar with and was brought up in (Christianity). Maybe I should have been more specific. Pre-marital sexual acts and masturbation in specifically are considered sins in the Christian religion. Likewise for murder and other forms of violence. Again, I was only giving examples of things that come naturally to humans, which most other religions are also against.
You misinterpret my meaning. I wasn't saying that we should have no control over our own actions, I was stating that natural human instincts and impulses shouldn't be considered sins.
Why would you not consider the alternatives to what you are criticizing, though? That doesn't make much sense if you're trying to apply any rationality to your opinion at all. You're pretty much just blindly criticizing otherwise.
I suppose if you're going to keep this strictly to looking at popular Christian views I won't go down that route, as it's a pretty restrictive conversation. Even though I believe in God, I believe that religious views are far too influenced by society to be really taken as the true word of God. That's why there are so many differing opinions among religions. I try to keep my views on God more philosophical. I think it's asinine to think someone would be sent to an eternity of suffering and punishment for the very small, harmless act of masturbation. I'm a pretty stout believer in God, but I don't think he gives two shits about some of the petty things that some strict religious individuals think that he does.
Anyway, I kind of went off on a tangent there. Just wanted to clarify what my own opinion is on that.
Ah. I thought you were speaking against having the ability to sin, which unfortunately seems to be a popular argument among people that do not believe in God. It seemed like it went hand in hand with what you were saying. In regards to what your actual point is though, improper channeling of emotions/ impulses should be seen as a bad thing if it ends up harming someone. That isn't just in regards to how God would view it, but also as society views it. Just because we have a full range of emotions doesn't mean we should be justified in having no self control in dealing with those emotions. I think it's fair for God to give us the ability to have free will and a full range of emotions and yet still hold us accountable in how we choose to channel those emotions. For example, there is nothing wrong with being angry or upset about something, but if you channel that emotion by hurting someone, then that is something that should fairly be looked down upon.
Kracmos x Brody confirmed?
Dunno. But who cares, really?
As there is no proof that he exists, no point of thinking about this.