Ep 6 Waiting Thread - Ep Releasing Jun 7th PC/Mac/Xbox One/360/PSN NA/iOS, Jun 8th PS4 Eu



  • This is ridiculous, Xbox has Episode 6 but PlayStation doesn't??!

  • steam doesn't either

    This is ridiculous, Xbox has Episode 6 but PlayStation doesn't??!

  • is it ment to be like that?

    Jaygaming21 posted: »

    Update? how?

  • Just 13 hours, not a tragedy.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    The Steam release usually happens at around 10 AM PDT but there have been some delays in the past, the console releases normally happen when either Sony or Microsoft update their store.

    steam doesn't either

  • oh ok thanks :)

    OzzyUK posted: »

    The Steam release usually happens at around 10 AM PDT but there have been some delays in the past, the console releases normally happen when either Sony or Microsoft update their store.

  • 11:30am in India June 7th...
    No ep6 yet (ANDROID)

  • I know right! It's 3:57 PM June 7th and it's not out for PlayStation!

    AdamRoberts posted: »

    11:30am in India June 7th... No ep6 yet (ANDROID)

  • Damn..gotta keep ourselves from spoilers man... The hardest thing to do

    I know right! It's 3:57 PM June 7th and it's not out for PlayStation!

  • 1.06 PM here. Still not yet released.

  • 8:33 AM 7th June.
    Well, in moments Telltale will have 7th June too.
    So maybe in 10 hours it's out.
    I still have 4 hours to waste at school, lol

  • C'mon telltale , every hour I wait I watch abit of you tubers lets play

  • 15 minutes until 12 am in PST so it should be out by then. I'm in austrakia looking at a website to see the time so i don't know if it willl be released then or if it's even the real time over there.

  • It's officially the 7th June for telltale!!!!!!

  • 15 minutes until 12 am in PST so it should be out by then.

    Not exactly; Telltale doesn't release episodes at 12 am on the spot. It's typically later in the day for Telltale. I'd check when it's late morning or early/mid afternoon for Telltale.

    15 minutes until 12 am in PST so it should be out by then. I'm in austrakia looking at a website to see the time so i don't know if it willl be released then or if it's even the real time over there.

  • 7pm NZ 7/06...

    AdamRoberts posted: »

    Damn..gotta keep ourselves from spoilers man... The hardest thing to do

  • Ok, this is like the only thread I can go on if I don't want to see spoilers. I mean, come on, THREE spoiler threads, a review, and videos? It's kind of hard to avoid all that. Anyone who actually manages to deserves an award. I admit, I MAY have accidentally watched five minutes of the video...hehe...may have. But anyway, I might just be playing Clash of Clans all day today.

  • Can't stop myself from watching a stream

  • Where is my award?

    Ok, this is like the only thread I can go on if I don't want to see spoilers. I mean, come on, THREE spoiler threads, a review, and videos?

  • [removed]

    Rocked03 posted: »

    Can't stop myself from watching a stream

  • Is it happening again? I swear, every time TTG gives us a WW release date, we mobile users never get it on that date-we end up getting it a couple days later, which is the day we would have gotten it if there WASN'T a WW release date.

  • Please do not share links to streams with spoilers. Just like spoiler discussion, we ask you guys to discuss that in other threads. Thanks!

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited June 2016

    It's literally only 12:30 am for Telltale. Australian users got the game early as did some YouTube players, but that's it. Everyone else is still waiting as well.

    (Certain Australian stores - I believe just the consoles such as PlayStation - are the only exception; everywhere else goes by when Telltale and/or other digital stores would normally update at their local time.)

    The_Duck posted: »

    Is it happening again? I swear, every time TTG gives us a WW release date, we mobile users never get it on that date-we end up getting it a couple days later, which is the day we would have gotten it if there WASN'T a WW release date.

  • i'm in Australia and haven't gotten it.

    It's literally only 12:30 am for Telltale. Australian users got the game early as did some YouTube players, but that's it. Everyone else is

  • Well, Australian tablets dont get the game early.

    It's literally only 12:30 am for Telltale. Australian users got the game early as did some YouTube players, but that's it. Everyone else is

  • I think it is limited to PSN Australia and maybe Xbox.

    CupCokeYum posted: »

    Well, Australian tablets dont get the game early.

  • I think it mostly applies to PSN Australia. I updated my post to specify this.

    i'm in Australia and haven't gotten it.

  • I'm on PSN, still no episode 6. Btw it's 5:54 PM where I live.

    I think it is limited to PSN Australia and maybe Xbox.

  • 09:00 here in UK and not released yet. My daughter is waiting :)

  • That's it, I'm NEVER getting my hopes up again, letting us down with release dates as usual

  • It's 1 am for Telltale. There are still another 23 hours in the day for them.

    I would wait another 10 hours or so before expecting the episode to release at its earliest.

    That's it, I'm NEVER getting my hopes up again, letting us down with release dates as usual

  • Ah yes, I have all the chocolate bars ready. What is your adress?

    Forcer99 posted: »

    Where is my award?

  • edited June 2016

    Same here, apart from the daughter bit. Last time it was only released about 9:00pm UK time, so I ended up playing until 10:45 or 11:00pm.

    rudolfsmate posted: »

    09:00 here in UK and not released yet. My daughter is waiting

  • You get games like Life Is Strange which released its episodes not long after midnight for that country, then you get games like this that make you wait until night time to get them thats even if it arrives at all

  • Luckily school breaks up the waiting period for my daughter. Hopefully it's live by time she's home.

    Same here, apart from the daughter bit. Last time it was only released about 9:00pm UK time, so I ended up playing until 10:45 or 11:00pm.




  • edited June 2016

    Heh, lucky. I'm on school break right now so more waiting for me...yay -_- Hopefully it will be up soon :)

    rudolfsmate posted: »

    Luckily school breaks up the waiting period for my daughter. Hopefully it's live by time she's home.

  • Pc

    Which platform are you playing

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