Did anyone suspected major spoilers

Did anyone first suspected cassy rose to be the murderer because I don't know why but I suspect captainsparkles as the killer but I was wrong who did you first suspected to be the killer


  • I suspected Soren actually, it would have been the perfect way to get him back in the story.

  • I suspected Cassie. Always claims she doesn't know anything and seems suspicious. She's always angry.

  • I started to suspect Cassie after she shoved Lukas in, and when she suggested to throw him at the zombies. At first, I thought it would be someone who's not part of the group, but then... Yup.

  • No offense, but I just can't imagine the guy who ran away from the Witherstorm as an axe-wielding, pumpkin-wearing maniac.

    I suspected Soren actually, it would have been the perfect way to get him back in the story.

  • None taken. I just think since he's kind of a coward, he would be the kind of person to kill people with sand traps and arrow traps without actually being in the room.

    No offense, but I just can't imagine the guy who ran away from the Witherstorm as an axe-wielding, pumpkin-wearing maniac.

  • ITS CASSIE ROSE!!!!!!!!

  • I aggre.

    No offense, but I just can't imagine the guy who ran away from the Witherstorm as an axe-wielding, pumpkin-wearing maniac.

  • Yeah he might do that but straight up STABBING THE GUY WITH AN AXE is sort of out of the question for him. Heh. If he was the White Pumkin (Which he isn't) I might have given him the nickname "Soren the Serial Killer"

    None taken. I just think since he's kind of a coward, he would be the kind of person to kill people with sand traps and arrow traps without actually being in the room.

  • I thought it was Cassie from the begining. I mean, she was the only non-youtuber that was not in Jesse's gang. Well, other than Torquedawg. But of course, he couldnt have been the murderer!

  • When did he stab a guy with an axe? I don't think he did that in my playthrough.

    Yeah he might do that but straight up STABBING THE GUY WITH AN AXE is sort of out of the question for him. Heh. If he was the White Pumkin (Which he isn't) I might have given him the nickname "Soren the Serial Killer"

  • edited June 2016

    Yeah, I knew she might be it from the start considering we have a bunch of pre-established characters and then, what? who's this? oh! a new, never-before seen character. (who I kind of quickly googled to see if she was a youtuber, but no.) So, yeah. It was a given.

  • No I meant that I don't think Soren would stab someone with an axe. The White Pumpkin would stab Lizzie with an axe if you didn't accuse anyone in the scene with the fireplace.

    When did he stab a guy with an axe? I don't think he did that in my playthrough.

  • I didn't know who to expect until I started to narrow it down. Three people are dead, it isn't anyone in my group, isn't Stampy since he was there when it attacked, and it wasn't Lizzie since well...I just believed her, she was very open. So it was either Stacey or Cassie, and then Cassie got really upset and wanted to get rid of Lukas, so I knew then, it was her.

  • Oh I see. I didn't have that happen

    No I meant that I don't think Soren would stab someone with an axe. The White Pumpkin would stab Lizzie with an axe if you didn't accuse anyone in the scene with the fireplace.

  • Nah I suspected Lizzie y'know until she died, but after that I was very focused on Cassie.

  • I didn't make the connection until we came to the underground layer with all the cats. But damn this was a dark episode, either way.

  • I did suspect her, but only when i saw the cats

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