Who was more evil? The Blaze Rods or The White Pumpkin?

Aiden and the Blaze Rods destroyed a city full of innocent people to and stole the Eversource to become the leader of the world and The White Pumpkin AKA Cassie Rose killed innocent people to just get a key to get out of the world she didn't belong. Who do you think was more evil?


  • Well I mean Aiden didn't realize how out of hand the situation got and he never truly intended to kill anyone.

    Cassie on the other hand, murdered her friends. She didn't even care about them.

  • Then why did he order to spawn monsters to destroy the city?

    Well I mean Aiden didn't realize how out of hand the situation got and he never truly intended to kill anyone. Cassie on the other hand, murdered her friends. She didn't even care about them.

  • It just got out of hand, he only wanted to have his own spotlight Cassie, everybody gained her trust, and she just killed them. She was going to kill them all intentionally, if it was it took to get the key. I think The White Pumpkin is more evil.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Then why did he order to spawn monsters to destroy the city?

  • He was power crazy. If you spare him and apologize to him at the end of the episode he apologizes and says he didn't realize what he did was so destructive.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Then why did he order to spawn monsters to destroy the city?

  • Cassie. Yes aiden destroyed a city, but he didn't realise the powers he was messing with. Cassie did, and murdered the people who liked her.

  • Definitely Cassie. I believe Aiden had no intention to kill anyone.

  • Cassie because she killed people but the blaze rods didn't kill anyone

  • Cassie. No question. The Blaze Rods didn't know what they were doing, Cassie on the other hand STRAIGHT UP MURDERED THREE PEOPLE!

  • How are people saying that Aiden didn't mean to kill anyone? He literally throws Jesse, Lukas, and the Founder off of Sky City. When Jesse shows up again he is upset about how Jesse isn't dead.....

  • What? Did you forget that he pushed Jesse, Isa and Lukas (Determinant) off the island? He did mean to kill them. Also, he threw a creeper egg to Reginald, claiming that he wanted him to die.

    Pipas posted: »

    Definitely Cassie. I believe Aiden had no intention to kill anyone.

  • White Pumpkin more evil

  • The power went to Aiden's head. He just lost it, while Cassie planned all of this on purpose and killed her own friends.

    How are people saying that Aiden didn't mean to kill anyone? He literally throws Jesse, Lukas, and the Founder off of Sky City. When Jesse shows up again he is upset about how Jesse isn't dead.....

  • I would say the White Pumpkin was more evil for killing friends and not enemies but what Aiden did was inexcusable. If he had his way then Jesse, Lukas, the Founder and everyone who was in Sky City would be dead.

    The power went to Aiden's head. He just lost it, while Cassie planned all of this on purpose and killed her own friends.

  • I like the Blaze Rods better but the other one if more eviler.

    JimMate789 posted: »

    White Pumpkin more evil

  • The Blaze Rods destroyed an entire city for power, attempted to kill and over throw one of his previous friends, long time rival, and a Queen all because he wanted some attention. Cassie wanted to get home.

    The Blaze Rods.

  • We can all agree that both were bad, if we were to take their decision. While I wanted to put Blaze Rods first, because their leader attempt to murder and destroy properties, we all know that they were driven by madness. Aiden was always the jealous type, and in combination with his nature, it led him to snap a few times and do reckless things with the power. I'm not defending him, but I'm just saying that some people do irrational things because they let jealousy get better of them. Aiden is and will always be an idiot, never thinking once in his life. As for Cassie...

    Years of being stuck in a house, with a "sea" of zombies outside, turns you bitter, cynical, sadic etc. Cassie waited for so long that she completely lost her mind, planning carefully to kill each character until she gets what she wants.

    Who's worse? I'd say Cassie. Aiden can be saved.

  • Aiden did not mean to distroy sky city cassy killed by the time Jesse showed up

  • Cassie. Yes Aiden purposely tried to destroy Sky City, but Cassie murdered her friends. And she still over felt sorry for herself at the end. If you take Aiden with you at least he apologizes.

  • Cassie, She killed her friends without a second thought and SHE attempted to kill Jesse, plus she even Accused Lukas of the murderer so she can get away with it. Aiden was using the spawn eggs without knowing what the would happen if he spawned MORE and more mobs. He is a pretty weak villian too. But still, I liked his role as a villian.

  • Cassie. Aiden was the clear villain in Sky City, but Cassie kept her identity hidden. Aiden wanted to kill Jesse. Cassie wanted to kill Jesse and everyone else until she got the flint and steel. Posing as a friend and setting up elaborate schemes takes time, where Aiden kinda just winged it.

  • I'd say they're both as bad as the other.

    Cassie Rose tricked her own friends and even strangers to coming into a house filled with death traps over enchanted flint and steel to escape from a world she was stuck in. Although she's directly responsible for really 2 deaths(Dan having triggered Sparklez's death), she did try to kill everyone that was in the manor out of the assumption that one of them had it. These were complete strangers and people who've come to trust her whose lives meant nothing to her, not to mention she tried to get sympathy out of Jessie and tried to get Winslow to be stuck in a pit filled with Endermites with her(to be honest, I didn't like just leaving her to practically die).

    The Blaze Rods practically bullied other individuals(even before becoming 'The Blaze Rods'), they tried to pick fights with 'The New Order of the Stone' and stole the enchanted flint and steel that lead to the whole Episode 5-8 predicaments. Upon arrival at Sky City, Aiden manipulated Isa to gain her trust and got Jessie and or her friends imprisoned. After leading Isa to believe that Jesse was after Benedict, he betrayed Isa and pushed her, Jessie and Lukas off a cliff, intending for them to die and steals Benedict in the process. Moments later, it is revealed that Aiden and The Blaze Rods used the spawn eggs to wreck havoc upon Sky City, destroying the home of several individuals as well as resources, remember that everyone didn't realize there was anything but Sky City, Aiden didn't show any knowledge of the land below either, meaning that he was intentionally destroying what is assumed was the only safe haven in the entire world, intending to kill several innocent individuals. Later even trying to kill Jessie, only to ask for mercy when he's defeated. He shows to hold a grudge if you don't show him mercy.

    It really depends, do you feel that luring your friends and strangers into your home to kill them for the assumed possession of a rare artifact is worse than leading two other individuals into misleading a town of innocents only to steal their source of products and then assume to destroy what is thought to be the only safe place as well as attempting to kill several strangers?

  • Cassie (or at least her trap) killed Captain Sparklez, so clearly she is more evil.

    But jokes aside, I think neither of them are really EVIL, per se. Both were driven mad by a desire. Nothing excuses what they did, but if fate had been kinder to them, they wouldn't have snapped and gone over the edge. In a way, I sort of pity the both of them.

    Aiden and his group probably felt like Lukas was leaving them behind for the "new cool group", the new Order of the Stone. When you want to be great, but can only ever be mediocre, it can drive weaker-willed people nuts. They'd do anything to prove themselves and have SOMETHING, ANYTHING, for themselves that puts them in a higher place than someone else. Once Jessie knocks some sense into him, he is instantly filled with fear, regret, and horror at what he's done. He wasn't evil, just a bully in over his head.

    As for Cassie... She was driven insane by her desire to go home, and I wish I could have let her come with me instead of leaving her there in the pit. That's cold, and not how I was playing Jessie at all. If she had been right in the mind, she could have asked one of the YouTubers to let them take her home, but instead, in her insane mind, killing one of them to dig through their things was the obvious answer. She wasn't evil, either, just a lonely and homesick girl driven insane by that desire.

  • Aiden was jeolous. He did all of them because of that. But cassie rose was evil. She was psychopath. She couldn't leave that world and this made her evil. She killed people for one thing. She didn't care who died.

  • Cassie was infinitely more evil. She did destroy all those people without showing any remorse. One more thing: you can tell that it's Cassie before you finish the episode because she is the only one who is not a real YouTuber.

  • Cassie murdered people for her own selfish reasons. Sure, Aiden did the same thing but at least he regretted it, and his reason was because he was jealous of Jesse & co. They were getting the spotlight, and it's even more understandable if the Blaze Rods came with Lukas to distract the Wither Storm, they never got any recognition for helping defeat the Wither Storm.

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