BATMAN at E3 2016 - Discuss News, Interviews, Articles, major reveals about the game here

Discuss news and updates from E3 2016 here
Hey guys! Similar to typical waiting threads or pre-Season news threads, this thread will be used for sharing news and updates from E3 2016 about 'Batman - The Telltale Series' that we find online. You guys are free to discuss any news articles/etc, or you can also just let your hype out here. Additionally, you guys can also help by posting articles/etc that we miss, and we can add them to this main post.
For larger updates with significant new information, feel free to make an additional new thread to discuss it. However, for smaller updates such as online impression articles that don't say a whole lot of new information, please stick to discussing the article here in this thread.
E3 is over, but the discussion continues in the Episode 1 Waiting Thread!
View Page 1 of this thread for the Art Gallery and Video Interviews/Articles
Summary of bigger news updates from E3:
Throughout the week of E3, we will try to update this section of the thread with quick bullet points of larger announcements such as the game's final title, any potential new features, etc. Check back often!
Via Verge article: "There will also be detective sequences, which makes the new Batman sound a lot like Telltale's riff on the Fables comic book, called The Wolf Among Us. That game similarly featured a mix of conversation, action, and investigation, and it's one of the studio's strongest efforts yet."
Via CinemaBlend article: Telltale are aiming to have all five episodes out this year. In other words, expect monthly episode releases to return!
Via PS LiveCast Interview: Job hints to potentially expect a concrete date for the series premiere by Comic Con
Via PS LiveCast Interview: Job says that in Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 2, Duck makes a reference to Lee being Batman and Duck himself being Robin; this was actually a reference to Telltale knowing that they were going to be working on a Batman game back then, and that "they had been waiting since" to tell people.
From IGN Summary: "Indeed, Richard Iggo, Head of Marketing at Telltale, spoke about how the story will present many concepts, characters, and storylines familiar to Batman fans, but as the story progresses they will all be flipped on their heads."
From IGN Summary: "We asked if we’d be seeing more of Batman’s supporting cast -- from other heroes like Robin, Nightwing, and Batgirl to his many iconic villains -- and while Telltale didn’t confirm anyone who would appear, they hinted that we’ll be seeing new spins on more familiar characters. We also asked if other DC heroes would appear and got the same kind of yes/no/maybe/probably answer."
IGN confirms Episodes will last around 1.5/2 hours - usual episode length.
Telltale are aiming for "around an August release"
Expect more info around Comic Con...
Bruce segments are inspired in tone by House of Cards, Mad Men, etc. Everyone is watching both Batman and Bruce
Action scenes will incorporate more choice and be fast paced
Telltale Reveals Voice Acting Cast, First Screenshots for the game via Blog
Voice Acting Cast
- Troy Baker in the role of Bruce Wayne
- Travis Willingham as Harvey Dent
- Erin Yvette as Vicki Vale
- Enn Reitel as Alfred Pennyworth
- Murphy Guyer as Lieutenant James Gordon
- Richard McGonagle as Carmine Falcone
- Laura Bailey as Selina Kyle
June 16th
June 12th
June 11th
Tweet from IGN: #Batman @.TelltaleGames Story steps out of the shadows at #E3 Tell us what you want to know about it and we're on the case! #IGNAccess
Tweet with Telltale's response: @.IGN When can we see the first screenshots? Who's in the cast? And is it going to be on a disc at all this year? TELL US!!! #E32016
Tweet from Nathan: Excited for people to get a first look at Batman and the newest season of The Walking Dead soon. : ) Lot of really awesome stuff on the way.
June 10th
- Tweet from Job: All set. Get your first look at 'BATMAN - The Telltale Series' this Sunday morning, before the new @.TheWalkingDead reveal at 3pm PT #E32016
Art Gallery
News and Impressions
News Articles [SPOILER WARNING for first 30 minutes of Episode 1]:
Video Interviews:
IGN Interview
IGN Access Interview
Telltale Games - E3 2016 LiveCast | PS4
Kinda Funny E3 Interview with Job Stauffer
Gamespot E3 Interview with Job Stauffer
enter link description here
I'm So Excited
Yeah baby! #itsHappening
Ayy, can't wait for what they'll show us!
Maybe I misunderstood something, but doesn't the Tweet say they will reveal Batman on Sunday morning, and Season 3 will get a teaser at 3PM PT?
yeah i was thinking the same thing
I was confused on that too, but for now, I'm assuming sometime around 3 as that's the most concrete time we currently have.
I'm thinking that we might get some sort of trailer via Twitter in the morning with a more detailed look to some point during E3, the IGN slot is only around 20 mins so i think they will want to mostly use that to talk about The Walking Dead.
Just a reminder - we usually don't do this for waiting threads, but for E3 2016 - feel free to make your own additional threads to discuss major/significant announcements. For smaller announcements/interviews/impression articles/etc, please keep discussion here.
If you aren't sure whether or not the announcement is a big one that warrants its own thread, we can just merge your thread here.
Hmm, neat! Adding this to the thread shortly.
I hope we get a teaser trailer! I want to see the updated engine in motion!
Ditto! I really hope Telltale shows the demo publicly and not just to the press and/or players at E3 without allowing recordings.
wait? So is it being shown in the morning (and we'll get a announcement later at what time) or at 3? I'm sort of confused at the thread title.
At the time, I interpreted it as the announcement coming around the same timeframe as Season 3, but in retrospect with what you and Ozzy said, it seems they have their own designated time for BATMAN earlier in the morning. I just wish they would have given us a concrete time so I had more to work with (but for reference, their morning announcements are often at like 8 am PT if I am not mistaken)...
Oh yes! Batman and TWD Season 3 announcements tomorrow... so happy inside right nowww.........
So this morning, sweet!
I just wish we had a specific time to watch out for...
I'm predicting maybe around 8 am PT (10 minutes) as I think that is when we often get some of the "morning" announcements but beyond that, I dunno.
Yeah, and after all the news that's happening, I'm getting less focused.
Check the blog
Troy Baker (Rhys) as Batman, and Erin Yvette (Sasha) as Vicki Vale...Rhysha will happen, just in another game.
Private demo...
Quick, someone post the Ron Paul gif!!
OMG Richard McConagle is going to be in this!!! #HYPE
I mean Laura Bailey is Selina Kyle, so you know.
Harvey Dent, Carmine Falcone, awesome.
The game looks stunning. but I'm not gonna lie I was expecting a teaser trailer or something. If this is more news than the walking dead then I'm guessing Season 3 will have a paragraph description with maybe 1 new screenshot.
Let the shipping wars resume
Troy Baker, because of course!
Like that one of Winston, where ever one went loco, right?
I don't get why Telltale doesn't just have some on screen message at all times that the demo is a work in progress so they don't feel as hesitant to show their early work.
I think I'm detecting some snark, but I can't exactly tell
Private demo are fairly normal for Telltale at E3, they also had a private demo for Tales from the Borderlands.