The Sour Taste of Pumpkin: My brief thoughts on the ending.

First off not that anyone cares. But I know i've said Fuck TTG and that I wasn't going to buy any more of their products after discovering GoT was designed not to stand alone no but to feed into a second season in fact if TTG blew up tomorrow the person in charge found in the Ash's their last words would be "I wish season 2 of GoT had been finished and also that i wasn't dying in that order. But I am back because TTG is the best damn episodic rpg in town. However the episode 6 ending left a sour taste in my mouth. I would have had Petra with her blade out and find a way to help get Cassie out of there. She might be insane but all she wanted was to go home. Abandoning her to her fate is heartless with or without her cat. Build a bridge head in first and when you're in the hallway back away and part ways. I don't like the idea she's going to die in there of starvation, kill her cat to survive, or fall and be torn apart. As someone who lives alone with a cat whose only outside contact is the internet. I can empathize with the feeling of isolation. We left Aidan with a community and if you weren't murderous of him he says he might become a writer. But Cassie's not going to get any better stuck in a death trap. Even killing her would be more merciful then just abandoning her. I am hoping that either A. Whatever "I know all your secrets in your mind" villain we eventually run into calls Jesse out on that , B. Jesse gets to say "Oh yeah by the way Old Builders we believe we left one of your race in one of the portals it had a green flint and still currently inhabited by Stampycat and others and floating in a platform you might want to go get her. Or C. Both.

Long story short: I don't feel well after that ending.


  • In my ending, Cassie died in her own trap. Also, if she lived she could get out of the mansion of she wanted to, couldn't she? People live in that world, so she's not forced to be alone. The Youtubers lived there and had "9 million fans" so that means there's civilization somewhere. Cassie didn't want to go home, she wanted to leave home and go to different dimensions. Instead of just telling the group the truth about her wishes, she decided to kill them one by one until she got what she wanted.

  • edited June 2016

    No way, she was a B**** (in game). If she really wanted to get out of there she should have asked Jesse to share it. I even told her we could share the flint and steel and she said she didnt want to be friends with us and would rather Jesse and his/her friends die so she can selflishly get out by her own. If you wanted her to get out and leave with Jesse she obviously did not want to do the same, as she wanted to be the only one to leave. She even was going to kill the youtubers, lukas, petra, ivor, and even Jesse him/her self just to take the flint and steel herself because she wanted to be the only one to leave and make the others die or forced to stay there herself. If she didnt kill or want to kill everyone there and actually accepted the kind offer to leave with Jesse then I would have thought differently but she literally got what she deserved for wanting everyone else to die even after the youtubers and Jesse wanted to help before, both of them said if she rather confessed instead of stupidly trying to kill everyone, she would have gotten out by just asking or telling her "friends" that she has been stuck there, as they even said they would have helped, but she chose to rather kill everyone that she invited to leave by herself. She didnt even die anyways, she has blocks around her or in her inventory she more then likely will stack her way out of the endermite ditch. I liked winslow but not her.

  • Except every piece of dialogue that comes out of her mouth is basically like a dorothy gale who never got ruby slippers and became obsessed with getting them. According to her own words she was trapped here not unlike Aiden and the Ocelots will be now that he doesn't have the flint and steel. She had a painting of the hall of portals indictating at one point she was there.

    Being in the hall of portals + Being stranded= 75 percent possibility of fucking up and going to a strange world you cant get back from. 25 percent chance you ende up back in your own world and couldn't get out. So the more likely option is she's from OldBuilderia but came to Youtubia and then got stuck. but theres is a tiny chance she was from youtubia saw other worlds went back home for a snack and got stranded. But honestly which one do you want to bet on?

  • Haven't seen you in a while. Welcome back, @CapnJay.

  • With The Walking Dead season 3 coming back soon i'd have to come back sooner or later.

    Haven't seen you in a while. Welcome back, @CapnJay.

  • Aiden and the Ocelots weren't trapped in their world, they just strongly disliked the Order and wanted to go to a different dimension so they could rule it. If Cassie was in the Hall of Portals before, she had to've had a flint and steel of her own. And hold up, what's all this talk about Old Builderia and Youtubia? Kinda confused there. If Cassie wanted to leave her world so bad, why would she go back to it for a snack when every world usually has civilization and plenty of resources in the wild? Your theories are good but there are a lot of plot holes. :c

    CapnJay posted: »

    Except every piece of dialogue that comes out of her mouth is basically like a dorothy gale who never got ruby slippers and became obsessed

  • I think the ending was okay, although I am severely disappointed in how dark that final scene was. I personally would have made it into 3 choices, Give her the cat, Leave her to die, or Give her your last Ender Pearl. Anything would have been better than leaving somebody who just wanted freedom to die.

  • Yeah, I didn't feel like I wanted to let her die, she just wanted freedom from that Overworld. So upset there was no option to save her, at least she was with Wilson in my play. What kind of hero are you Jesse?

    I think the ending was okay, although I am severely disappointed in how dark that final scene was. I personally would have made it into 3 ch

  • Clearly Jesse's not a very good hero. I personally didn't give her the cat because it would have died down there with her, but it was still pretty fucked up that they just left her to die.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Yeah, I didn't feel like I wanted to let her die, she just wanted freedom from that Overworld. So upset there was no option to save her, at least she was with Wilson in my play. What kind of hero are you Jesse?

  • I just didn't want her to die alone.

    Clearly Jesse's not a very good hero. I personally didn't give her the cat because it would have died down there with her, but it was still pretty fucked up that they just left her to die.

  • Well she did murder 3 people in cold blood so no sympathies from me

  • That's a valid point.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I just didn't want her to die alone.

  • Can you Blame her?

    Seriously though she's a stranger in a strange land who wants to go home and the key to getting home is taken by an asshole which is a death sentence then he didn't have it but the only people around him are the group so you have to find it one way or another. You could say "Hey guys I know I killed someone but I want to go home so whoever has the enchanted flint and steel mind handing it over? Best to keep going until you kill them all to find out which one has it.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Well she did murder 3 people in cold blood so no sympathies from me

  • I do not think she is doomed at all. And she knows it. She is a master builder standing on a pile of dirt blocks that can easily be used to bridge to the wall and then stairway up. Not to mention whatever may be in her inventory. Remember, we already saw her fake her own death once before.

    It is possible Jessie realized this as well. I hope so(and that TTG overtly states this in the future), because otherwise we have a morally questionable main character.

    I think her "woe is me, leave me to die, give me my cat" speech was another manipulation designed to either guilt Jessie into rescuing her so she could attack again OR to convince Jessie she was stuck so he would not suspect her inevitable escape. He would light the portal for her, after all.

    I do agree with others that commented that this episode was too dark. I was going to buy the game as a present for my 9-year-old nephew's birthday(he is a huge minecraft fan), but now I can't because of the overly mature themes of episode 6.

    As an adult fan, I am hopeful for many reasons that we havn't seen the last of Cassie.

  • Murder is still murder no matter the reason though

    CapnJay posted: »

    Seriously though she's a stranger in a strange land who wants to go home and the key to getting home is taken by an asshole which is a death

  • Cassie died in her own trap.

    What do you mean? The endermite trap?

  • Did she think to ASK any of them? I never heard her asking. Led you into a bunch of traps so you could all die one by one. So therefore, she's also an asshole.

    CapnJay posted: »

    Seriously though she's a stranger in a strange land who wants to go home and the key to getting home is taken by an asshole which is a death

  • Yes, if you played the end of Episode 6.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Cassie died in her own trap. What do you mean? The endermite trap?

  • Nope, I completely guessed the fact that she fell in an endermite trap. Really got me there.

    JimMate789 posted: »

    Yes, if you played the end of Episode 6.

  • How can she die?
    She are alive to get Winslow y know

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Cassie died in her own trap. What do you mean? The endermite trap?

  • Well, it's nice to see I'm not the only one who thought the ending was incredibly dark.

    Y'know if the option was there I would have tried to save her. I'm just that much of a nice guy.

  • Were those dirt blocks in Minecraft certain material cannot be broken without a pick and cannot be harvested if broken by hand. And even then she's going to have to be extremely balanced one wrong step and she'll drop into the ender mites.

    Windchill posted: »

    I do not think she is doomed at all. And she knows it. She is a master builder standing on a pile of dirt blocks that can easily be used to

  • Ikr, poor Cassie :,(

  • Fair point :), You sure are smart :D

    NorthStars posted: »

    No way, she was a B**** (in game). If she really wanted to get out of there she should have asked Jesse to share it. I even told her we coul

  • The isolation..


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