How do you feel about Clementine's new look?
I said this in an earlier comment to telltale games about her look:
"Personally, I don't think Clementine looks like the Clem she did before. In both seasons one and two, she had extremely curly hair, a wider nose, more squinted eyes and with darker, rounder lips. In season three, she has a slimmer nose, mostly straight hair, thinner lips that don't have a dark color to it, and her eyes aren't squinted that much. And they're really shiny. Right now, this is the only thing that concerns me. When playing this in the future, it won't feel the same to me because she doesn't look like the Clementine she did back then at all. If she took off her pigtails and hat, I wouldn't recognize her at all. Im not angry, i just wanted to ask you if you could at least make her nose wider, make her lips darker and eyes more squinted. Thank you! "
So, do you agree with me? Do you disagree? Can we make this happen?
I agree she doesn't look like Clem very much at all. I hope they change her model before the game is released.
I like this model of her, people change both physically and mentally. Physical change can vary from people looking very much the same to looking entirely different.
She looks awesome. I have a feeling she will be another Molly.
Seems to be a demo because she's too light at the moment. I'm assuming it will change up later on.
She looks very good, I kind of didn't like the eyes but oh well.
I think she looks more beautiful and badass than before![:) :)](
As I said on another thread, her eyes kinda distract me... they look weird, in my opinion. But other than that, she looks better and badass.
Think it's just the lighting tbh
Looks cool, just like a kid of the apocalypse
I prefer her new look than her season 2 look
I'm ok with it. Sorta growing on me.
She dosen't have that fuckin' coat anymore, so I'm happy.
I think she looks all grown up. It's typical for someone to have a bigger looking nose and a bigger head in general compared to their body when they're a kid, but once they grow up (like Clemmy did) they kind of grow into those things. I'm really excited to hear Clementine this season though. I'm curious how her voice will mature tbh.
I believe due to them looking right at a car that's engulfed in flames the light from the fire is reflecting off their eyes a great deal.
She looks like bbq the total bamf i raised her ti be.
I remember in Season 1 that Lilly seemed to look a lot different in Episode 2 than in Episodes 1 and 3.
As good as a clementine can be!
I like it.
I really like it... It's a major improvement. Also, your nose is one of the first things to grow so it's normal for it to look smaller now. She's growing into it. Her hair still looks curly to me, just pinned back. The shinny eyes is just her eyes reflecting the light from the fire she's looking at. She's going to change as she grows. We don't look the same forever.
Compare this to what it is now^. That looks like it was done with the paint application on my computer. It looks so... Forced. Now the shading is smooth and actually has shadows and proper lighting. I think it just takes some getting used to, that's all.
You mean you didn't like that "Kewl Jacket?" XD
It reminds me of...shivers...them.
That's why I don't like it.
Well, yeah, then that's a great reason to not like the jacket.
It also looks like her mouth is a bit wider in the new graphics. In this picture it looks like she has a bit an overbite. But then again Clem still had baby teeth here. So maybe that is what it is.
I love the lighting and shading and all, I just don't think her look is "her."
I can see what you mean by that. They still have time to make alterations so lets just hope they do. Though if they did keep her appearance how it was in the teaser I don't think I could really complain.
I think they did a really good job with her character model. She looks exactly like how I imagined teenage Clem to be!![:) :)](
I like her new model. That's how I feel that I'd want to play as her in that age she is now. She is gonna be a kickass.
I am hoping this isn't the final model because she doesn't look quite right yet. The hair in the pigtails looks completely straight, not curly/tangley like before, her skin tone isn't right and the shape of her hat and eyes looks off.
I personally like it. She does look kind of different, but as people have said, kids change when they grow up (I myself look nothing like when I was a kid). Maybe I'd change her eyes a little bit, but they don't bother me.
Finally, someone else notices
I like her new look, but I will forever miss her golden eyes. Like a friend I used to know said, eyes are the windows into a person's sooooul! [I'll stubbornly still write them gold in my fics >.>]
The important thing to remember though is this is still early days and the game isn't finished. It won't be out until the fall, so like the Tales from the Borderlands teaser how Rhys' and Fiona's appearance were altered slightly into what they are in the final game, the same thing might happen a little with Clementine too.
I think she looks good. She looks like what I'd always imagined Clementine would look like as a teenager. The updated graphics will take a little getting used to, but I think the design is fine.
Well Clem finally has tits. Boy we've come a long way.
Well she doesn't look ugly but then again clem never looked ugly to begin with. She definitely looks different though. I don't think I would've recognized her without her pigtails and signature hat.
They grow up so fast, don't they? :')