MY Preditions for Episode 8

I like to show you my predictions to what might happen in A Journey's End.

  1. Soren will be revealed to be one of the Old Builders. Since we found a book written by him in two episodes in a row (so far). And was the real mastermind behind Episode's 5 & 6. How else would Cassie get 8-20 paintings ready in such a short time? His motivation, punish Ivor for the Wither Storm.
  2. Soren will bring up the decisions Jesse makes from Ep 4-8. And maybe even claim that he/she is becoming as bad as Ivor once was.
  • Convincing Gabriel to continue keeping the Order's secret. (which Soren may, or may not act grateful for)

  • Pushing Aiden down a small waterfall.

  • Locking in Dan/Stampy/Lizzie.

  • Letting Dan/Lizzie get killed by spiders.

  • Walking away when Cassie asks for Winslow.

3) Perhaps a revelation that Magnus/Ellegard is alive. Since one of them didn't dissolve in a puff of white smoke.

4) Soren's actions might cause the Ender Dragon to return. Resulting him so say something like "what have I done" in regret.

5) Axel and Olivia will appear. And the start of their story on what they've been doing depends on how we deal with Ivor's Lava House.

6) A battle with the Ender Dragon involves recruiting characters (minus the Youtubers/Adventurers) we've met in Ep 5-8. Depending on the choices, they would be willing to help. The characters might include Aiden, Isa, Milo, Cassie, etc.

That's all I got.



  • Except I didn't do any of those mean things... except letting Lizzie get killed by spiders. But I couldn't help it!

  • You actually COULD help it. You could save her from the spiders, but then later on Cassie would kill her by stabbing her in the back with an axe. Although I don't know how Soren could pick on you about that if HE was the mastermind behind Episodes 5-8. I mean, what would he say?

    Soren : You let Lizzie get stabbed in the back by an axe!

    Jesse : Yeah...but weren't YOU the one who told Cassie about the portal keys so she would kill people? Besides, the lights went out! What was I SUPPOSED to do?! Blindly flail my sword around? No one would be that stupid! I might have murdered Lizzie if I tried to SAVE her by doing that!

    Soren : Uh.....

    Ivor : Brilliant logic Soren....brilliant logic....

    Soren : Oh be quiet! (AKA Shut the F-word up!)

    Except I didn't do any of those mean things... except letting Lizzie get killed by spiders. But I couldn't help it!

  • edited June 2016

    I don't really blame Jesse that much... Hey, wait, HOW is Soren seeing all this!?! Creepy...

    You actually COULD help it. You could save her from the spiders, but then later on Cassie would kill her by stabbing her in the back with an

  • Actually, I don't think Soren would bring that outcome up. The things I listed were inspired by Lee's confrontation with the Stranger. So, here's what I think Soren would say about the decisions I listed.

    1. You pushed your surrendering rival into a waterfall.
    2. You locked up an innocent adventurer.
    3. You let that pink/multi-color haired adventurer get mauled by spiders.
    4. You denied a pleading castaway, her cat.

    You actually COULD help it. You could save her from the spiders, but then later on Cassie would kill her by stabbing her in the back with an

  • I predict from Ivor while pretending to have a friendly conversation.

    I don't really blame Jesse that much... Hey, wait, HOW is Soren seeing all this!?! Creepy...

  • edited June 2016

    Sounds like a good list... But hey, at least he can't blame ME for pushing Aiden, locking up someone, or leaving the cat... I like making nice choices :)

    matteso586 posted: »

    Actually, I don't think Soren would bring that outcome up. The things I listed were inspired by Lee's confrontation with the Stranger. So, h

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