far cry 2 was the best one of the series i loved how it was a real life location with real life situations and how the map dosent pause your game the only thing that let it down was how bland some ofthe missions were but apart fromthat fc2 is the best imo
theres one mission i did which nearly made me throw my controller out the window because ofhowfar backthe checkpoint was and how many times i kept dying
far cry 2 was the best one of the series i loved how it was a real life location with real life situations and how the map dosent pause your… more game the only thing that let it down was how bland some ofthe missions were but apart fromthat fc2 is the best imo
FC3. I've played that and 4 and Instincts Predator. FC3 impressed me the most with it's duality writing and amazing characters. A lot of love went into that game and I constantly see the formula try to repeat again and again to capture what was once so great. O and Blood Dragon was fucking awesome as well.
I only played the fourth.
Do you like it?
Yeah, I enjoyed a bit but it was annoying that I was dying over and over, even when I was on easy difficult.
Loved 3..but UPlay is the devil.
Oh god UPlay was a pain in the ass.
Because Ubisoft. Didn't play 3 but I'm just guessing why Uplay is a cunt.
far cry 2 was the best one of the series i loved how it was a real life location with real life situations and how the map dosent pause your game the only thing that let it down was how bland some ofthe missions were but apart fromthat fc2 is the best imo
especially if you spen all your points on something only to find allthe good stuff is on another game
Haven't gotten around to playing any of them, but they all look great. Based on gameplay and trailers alone, the second one looks the most fun.
theres one mission i did which nearly made me throw my controller out the window because ofhowfar backthe checkpoint was and how many times i kept dying
2 and 3 are the only ones worth buying and playing, IMO.
FC3. I've played that and 4 and Instincts Predator. FC3 impressed me the most with it's duality writing and amazing characters. A lot of love went into that game and I constantly see the formula try to repeat again and again to capture what was once so great. O and Blood Dragon was fucking awesome as well.