Is the Jetra Romance choice gonna happen in episode 7 " Access Denied?" (Updated)



  • We are in for a shocking percentage that'll probably rise to 100%.


  • Its what some fans of the game are hoping for.

    kilian19 posted: »

    The choice of romance or friendship between petra and jesse

  • Just to shock the characters and make them feel uncomfortable. ;)

    Telltale's going for flirt choices alot.

  • edited June 2016

    Yep, that's the kind of romance, they'll take a few moments during the episode, then they'll ask about what choice you said in the end, like a "Those words you said before, did you mean them?" for example.

    Lazy_DC posted: »

    Just to shock the characters and make them feel uncomfortable.

  • Please, show a romance in MCSM Telltale, pleeeeeeeease? :)

    JimMate789 posted: »

    I want romance.

  • F is for fire that burns down Lukesse. U is for U need to destroy it. N is for nowhere or any place for it to exist DOWN HERE IN MC:SM FORUUUUUM

    (I'm sorry that was the worst parody.)

    Lukas No. NO. nO. No. No.

  • edited June 2016

    And if you said yes, they will let you know, gently, that they are not interested in you. :3 As long it doesn't have impact on the game, it's alright. Let's leave the dessert at the final, alright? If we are lucky, we might get to ship in season 2 without any problem.

    Yep, that's the kind of romance, they'll take a few moments during the episode, then they'll ask about what choice you said in the end, like a "Those words you said before, did you mean them?" for example.

  • God i hope not!
    I love Ivor now :/

    JimMate789 posted: »

    I think Ivor may die, but how will he?

  • LOL!

    Lazy_DC posted: »

    Let's say the "romance" option shows up, does that mean I can confess my undying love for Ivor? "Why did you save me? " " Because I lo

  • Remember back in the very first episode of Walking Dead with Lee? He's faced with that scenario twice in the same episode and he can respond with a similar response to both of them. Like after saving Carley for example.

    Carley: "How did you choose? We both needed you. You picked me."

    Lee: "I was gonna help you both."

    Carley: "But you helped me first."

    Lee: "Yeah. I did."

    It could happen or not, the saved character will ask, "why did you save me first?" and a choice of true friendship (Or romance) will happen. I dunno, just predicting.

  • Could we just play the game instead of wondering who's gonna hook up in the end? I don't play Twilight Princess while thinking "I wonder if Link and Midna are gonna get together", I play Twilight Princess thinking "WHOA GOOD GRAPHICS AND SWORD SWINGING AND BOSS FIGHTS!!", and I play MCSM thinking "Woohoo! Story based game with fun characters!", you guys don't need to ship everything in Telltale games. Honestly, if you're that obsessed with shipping, go watch RWBY or something, there's plenty of things to ship in there so you can all be weeb trash outside of the Telltale forums. Just like me.

  • Yeah, though I dunno if they'll use the same speech choice, possibly, we'll have to wait until July so we find out what "adorable" moment Eric was talking about during the animating.

    Remember back in the very first episode of Walking Dead with Lee? He's faced with that scenario twice in the same episode and he can respond

  • Has anyone on the website ever asked Telltale about this stuff with Lukesse, Jetra? Though sometimes they would give hints on Twitter like that Eric guy saying that something "adorable" is being animated for ep.7 along with the script. But still if fans asked them, they might answer a bit.

    Lazy_DC posted: »

    And if you said yes, they will let you know, gently, that they are not interested in you. As long it doesn't have impact on the game, it's

  • edited June 2016

    Amen! I mean to denik52.

    denik52 posted: »

    Well not really I have a female gender Jesse and I therefore only Lucas on the shoulder. Therefore, the relations in the women's field with Jesse Petra impossible and in the men's possibly.

  • Why doesnt anyone have a Petra x Lukas thread? Petra is always a girl, and Lukas always a boy, so it would make things simpler. Anyways, they seemed to have liked each other from episode 1, all the way to ep. 6.

  • Well, we used to, but most of the shipping threads that didn't seem plausible were closed, and so was the Luketra thread. The only ones that were kept were the Jetra and Lukesse threads.

    And so the ancient tale ends here.

    Why doesnt anyone have a Petra x Lukas thread? Petra is always a girl, and Lukas always a boy, so it would make things simpler. Anyways, they seemed to have liked each other from episode 1, all the way to ep. 6.

  • Which is strange how they closed the Luketra thread, cuz it probably isn't gonna happen. Except for the other two threads.

    Well, we used to, but most of the shipping threads that didn't seem plausible were closed, and so was the Luketra thread. The only ones that were kept were the Jetra and Lukesse threads. And so the ancient tale ends here.

  • edited June 2016

    All the ship thread except for Lukesse and Jetra were closed by @BlindSniper due to the fact he mentioned it's better to have fun with a story than just 2 people. You can talk about the other ships at the unclosed threads.

    Why doesnt anyone have a Petra x Lukas thread? Petra is always a girl, and Lukas always a boy, so it would make things simpler. Anyways, they seemed to have liked each other from episode 1, all the way to ep. 6.

  • I don't know, but in the image with Ivor and male Jesse, Ivor is holding a diamond sword and wearing his armor from the Order in ep. 1 and Jesse is wielding his enchanted command block sword, its weird that Jesse has not used it since ep. 4, whats up with that?

    JimMate789 posted: »

    I think Ivor may die, but how will he?

  • Isn't it "adorable" how in ep. 6 you can have Jesse calm Petra down which she says, "You're right. I know you're right...Phoof..." "Sorry Jesse, I just really needed to get that off my chest." And then Jesse races Petra by building ladders first which makes her laugh and say, "Aw man, thanks. I needed that." More adorable how this race thing happened twice in the episode.

    I never thought of that. But that sounds AMAZING! Go Jetra!

  • Of course not.

  • It's outdated thinking for sure but you have to realistically look at the odds of a children's game touching the issue.

    How does being female only leave you with Lukas?

  • Well, there were some adult humor in the story, like if you craft a diamond hoe, Reuben will laugh when you say it. O_O

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    It's outdated thinking for sure but you have to realistically look at the odds of a children's game touching the issue.

  • Aw come on don't be a party pooper

    Could we just play the game instead of wondering who's gonna hook up in the end? I don't play Twilight Princess while thinking "I wonder if

  • Meh, I suppose that's fair. I don't exactly have a right to tell people to stop shipping things.

    QueenMaddy posted: »

    Aw come on don't be a party pooper

  • There's no way to overcome these ''outdated'', ''intolerant'' or sometimes straight up ''homophobic'' thoughts if we don't treat both heterosexuallity and homosexuallity exactly the same way. A child seeing homosexuality, heterosexuality, bisexuality, pansexuality and assexuality since birth, will grow to think it's normal, it's a way to fight intolerance... A child seeing only one of those and then being suddenly confronted to one of the other later will be weirded out by it, it could even evolve in something negative.
    Anyway I don't know how you were when you were twelve but these days a twelve years old know much more about this ''issue'' than you think, they are not stupid, many are actually open minded, every twelve year old is different, that would honestly be a game directed to eighty years old that should be careful with the issue.
    You said so yourself, it's an ''outdated'' thinking.

    Skiba7671 posted: »

    It's outdated thinking for sure but you have to realistically look at the odds of a children's game touching the issue.

  • I wouldn't argue with your points I just don't see them doing any romance at all much less anything non-traditional.

    Mellorine posted: »

    There's no way to overcome these ''outdated'', ''intolerant'' or sometimes straight up ''homophobic'' thoughts if we don't treat both hetero

  • HAHA I NEED to try this XD

    Well, there were some adult humor in the story, like if you craft a diamond hoe, Reuben will laugh when you say it. O_O

  • I keep wondering if Telltale reads our theories and puts our IDEAS in the story, like for example, we all made theories about Rhys and Fiona might get together, then in episode 5's ending, you can ACTUALLY confirm Rhyiona and saying "You and other players didn't ship Rhys and Sasha". Weird. So what happens if TTG read the shipping threads of Jetra and Lukesse, which will have a "save one, leave the other" moment. I remember Kevin Bruner, the CEO of TTG said they make games from GLORIFIED FANFICTION, does this have anything to do with our predictions? (?) The Fandom will remember that

    JimMate789 posted: »

    All the ship thread except for Lukesse and Jetra were closed by @BlindSniper due to the fact he mentioned it's better to have fun with a story than just 2 people. You can talk about the other ships at the unclosed threads.


    Ah love, it is in ze air, no? (typing french) XD

  • "Fingers crossed." "Toes too."


  • Well, still no. They did get the idea of famous Youtubers, but still I have to follow @BlindSniper's advice, he said Telltale has more than just a relationship between 2 people. But maybe it'll happen. It might've already happened previously.

    I keep wondering if Telltale reads our theories and puts our IDEAS in the story, like for example, we all made theories about Rhys and Fiona

  • Yeah, I guess we'll have to find out in the next episode.

    JimMate789 posted: »

    Well, still no. They did get the idea of famous Youtubers, but still I have to follow @BlindSniper's advice, he said Telltale has more than just a relationship between 2 people. But maybe it'll happen. It might've already happened previously.

  • [removed]

  • I think it will be a sad choice just like episode 1 of The Walking Dead, I'd feel a bit depressed if the character you don't choose will die or will have anger towards Jesse. But at least you'll probably have the saved character for romance or better friendship.

    Yeah, though I dunno if they'll use the same speech choice, possibly, we'll have to wait until July so we find out what "adorable" moment Eric was talking about during the animating.

  • Or maybe if Jesse is hanging on to an egde and lavas at the bottom, maybe its where you have Jesse call out to Lukas or Petra to save him/her from his/her doom. I will basically call out to Petra, they had so much fun together in episode 6, am I right? Or if its to save either of them. More like "Petra! Petra! Grab my hand!" The Fandom will remember that. Then Lukas almost falls making him grumpy. :)

    Why does everyone think the 'trust falling' achievement will link to romance? Last time I checked, trust fall was a test where you fall back and let a friend catch you

  • I guess it makes sense that they would get rid of most shipping threads... but in my mind only "Luketra" seemed possible... It really seems like they like each other a lot... Oh well.

    Which is strange how they closed the Luketra thread, cuz it probably isn't gonna happen. Except for the other two threads.

  • The romance choice has to happen, it just has to. '___'

    I guess it makes sense that they would get rid of most shipping threads... but in my mind only "Luketra" seemed possible... It really seems like they like each other a lot... Oh well.

  • I don't think he'll die he's important to the story, along with Petra and Lukas, unless Telltale wants Ivor to die in episode 7.

    JimMate789 posted: »

    I think Ivor may die, but how will he?

  • "Why didn't you save me from falling Jesse?" (?) Petra will remember that NooOOoo.

    TRUST FALL! falls onto floor

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