"Telltale should make a ____ Series": Post your ideas for a new Telltale Series here. (Unofficial)



  • I am shure, that someone else had mentioned that thought anywhere. But I'll write it anyway: How about making a Star Trek-Game? I am shure that the Deep Space Nine / TNG - Universe would be great in a TT-Adventure. Also you could make a game based on The "Destiny-Trilogy" from David Mack?! Come on, I can't be the only one, who wishes that... ;-)

  • DramaAlert - A Telltale Games Series

    • Episode 1: #TheTrigger
    • Episode 2: #ThereIsNoIInKeem
    • Episode 3: #ScandalsInDisguise
    • Episode 4: #SubscriberDownfall
    • Episode 5: #NoOneWillRemember

    Guys, all these suggestions are good and all (well, most of them), but I think you all know what we really need. A Telltale adaptation of

  • So if Telltale made an episodic adventure game around Sherlock Holmes, apart from driving Frogwares bankrupt, what kind of choices do you think a Telltale Sherlock game would have?

  • That would seem like more of an evidence-hunting game than a make-a-choice game at first thought. However, one thing that could turn it into a choice game would be if you play as Watson, so you don't do much evidence finding on your own (Holmes does that), but you get to make decisions that influence what happens when the bad guys find out Holmes is on to them.

    Harian96 posted: »

    So if Telltale made an episodic adventure game around Sherlock Holmes, apart from driving Frogwares bankrupt, what kind of choices do you think a Telltale Sherlock game would have?

  • Thread: Elric Of Melnibone

    ttg should do a series of games based off the Elric Of Melnibone novels. There is plenty of material to reference from the 8 novels. Swords & sorcery from Michael Moorcock's famous stories about the Albino sorcerer Eternal Champion would work perfectly with QTEs, choices that affect the outcome of the tragic prince's fate, and legendary items to quest for. I don't know why no one has ever made a game about him, but I can't not see this becoming a success.

    White Wolf

    enter image description here

  • I always wanted a open world rpg based on von beck :D I've not read much moorcock I might give these a go, I wanted to start reading fantasy again.

    cursedgame posted: »

    Thread: Elric Of Melnibone ttg should do a series of games based off the Elric Of Melnibone novels. There is plenty of material to refe

  • There was choice in the last sherlock game in the style of choosing who to convict and there were some outcomes but I cant remember the details, i think one wrong choice resulted in suicide. There was also more than one ending.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    That would seem like more of an evidence-hunting game than a make-a-choice game at first thought. However, one thing that could turn it int

  • Firefly, Angel post buffy (especially the character Doyle since he died too soon in the series), The Wheel of time book series by Robert Jordan.

  • edited June 2016

    This may be completely out of left field but what about a Telltale Halo? Or since they gave Minecraft it's own unique story maybe just maybe they could do the same with a Mortal Kombat Telltale game?

  • Press Q repeatedly to cook meth!

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Breaking Bad


    The only reason why I registered is to voice my vote for a Firefly game by the awesome team telltale.

    This company has brought us some of the best story driven games of all time and Joss Whedon's universe would fit perfectly.

    The original cast (and Joss himself) have always said they would drop any project they were doing in order to continue to tell the rest of the story and what better way to do this than with the help and backing of telltales.

    Take my love, Take my land. Take me where I cannot stand. I don't care, I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me

  • Telltale should base their marvel game on X men.

  • If Tell Tale has had one success over the years it was The Walking Dead, so what if we brought in another dark game with The Mist. Steven Kings novel, and the 2007 movie could serve as bases for a story. This would make a great game adaptation, that many would kill to play. This game would have cool monsters, emotion, intensity, and intrigue that could help Telltale reach a pinnacle of success. If the great minds who gave us The Walking Dead were to work on this, who knows what could happen.

  • DEADPOOL: A TELLTALE GAMES SERIES Should Definitely Be Made After The Success Of The Film

  • Telltale Games: Breaking Bad, but with different characters and plot

  • You just want to see Deadpool complain certain choices you'll make him make.

    DEADPOOL: A TELLTALE GAMES SERIES Should Definitely Be Made After The Success Of The Film

  • I would love that. You make one choice, Deadpool complains and does the other.

    matteso586 posted: »

    You just want to see Deadpool complain certain choices you'll make him make.

  • Thread: Supernatural Telltale Game idea!

    Telltale has made games such as Tales from the Borderlands, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, The Wolf Among Us, and much more.

    Wouldn't it be neat if they made a game based on The show Supernatural?

    Let me know what you think!

  • Thread: I know that this is going to get moved but I can't find the post I am suppossed to put this in.

    Do you think that one day in the future that the people that make American Horror Story will let Telltale Games make a game about American Horror Story? Since the tv show changes every year, Telltale Games can make it about anything they want.

  • Thread: Telltale Future Ideas

    What would you like to see as a Telltale game?

    im a fan and i would like to see a "Burn Notice" type of game. Split decisions, correct and wrong choices, snappy sarcasm, and MacGyver-like ingenuity, its sounds like a great recipe for a Telltale game.

    there has to be more ideas out there, so lets here them :).

    im new here so i apologize if this is the wrong place to post this.

  • I was just thinking about this but I think it would be pretty fun if there was a Charlie in the chocolate factory game (I'm serious) where you play as The boy and Willy wonka is like a crazy killer who is killing all the kids who come to the factory and you would have to maybe run and hide and try to escape from the factory. I just thought that would be pretty fun

  • The best thing ever: Pokèmon a telltale games series

  • Sweet :P Another idea, if I may be so bold, but maybe a Superman game? I saw an article and it could work; having Superman having to do things with his head and nod just his fists.

    Plus there is easily a way to use choice-based stuff to make tough decisions like Superman would have to do all the time.

    I like that idea, could be a good choice for a more family friendly property, and playing as the different Mystery Machine members could be cool. Velma would be my pick if I was just gonna play one of them.

  • in my opinion a good franchise that telltale can make a game would be "supernatural"
    just like the walkimg dead you can make an episoded good story besides the main story and with other characters and the world of supernatural have enough to offer for a good telltale game
    so for me it would be "supernatural A telltal series"

  • i think that would be great

    Dread Head posted: »

    Thread: Supernatural Telltale Game idea! Telltale has made games such as Tales from the Borderlands, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones,

  • Thread: New game idea

    Why not make a game out of the TV show Supernatural?? It would be awesome! at least think about it

  • Scooby Doo TTG game? :3

  • edited June 2016

    Blade Runner

    enter image description here

  • An Attack On Titan game?

  • I say Harry Potter or miss peregrine's home for peculiar children

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I recently read the first book for Miss Peregrine's it was good, now I need to get the second and third.

    deedank posted: »

    I say Harry Potter or miss peregrine's home for peculiar children

  • How about IZombie?
    We've had one successful detective game series with a Werewolf. Why not one with a Zombie?

  • Thread: An Anime Series into a Telltale Game

    Hi, I'm new in here. Nice to meet you... :-)

    Alright, Here's my First Topic in this Discussion. Especially for Otakus and Anime Lovers...

    I'm just wondering if Telltale Games could make an adaptation from any Anime Series... Well, We all know that we should follow the Storyline of the Anime. But although we are only watching it on TV or Anime Streaming Sites, We are able to make choices to get through the story. Rather than what will happens next after that...

    I know, it's kinda weird idea. Because all Anime Series has it's own Games on PC, Consoles, and other devices... But that's gonna be cool for making choices than just watching it...

    The Question is: Will Telltale Games can adapt from an Anime Series?

  • RWBY that would be a pure gold material

  • Uh... What? I mean, C'mon. Try other Popular Animes...

    Leluch123 posted: »

    RWBY that would be a pure gold material

  • I suggest "Sword Art Online" to be adapted for Telltale Games

    Leluch123 posted: »

    RWBY that would be a pure gold material

  • Just what I was thinking
    enter link description here

    Leluch123 posted: »

    RWBY that would be a pure gold material

  • Firefly(Serenity) <- perfect for telltale episodic series. Fans really want it!!!
    DO IT!pls

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