Javier Doesn't Like Clementine
Ever since I saw the teaser trailer, just something about the way Javier interacts with Clementine suggests that the two don't like each over much. Not to say they hate each other's guts, but they seem distrustful - and the theory that the two of them are trying to reclaim someone (for Clementine it's AJ and for Javier it could really be anybody). It seems like the two are simply using each other, to be stronger together because they are dealing with a force/task they can't do on their own. I imagine that Telltale showed us a glimpse of the first episode or at least something relating to that episode, so they could develop a friendship of some kind in the near-future episodes. But for now, it seems the two share a mild disdain for one another. Look at the body language:
The way Javier looks at Clementine isn't the way anyone would look at a friend, he just seems to be reluctant, almost having that mild disdain. Also, he is the one notably carrying ammo, not Clementine, almost like he doesn't trust her with it. We know he has a shotgun and sure, maybe he has a pistol (somewhere?) so he has extra pistol ammo to give out. But it seems to me like he's just limiting Clementine, only handing out ammo when she needs it and not trusting her to just hold the ammo herself. It's just somewhat weird. Maybe, we could argue, Javier is therefore not someone who believes in Clementine and still sees them as a kid who has to prove themselves.
Also, look at Clementine, she simply nods back at him. No words, not even a "mhm" or any sign of approval. The way these guys communicate it sounds like they're just partners on a mission, rather than two people who actually seem to care for one another. Now this silence could be the result of Clementine, as a person, what she experienced in Season 2. But honestly, I'm not sure.
Like I said, I think the two are only working together and sooner or later they will bond and form an actual friendship - depending on our choices. But it's clear to me, that as of now, or when they first meet, the two are most likely not going to like or really trust each other.
I think Clementine was silent just because Telltale didn't want us to hear her voice yet. Didn't they do that with S2?
It's the god damned zombie apocalypse and they must be in some really dangerous territory, who would be all smiles and happiness at that point?
I don't know. Clem seemed to be all smiles with pretty much anyone she liked (depending on your choices), from Luke, to Kenny and especially Lee. A zombie apocalypse does not mean characters have to be moody twenty four seven.
It's a theory for a reason, and what's not valid about it? That the two are using each other in order to get a select goal? Whether that's surviving or the theory that they are trying to get someone back from a group which brands other people (which by the way is not my theory, but a pretty popular theory on the forums - look it up
Are you telling me we are going to play a Telltale game with 2 protagonist who find themselves in a situation and have to work together despite the fact that both of them dont like each other but as the season progresses they become friends?
Shes silent because they didn't even have any voice overs for her yet. A day or two after the teaser released is when melissa hutch (the voice actor of Clementine) announced she was just approved to still continue voicing clementine for season 3. So that's why she didn't talk in the teaser.
Oh no....
Oh interesting, thank you!
Hey, that game was great. But in this case I imagine it'll be even darker, and one of them will die.
Oh really? Ah, I assumed they already did all the voice work for Episode One, but then again with it being so far off it would make sense that V/O isn't exactly critical right now.
She could also determinately be cold, standoffish and outright rude. Depending on your choices of course. And truthfully i hope there's more options in season 3 for her to be less friendly/trusting.
You say the ZA doesn't necessitate 24/7 moodiness? I mean, i guess not. There will always be Moments to be had, where you can let your guard down and grab a slice of happiness.
But, really, living 24/7 in stressful life or death situations, being suspicious and wary of anyone you meet. Then watching those you do allow close, die one after the next. Not knowing where your next meal will come from, what you will have to do to get it? All of those factors take a toll on one's psyche and body. Not to mention their willingness to be percieved as vulnerable or weak, to let anyone too close.
I'm not saying you're wrong, just that i feel it is a little out of character for her to be too open or cheerful at this point in the story.
Of course, I'm not saying she should be. But let's say this is Lee/Clementine or even Luke/Clementine in the same situation. Even after all the possible choices, don't you think Clementine would be smiling at Luke/Lee or showing some gesture that she is ready to help them in this task (whatever it is), even if it just generally surviving. I know now that they didn't do the voice because there aren't any v/o that has been done yet, but still that noncommittal nod just seemed to indicate that these two are simply using one another, nothing more, nothing less.
Javier look like he givin Clem the side eye
I think they are just in their serious-killing-zombie mode.
It's because after Clementine saved Javier from walkers this one time with her car she was driving, she made him ride shotgun and wouldn't let him take the wheel. Then he drank the last apple flavored juice box instead of handing it to her like Clementine asked, and they may have gotten into an argument, ending in Javier being booted out of a moving vehicle into a ditch full of twinkies.
He was never quite the same after that ಠ_ಠ twinkies can change a man.
To be honest it is hard to come to any sort of theory about Javier not liking Clementine based on a 1 minute clip. I think will just have to wait till Season 3 comes out to really know anything.
Yes, i see your point. With either of them she would have a little levity. Even with Bonnie and Mike trying to catch the raccoon she had a sense of humor about her.
I guess what i'm saying is i agree with you? Lol. But also, that with what she went through in season 2. Having Mike (and determinately bonnie) actively betray you and get you shot. Then Janes deception and Kenny's unravelling, on top of Lukes death, Rebeccas death, Saritas death, etcetera.
In regards to her behavior in the clip with Javier, I think maybe she has an understanding now, that people may be more trouble than they're really worth in most cases. And i think you are right about them just 'getting a job done' because they don't have anyone else, and they need each other in that moment. That makes sense to me, that their involvement with each other would evolve out of necessity.
I think you're over-analysing just a little bit. Javier isn't even looking at her. He's looking past her; probably scanning for walkers or human enemies. It seems like a tense situation overall. They probably don't have time for chit-chat or are trying to be quiet.
Maybe so but really? There are clearly no walkers in the area, Javier is clearly looking at Clementine because he is giving her the ammunition and overall they don't seem to be going anyplace quickly. He stops, talks slowly about how they're getting close (not like he's rushing or quick to get anywhere). Clementine is even looking back up at him and nods.
Eh I wouldn't think they were trying to be quiet, doesn't Clem fire her gun like, seconds before the picture?
The voice actress has already been confirmed, its Melissa Hutchinson, who've voiced Clem since season 1 but change her voice a little in season 2 to sound older, but now her character is like 13 years old, Melissa is gonna try to make voice like a mature teenager like has already gone through puberty, so probably a lot different than her voice in Season 2.
To me it seemed like he was just focused on whatever their objective is
I agree. Though I think the distrust is mostly from Javier towards Clementine. A lot of people speculate that he went through something bad related to his mark. It's highly likely that Javier has trust issues.
I know. My point is that they confirmed who was voicing Clem after the release of the teaser lol
We've seen them together for maybe 2 seconds you cant judge anything from that
I guess, it's just a bit of fun speculation.
Look where the light hits his pupils in the still, and you will see that his focus is on something in the distance.
I do think that's just the new engine showing the general lighting on his eyes, because remember it does also do the same for Clementine. I think the two are meant to be looking at one another, but to each their own.
He looked at her funny. Javier confirmed antagonist of S3.
Oh no what?
He is literally looking straight past her in the screenshot you provided. His eyes are pointed above her. You can't see it any other way.
I'm being honest when I say, I still don't see it. To me, it looks like he's looking at her when he's passing the ammunition with Clementine looking back up at him and nodding.
Oh god no.
Ok, I see what you mean in this one.
This comment spoils that neither Rhys nor Fiona die! Would you tag it please?
That's a completely different screenshot than the one in the OP.
I understand that but this is mainly what I mean. I'd rather show the whole video of how Javier looks at Clementine, but I don't thnk everyone would watch it where you'll see an image as you read/scroll by. My point still stands, the way Javier is looking at Clementine just doesn't seem like the look of someone who actually likes one another. I'm just using this to support the theory that the two know each other by working together not through actually liking one another (but we'll have to see).
Oh sorry but I thought you guys at the beginning saying earlier was you don't have any idea who is voicing Clem, sorry for misunderstanding there.