Do you think the 400 Days characters are gone for good?
I was checking out Season One again recently and thought how much potential the characters had for down the road in Season 2 and beyond because we got to see their backgrounds but we all know now that they were kind of wasted (apart from Bonnie). Do any of you guys think there's a possibility of the playable characters as well as side characters (Nate and Eddie in particular) showing up in season three?
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Perhaps, it would be kind of a waste not to do anything with these established characters, although, The Walking Dead often leaves the fate of many characters in the dark, so I'm not entirely sure it would even be likely for them to make an appearance in Season Three. I think they may have originally been intended to have a bigger role in Season Two but for some reason that might've been cut out? Maybe due to the change in Writers?
I think the most potential to return would be Eddie.
i hope not. At the very least I'd love to see their own series/mini-series featuring what happens to them when they all meet up from those who weren't at Carver's Camp to those who survived it, as well meeting up with Eddie, and how you basically survive this. You could also include Mike and Arvo being in the case of characters since the two of them are with Bonnie.
Have you read Into The Fray?
This is an awesome fan-fiction that has just about what you are expecting in a miniseries. Except you won't have to wait for months.
Ooh, I think I've heard of it. I think I'll read it. It still would be cool to get that season/miniseries going, the 400 Days cast is a great cast of characters.
I could see Eddie and Tavia showing up at some point in Season 3, and a few others from Howe's that appeared in Season 2.
I would like it, but it's feel SO contrived if you already saw them at Howe's in your save file. Maybe it could work for people who didn't bring them there, yknow?
I don't know why people think certain players like Nate or Eddie have chances to return. If telltale was going to bring them back. It would've been in season two. I think we have to face a few realities about telltale :
honestly, I don't even know how Kenny or Jane will go. They might not even include them because there is so many different outcomes, they might just skip both all together.
My hope is starting to fade.
Crossing my fingers!
I believe that they will do a good job with Kenny and Jane this time.
However, the chances of Christa, Eddie, Nate, the "400 Days" people and Lee—what?—returning in Season Three are close to none. As you said, Season Two was the chance to take charge of all of them, mostly, but we see that they didn't, other than whoever went with Tavia.
I'm surprisingly okay with this though. I don't want any returning characters other than the ones in the different endings, and I didn't really care for Eddie that much. I disliked Nate. We also had Bonnie during most of the second season, and that was more than I was expecting.
Loved Eddie, Wyatt as well. They had good chemistry.
I doubt it unfortunately. So much potential just thrown away. Even Bonnie, the most average, middle of the road 400 days character was pretty decent for season 2 standards.
I don't think any of the 400 days characters are coming back (maybe some lines of dialogue for closure on Bonnie). But I think it would be bad storytelling to leave Christa's plot undetermined, as she is the last survivor (besides Kenny) of the original group. I do think Mike and/or Arvo should come back, since I sure would love to see Clem get revenge...
I totally disagree about Christa.
I started a similar discussion on how the 400 Days characters should have replaced Jane and the cabin group in Season 2. That said, their time is over. Why would Telltale bring back Nate in Eddie, who were supporting characters? As far as the playable characters are concerned(other than Bonnie), their appearance in Season 2 was determinate, so I wouldn't expect to see them again either. Bonnie could pop back up, but that's a long shot.
I guess the people who stayed behind could make a cameo in season 3, the only ones I'd expect to return are those who weren't playable/attached to the PC to the hip (Becca) or have not been confirmed dead.
I really hope that we'll see them again, but I doubt it. If you didn't kill Bonnie then she might turn up but other than her I don't think so.
Wyatt & Eddie were like the Seth Rogen & James Franco of The Walking Dead or Beavis and Butthead.
I only mentioned lee because believe or not, some people still believe he could come back. Like I said this is my opinion, I could've wrong but I can't see them bringing those characters back. Tavia was the pick but even she was limited. I thought apon seeing her in 400 days, she was high up in the ranks.
I agree. Eddie was okay but not as good as people make out. I never really understood the fame for Nate. He was a bum who killed old people and then tried to kill wyatt and Eddie. Nothing special
Well if she comes back, I'll tip my hat to you. If she doesn't, I dunno you can say I was right ? (- :
I'm hoping they'll be seen again, though to be honest, I have no idea whether Telltale will really bring them back. After the non-important cameos some of them got in S2 besides Bonnie, it is plausible that Telltale will just leave it at that and have it forgotten, which to me, would be a pity. 400 Days, a DLC, had a far stronger and more interesting set of characters than S2 could even muster in an entire season, so I think if they didn't do more with them, it'll be a huge disappointment and a bad decision on their part.
Maybe someone who wasn't already in Season Two such as Nate or Eddie, don't really think it'd work too well seeing any of the protagonists or Tavia again really. I'm actually confident(ish) that Nate will come back, he's developed a somewhat a cult following like Kenny did so I can see him returning actually.
I was sort of hoping we would see them again if you decide to go with Jane. I mean, we would probably just see their bodies, but it's better than having their fate remain unknown forever.
I doubt we will see them again
Doubt it.
well 400 days was a waste of money anyway...
they don't have big roles except for bonnie..
Can you imagine if in Episode one of Season 3 all you had to do was let Bonnie be brutally murdered and Christa would come back what people would do? People would replay their saves so fast
A: Sorry Bon-Bon nuthin' personal nah mean?
B: Ooooooh, riiiiiiight
So they would replay their save files to save her from the frozen lake so they could later kill her? This is one of the more far-out ideas I've heard. I don't think Telltale would even consider that precisely because it would be a no-brainer. I'm one of the few people who still liked Bonnie when everything was said and done. Whereas the majority's feeling toward Christa is neutral at worst. I think Telltale has succeeded at least in making most of their choices ones that require consideration.
Bonnie fell into a frozen lake? Oh I didnt know that
If Clementine chooses to cover Luke instead of going toward him, Bonnie will attempt to reach him. Bonnie and Luke will both fall in and go under. Luke is a goner either way, but if Clementine breaks a new hole in the ice where Luke is trapped, Bonnie will find her way out. If not, they both die.
Definitely. I'd be surprised and annoyed if they showed up in S3. It wouldn't really make sense and every one of them was determinant and we all know what eventually happens to determinant characters. I would however like to see or find out somehow what happened to Eddie and Nate, the only 2 characters i liked from 400 days
I aquired a grudge for bonnie as soon as she fucked us over lol ( I was against helping her in the first place but still! ). The 400 days characters had so much potential imo.. I think that it would be interesting to see shel's family get chased by that Roman guy for example ( if you didn't notice, you can see his body near the river where Pete gets bit, too bad TTG killed him off like that). Or ofcourse..... NATE. He seems like an unique villian. And the list goes on. Well lets hope Season 3 will offer great characters...
Our civilization is lucky that the "if you dont brake the ice bonny dai" era is gone. Those were some pretty dark days for the details thread, weren't they?
Well Nates hilarious.
I just want to see Nate as an antagonist. If not then they're goners.