Another Fake Clem Death?
Hmm, I just thought of something. Do you guys think ttg would pull off another fake Clem death? But this time done perfectly. For example, let's say around the penultimate episode or so, Clementine and Javier are being chased by whoever it is that's going around "marking" people. They're on a rooftop of an abandoned building and there's a horde of walkers right below them, Clem and Javy are out of Ammo and are running for their lives. They reach a dead end once they get close to the ledge of the rooftop; the people chasing them are getting nearer as they slowly move backwards. Clem slips and starts to fall off but Javy notices and manages to grab her hand just in time. He tells her to hold on and to try to pull herself up (lets make things a bit more interesting and let's have Clem be a bit injured after maybe having a scuffle with a few of the enemies).
The enemies start laughing and Javy turns his head to see them just a few feet away from him. Clem is struggling to pull herself up and she keeps staring at the walkers below. Now, all of a sudden you get an option to try and pull Clem up or let her go (keep in mind that the bad guys are right behind Javier). So let's say that you let her go and then all of a sudden everything is in slow motion and sad music starts to play as you watch Clementine falling and you see the shock in Javy's face until it's all over but you can't tell whether Clem died or not, you hear the bad guys behind him and Javy turns around just to get hit with the butt of a rifle and everything goes black, cue the end of the episode. But if you decide to try and pull her up, the bad guys reach Javy and start beating on him until he's forced to let go and then Javy gets knocked out.
What you decide to do will impact the rest of the story as well. We'll have to wait and see until the next episode to see if she lived or not, and it would drive some of us crazy just waiting for the next episode to come out. I think it would be genius for them to pull something like that off. I actually hope ttg does do something like this in S3 just so we'll have something to talk about as we anticipate the finale. What do you guys think about something like this happening?
My reaction on top right and bottom right in that order.
@TelltaleStaff hire this man
Shocked to dead in mere seconds...
Smells like a Glenn under the dumpster fashioned stunt from the show. But I do think they get some inspiration for plots from the TV show in which case it, or something similar could happen.
Naw, most likely they will just build some character we don't know at all for like 40 minutes. Than all of a sudden it is alluded that Clem is in danger but that side character ends up dying instead.
errrrbody shocked and guns pointed at them.
End of episode
Everybody would just restart and pick the other choice.
I really hope this season doesnt have a lame dliffhanger in every episode, so many of the season 2 episodes ended on a tense moment in the middle of some chaos, rather than actually resolving the episode to a secure point, Its lazy storytelling. Michonne did this in its first episode also.
The Walking Dead always ends on a cliffhanger lol, whether it be the comics, show or game (especially the game), there's always a cliffhanger. I don't mind them as long as they're done right, if it's some bs cliffhanger like the S6 finale of the show then that's when I lose interest.
And get the same result either way. Tbh, the choices never really mattered, only to a certain degree. "Random character will remember that (?)" ends up dying in the next five minutes.
And people should just play the game all the way through if it's their first time playing, restarting it just because something happens that you don't like is really unnecessary, to me at least. I can understand if you restart to the last checkpoint if you accidentally picked the wrong choice, though.
I could see ttg pulling something like this off, as long as they do it correctly. Clementine is the most essential character in the game, without her there really wouldn't be a point in the story. This is her story and how she's able to manage in the apocalypse. If they actually do kill her, I believe that would be a huge mistake and the series would have no meaning.
I just hope that not everyone that Clementine meets ends up dying... Cabin Group from S2.
When Clem falls, it turns out the walkers were suddenly replaced with a pile of pillows. And the guys chasing them weren't beating on javier, but actually tickling him.
I do adore Clem as a character, however I am certain the series will still have meaning. This series is basically a video game spin off of the comics created by Kirkman. If Kirkman feels nobody in his universe is safe not even Rick or Carl then I am sure that could go double for Clementine. Which would make sense for Walking Dead environment.
I meant the game series, just to clarify. Like if Clem were to die then the game should end then and there, but realistically speaking, I'm pretty sure they'll just milk the game with spin-off's and just make a game with different characters. At the point where Clem is now, though, I think it would be pretty dumb to kill her off. But if they kill her off at a later point in time then sure, as long as they do it right, just hope it would be in the most badass way.
Yeah, I'm sure Rick will eventually die some point in the future, it seems inevitable. The thing that Kirkman has to do is try to make it as unpredictable as possible. One thing I hate about the show is that they're too scared to kill off main characters because AMC is just worried about getting enough viewers and money. And also because of the fans that no nothing about TWD series and just watch the show because of a certain character. Tbh, the comics should have ended after the second war with Negan. It's getting repetitive now and I'm wondering if Kirkman even knows how he wants to end it.
Now you've spoiled it and ttg has to change the story!
On a serious note, I hope ttg has learned from their mistakes and they stick with a consistent story and don't change a lot of things in the last minute. Like if fans figure out what will happen then just go ahead with it, at least it's better than random Russians coming out of completely nowhere in S2... like wtf? What would have been better was to have Carver's group go after Clem and her group and then you meet up with Eddie and his group and you find out that they escaped Carver before and then they help you fight his group in a mini war.
I remember seeing this slide for the first time with that weird music playing in the background and being so hyped to play Ep4 but they completely scrapped it and changed almost everything. They said that Eddie being there was a placeholder but seems unlikely, fans figured out who it was early on and it opted them to change things.
They did the same with Kenny in Season 1. Remember we thought he was dead, but later we found out he survived in Season 2. I can see them pulling the same thing off with Clementine. Why not?
Yeah, Kenny was actually supposed to die back in S1 but he became so popular that they brought him back and in my opinion his character was ruined because of that. Sure, at first it was awesome seeing him return in S2 but they didn't even bother explaining how he managed to get out alive and gave us that "I got lucky. Real lucky" bs. As the story progressed it just got worse from there.
They sort of did the Clem fake out death in S2 after Arvo shot her but that was obvious that she would live. If they were to do it again they would have to make it to where it looks like she died but then you play as her and escape or whatever they plan on doing if something like this occurs. Just imagining the fan reaction of those who would actually believe that she dies would be amazing. Ttg could pull this off if done correctly.
Baby, be my cliff and I'll be your hanger.![<3 <3](
Why doesn't it seem unlikely that it is a placeholder?
They put a hoodie on his head and darkened the slide for a reason.
Exactly that. People weren't supposed to find out. In the 400 days DLC Eddie never wore a hoodie, and if you look at the other darkened character behind Clementine you can see that it looks like Kenny without a hat. People found this out a long time ago before S2Ep4 came out and shortly after Ep1. That's where the "Kenny confirmed for S2!" gif emanated from and I also remember it was because someone hacked the game files and found his name on them. The also changed the slides for Ep3 and 5, it seemed like they had a consistent story going until they started using new writers. The only real placeholders are the other three characters that you can't really see, it seemed like Ep4 was going to have some sort of weird ritual thing and Clem was going to learn some new things or whatever, but it never happened because they changed it to be unpredictable.
Way to obvious that Clem wouldn't be dead, a character as major as Clem being killed off at the start of the last episode?
We do not know that Eddie and Kenny were not placeholders and the other three were. The is a chance that the model of Eddie was put there because he was planned to come back, but it is just as likely that the model was hidden because they were not going to use him, and they did not want people saying that they scrapped him off Season Two.
I mean, it could've been either.
That was just an example but now that you mention it... what would be even better is if they end the third season with something like that where it shows that Clem might be dead but we won't know for sure until S4, if there ever will be another story with Clementine in it, that is.
Honestly, I don't see TellTale wasting time and money modeling brand new clothing to placeholders. Perhaps Eddie was going to come back and that would be his new model. There's also the two figures cut in half that resemble Doug and Carley and funly enough they're on oposite sides of the screen.
I recall Job saying in an AMA here in the forums that they were in fact placeholders, tho. But I also recall the someone saying that one of the writers from Season 1 that wrote the first episode 'All That Remains' had the whole season storyline written and gave it to TellTale before leaving the company. That storyline then sufered modifications and rewrites. And I find it curious that they changed episode five's name ('BetterToSleep' xD), the song that played on its slide (that is awesome btw everyone reading this should check it out (it's really creepy!!)) and the slide itself...
I don't know what to believe, but clearly something was changed from the original plot.
Either or, Eddie might have been planned to return, but they scrapped the idea and went a different route. I think they actually had something bigger planned for the 400 days characters but maybe decided to save it for S3 because those short cameos that they had in S2 didn't really do much for the story. The only character from that DLC that was actually used for the story was Bonnie. Hopefully we see more of the 400 days characters in S3 because there's still a lot of unresolved issues that need some explaining.
Yeah but then people would be pissed if they ended it on some cliff hanger of "dead or not" just like season 6 of the show. Also how would season 4 be advertised? It would have to 100% be two characters again, without mentioning theres actually 2 playable characters, and never show Clem.
Because they love to play with people's emotions and make the fans cry. There's always the after credits scene where they could show you that there's a small glimmer of hope left so the fans won't be left pissed off and instead it'll leave you wondering what will happen next. Like say in the after credits scene all you see is Clem's hat on the ground and then you see a shadowy figure moving toward it and then it just cuts to black. And when they do actually announce it, I'm pretty sure they'll let us know if she's alive or not or they'll just use new characters and then surprise us with an older Clementine that shows up out of nowhere as an NPC. Clementine and Javier don't necessarily have to be the protagonists for the next game but it's still too early to even predict if they'll be in the next one.
Clementine's fate teased....nah never? But really though Clem=Neo #clemisneo #Thereisnohat. Just saying she is the key to everything! So my thought are that Clem will in fact save the world but perhaps die in the process. This is TWD after all;(
I don't mind them dying just as long as they are probably build up so I can at least be happy they died. Most of the deaths in S2 I just didn't even care about.
Exactly ^ that's what S2 lacked, character development. I wish we could have interacted more with the characters before their death, like at least getting to know more about them and their past would have probably made us feel something about their deaths.
To me it just feels like a plot hole and lazy writing because now if something like that were to happen with another character and then they come back from what looks like a completely impossible situation to get out from, all they have to do is say "I got lucky. Real lucky." and everyone would just continue on like nothing happened lol. I get that it's a video game and it doesn't have to be realistic 100% of the time and I'm not saying he should have explained the whole situation with every detail, but maybe he could have just giving us some small insight as to how he managed to get out.
For example, if it was for saving Ben then he could have said something like "I damn near shit myself as the walkers crowded around me. I put that shitbird Ben out of his misery and then pushed the walkers outta the way with all my might. I hauled ass after that and ran toward a nearby abandoned building." And that would have sufficed.
I second this.
I can see it happening, she can even end up really dying actually, it depends on how this new Season will work out, people are mistaken if they think Clementine has such a thing as plot armour. If done right, we might choose her death. If not, it would be believable, a good cliffhanger as any.
I think by now some people would be ready for her death (not saying that she should die), but by now you can't expect her to be 100% safe. We all thought that Lee would live and look at what happened to him. If the main character of their first TWD game can die, then absolutely no one is safe. It wouldn't have made sense for her to die in the first two games because she still needs to fulfill her purpose. I don't personally think she'll die just yet, I still think there's so much for her to learn and do. Clementine has too much potential as a character and she can still grow into the best zombie apocalypse survivor ever. So yeah, a fake death like this if done right would be perfect so they can see some fan reaction and then if they actually proceed with it they'll know how to really do it to get the fans to bawl their eyes out.
Exactly. And I must say that I also give Clem this much credit and put faith on her. I could not agree more with you about her having much to grow, when I try to think about Clem dying, it is hard to imagine, but she can still die and I am like "oh my God this Season will be crazy".
Season 1:
Season 2
Problem with Clem saving the world is that TWD is not Telltale's original game, Robert Kirkman has the rights to TWD, and he doesn't want any side-stories of the universe to change the story/world from it's current understanding.
What I mean is that Robert most likely won't allow these story writers to make it so there is a "cure" to the zombie's and to make a character that is "immune" to the walker disease. If Clementine does "save" the world, she would have to appear most likely in the main story line being set out for the comics and TV show.
Still better cliffhangers the the one of WHO DID NEGAN KILL?