The Vent/Help Thread



  • It's been much worse not long ago.

    why does it seem like the world is getting fuelled for another world war

  • edited July 2016

    Having to tell your childhood friend you will not be able to be at his wedding to be his best man really freaking sucks... Unable to afford it, no way to get there.... This REALLY sucks. v_v

  • I dont know what to do I've been offered a second job nearer to where I live but its less hours than the one in already on and I'm supposed to be moving out into my own place and my driving lessons seem to be going nowhere and it seems like forever until I can do my test and I just don't know what to do it really starting to stress me out

  • Present your dilhema to the second employer maybe. "I'm really excited about working here and it's a great location for me, but I just can't support myself on so few hours."

    I dont know what to do I've been offered a second job nearer to where I live but its less hours than the one in already on and I'm supposed

  • Well I'm going to ask my employer for more hours and see where it goes from there

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Present your dilhema to the second employer maybe. "I'm really excited about working here and it's a great location for me, but I just can't support myself on so few hours."

  • Awww man :(

    Having to tell your childhood friend you will not be able to be at his wedding to be his best man really freaking sucks... Unable to afford it, no way to get there.... This REALLY sucks. v_v

  • edited July 2016

    Hmm, oh boy. So my same "friend" that I mentioned earlier was supposed to pick me up so we can play Pokemon Go together at 6 pm (I don't have a device that can play it, but she does). It's 9 pm now. I don't think it takes about 3 hours to cool down after getting food for snakes. >_< I'm beginning to feel like a fucking loser dressed in my Pokemon trainer closet cosplay (shorts, tank top, and my Clem hat). I just wanted to have a bit of fun after all the stress I'm going through... not to mention my grandma is in the hospital and it turns out she has congestive heart failure. She's gonna die soon. Maybe in a few days, maybe a few weeks if she's lucky.... I was so excited because I've been wanting to play it. It's been about 25 minutes since I last messaged her and she still hasn't responded. She hasn't been on in the last 2 hours. I really don't want to play at night. She did this to me last time we hung out. I thought we were going out in the day, but she kept pushing it back and back until it was night time--pitch black out.

    I can still taste the spray sun screen in my mouth after accidentally breathing it in. I just want to know if I can play Skyrim or not at this point... I want to finish Dawnguard (first time playing the DLCs). I'm almost done. -_-

    IF she does respond today (ha) I think I'm gonna try my best to, without incurring her wrath and obsessive hatred, say I'm thinking of not being her friend... again.

  • If you want to continue hanging out with her, I think you're going to have to learn to cope with her unreliability. That means when you make plans, ask her to text you when she's headed over, and don't bother getting ready 'til she does. Then, when she shows up without texting you first, which she will, remind her that you asked her to do that, and she'll have to wait a few minutes for you to get ready. If she explodes over that, she's toxic, and you're better off without her.

    Hmm, oh boy. So my same "friend" that I mentioned earlier was supposed to pick me up so we can play Pokemon Go together at 6 pm (I don't hav

  • I hope you're not saying what i think you're saying...

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Similar situations happened in the 70's after the COINTELPRO attacks against the Black Panthers. hopefully the anti-cop movement stays the course and doesn't allow itself to be cowed into submission by the blowback.

  • Watch this video, I think you will find it very interesting.
    enter link description here

    i hope not too but it just seems that the world is going that way

  • I said it before I'll say it again, cut this waste of emotional energy out of your life.

    Hmm, oh boy. So my same "friend" that I mentioned earlier was supposed to pick me up so we can play Pokemon Go together at 6 pm (I don't hav

  • edited July 2016

    I'm tired of being an easy target for people to blame. I have many enemies and even some stalkers. Some are for reasons of me simply agreeing with a certain side or having opposing opinions. These people are crazy and I'm more than happy to cut them out of my life. However, it hurts nonetheless. Being the blame of everything and having people turn against you is not a fun feeling at all.

    Only one "enemy" is truly justified and even then, they're holding a grudge from when I was twelve years old. We were all shitty people when we were preteens and I'll say that goes for me too. Even now, I'm no saint. I, however, have matured and would much prefer to handle these type of situations like an adult. It's a shame that the opposite parties do not feel the same.

  • this is actually interesting there are valid points im just hoping war dosnt happen because i have a feeling nukes may be involved and total armageddon will follow

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Watch this video, I think you will find it very interesting. enter link description here

  • What's important now is to get to know why did she just ditch you out of blue. Ask her.

    It sucks, I know how that situation felt on my own skin, but since the same thing happened with her the last time it is obvious she kinda puts you for the last. Friendship means to take some of your own preciousvtime to hang out with them, not to just hang out with them when you have nothing else to do, remember this. I'd just want to know why did she do this. I assume you are a teenager, so don't waste any of your time, because time catches up pretty quickly.

    Hmm, oh boy. So my same "friend" that I mentioned earlier was supposed to pick me up so we can play Pokemon Go together at 6 pm (I don't hav

  • Sometimes, people blame only you because they only want to see it as your fault. It's a false illusion, picture created in their head and they force it on to you which is very wrong. Just remember that you can be still you with, or without, them.

    I'm tired of being an easy target for people to blame. I have many enemies and even some stalkers. Some are for reasons of me simply agreein

  • edited July 2016

    Well let me ask you, even if such a thing were to happen, what exactly is worrying about it going to do for you in the meantime?

    Is it going to make you feel better, is going to make you feel more secure?

    And is worrying about the possibility of World War 3 going to stop it from happening, that is if it does?

    Worrying about the possibility of World War 3 is not going to stop it from happening, that is if it indeed does. All that worrying about is going to do is make you feel worse, while the problem remains the same.

    The only thing that worrying about a situation effects is you, in that it affects your peace of mind.

    My advice is personally, is not to worry about it all that much. Enjoy what you have now, while you have it, and make the most of all the opportunities that are right in front of you.

    Plan for the future, while enjoying and treasuring the moment.

    this is actually interesting there are valid points im just hoping war dosnt happen because i have a feeling nukes may be involved and total armageddon will follow

  • Law enforcement needs to be checked at every opportunity.

    papai46 posted: »

    I hope you're not saying what i think you're saying...

  • enter image description here

    Also when search vent it shows FNAF, fuck off with that stupid game.

    enter image description here

  • It's only been six years. That seems like forever when you're young and so much is changing, but it isn't really.

    People also tend to chill out, tolerate opposing views, and generally figure out how to have lives without attacking others as they get older. So things will get better in the coming years. Not that that helps now.

    Want something that helps now? Try seeing their side of it. You can have an adamant view about Topic X, and someone who hates you and wants you to know they hate you has a completely opposite view. Unless they took that view just because you took the other one and they hate you so much, try to figure out why they feel that way. It probably won't change your mind, but it will help you relate to that person better, and the different perspective may help you understand some other things.

    (Can't possibly see why they think that way? Try asking nicely about it.)

    I'm tired of being an easy target for people to blame. I have many enemies and even some stalkers. Some are for reasons of me simply agreein

  • The question I really want to know is, why were you googling vents? o.o

    Also when search vent it shows FNAF, fuck off with that stupid game.

  • ont worry i am enjoying the time ihave and am prepared forthe future

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Well let me ask you, even if such a thing were to happen, what exactly is worrying about it going to do for you in the meantime? Is it go

  • he has a thing for aircon

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    The question I really want to know is, why were you googling vents? o.o

  • The vent thread ;)

    I'll show myself out

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    The question I really want to know is, why were you googling vents? o.o

  • edited July 2016

    I think one of the very first posts in this thread is a picture of a vent

    Edit: oh my fucking god its the same picture as well, THIEF! THIEF! JordaaNPopee is a THIEF!

    enter image description here

    The vent thread I'll show myself out

  • Legit didn't know - I'm original k

    I think one of the very first posts in this thread is a picture of a vent Edit: oh my fucking god its the same picture as well, THIEF! THIEF! JordaaNPopee is a THIEF!

  • such an original joke oh wow no one's ever done that before

    Also when search vent it shows FNAF, fuck off with that stupid game.

  • edited July 2016

    That's the problem, I've been trying to see their sides of it. Most of them are unwilling to give me a clear answer. I don't have the greatest memory and I'm not kidding you when I say I have absolutely no idea I even did to these people. I've offered to apologize and to speak to them. Nothing. After dealing with my mother's friends, I have little hope that people actually grow up.

    I hope it doesn't stay the same for them.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    It's only been six years. That seems like forever when you're young and so much is changing, but it isn't really. People also tend to ch

  • Not quite an original reply to it either..


    such an original joke oh wow no one's ever done that before

  • "Checked."

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Law enforcement needs to be checked at every opportunity.

  • This one? It's definitely a good theme.

    enter link description here

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Not quite an original reply to it either.. SHOTS FIRED GTA THEME STARTS PLAYING

  • Lol can't hear it Taylor Swift banned it lol

    This one? It's definitely a good theme. enter link description here

  • You know something that really bothers me personally, is that nowadays if you dare to have your own personal opinion on anything, and especially if you dare to voice that opinion, you immediately get crucified for it.

    Even if you State for the record that you were just speaking for yourself as an individual, and that you do not look down on anyone in any way that might have an opinion different than yours, people often times will still treat you like you have committed an unforgivable sin.

    To expect people to feel the same exact way about everything is quite frankly unrealistic. The reason for that is because we are all different, we've all had different backgrounds and were all built differently, which means we're going to naturally have different viewpoints and opinions on things.

    The idea behind the First Amendment, other than protecting religious freedom, was to protect the idea that you do have the right to your own opinion, especially if it's dictated by your conscience, and you have no right to live by and follow that opinion, and to express it.

    You know another thing that gets to me is when people ask me about mine political leanings, I just simply told him quite frankly that I don't care about politics. And I was get this deer-in-the-headlights look when they find out that I don't vote in any presidential election, or but frankly any election.

    The reason why I don't do that, is because quite frankly I have never seen a politician, regardless of his political leanings or what political campaigns supposed to belong to, that is honest. That is who they say they are and who truly wants to make a difference.

    For example, Richard Nixon was involved in the Watergate scandal, yet when he was confronted about the issue, he outright bold-faced lied to the American people.

    Bill Clinton, when he was question about a possible Scandal between him and Monica Lewinsky, he swore up and down very emphatically that he did not do as people were insinuating he did.

    And that's not to say that you can ask the people who run the government to be infallible, because you can't. People aren't perfect, no matter what their status and life is.

    However you can ask them to be accountable. You can ask them to take responsibility for what they do, whether it's good or bad. And that in itself is not unreasonable, nor is it a brand new concept.

    And yet if I do too state that to people, and the reason to kind of ties in the reason one, I again get looked at with a critical eye.

    Personally when it comes to things like politics, and I'll say it again I know you don't care anymore about who gets into office.

    But what I do think is a good idea, is that we need people in office, special presidential office, who are willing to uphold their presidential oath, which is the reserve, protect, and defend the Constitution. Because that document is the reason why life in America is the way it is today.

  • edited July 2016

    Bored. Looking for something to do, any suggestions?

  • edited July 2016


    Watch cartoons online


    Watch a YouTube livestream and troll

    Call 666-666-6666

    Go outside

    Mix Coke And Mentos



    Bored. Looking for something to do, any suggestions?

  • edited July 2016
    • Read a non fictional book.
    • Go outside and exercise.
    • Learn to play a musical instrument.

    The point is, there are a lot of things you can do - things that you can do to improve yourself - and they don't cost you anything.

    Bored. Looking for something to do, any suggestions?

  • I am just watching game walkingthroughs on YouTube and movies at the moment.

    Hydra_Hell posted: »

    Por...JUST KIDDING Watch cartoons online Draw Watch a YouTube livestream and troll Call 666-666-6666 Go outside Mix Coke And Mentos Sleep Eat

  • edited July 2016

    My mother's fucked up again.

    Last night, she told me if I ever told anyone about her being high, she'd kill me.

    No son ever deserves to hear that from their mother.

  • Jesus, wtf?

    She needs serious help.

    My mother's fucked up again. Last night, she told me if I ever told anyone about her being high, she'd kill me. No son ever deserves to hear that from their mother.

  • edited July 2016

    I think she's beyond saving.

    Me and my grandparents have given her many, many chances to stop doing drugs, and she chooses not to.

    Jesus, wtf? She needs serious help.

  • Shit. :/

    Sounds like my dad with his addiction to cigs. He's gotten over being an alcoholic however before I was born.

    I think she's beyond saving. Me and my grandparents have given her many, many chances to stop doing drugs, and she chooses not to.

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