Mobjack Masacre SOLVED + Rashid and Vannessa for Season 3
After a lot of thinking, I think I found out how the Mobjack masacre was:
Rashid and Vannessa were a couple with two children, and they were the liders of a big group that lived near to the coast, they used to trade with Oceanside, or at least with The Companion crew. One day, they found the Mobjack and the whole group moved there, that's why Pete didn't know where they were. He seems to be pretty sure they were alive at the begining of In Too Deep, so we can assume they had enought weapons and food, and they were a very capable group. A group like that wouldn't be easy to slaughter like they did.
Sam said her family used to trade with them, so possibly they started to run out of supplies when other group killed them all, or they traded with the supplies Sam stole from Monroe. maybe both things.
Sam said she could hear the Mobjack people's scream when they were killed, what means that she was going there when the massacre happened. She also said Randall was the one that killed those people, possibly meaning there was some conflinct between Monroe and the Mobjack. The cause of this rivalry is unknown (supplies, space, etc.), but it didn't end up well for the Mobjack people.
Of course, Sam could be lying, or just wrong. She never said she saw Randall killing those people, and Norma said they were killed by the bandits, and Randall went there to "make sure they wouldn't hurt any one else", both versions are complatible. But I'd believe Sam, because, if the bandits were a group so well armed to kill all the Mobjack group, how couldn't they defend themselves when a group no bigger than, idk, like ten people (Randall's crew)? Besides, there was a dead kid in the Mobjack, the same bandits that could have killed Rashid and Vannessa's kids not only had a little girl with them (ok, one of the bandits could be her father, and actually a dead man was embracing her), but they also took her to assault the Mobjack? Maybe she's another immortal super-capable kid like Carl or Clementine, but I wouldn't take a kid to that kind of missions if I care enought for her to protect her during the apocalypse. But we know Randall killed kids before, he could have killed James and Alex if he wanted (and if he had the ability to do it, since his hands were like shit), and he would definitly kill a kid if he wanted to (HE'S A FRIKING SOCIOPATH). That's why I think Sam wasn''t lying this time, and Randall did kill the Mobjack group.
But, wait, then, what happened with Rashid, Vannessa and their kids? It was never solved, and the models that were made for them are pretty detailed.
They could have added their corpses, along with their kids' in the Mobjack, but they didn't. They could be in the game, but they didn't.
I think that, just like in 400 Days Bonnie was introduced, and later became an important character in S2, this same thing will happen with Rashid and Vannessa in S3.
Yeah. They WILL show up.
Uhmmmm. They're just some rehashed characters. The clothes are based on old TWD S1 models.
I didn't made or find the models. They were in this thread.
Edit: Besides, that doesn't affect the theory.
Who these Rashid and Vanessa? nobody cares at them.
That's just Paige would like to see. rather than what that nonames
Interesting thoughts. Very unlikely that they will in fact appear but, I do agree with you about Randall killing those people.
The following is my educated speculation on The Mobjack massacre.
The Mobjack used to be inhabited by a group of sane people, possibly even its pre-apocalyptic crew, and also by the newly arrived Rashid and Vanessa. They lived relatively peaceful lives, keeping their distance from the colony of Monroe—which was, at the time, a couple of boats anchored to a pier, as described by Samantha—but without any kind of tension in between. Co-existing in the shores of Chesapeake Bay. Around this time, Samantha snuck into Monroe and took some supplies that were lying around, and Norma let her go.
The day came where a group of scavengers found the ferry, murdered the inhabitants and settled in the ship, as described by Norma. This immediately alerted Norma, Randall, Gabby, Zachary, Jonas and whoever was also a colonist at the time, and they were forced to relocate their float farther into the bay, in order to secure their town. As said by herself, Samantha and her brother traded supplies with the scavengers, and the supplies that the siblings traded may very well have been the stolen ones, and thus, the scavengers learned about how easy it was to go in and out of Monroe.
Time passed, and the scavengers set their eyes on Monroe, according to Randall. This sounds plausible, since this group has a reputation of killing the citizens of a place and moving in. Additionally, Monroe appears to me as an overall safer place that The Mobjack, so it is easy to understand why they would prefer that place.
Randall and his crew—Gabby included in the middle of it—rowed down to the ferry and promptly zip-tied the scavengers and killed them, possibly as a means to prevent them from attacking Monroe. Samantha and Greg were there at the time, since they heard the screams. They looked for survivors of the massacre, but everyone was found dead.
When Randall came back to the float, Norma was angered by his decision to head there and kill everyone without giving them a second chance, or even making sure that they were actually planning to attack. Either way, it is clear that she didn't advocate for the massacre, which explains why she wasn't straight-forward with Michonne when it came to that topic.
Norma suggests in this dialogue that Randall carried out actions in the past against her will, which possibly refers to the occurrences of The Mobjack massacre. This also explain why, even though they are seen together, Gabby seems to have a grudge against Randall, not caring about him in the last episode. Given that she was part of those who accompanied him, Norma disapproved of Gabby ever since. This is also reinforced by the fact that Norma doesn't even pronounce her name when telling Gabby to escort Pete and Greg to some room, and also by the fact that Gabby doesn't follow Norma's orders as a leader, even questioning her during the trade in "What We Deserve."
I have to admit that this makes more sense. D':
Where did you get those pictures?
Somewhere in this thread.
Around "page" 15-something.
Edit: Vannessa picture:
Rashid picture:
Not even close! How silly I am! :'D
And thank you for bringing this topic back to life. You know, if somebody was an insider, they could, maybe, tell us a little more about the massacre.
Somebody tag emilybuckshot.
I just hope they don't fire her for telling us so much things.
Yes it does.
Because they were maden in 5 minutes. Those models are easy to make with S1 resources combined with photoshop and S2 Resources.
EDIT: Remember I once used to do crazy model and map swaps along with objects and dialog. And I know what I am saying by rehash. The old people will remember me, I am not much known now, but it's fine, I wanted to be like this now I am.
They were not actually made in five minutes!
After the team at Telltale Games decided that Rashid and Vanessa would be scrapped along with their models, they gave Vanessa's model to the woman with the baby that lives at Dominic's apartment block—the one you see if you do not answer the phone in the hallucination in "Give No Shelter." They then shadowed her face so it's barely visible.
But the clothes are the same if I'm not wrong, and that woman is credited as Vanessa.
Then that could be the use of the model. Or I will look at the lip sync files to see if they're hers yes or not.
They're not reused models. I can't share any more about this, but that's not correct.
whatever. @BetterToSleep's version is better anyways.
That means I was right all the time RASHID AND VANNESSA FOR S3
Whoa whoa stop right there. You don't know, TTG choices if they're gonna be in TWD S3, not users. EDIT: Yeah I know, it's a theory. But all I can see them doing with these models is to give clothes to a minor character. Like how they gave to Buriko Clementine's Jacket retextured.
Original file of Sam's mom lipsync matches the Vanessa one, I tried a model swap with Sam's mom lip sync and then Vanessa model to be swapped, the lip sync worked fine, it was like a rehash. Good to know, some characters seem to be rehashed but they aren't. Interesting.
Well yeah Randall would kill the kids but Sam usually lies so... maybe it was a mix of Randall's group that tried to fight off the other group that's trying to kill the Mobjack people?
Sam 'usually' lies? Does she?
Particularly in episode 1.
Like you wouldn't believe.
Well I shouldn't have said that thanks for highlighting that. I meant what SloaningDead said.
pops head up That's not too far off. We weren't trying to be shifty about it. (Damn our accidental subtlety!) Randall's actions are also why Norma is so annoyed with him, and starts asking Zachary to do stuff for her instead. ... and then why Randall sets up Zachary to kill Greg. He's mad that his sister is trusting Zach instead of him after what he did.
That explains a lot!
Going along with this theory, couldn't this mean that Sam was actually telling the truth in episode 1? Or rather, the truth from her relative perspective?
Think about it. From her perspective, she most likely never knew about the original ferry inhabitants. She probably didn't even know that the scavengers she was trading with slaughtered the original inhabitants. So when Randall goes down there to kill all of them, Sam sees it as a senseless act of violence; Randall barging in and killing everyone on the ferry for no apparent reason. Based off what she saw, she goes on to assume Monroe is just a bunch of pirates that think they own everything on the water, like she says. And as a result, she probably feels justified in stealing from them, since in her mind she's probably thinking "Hey, they probably killed a bunch of people and took this stuff for themselves, so fuck 'em," which could explain the apparent lack of guilt she shows in playing a role in the conflict.
Granted, that would mean she was still lying about not stealing the supplies, but the rest of her story is actually the truth, albeit from her perspective.
All in all, pretty much the entire story of the miniseries is a cascading series of misunderstandings. One side sees the actions of another side, assumes the other side is guilty, third-party enters the scene and gets entangled in the conflict between the two sides, third-party accidentally/unintentionally antagonizes one of the sides, leading to a three-way conflict. Just a giant, shitty situation that kept getting worse by circumstance.
I don't think either side is fully in the right or the wrong here. Sam stealing isn't in the right, but from her perspective, she's stealing back from a bunch of pirates. Randall killed a bunch of people that were a potential threat to him and his community, although his methods for taking care of them were a bit cruel. Remember the poor guy strung up to the door and left to be killed? Maybe he was one of the scavengers, but did you really have to do that to him? What about the bodies of the kids on the ferry? Maybe those kids were with the scavengers, but that doesn't mean they were involved in what happened. I mean, it could have been three guys that killed the people on the ferry, got rid of the bodies, lied to the rest of their group about it and moved in. There's no way to prove everyone on that ferry was guilty, and even if they were, does that really warrant the systematic execution of everyone, or tying a guy up and leaving him to be killed?
Hire this man.
Thank you for this wonderful post.
You pretty much sumarized what possibly was Samantha and Randall's relationship—a growing snowball of misunderstandings. And Sam's perspective is more understandable if we take this into consideration. At the start of this series, I felt like Norma was the misunderstood one, but now I feel like it is the opposite. Why wouldn't she want to steal a second time from a group of pirates that murder innocent people and take their supplies?
On the other hand, why wouldn't Randall want to kill a group of pirates who were about to murder an innocent colony and stay in their float?
I honestly do not remember the man who was left to die. Is that Pete's lost twin you are talking about? Because that person was executed and prevented from reanimation. That aside, you make a good point when it comes to the fact that maybe not all the scavengers took place in the killing of the first inhabitants. They could've been three and the rest of the group was condemned because of this, again, due to a misunderstanding. I do wonder though, how did Randall realize that the scavengers planned to attack Monroe? Did the scavengers actually attack when Monroe was still anchored and then retreated after they failed? I do not see any other way that it could've played out.
Just for reference, we have five parties participating in the course of the game.
By the guy strung up, I mean the walker that was tied up to the cafeteria door. Whoever that was, they were deliberately tied up and left to be eaten. There are some really screwed up ways to kill people, and that one would definitely be up there on the list.
It's all good, buddy. Just helpin' ya out.