What do you think season 2 is going to be about?

I think a new hero is coming out and the new order of the stone are the heroes and they find a portal and go on adventures


  • There is no season 2...

  • We don't even know if there will be a Season 2. Telltale only has the rights to Minecraft for a little while, there's no telling if they'll actually bother to get the rights back. I say you should think of the Adventure Pack as Season 2.

  • What do you think season 2 is going to be about?

    Nothing because there probably won't be a Season 2

  • What do you think season 2 is going to be about? Nothing because there probably won't be a Season 2

  • edited July 2016

    Yea because 1-5 is season 1 like Blind Sniper's post below me

    We don't even know if there will be a Season 2. Telltale only has the rights to Minecraft for a little while, there's no telling if they'll actually bother to get the rights back. I say you should think of the Adventure Pack as Season 2.

  • Season 2..... Will be about another danger like whether episodes.... Find the way out of nether like that

  • I don't think there is a season 2 because of how much episodes we got for season 1 we mc story mode is probably gonna be like game of thrones with only 1 season but if so we will get episodes 9-13 or 9-16

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