Is the Jetra Romance choice gonna happen in episode 7 " Access Denied?" (Updated)



  • LGBT

    And what if you chose the girly Jesse? will there also be a 'Jetra' then? xD

  • What about female Jesse? If you were playing as female Jesse, I'd think it would be Jekas or something like that...

  • Maybe LGBT :v,like steven universe or LoK

    What about female Jesse? If you were playing as female Jesse, I'd think it would be Jekas or something like that...

  • pls no, Petra's so ugly.

  • No. Just... just, no.


  • 2016- Anything can happen! A xenophobic @sshole bent on building on a building a wall can become president, a blue dress can be golden, and one of our Founding Fathers can rap with the best of them, and people made from pixels can flirt. What next!?

    Strange times we're living in, huh?

  • Her armor makes her look ugly. Before she looked just fine.

    pls no, Petra's so ugly.

  • You: "I call my ideas 'theories' so they sound important!"

    Me too.

  • She was never attractive to me.

    Her armor makes her look ugly. Before she looked just fine.

  • Sometimes I wish she didn't look like a gladiator.

    Her armor makes her look ugly. Before she looked just fine.

  • Would be kind of weird since Petra has the exact same interactions with male & female Jesse. We don't even know the sexual orientation of the characters since it was never mentioned lol. I personally wouldn't mind if they kept Petra the love interest for both characters :)

    What about female Jesse? If you were playing as female Jesse, I'd think it would be Jekas or something like that...

  • Who needs friends when you can ship two fictional blocky characters from a kid-friendly game? Ok, I'll type "jetra" on deviantart just to see if it's that much of a thing and.....OH MY!! REALLY!?

  • Petra face is like "Save me plz"

  • Chiara don't

    Hana-san posted: »

    Petra face is like "Save me plz"

  • Gay will become popes and aliens will slave them

    2016- Anything can happen! A xenophobic @sshole bent on building on a building a wall can become president, a blue dress can be golden, and one of our Founding Fathers can rap with the best of them, and people made from pixels can flirt. What next!?

  • Lol, seems like the Jetra fandom is rapidly increasing at the moment.

    Illum_mem posted: »

    Who needs friends when you can ship two fictional blocky characters from a kid-friendly game? Ok, I'll type "jetra" on deviantart just to see if it's that much of a thing and.....OH MY!! REALLY!?

  • Yes

    Forcer99 posted: »

    Chiara don't

  • Yes. Just... just, yes.

    No. Just... just, no.

  • I think thats possible about episode 7.

  • Isn't it weird that Ivors with Jesse and that woman without Lukas and Petra? Does that mean PAMA got them at the beginning? I bet at the end, you have to make a choice to save one of them.

    ASaltLick posted: »

    I think thats possible about episode 7.

  • Or maybe save them in the middle of the episode depending on the chapter titles.

    ASaltLick posted: »

    I think thats possible about episode 7.

  • Chara NO

    Hana-san posted: »


  • They both are in EP.8
    We get to save everyone, as we shut down PAMA at the end, Offline Mode.

  • Oooooh, can't believe I forgot they'll be in episode 8, maybe its whoever you don't save gets mad or is thankful you saved them even though you mainly saved your favorite character.

    Forcer99 posted: »

    They both are in EP.8 We get to save everyone, as we shut down PAMA at the end, Offline Mode.

  • YES

    Forcer99 posted: »

    Chara NO

  • I don't think PAMA would want to be shut off, maybe he'll be scared.

    Forcer99 posted: »

    They both are in EP.8 We get to save everyone, as we shut down PAMA at the end, Offline Mode.

  • Thats exactly what I was thinking. :D

    Brenbanana posted: »

    Would be kind of weird since Petra has the exact same interactions with male & female Jesse. We don't even know the sexual orientation o

  • What is going on?

    Hana-san posted: »


  • If you haven't noticed, Petra seems to like the choices of Jesse being tough, in episode 1, if you choose to fight on the bridge, Petra will REMEMBER this moment. if you threaten Otis the butcher with sword, Petra will say "Impressive." In episode 4, if Petra had amnesia, she'll say to Jesse, "You never stop fighting, I like that about you." And in episode 6, if you choose to say you'll hope to find the White Pumpkin and make him pay, she'll say "Brutal, I like it." Also Petra confides in her secrets to Jesse as he/she is the ONLY one she truly trusts and cares for. Plus the scene in episode 1 where Jesse says, "You all know Petra, my super close friend, we're super close now." "Close" would mean they are MORE than just friends, so was that sentence supposed to be FORESHADOWING? A JOKE? Or BOTH? (Update) The trailer for episode 7 came out, also revealing Petra and Lukas are being controlled by PAMA, does this mean Jesse will get to choose ONE character for romance and the other gets mad?

    About what you said because like if you want Jesse and Petra to date like ew no offense but theres a boy jesse and girl jesse so yeah thats all but its weird when you think about them dating.

  • Female Jesse x Petra for life!

  • Go away. This thread is not for that.

    fancies posted: »

    Female Jesse x Petra for life!

  • Mean >:(

    ASaltLick posted: »

    Go away. This thread is not for that.

  • Let her alone :v

    ASaltLick posted: »

    Go away. This thread is not for that.

  • I'm pretty sure it is. Jetra...????

    What, do you think we're talking about Cato x Lukas?

    ASaltLick posted: »

    Go away. This thread is not for that.

  • edited July 2016

    OMG I am late. But I seriously ship Jetra so much, right from the beginning. I really hope the ship sails in episode 7 or 8, and really ANY of them for that matter.
    And for those of you who keep saying people shouldn't ship Minecraft characters, what's the difference between shipping mc characters with any other video game? Is it just because they are blocky? Because that's what I'm reading from this. But it's all the same- shipping video game characters, cartoon characters, even reality tv characters. They are all the same. All real people who play characters, and if we see romance in that then what's the harm?

  • I thought I saw Lukas with Jesse, Ivor, and that woman.

    I also, I think whoever PAMA gets depends on the choices we make. That means we actually have to chose between either Petra and Ivor, or Petra and Lukas.

    Isn't it weird that Ivors with Jesse and that woman without Lukas and Petra? Does that mean PAMA got them at the beginning? I bet at the end, you have to make a choice to save one of them.

  • lol this is a late reply but honestly them being "pixilated block characters" has nothing to do with the romance ppl see in it. that has absolutely nothing to do with it. every video game is pixilated so whats the difference of shipping any other video game characters than mcsm ones? or tv shows for that matter. sry, but ur comment really pissed me off. if you don't ship it, get off this thread.

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    when this game came out i thought "nobody would ship pixelated block characters that obviously dont have genitals" dear god i was wrong

  • edited August 2016

    You're being so disrespectful. Do that again or I'm telling a moderator

    ASaltLick posted: »

    Go away. This thread is not for that.

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