The Vent/Help Thread



  • Sounds like sound reasoning.

    Not gonna lie, half of the comments I post I regret 10 minutes later. Think I'll start posting less ._.

  • Brother from another mother. <3

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Damn it, Marijaa. I expected more from you. However, I got bananed, too, so we're even lmao. xD

  • :(

    I know that feeling...Don't even get me started on a year-old posts...

    Not gonna lie, half of the comments I post I regret 10 minutes later. Think I'll start posting less ._.

  • Ayy <3

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Brother from another mother.

  • My contraceptive implant is ruining what should be a good summer, I keep gaining weight no matter what, my back and joints ache (maybe water retention), ive completly changed my diet ive been exercising and nothing. I measured myself today and fucking lost it my local doctors are being a pain in the ass its like they dont want me to sign up there and the lady at the counter looked at me like shit. I went to a walk in sex clinic but have to wait 8 days. I fucking lost it I went apeshit (at home not in the clinic) I want this thing out of my body I wanted to cut it out myself I tried but I cant bring myself to cut deep enough so I called for help now I might be sectioned FUCK MY LIFE AND FUCK THIS EVIL FOREIGN OBJECT FUCKING WITH MY BODY!

  • All I can tell you is to be patient. Please don't cut it out. That's dangerous. Just let the professionals do it. I wish you well and hope that it gets removed soon.

    My contraceptive implant is ruining what should be a good summer, I keep gaining weight no matter what, my back and joints ache (maybe water

  • That's awful! But do your best to wait to get it removed properly, or it'll just be worse. Tell that boyfriend of yours that he'd better be supportive!

    My contraceptive implant is ruining what should be a good summer, I keep gaining weight no matter what, my back and joints ache (maybe water

  • Thank you ive calmed down now and I didnt get a visit from the men in white suits.

    I wrote a longer thing but it went missing, I have been working my ass off to loose this weight and nothing has come of it I have completly changed my diet I havent had any pizza in two months, im hungry. Im on 500-1200 cals a day im probably a stick under this facade :(

    All I can tell you is to be patient. Please don't cut it out. That's dangerous. Just let the professionals do it. I wish you well and hope that it gets removed soon.

  • He is very supportive I wouldn't put up with my crazy ass.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    That's awful! But do your best to wait to get it removed properly, or it'll just be worse. Tell that boyfriend of yours that he'd better be supportive!

  • /reads

    They weren't friends to begin with.

    bloop posted: »

    Don't you just hate when you realize your "friends" aren't really friends at all. So I recently told them that I'd be moving and they don't

  • Harming ur health so hope get this out fast and safely

    I read 75 dollars to get it removed

    Get doctor to do it because if it's damaging ur health messing up the removal will make the damage permanent

    Good luck I hope ur ok

    My contraceptive implant is ruining what should be a good summer, I keep gaining weight no matter what, my back and joints ache (maybe water

  • edited July 2016

    Okay, so I spent the night with my girl, and later on in the afternoon she called me after she was done from work and we had a nice chat. We seriously we talked, and laughed pretty hard. It truly was a good conversation.

    She said later on too call her in the evening if I wanted to. I did not do that, because I didn't want to look needy or desperate and anyway.

    I did however text her around 8pm, and just simply told her good night, and I wished her sweet dreams.

    Then like a fucking bonehead I texted her two of hours later -which wouldve been 10pm - and told her that the reason I didn't call her was because of the situation that had gone on between her and her roommates the day before, from what I understood was pretty volatile, and I wasn't sure if things had improved, and therefore wasn't sure if it was a good time to hace called her earlier.

    I know that that 2nd text is gonna look so fucking weird -probably downright creepy - especially given the lateness of the hour that it was sent - and I am afraid that maybe I fucked things up.

    I'm afraid that that stupid mistake is going to make me look like a some kind of creeper to her.

    Or, it's going to make me look VERY insecure. Either outcome is NOT good!!!

    I've never made this kind of mistake before with her, until now. I just simply wasn't thinking when I sent it.

    And the unfortunate part is that sometimes it only takes one stupid mistake like this one and everything is fucked!

    And one thing I do know is that women sense either of those two aforementioned characteristics, even in the slightest, they will drop the person who existed them just like that.

    I don't know why it is but everytime it comes to Human Relationships, I always fuck them up. And I don't know why I am insecure the way I am. And why I worry the way I do.

    The only thing I can think of is that when I was growing up, my mom was very very hard on me when I made mistakes.

    She was super critical of me, and it was like anything that I did do that was good, she never acknowledged it. She never never told me that I did a good job, and that she was proud of me.

    It got to the point where I felt like I was basically walking on eggshells around my mom, never knowing exactly what was going to set her off.

    My mom basically wanted to be a dictator, and if people didn't do exactly as she thinks things should be done, then it's like you have to move some unforgivable sin, and she is going to berate, and emasculate you for it.

    Right now, I think I am almost at the point of having a small panick attack!

    I think what might be partly contributing to it right now, is the fact that I had a high dose of caffeine and sugar throughout the day.

    I had 3 cups of coffee this morning, which in itself wasn't bad, but then I also had two bowls of ice cream. Don't ask why, but I just did.

    And I didn't I guess really eat anything substantial throughout the day.

    Does it sounds like possibly I might have fuck things up because of one stupid ass mistake?

    Before you answer, I apologize if this topic is getting old, or outright annoying. I'm not going to pretend like I cool guy, because frankly I'm not.

    Right now, and I think my poor diet today has contributed to it, is that right now I am just a bundle of nerves.

    And I'm terrified that I may have messed things up with her, because I worked so hard at not doing that. I don't want to see that work go to hell in a handbasket.

  • All the reactions you have to things you might have done wrong are worse than the things you might have done wrong. Just relax and have faith in yourself to handle whatever may come. And see if your phone has a feature that asks "Are you sure?" before sending a text.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Okay, so I spent the night with my girl, and later on in the afternoon she called me after she was done from work and we had a nice chat. We

  • Does it sounds like possibly I might have fuck things up because of one stupid ass mistake?

    No, and (don't want to sound harsh here BUT) you overlook little details WAYYY too much. Just tone it down a bit and you might not second guess yourself over very small things like that.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Okay, so I spent the night with my girl, and later on in the afternoon she called me after she was done from work and we had a nice chat. We

  • You are absolutely right. And it gets even worse if I've been drinking.

    Green613 posted: »

    Does it sounds like possibly I might have fuck things up because of one stupid ass mistake? No, and (don't want to sound harsh here

  • I got enough and made this post on No Man's Sky forums.

    Thread: Visiting Steam forums is masochistic

    Don't get me wrong, I like the game and can't wait to play it but these forums make me wonder how our society can even function so well as it does. Probably because in most things you need to be physically present. It's easier badmout your boss and other things, tell them they're cancerous but if you had to actually meet a person in real life to tell that, you probably wouldn't. You people would sicken me if I cared that much about you, since we have never met. Even the developers are more decent people than some of you who will buy this game. Although, it's human when presented with an internet.

    However I know that a lot of people and even who buy this game are decent people even online, still those toxic people make you guys look bad too even though you aren't like them. Especially the silent majority is silent partly because they know how bad these communities are.

  • I just found out I can't attend college until the next semester and while there's always next semester, I'm so fucking mad...

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited August 2016

    I think you are being a bit hard on yourself for relatively innocent mistakes.

    I did not do that, because I didn't want to look needy or desperate and anyway.

    Once you are in a relationship, you don't have to worry as much about looking desperate or needy - not to say that that can't be the case at all, of course, but don't worry about "looking needy" because you sent her two messages in a couple hours. As I said in a previous post, you want to ignore MarkD's specific advice about not sending a message until your last one was responded to. That is just a general rule of thumb that translates to "you should be on about the same wavelength" as someone else. However, some of the context behind that can change in a relationship as opposed to just regular flirting before a relationship. If you are sending 5-10 or more messages without a response, than that can be a bit weird. However, your situation sounds innocent enough.

    As WarpSpeed and I have said before, it just sounds like she might not respond to certain types of messages, but that is okay.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Okay, so I spent the night with my girl, and later on in the afternoon she called me after she was done from work and we had a nice chat. We

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited August 2016

    If you want, you can read other online forums such as Reddit to pick up on better rules of thumb for things like relationships, texting, etc, so you can learn from other people's experiences. For example, Reddit has subforums for stuff like Relationships as well as general sections for just asking questions. You can use the search bar to find discussions for things like texting that you might be interested in seeing what other people have had to say about it.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Okay, so I spent the night with my girl, and later on in the afternoon she called me after she was done from work and we had a nice chat. We

  • Oh, I can relate. I missed this semester because it was too late for me to pick my classes. But the thing is, I didn't wait too long, it's because the university never answered my phone calls or emails so I wasn't able to pick my classes. This is the second time it happened.

    I just found out I can't attend college until the next semester and while there's always next semester, I'm so fucking mad...

  • edited August 2016

    That is EXACTLY what happened to me! I'm sorry man, I hope you get in soon.

    Oh, I can relate. I missed this semester because it was too late for me to pick my classes. But the thing is, I didn't wait too long, it's

  • They never replied to me cause they didn't give a shit. It was so unfair.

    Oh, I can relate. I missed this semester because it was too late for me to pick my classes. But the thing is, I didn't wait too long, it's

  • I completely agree with Sonia, she's not afraid to speak her mind and is simply looking out for fellow Aussies. Pe

  • I'm pretty disappointed in my friends.

    A few nights ago I wanted to talk to a few of them separately about some changes in my personality that has happened over the summer, serious changes that I want people close to me to understand so no misunderstandings happen later. I had to work that day so I texted several of them early in the day and said that if it's okay to text later in the day then I want to, and all of them agreed to that. Later that night after I get off work, I text them all (separately) and only about half of them respond, I never get any texts from the other half. It honestly hurt a bit that even when I made plans early to talk that they didn't care and disregarded it.

    As well as today I made plans to hang out with one of my best friends I haven't been able to see since school went out due to a lot of bad problems arriving. We agreed on a date and that we'd discuss it when it got sooner. To be fair, we never got time to talk too much about it but we did agree on a date and what we'd do. No problems, right? Well, I text her this morning and ask if we're still doing this. She says yes if her girlfriend can come along, and this...made me extremely disappointed. It was supposed to be a me and her day, since I hardly get to talk to her even when school was in session. I told her that I wasn't really okay with that. One, I never planned for her, and two, I am not going to feel like a third wheel in my own house.

    I don't know how many people are really there for me, as many hardly consider talking to me and the even smaller number of people willing to hang out. Hurts my spirit.

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited August 2016

    enter image description here

    Arizona Couple Accused of Leaving 2-Year-Old Home Alone While They Left to Play ‘Pokemon Go’



  • To be frank, I don't often put my feelings in posts too much, namely when I'm depressed/my struggles but... I think I will this time.

    I reminded myself that I haven't posted much of my TWD Forum Comic series like I used to. And so I went to look for my thread and I was really disappointed in myself. I haven't posted anything in it for 2 months! The more I set that in my mind, the more upset I am with myself. Going back to when I first started it I was a workaholic with it, I enjoyed it so much. I was having a blast with it! I would post frequently with new content. But then, gradually I posted less to the point of long hiatus. I started to procrastinate more often, becoming more distracted then I used to. I play games more than I should lately, I play on the PS Vita's internet more than I should, and so on. Not only that but I had moments of depression (I don't suffer it too harshly like others). It's like my motivation was just let go from me. Like I thrown it out the door. I want it back. When I do try to get it back I soon afterwards go back to ground zero. I don't want to let go of my work or my fanbase but I don't know how I can truly can regain what I lost. I just.... I just don't know what to do.

    It may sound silly but I really don't know what to do with myself anymore.

  • Dear fuck, yesterday was such a horrible day for me.

    When I woke up, I had suicidal thoughts. Don't ask me why, I just had them. I thought they were just thoughts and they wouldn't affect me. But when I went out with my family, I almost committed suicide. It was like the thoughts took me over, like I couldn't control myself. I don't really understand. My life was good for the past few days, why did that happen to me.

  • Maybe a buried thought? Sometimes I suddenly get depressed when old, bad memories resurface. Always good to get a check on that though. Glad you made it out alright.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Dear fuck, yesterday was such a horrible day for me. When I woke up, I had suicidal thoughts. Don't ask me why, I just had them. I though

  • Yeah, that's probably it. Ugh, at least I'm glad I don't have any more thoughts about suicide. Glad everything got over.

    However, I probably have to see a therapist, in case something like that might happen again in the future. :/

    Maybe a buried thought? Sometimes I suddenly get depressed when old, bad memories resurface. Always good to get a check on that though. Glad you made it out alright.

  • Yeah, a therapist is a good idea. Just don't let it get it to you. You seem like a strong willed, charismatic guy and I'd hate to see you go through that. Stay strong forever.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yeah, that's probably it. Ugh, at least I'm glad I don't have any more thoughts about suicide. Glad everything got over. However, I probably have to see a therapist, in case something like that might happen again in the future.

  • Don't worry. I'll make sure that it won't get to me again. :)

    As long as I don't think much about negative stuff and mostly think about positive stuff in my vacation, I think I'll be alright, hopefully. ^^

    Yeah, a therapist is a good idea. Just don't let it get it to you. You seem like a strong willed, charismatic guy and I'd hate to see you go through that. Stay strong forever.

  • <3 I've been there brother, I understand. But they're just thought's, can't let them control you.

    Talk to people, there's so many you can if you need it...

    I had some pretty shitty thoughts the other day, things resurface, makes me think - overthink. Can't make sense of all the jumbled data my brain is trying to comprehend. Things such and video games, movies, TV - . These things distract me and 'calm me' so to speak, then when you stop to think you make sense of things. Well for me anyway - that I over react always have and probably always will. One amazing thing about the digital age is thats its so easy to communicate.

    I got my family and few friends, my games and comics. I'm happy :)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Dear fuck, yesterday was such a horrible day for me. When I woke up, I had suicidal thoughts. Don't ask me why, I just had them. I though

  • Holy shit, this thread is depressing.

  • Sorry to hear that. Glad to see that you pulled through and held off on doing anything hasty, at least. As Tobi said, it's probably best to see if you could talk to anyone about it.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Dear fuck, yesterday was such a horrible day for me. When I woke up, I had suicidal thoughts. Don't ask me why, I just had them. I though

  • Everyone's been through that. Chill. Out. Man.

    You cannot feel motivated whenever you want, it comes and goes, like anger and other feelings. So do not beat yourself about it, you are not gonna ACHIEVE anything by overrthinking. Stop, it is bad for you.

    So make yourself some good nice discipline. That stays forever. Tell yourself "I am going to draw now because I have to go back to it. If I give up during the process, I'll do [enter something you hate]."

    It is all like first Newton's law -- the still body tends to stay still, and moving body tends to move. Just like it's harder to wake up at 6 am than it is to stay awake until 6 am. If you wanna move -- you gotta get up ONCE.

    Now, I realize that (if you have depression) depression isn't an easy thing, and you'll need to trust a therapist on that. But what matters is how long have you been going in some direction, and your will matters.

    Good luck man, slay that shit. :)

    To be frank, I don't often put my feelings in posts too much, namely when I'm depressed/my struggles but... I think I will this time. I r

  • I am so sorry, Mario.

    Now, on to advice part. I have had those thoughts too. I have had some stupid messed up horrible thoughts too. It just happens, no one lets you know why, that is why it is tough.

    First of all, I'd like you to give you some personal advice. Separate yourself from suicidal thoughts. You are not them, you don't even want them. I believe the most important things is to realize and believe as well that you DO NOT want to committ suicide, you, I assume, do not want to let your family, schoolmates, friends, cousins, grandparents, me, everyone on these forums, cool Greeks live without you. We don't want to, although I can understand if you want to do that.

    You are a sweet young boy and you don't deserve to die. Not even by your hands.

    READ THIS :)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Dear fuck, yesterday was such a horrible day for me. When I woke up, I had suicidal thoughts. Don't ask me why, I just had them. I though

  • Is it the Nexplanon matchstick? I've never had experience with implants since I've plans to get the copper IUD, but from what I've read it shouldn't cause weight gain, or at least not much. If it's an emergency or there's swelling around the implant, u should have the ER remove it.

    i know that progestin really fucks with my moods. You should research ParaGard, it doesn't contain hormones.

    My contraceptive implant is ruining what should be a good summer, I keep gaining weight no matter what, my back and joints ache (maybe water

  • My life was good for the past few days, why did that happen to me

    Thats the thing with depression its doesn't care whats going on it strikes at any time. A lot of people think feeling sad= depression but its not like that at all its a awful mental illness that you have to live with everyday for the rest of your life even when your happy and things are going well, im sorry that happened you lived through that and you learnt something about your mind just gather data that way you can spot the warning signs.

    I have low moods and mania when I first had mania I thought I was happy but I was actually crazy now I can feel mania building up and can tell its coming days in advance so I warn my bf, its hard but you will understand your mind one day.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Dear fuck, yesterday was such a horrible day for me. When I woke up, I had suicidal thoughts. Don't ask me why, I just had them. I though

  • I hope you feel okay. :-(

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Dear fuck, yesterday was such a horrible day for me. When I woke up, I had suicidal thoughts. Don't ask me why, I just had them. I though

  • It is like a long plasticy match stick yes and weight gain is listed as a side effect on the official website. I got it removed yesterday at a sex clinic and went on the pill they gave a big bag of johnnies too :)

    Getting the implant in my arm was enough they aint putting jack in my wotsit but thank you anyways.

    NoGoingBack posted: »

    Is it the Nexplanon matchstick? I've never had experience with implants since I've plans to get the copper IUD, but from what I've read it s

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