Herro Everybody. In Episode 7 when you are with Ivor in Harper's secret lab and around that time, Ivor said some posittive things about Harper. Type here on what you think will happen between the two in the next episode! Thank you.



  • I ship Ivor and Harper or maybe ivors dream will be crushed and Harper and Soren love each other.

  • [removed]

  • Harvor **


  • Aren't Jetra and Lukesse enough?

  • And when you are outside and choose the button Redstone etc.. When you chose flower he says 'I taught Harper need it and I taught I can keep it'

  • edited July 2016

    how about IPER

    Jessefan5 posted: »


  • This...

    This is the culmination...

    Of all ships...

    This is...



    AronDracula posted: »

    Aren't Jetra and Lukesse enough?

  • Ivor didn't teach Harper anything. Not sure what you're talking about.

    And when you are outside and choose the button Redstone etc.. When you chose flower he says 'I taught Harper need it and I taught I can keep it'

  • edited July 2016

    Well we all knew this was coming. God this is worse than the RWBY fandom now. "Qrow and Winter? Oh, those two characters hate each other and have next-to-no chemistry? PUT EM TOGETHER! THEY FIT!". I mean, Tales from the Borderlands was acceptable because it, for the most part, had romance aspects, so that shipping shitstorm was alright. But this is a kids game about adventure. It's like trying to get me to read Twilight or 50 Shades of Grey while I'm trying to play a Zelda game, it makes no sense. But you know, ship what you want or whatever. I'm not necessarily in the clean either. My 'OTP' is a catgirl with a criminal past and a moody blonde chick with mommy issues. I'm pretty sure I'm trashier than you guys.

  • Yea that would be more fitting... Anyone know how to change the title of a discussion?

    fancies posted: »

    Harvor **

  • A ship that actually makes sense for the characters. WHAT. That's crazy. I would totally rather ship Petra with top hat guy from the portal. That makes a WAY better ship for the story mode community.

  • Wait who?!

    I haven't even played episode 6 yet, damn I'm behind af. ~_~

  • edited July 2016


  • Yeah, I agree. This is kinda pointless and makes no sense. I mean, Ivor compliments her, so what, he likes her redstone, of course he'd like that! How does that lead to shipping?! Are you saying that if I compliment a random girl because I like how she builds things we're gonna fall in love? What!??

    Well we all knew this was coming. God this is worse than the RWBY fandom now. "Qrow and Winter? Oh, those two characters hate each other and

  • edited July 2016

    There is much more evidence to support it.

    Yeah, I agree. This is kinda pointless and makes no sense. I mean, Ivor compliments her, so what, he likes her redstone, of course he'd like

  • I doubt it

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    I ship Ivor and Harper or maybe ivors dream will be crushed and Harper and Soren love each other.

  • I don't think it's possible although moderators can change the titles of threads

    SethomanT posted: »

    Yea that would be more fitting... Anyone know how to change the title of a discussion?

  • Well, there is the flower thing that happens right before Jesse lays down all the tnt...

    Yeah, I agree. This is kinda pointless and makes no sense. I mean, Ivor compliments her, so what, he likes her redstone, of course he'd like

  • Nah I'm pretty sure Petra is on the team, the person who isn't on the team is Lukas because in at the end of episode 4 when they all jump in the air it doesn't show Lukas it shows Jesse Axel Olivia and Petra

  • Ehh.. Not into this

  • edited August 2016





    (Glares like a ship's captain)

    Ehh.. Not into this

  • Haha

    Tohabath posted: »

    What... WHAT... WHAT... (Glares like a ship's captain)

  • Ivor's on the team too, once Axel and Olivia left, I think Ivor, Petra, Jesse, and Lukas form The New Order of the Stone V.2.1

    Maybe everyone will join together Ep. 8 and form The New Order of the Stone V.2.2

    Nah I'm pretty sure Petra is on the team, the person who isn't on the team is Lukas because in at the end of episode 4 when they all jump in the air it doesn't show Lukas it shows Jesse Axel Olivia and Petra

  • Isa x Axel for life!


  • Bruh rly is that even possible

    fancies posted: »

    Isa x Axel for life!

  • .....You have a point. What about Soren x Lukas?

    SethomanT posted: »

    Bruh rly is that even possible

  • Ellegard X Soren (if she is alive)

    fancies posted: »

    .....You have a point. What about Soren x Lukas?

  • I always kinda though Axel had a thing for Petra, 'specially Ep. 1

    fancies posted: »

    Isa x Axel for life!

  • Also, if Petra has wither sickness and you pick the right prompts, it's implied in the middle of Episode 3, and if she has amnesia it's heavily implied in the beginning of Episode 4.

    kmatie posted: »

    I always kinda though Axel had a thing for Petra, 'specially Ep. 1

  • I actually tried to take Harper along because I thought it would make Ivor happy lmao. I thought it was pretty canon & obvious that Ivor had a thing for her? xD but apparantly not everyone agrees and that's fine too (:

  • *facepalm

    fancies posted: »

    .....You have a point. What about Soren x Lukas?

  • Ellegaard x Cassie Rose?

    SethomanT posted: »


  • I think it would be so cool having Ivor and Harper. But... Doesnt Harper like Harry?

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